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Old 09-18-2003, 04:46 PM   #16
Spirited Weaver of Fates
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: In an endless sea of dreams!
Posts: 827
Nerindel has just left Hobbiton.
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As I crouched to the ground examining the trail, I took thought as to where she would heading, Naiore's trail was not an easy one, it twisted and crossed and even went back on itself several times, It seemed to suggest that she was heading north-east towards Archet or maybe even Combe, but what interest would these small villages be to the Revennor of Mordor, No! I thought darkly, she is leading us on a merry dance and will enter Bree with the cover of darkness and from the north side I wouldn't wonder.

"She's heading for Bree!" I said raising from the ground, Rauthain cocked an eyebrow and I could see that he too had seen that the trail was heading north-east, but before I could explain the thud of hoofs on the fast drying ground could be heard away behind us.

"Hanasían, Maethor!" Rauthain asked dubiously, as we both turned to face the direction of the ensuing thud of hoofs approaching fast. My hand went instinctively to the hilt of my sword, but I did not draw. There was but one horse and not two, as should be if Hanasían and Maethor approached. But to my surprise it was Maethor and without Hanasían.

"What news, friends?" he asked as I released the grip of my hilt, "And I was going to ask the same of you!" I replied gesturing at Maethor's lack of riding companion.

"He has gone on to Bree" the young ranger sighed. "Hmm good!" I said to Maethor's surprise but before he could speak I went on, "As I was telling Rauthain, I believe Naiore and Vanwe are heading for Bree!"

"You where also going to tell me how come you to this conclusion, when the trail clearly heads in the opposite direction!" Rauthain laughed and I could see in his eyes that he had already come to the same conclusions.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on!" Maethor asked a little frustrated.

"sorry friend," I said patting his shoulder in a brotherly manner "It seems like Naiore thinks to lead us a merry dance, making us believe she is heading towards Combe or Archet, but I believe she will make for Bree, she can't hope to out ride us on the gelding she stole from the Forsaken inn, especially as it bears two."

"But can't horses can be acquired in both these villages!" Maethor questioned,

"Yes, But the people that the Revennor of Mordor would associate with are more likely to be in Bree, but you are right! That is why I think you and Rauthain should continue following her trail and I will ride back and enter Bree by the south gate, With luck I should get there before she even draws near." I replied evenly, Both Rangers nodded their agreement and I mounted Kalloruvi.

"Be careful, friend!" Rauthain warned, holding to my reigns, "Like wise," I nodded to both rangers, then with all haste I headed back towards the south gate.

As I rode I thought of Hanasían, what did he think he was up to going off on his own! then it occurred to me that he may be thinking to quiz a few of our rather untrustworthy friends. I pulled a rather tattered looking parchment from the pocket of my breeches, and scanned the list of suspected criminals that the rangers kept an eye on. 'Barrold Ferney!" I grinned, he would sell his own mother for a price if she was still alive! Yes! he would but worth a visit and a few others besides, I thought returning the list to my pocket.



After several hours hard riding Léspheria reached the eaves of Chetwood on the northern side of the east road. She dismounted and lead the white mare into the woods, curling ferns brushed her boots as she walked lightly across the mossy ground and small gold and white flowers seemed to hug the roots of ancient trees. The sweet smell of herb's and wild flowers reached her nose as she deeply inhaled the forest air. An old grey squirrel shrilled loudly as she passed by the tree in which it had made it's home and the scurrying of unseen feet could be heard from within the brush, even the insects that buzzed about did not seem to take away from the tranquillity of this place.

Léspheria confidently lead Losseserme among the many crossing paths and when wisps of grey smoke could be seen away north-west she turned left and continued until she came to a small clearing. A small silver stream ran through it and it seem like the trees parted to let it pass, even with the sun low in the sky the glades beauty seemed to shine. Letting go of Losseserme's reigns she gentle patted the mares flank, whinnying lightly the mare wandered over to the stream to quench her thirst from the days ride. Taking an apple and one of Ms Boffins Honeycakes from her pack she sat against an old brown oak and ate, smiling as she thought of the middle aged hobbit woman who was forever scolding herself and Vanwe for not eating enough. Once finished she took a short draw from her small leather water skin and listened the melodies of the birds in the trees as she walked down to the stream to retrieve her horse.

"It is long since any of the fair folk have wandered these woods." a softly almost woody voice spoke from beside the oak she had just left. She stopped and smiled as she recognised her old friends voice, "Nae saian luume' Hodoer!" She gently replied as she turned to face him. He was a lot older now than when they had first met, but he looked no different from how he had on their last meeting, His greying hair sat about his seemingly frail frame and his grey beard was tucked in the old worn belt that sat about his shabby woollen robes, he supported himself with a knarled dark wooden staff, But despite his appearance his gentle grey eyes which held the wisdom of his age, also burned with an unexplainable youthfulness.

"Come!" he smiled, gesturing for her to follow, not waiting he turned and began walking back woods. Léspheria whistled softly and Losseserme followed her as she hurried after the old man.

"A shadow remains!" the old man whispered and a shiver ran down Léspheria's back as the leaves of the trees shook as if in answer to his words, she had not even realised that she had stopped until she felt a frail hand on her arm, As his gently grey eyes looked into her she sighed and nodded her head, "That is why I am here, I need your help my old friend." The old man nodded sympathetically and they continued on in silence.

"Well, we are here!" he said gesturing to a small ring of majestic oaks. Hidden within sat a small wooden house, which even her elven eyes had not perceived until he pointed it out.

"Stay close!" She whispered to the white mare as she followed Tallas through the green and brown wooden door. A small copper kettle whistled over the fire in the dimly lit room and the musty smell of the dried herb's that hung from the rafters reach her nose. On a small oak table by the south facing window sat two earthen ware mugs and a platter of fresh bread and cheese.

"Are you expecting someone?" she said indicating the set table.

"No, not anymore" he grinned leaning his staff against the fire place and using a near by cloth to pick up the hot kettle and carefully set it on the table.

"well! do you plan to stand there all day or will you join me for tea" he laughed indicating the vacant chair across from him. Removing her bow and sitting Léspheria's eyes fell on the shelves that lined the length and breadth of the north wall, various vials, jars and bottles sat neatly upon the shelves.

"So how can this old ranger, help the Lady Léspheria of Rivendell?" he asked sipping at his tea.

"I need to replenish my supplies, " she replied looking up to the herb's that hung from the rafters. Tallas did not follow her gaze, instead he studied her troubled eyes.

"A shadow of darkness entered these woods this day !". Léspheria's eyes widened as she slowly lower head to regard him.

"When!" she sighed knowing full well of whom he spoke.

"Mid-afternoon and she was not alone." Léspheria's heart sunk as Tallas described Vanwe.

"I almost thought I was seeing double, both alike but not!" he continued raising a questioning eyebrow. But when she did not reply he answered himself "The Bard?" She shivered slightly recalling her last encounter with the tormented elf, but she nodded all the same.

Tallas slowly rose from his chair and pulled out a small bundle that had sat upon one of the numerous shelves and handed it to her, "I think you will find all that you require!" he said placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder, nodding she put the package into her pack and finished her tea.

She was not surprised by the old mans foresight for she had sensed long ago that he possessed it and knew not to ask questions regarding future events, for the future was ever changing. But she now sensed that something troubled him. "What is it by old friend?" she asked her brow creasing with concern.

"Ah!" he grinned "there are no secrets to be kept from the lady Léspheria, I knew your mother, infact I had occasion to aid her as I do you now!"

"Yes I know that my mother also pursued ..... she sighed placing her head in her hands as a fresh flash of memories filled her mind. Tallas placed a concerned hand on her shoulder, "It will pass" she whispered weakly

"Your mother believed that Naiore had been taken over by Sauron!" he went on as Léspheria raised her head, "But she was wrong!" Léspheria exclaimed sadly. Tallas sighed and nodded, but secretly he was glad that Léspheria saw this.

After a few moments of silence Tallas spoke frankly "What will you do when you find her?"
"bring her to King Elessar for judgement!" she replied frowning slightly. Tallas nodded to himself, a warm smile formed on his ageing features as he regarded the elf woman before him.

After finishing the bread an cheese Tallas offered her, she thanked him for his help and hospitality and she rose to leave, he walked her to her horse.

"Go carefully, your foe is a dangerous one! but your gift gives you an even footing, do not be afraid to use it!" He counselled her as she mounted Losseserme. she gave a reassuring nod and Losseserme sped her off to where Tallas had told her he had spotted Naiore and Vanwe.

[ September 18, 2003: Message edited by: Nerindel ]
"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live" ~ Mark Twain.
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