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Old 01-26-2004, 09:11 AM   #15
Eladain Moruviel
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Wandering around Greenwood the Great
Posts: 88
Eladain Moruviel has just left Hobbiton.

Character Description Form:

1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – YES, the Fall of Greenwood the Great

2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? none

3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – YES, the Green Dragon Inn


NAME: Delphinous, most people just call him Del though

AGE: 38

RACE: Man of Dol Amroth


WEAPONS : Delphinous’ main weapon is his lever-action, urak hai cross bow. It has been modified slightly to

add to accuracy, and rate of fire. Del was given the crossbow by his father, before the War; but how his father

came into possession of this weapon was unknown to anyone. Del carries a short scimitar that he purchased

from a trader as well, but his main weapon is the crossbow, with which he has become very skilled with over the years. He also keeps a small, bone handled dagger in his boot as a last-ditch defense.

APPEARANCE: Delphinous is a tall, dark-haired man, with a small goatee that has begun to gray long before it’s

time. He wears his raven hair slightly above shoulder length, and lets it hang loosely about his face. His features

are very pronounced, with high cheekbones, and an aquiline nose. This gives him a grim look, and long years of

tracking his particular kind of pray have only served to add to this grimness. His entire body was a road map of scars tracing the surface of his leathery skin. He wore the marks proudly, like medals; each one reminding him of a someone unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of his crossbow or scimitar. He normally wears dark gray, loose fitting breeches, and an ebony colored tunic with a crimson rose over his heart. Around his waist, he wears a black

leather belt, studded with silver. He has his quiver, and crossbow slung across his back, and his scimitar hangs on the opposite side. His feet are clad in dark, knee-high leather boots. Over this all, he wears a long, travel-stained cloak.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Delphinous has a strong, commanding personality, which often comes off as gruff; and has been hardened by long years of "man hunting". He is very calm,quiet, and not easily disturbed, but when aroused to anger, he is a force to be reckoned with!

He mistrusts most people, and has never had reason to do otherwise, not in his line of work anyway. Del is always

patient, sometimes waiting days for a chance to catch his quarry. Never having been entirely comfortable around people, Del prefers to keep mostly to himself, only going into civilization when he has to.

HISTORY: Del’s father and older brother were veterans of the Great War, but Del had been unable to fight because he had been bed-ridden from a severe riding accident, and recovered some months after the war was over. He hadn’t known his father very well, he had always been a hard, cold man. After returning from the war, his father had been worse, spending most of his time wandering the forest out side of their manor.

His family had always been well off, his father being a knight in the King’s army, but after his father had died, Del’s brother had foolishly squandered all of his father’s wealth away. After that, Del had struck out on his own, and soon found out that he was well suited to bounty hunting

After some years of living mostly in the wilderness, tracking anyone with a price on his head, Del had amassed a fair amount of money. He traveled back home, hoping to restore his family honor and estates; but when he arrived, he found that his mother had long since died, and his ancestral estates had been destroyed by a fire. Grieved by this

discovery, he had returned to that which he knew best: bounty hunting.

That had been almost fifteen years ago, and he had been able to live off of the bounties he received, but it still wasn’t enough, he desperately needed a big job, one that would pay well,. So he decided to head for Minas Tirith to see if he could improve his fortunes any.


Eladain Moruviel's post

"I’ll give you fifteen for it, and not a penny more!" the shopkeeper shouted.

"Great Eru man, do you take me for a fool?!? I’ll take twenty-five for it and no less!" Delphinous retorted indignity. "I’ll give you twenty, and that’s my final offer!" Del knew that he would find no better offer anywhere in the city,

so he reluctantly handed over the ring his mother had given him so long ago. He had thought he would never part with it, something to always him of his mother, but it would do him no good if he was dead of starvation, and he had eaten the last of his supplies yesterday. Pocketing the money, he went to the large market in the center of Minas Tirith. Twenty silver pennies wouldn’t last him for more than a few days, he would have to find work, and soon too.

He had come to Minas Tirith hoping to find a job, but apparently, they’re weren’t very many wanted men in this part of the world. When his money ran out, he would have to move on. How quickly those few silver pennies ran out, and still no work, but finally, he got wind of something that could change his fortunes forever. The word on the street was that the widow Il Galoth was funding some sort of expedition to find a certain relative, and what’s more, she was paying very well. This wasn’t Del’s usual line of work, but perhaps he could make something out of it.

He went to the Red Fox Inn, where he had made a few "connections" sense had had come to the capitol. The Red Fox was not the most reputable of places, but in his kind of work, it was the best place to start. The suffocating smell of pipe smoke and ale was almost enough to crush him as he walked into the dimly lit interior of the Inn, but he soon spotted his man and quickly went over and sat next to him. "tell me Eladain,what do you know of this widow Il Galoth?" "Plenty, but it could cost ya." replied the man In one swift movement, Del had him face down on the table, arms behind his back "Now, how bout you tell me, and I won’t brake your arm?" He snarled. "Of course, I were only foolin’ I’ll tell ya anything ya need to know"

After finding out all he could, Delphinous headed to the Army department. After waiting several hours, he was finally admitted to see the head officer. "Word has reached me that an expedition to find Guriel Il Galoth. It has also reached my ears that he betrayed a troop of your men to the enemy, resulting in the death of almost all of them. Perhaps the army would pay to have said traitor brought back for trial and execution?" At first the officer looked confused, but then he broke into a smile. " heh heh heh, Now where did you get that idea?" He half turned to dismiss Del, but then he thought better of it "Wait here, I’ll be right back" he said as he left the room.

When he returned ten minutes later, he had a grim look on his face. "Well?" inquired Del impatiently? "what’s the news?" "I’ve talked it over with some certain people, and we have decided that we could pay you the sum of, say

10,000 gold if you could bring this Gurial Il Galoth back, unofficially of course, and no questions asked on your part" Chuckling, Delphinous replied "I knew you’d warm up to me, I’ll get in touch with the widow tomorrow, and then be on my way. A pleasure doing business with you sir! Good day" And with that, Del went out.


I’d like to submit my post, for character #5, the first traveler, but it could be edited to fit another character .

If I get the excepted, I’ll add to my first post the part where Del joins up with the group

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 4:49 AM January 28, 2004: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Do the right thing, get help.
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