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Old 07-24-2003, 07:42 PM   #17
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: I be one of those hick Utahns.
Posts: 180
Kryssal has just left Hobbiton.

Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – Yes, The Swan Wood

Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – Yes, The White Horse Inn

NAME: Kaben Bieth

AGE: 24

RACE: Human of Gondor


WEAPONS: He has never been able to shoot a bow or use a sword with any effectiveness. He can throw a knife with great aim, but since he doesn’t practice more than twice a month the blade doesn’t always strike.

APPEARANCE: The wiry, thin figure may be thought to have hidden strength, but it doesn’t. Kaben’s hair is slightly shaggy and falls often into his hazel eyes, which is why he has the habit of frequently running his hand through his bangs, trying fruitlessly to make it stay on the top of his head. He wears slightly baggy clothes that are more for comfort than appearance. On his right wrist he wears a thick, wide leather band with a sketched in flower surrounded by vines.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Kaben is a very kind, warm person that is always happy to share a story. A quick smile for any passer by, Kaben has to be very sociable for the work that he does, plus he just really likes people. This can be a weakness to him sometimes, as he likes to help those in need more than he should, but he doesn’t allow his business to be swindled by fast handlers, only his personal life. Some other weaknesses are that most women fight better than he does and that he can’t lift heavy items at all, something that makes an assistant necessary.

HISTORY: Growing up the son of a prosperous trading merchant in Minis Tirith, Kaben knew all the in's, out's and several shorcuts of his fathers business by the age of nine. Traders knew him as the Haggler Brat because whenever they would come in with a new shipment he would play barter with them and haggle over the wares that they had just brought in. He would even go as far as trying to trade or sell them back the same items that they had brought in earlier in the year. In his teens he began to barter for real, working for his father and a little on his own. Through this he gained many reliable contacts.

Keeping busy with work for his father and trying to fine-tune his own work, Kaben didn’t have time to court a maiden seriously. He had always had friends enough to fill his life, but had never found someone that truly touched him.

Being the third son of four, the oldest already taking over for his father, Kaben understood that if he wanted to truly be his own merchant he would have to leave Minis Tirith. He had been planning on moving to a small town by the border of Rohan and setting up shop there when he heard about the Arnor resettlement. He would have a hard time starting practically from scratch with no one he knew around him, but there was such great opportunity to establish himself in a new town with no pre-set competition. After securing some drop offs with traders that would risk the journey (not as many as he had hoped, but enough to ensure he wouldn’t go under and have to work for someone else), Kaben left the only place he had ever called home.


The first look at the lake had been beautiful, but that might have had something to do with Kaben being very tired of traveling. Smiling at a kid running by him, Kaben stoked up the fire slightly with his good arm.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ll keep the fire up,” a nice young maiden said as she took her own stick and put it to the fire. She was the oldest daughter of the family Kaben had taken to traveling with. For one thing, they had the many teams of horses to pull the wagons, and for another, Kaben couldn’t get his two wagons to move by himself. It was mostly a business deal; Kaben paying the father for the use of the animals with a nice bonus for the son who was driving the second wagon, but naturally he had gotten to know them and they were now good friends.

“Thank you Terari,” he said as he stretched back and rubbed his right arm causing a sharp pain, he had expected it though, so his wince wasn't that pronounced.

As Terari started to prepare a dinner for their first night in ‘town’ she spoke up from across the fire. “Is your arm still bothering you much?”

Kaben smiled ruefully. “’Course it is, but it’s nothing I can’t handle,” he winked as she looked over, causing her to laugh and shake her head. Thinking back to the accident that had happened while traveling not too long ago brought a slight frown to his face, but he didn’t want to think about that. He had made it to his destination, that was good, and that was all that mattered.

Soon he would be making absolute plans to set up shop, right now he only had tentative ideas: find an assistant (Apthan, the only son of Tauven, Kaben’s temporary traveling partner, was dutifully following in his father’s footsteps and couldn’t help) to help him with lifting, he was weak even without his wound, plus there were a lot of settlers and that would mean a lot of time to help them; set up the wares that would be wanted right now at this stage of the towns development; and to get his own living quarters set up.

His own father had been very kind to him, giving Kaben a generous loan to start up his own work. Even with the money from his father, he was slightly worried about being able to make everything work the way he wanted. First off, he needed a lot of help with setting up his shop, building it and his living quarters. Combining home and work would probably be much better for him, not to mention his pocket. He also wondered how much the new towners would be able to spend at his shop. He had to make good business with the settlers to be able to make good business with the traders to continue the cycle. The first trader would be coming in little under a month, not much time in Kaben’s mind.

Kaben came back to himself as Tauven clamped a hand onto his shoulder to help in the sitting down process. Kaben smiled and made mild fire talk with the now gathered family. It was a pleasant evening and everything seemed to be going well for the settlement. Some of the children got frightened when a wolf pack howled in the distance, but they were soon laughing again when Kaben told them a funny story about how his younger brother had been chased around by a vicious little puppy and how his father had finally caught the pet by ambushing it around the house. Full night set in and the soon to be shop owner slipped into his sleep roll with thoughts of set up keeping him awake till his body simply refused to keep conscious any longer.
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