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Old 09-09-2003, 11:09 PM   #28
Emperor of the South Pole
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: The Western Shore of Lake Evendim
Posts: 607
Snowdog is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

Snowdog's post

I gave a nod to Rauthain as he stood from the table, draining his tankard and setting it down with a thud. The thoughts of each one at this table stewed nearly as long as the lamb meat in the fine stew I had hardly touched. I worked on eating it as I thought of which course to take here, and before any meaningful decisions came my way the bowl was empty. So too was there no more bread or cheese. It had been awhile since I really ate a good meal, days in fact, before I left for Bree.

The telling by Amandur of his finding of what was left of Kaldir sent a chill through me. What if I had known more and tried to find him at Raven Falls? Why did Elendir take us, only seven of us, so far into the rough lands? Reckless it was! But he was an elder captain, first serving under Chieftain Arathorn and.. and my father Halasían! Kaldir and I, we were young, and we trusted our Captain...

And now he hunts bounty, and runs with horsethieves. But such was the terrors of Mordor and that of Naiore in those days. It is a miracle his mind and body withstood it for 10 years!

The talk and thoughts of Kaldir caused me to gaze quickly about the common room. I did not see him, his fair side or his foul. Nor did I now see Vanwe, and still no sign of Lady Benia or Gilly. There was one who seemed shady in his demeanor, and he greeted another and my instinct was to check for my pouches. A quick move of my hand as I sat down my half-empty tankard told me they were in order. Of course if I had been well drunk, I probably wouldn't have noticed. A parting glance at the two told me they were making a shady deal of some sort, and I noted that his glance toward us was deflected as if he wished we weren't here. I thought of busting it up, but then, this was afterall the Forsaken Inn...

""I will return shortly. Nair...I must see if he is comfortable."

Maethor's words broke my mind's thought stream and cut short my attention on the two traders, and I smiled and nodded as he parted. A fine horse was a Ranger's best friend, and in a pinch a lifesaver! And the bond between them can be stronger than an Elven tri-corded rope. I never did tell him of how I aquired such a horse as Blackveil, who will not allow any to ride her save me. Even when I wish her to carry another, she will only do it reluctantly and under protest. A mind of her own she has, and I am sometimes thankful for that.

Amandur had been raiding my cheese and bread, and that after he ate earlier! I knew I didn't eat all that! He too was in thought of our course of action, and I said,

'We will have to pursue any leads however minute here, for it seems a critical juncture this time. The air is chilled with her, and so we must be diligent.'

I sipped once more my ale, but the taste of it was not right anymore. Not that it was the brew's fault, but when my mind had such burden on it, drinking was not in order. I sat it down on the table and stood, asking Amandur,

'What room is yours?'

"The end of the hall, door on the right... why?"

he muttered, knowing that I intended to use the floor this night for whatever rest I may gain. But mainly because I wished to pass news from Minas Tirith which I had carried with me since I last saw King Elessar. I was sure he had some of his own, and so it would be best talked of behind a solid oak door.

'Ok, I'm taking my wares there for the night...'

My eyes burned grey as we looked at each other, and he knew I had something to tell in private. But anyone who may have been watching us as would only sense it was a simple converse...

'...and I have to check on a friend I left here two days ago. She hurt her ankle and wasn't moving about too well, and I haven't seen her or her friend all night.'

He shook his head slightly, acknowledging my silent words, but looking like he was responding to my words. He had a slight look of one-upmanship on his brow if he too wasn't burdened with thoughts of his own.

I headed for the hall opening, dodging a serving maid who twisted and turned about, me, another patron, a table, and one of the inconvienient posts. She did it all with a tray of full tankards held high above her head. She was good at her work!

My boots pounded their cadence up the stairs, and as the din of activity in the common roon faded, I paused at the top and looked at the door which was Benia's room. My left arm held my cloak and satchel bags as and I tapped on the door with my right, and I whispered,

'Miss Nightshade?'

The door echoed only silence, and so I tok the forward move and opened the door. The darkness told me all I needed to know. She had left, and Gilly as well. I knew Gilly didn't feel comfortable with me talking with her friend, and maybe the request to go to Bree was so they could get away unnoticed? No.. not Miss Nightshade... there was something amiss here, and though it didn't stink of Naiore, it was not right... besides, I wanted to hear Lady Benia sing again.

I pulled the door shut and went on down the hall, noticing a key in a door. I hesitated. The sounds from behind it were that of one in thought, and the whispered words of Naiore and Menecin drifted to my ears. It was Vanwe, and I thought of tapping and seeing her. But sometimes one needs to be left alone, and besides, am I going to look into every room on the upper floor? I will speak with Vanwe in time, but now I need to drop my load.

I got to the door and realized I didn't get the key from Amandur. It explained his slight look I noticed when I left the table. I smiled now. I set down my bundle and took out the Khandese knife and worked the hilt. Out came a sharp needle, used to poison their enemies in close combat if they have a chance. A stealth weapon I had no use for in its original purpose, but it did come in handy at times. I slid it into the keyhole at an angle, and with a few twists of my wrist, the door opened. I have been a few times thankful to that old Khandese trader I had met at the Desert Inn in Pelegir when I waas there. he showed me this particular use of this "weapon".

I sat my things by a chair that sat by a small hearth. It was a nice room, but still small for the prices charged in my opinion. Looking out the window of the dark room shown a silvery light of the moon illuminating about 4 feet of ground fog that collected in the draws. the chill air gathered there, and the stars and moon were indifferent to it as they made their courses through the sky. It had been some time since Midsummers Day saw the waxing of a full moon, and if Radagast were around, he would surely have some words of wisdom to say about it.

Yes, the night was beginning to grow long. I shook off thoughts of travels past, and the trail long I have kept vigil on seeking Naiore. I would see to getting Vanwe that which she would want in the morn, for I would be up at the early sunrise. Tomorrow would be indeed long....

Nerindel's post - Amandur

As Hanasían made his way from the common room, Amandur re-lit his pipe and collected his thoughts, there was much to tell and much he hoped Hanasían would reveal to him. His hand went to his breast pocket and pulled out the neatly folded parchment, Elessar's message revealed very little only that others where also on Naiores trail and that if he could he should join with them. But in Bree Lóthaniel had told him much and this he would share with his brethren.

Deeming that enough time had passed since Hanasían's departure he rose from his seat and made his way up stairs, he paused at Léspheria's door, remembering his promise to her to watch over Vanwe while he remained at the inn. She will be safe tonight at least he thought as he continued on to his room. He grinned as he turned the small brass handle and found it unlocked,

"The key was not needed then my friend ." he laughed as he closed the door behind him.

"No" Hanasian replied a wry grin on his face as he fingered the Khandese dagger he had used to open the door.

"You wish to know what I know of both Naiore and Vanwe," he whispered grimly as he walked toward the window.

"Only recently have we discovered that Naiore had a daughter, The elven ranger Lothaniel and a few of the kings men were patrolling the road to Belfalas when they heard rumours that an elf fitting Naiore's description had be seen in the area, they picked up the trail and Lothaniel became concerned when they found out that their quarry inquired about the elven bard Menecin, who is protected by the elves of Rivendell. They caught up to their quarry in Firien wood as she rested by the Mering stream. Lóthaniel being their scout on this journey had been the first to see their quarry. At once he knew they had made a mistake, the elf was younger than Naiore and her demeanour was not that of the Revennor of Mordor, also their was one major difference.. her eyes were that of her fathers, an elf that Lothaniel helped to protect. They immediately fell back and sent messengers to King Elessar and Lord Celeborn, telling them of their discovery." Amandur turned from the window to look at Hanasían, he looked up as Amandur paused, waiting for him to continue.

"When they learnt that the young elven woman was searching for her mother they decided to stay on her trail hoping that the daughter would lead them to her mother. But in Rohan they lost her trail. They realised that Vanwe was heading north so they went on to Rivendell with Lóthaniel, thinking to continue the search for Naiore in the north after replenishing their supplies. But this did not happen at this time Skaikrish an orc Chief, who somehow managed to escape from Mordor and lead a band of orc's into the Blue Mountains." Amandur looked at Hanasian as though contemplating his next words.

"I do not know if you remember Captain Halwain, he was a friend of your fathers... well his wife was killed By Skaikrish when he escaped through Ithilien. On finding out that Skaikrish was gathering an army in the Blue mountains, he took a scouting party to find out what the orc was up to, but none of them returned! Lóthaniels orders were to travel with the rangers and pick up the trail of Naiore, but with this change of circumstance, Lóthaniel and the rangers were sent to the Mountians With Halwain's daughter, to try to find the missing rangers and investigate if Skaikrish posed a threat. Like Lóthaniel I feel that the orc chiefs sudden boldness at this time is not coincidental."

"I also believe that Naiore is nearer than we believe, Lady Léspheria of Rivendell is able to read the emotions of others and this morning she sensed someone in those woods!" he said again turning to the window and looking down on the moonlit trees.

"When I searched the area there was no discernible footprints but the earth was disturbed, but any of the inns less than reputable patrons could have caused this." he sighed not truly believing his own words and waited for Hanasían's insight.

Last edited by piosenniel; 05-11-2006 at 10:38 AM.
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