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Old 03-29-2003, 07:11 AM   #6
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Rivendell
Posts: 807
Manardariel has just left Hobbiton.

Hi! This RPG sounds really interesting- can I play, even though I wasn´t in The Blue Mountains? Here´s my profile, I hope it´s ok with you!

Name: Anarya
Age: 25
From: Minas Anor
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Weapon: sword
Rank: Commoner
Looks: pale face, dark brown hair and blue eyes- she´s certainly not beutiful, but has a look of spirit and determination in her face. She´s rather tall and thin. Her hair´s always braided, her face is usually dirty from her work (see down). Wears plain dresses in red, black or white

Character: As the oldest of five daughters, it was her who took over the family´s Blacksmith buisiness in Minas Anor. She loves her job and is a very talanted, concentrated worker. She´s a quite, yet passionate person, very determind and very self- diciplined. When life would hand her a lemon, her pragmatic and optimistic self would not even consider NOT making lemonade. Mostly on account of her job, she usually deals with men and knowns exactly how to do that. A very good haggeler, she can sometimes get very direct in her way of expression. She´s not a romantic person, and because she doesn´t see the need of having a husband, she doesn´t have one. This leads to another important trait: one of her biggest concerns is that people don´t take her work as a Blacksmith seriously because she´s a woman. That´s probably one of her greatest weeknesses.

Flaws: her fear of not being accepeted and/or respected because of her gender; her very direct and very undiplomatic ways

Why she´s come to Isengard: Blacksmith buisiness hasn´t gone well in Minas Anor this year. She decides to go to Isengard because she figures there might be need of blacksmith work to be done: The travellers will need armours, maybe a new sword hilt, horses may need horse shoes etc etc. When she comes there she decides to join the company after all- mainly because she just wants something new happening, also because there was some sort of missunderstanding.

Skills: all a blacksmith must know, oviously. But she´s also very good with the sword, and has a special connection to horses.

Posessions: her blacksmith things; a sword she´s made herself and named "Firespirit"; and her beutiful and loyal horse Daelinde.

Yeah, that´s her. Let me know what you think, ok?
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