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Old 07-23-2003, 05:05 AM   #15
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: The Encircling Sea, deciding which ship to ruin next...could be yours.
Posts: 274
Osse has just left Hobbiton.


Character Description Form:

Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – NO

Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – YES-The Green Dragon

For your character please include:





WEAPONS:Bear carries an axe that he wields potently with his right hand, in his left hand he bears a round leather-clad shield and wears an 8" knife at his calf. He also wears a chainmail hauberk that comes down to knees. He acquired this mail when he slew a lost dwarf who had unwittingly wandered into the tribe's path as they hunted. Heavy decreases in the populations of the tribe's preferred game caused them to hunt further afield, sometimes even near Bree! Thus the dwarven traveller was slain north of the Chetwood.
As is the custom of his tribe, he wears over all, a long cloak made from the pelt of a wolf that he slew himself. This pelt signifies his manhood and to 'come of age' he had to slay the afore mentioned wolf.

APPEARANCE:Bear is tall as far as Hillmen go, though in the eyes of a Gondorian his height would be unremarkable, his hair is of a ruddy brown colour; matted and tangled as is his unruly beard. He has cunning dark grey eyes that are startlingly piercing, and his voice is as deep and impending as an under water chasm.

Bear dosen't have the rock-solidness and steady mind of his brother. He is quite rash at times, yet his bravery is unsurpassed, as is his ferocity with the axe. Bear usually remains silent unless speech is absolutely necessary. The one exception of this silence is when he is engaged in battle; his cries have marred the death of many an enemy.

Bear is the younger brother of Wolf, the powerful chieftain of his village. He also has a younger brother named Knife. He was born in the same, nameless squalidity as his older brother; into the same hardship and toil, though of course not as much weight was laid upon his doughty shoulders as upon those of Wolf's.

Compared to his brother, Bear is a giant. Many marvel to see the pair of them striding together, one short, squat and displeasing of face, the other tall, graceful and lithe. Indeed many wonder if they actually did share the same father. As neither of them knew their father, who was killed by a boar when they were only young, he and Wolf especially have had to look after their mother and younger brother Knife. Knife is a very potent tracker and forager, yet does not share the strength in arms with his brothers. It is suspected in the village that Bear's mother was sleeping with a Bree-lander in exchange for food and clothing; thus Bear was conceived. This would explain his appearance, as the Bree-landers are often somewhat taller than Hillmen and do not share their swarthiness.

Despite this, one could not say that the brothers are close. In fact, unbeknown to Bear (but perhaps not to Wolf) many of the tribes inhabitants believe that he is in fact a worthier candidate for chieftan. Wolf resents this somewhat, yet still leads with vigour and poise. Though in a hard situation perhaps his tribe will no longer look to him, but to his brother to lead them to victory.


Bear sat hunched against the large oak that grew amid the ruins atop the hill over looking the lake. The twinkling torches of the strange company were reflected in the glass-top surface of the water. The reflections shuddered and were distorted as a sharp breeze swept accross the lake from the north. Bear pulled his wolf pelt cloak around him more tightly and peered through his mane of grizzled hair down into the knoll where the company currently camped. As he peered into the fast engulfing gloom, he fingered the blade of his axe.

Knife was correct, these foreigners did move without due care. A leaping anger was kindled at the thought that these men were so arrogant. Another part of his mind contemplated the grey figures stealthily patrolling the skirts of the intruders camps and found that that was the basis for the camp's arrogance.

When Knife had rushed to him the minute he got back from tracking the party, Bear had not immediately sprung into the evening to see for himself, he waited until Knife had told Wolf about the intruders and Wolf had departed to see for himself, before he fetched his axe and departed for the ruins on the hill. He knew his brother well enough to know that he would be staying off the tops of hills, and sticking to cover if at all possible. To avoid being seen was second nature to Bear and he did it effortlessly as he made his way to the hill.

Now as he surveyed the strange company's camp he took into account the location and surroundings of the various tents, he also knew that the grey-clad sentinels were not to be taken lightly.

The sky clouded over, obscuring the moon as he rose; giving Bear a sudden sense of foreboding.

[ July 25, 2003: Message edited by: Osse ]

[ July 29, 2003: Message edited by: Osse ]

[ July 29, 2003: Message edited by: Osse ]
'A thinking tyrant, it seemed to Vetinari, had a much harder job than a ruler raised to power by some idiot system like democracy. At least HE could tell the people he was THEIR fault.'
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