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Old 09-21-2003, 09:23 PM   #61
Emperor of the South Pole
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: The Western Shore of Lake Evendim
Posts: 607
Snowdog is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

It was something people told me my father would do, going off suddenly in directions unplanned and unsuspected. But surely since the trail of Naiore was seen going towards and through the Chetwood, then surely there was only one reason, to gain Bree in an unsuspecting manner. So I would be there before her, and will have eyes out for her arrival in the villes about Bree.

But surely more worked on my conscience than Naiore, and if Vanwe was with her, then who is to say it was forced? She wanted afterall to find her mother... I felt the pouch and belt, and as I took a rest hidden beside the road I examined the contents. a few coppers, and the note with the bits Vanwe had written. I dropped a few silvers in the pouch, and a note of my own, that maybe she would get. And if so... yeah, it was a longshot.

The sound of a rider making fair time toward Bree was heard, and I lay low in the scrub north of the road. It was not too far from where I slept a couple days earlier on my way to Bree for Lady Nightshade. Well hidden I was, and Blackveil stood in the shadows of the trees silently as the rider passed. It was the trader from the Forsaken. He would pedddle his wares at Barlimans I presume, but I would remain concerned about that.

It was what happened next that had my mind taken. I could see afar to the south of the road a rider moving at speed over the open grasslands that were southeast of Bree. I mounted Blackveil and made straight across the road to meet them. I was approximatly 1000 yards beyond the road when he noticed me, and his hand raised as did mine. It was Dúlrain, one of the bretheren who was watching the South Down for sign of Naiore. We slowed and met in a draw between grassy ridges, now out of sight to any but one who rode or walked down through it.

I dismounted silently, and he did likewise, with an expression I had not seen in a long time. I was first to speak,

'What news do you carry so swift?'

He looked at me as his hand went to my shoulder,

"I saw one moving slow, toward the lone lands. He was old, but still fit for one so, and as I approached he seemed to disappear. I searched long and found nothing, but when I decided to depart, I saw him in the setting sun. He gave the wave of friendship, but as soon as I started for him, he again vanished, and I could not follow his sign in the darkening skies. But I can say that he appeared much like you, though aged and grey, and I left there then. I could not chase another day one who appeared as a shadow in the day and a siloette at night, but for the glimpse I had at sunset."

I settled him and offered him drink of some water, and he took it thankfully. He then looked at me and said,

"I am sure it was your father Hanasían, the age would be right, though no good description is known well among us since its been so long any has seen him."

'Yes, he has been presumed dead for many long years, since before the war. But I have to find out if what you saw was he.'

I looked southeast, and I knoew it would be a hard ride. I would be abandoning the search for Naiore, that which I had done for so many long years. After much thought and silence but for the grass in the hot breeze, I spoke.

'You will have to go to Bree. There you will be instructed as to the current status of the pursuit of Naiore. She is close, and Amandur, Maethor, and Rauthain are fast upon the fresh sign of her track. I was to go to Bree and set watch for her, for surely all sign said she would go there. You must do this for me. Take this and ride with speed to Bree, and there at the Prancing Pony will you meet in due time the others. I will ride to the Lone Lands, and in days ahead, with the favor of the vala, we all will meet again.'

He looked at the belt and pouch and without question he stowed it in his cloak.

'It belongs to a fair elfmaiden named Vanwe, daughter of Naiore.'

With that and all I could tell of the search, I mounted and headed straightaway to the southeast. I made for the east end of the South Downs where there was a sighting of one who may be my father. Dúlrain quickly mounted and with a wave he was to the road and making speed toward Bree...
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