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Old 12-05-2003, 03:07 PM   #99
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: The Land of Mordor (MWUAHAHAHA!...ahem...)
Posts: 95
Lumiel has just left Hobbiton.

The night was peaceful and Lumiel was happy, happy to have friends even if there were together for a desperate journey for Eodwine. She was getting up to help prepare the supper when the harsh cries broke their camp and the brigands rushed forward. Although she had been in a sort of dream-like state, she snapped out in an instant and reached for her sword, drawing it quickly and readying herself for her first enemy.

It took only a moment and one came straight for her, swinging in a slow arc that carried lethal force. Obviously the man didn't know who he was dealing with. Her gay blue eyes had shifted to a harsh, cold fiery blue and she gave a battle cry in return as she flicked her wrist with amazing strength for her size and gutted the man below his navel. His eyes bulged and he attempted to at least finish his swing at Lumiel but she was already out of his reach as he clutched at his stomach where a deep gash was, bleeding darkly and coils near ready to spill forth. She turned to the next opponet who realized her skill and fought with more brains. The battle with him lasted about a minute, and Lumiel had saved her skin by quick thinking. The second man lay groaning with a cut in his head, Lumiel had managed to get behind him and give a quick blow towards his head.

Looking around, she saw Lira on the ground, being dragged by the hobbits. She turned to see how the others were and repeated Lira's mistake. Only the low victory growl of the brigand gave her warning enough and she turned, bringing her sword instinctively up to block, its dark surface shining. A clang was heard and her eyes widened in surprise at how close the man had gotten to her, since she had thought him down at least for the duration of the fight. The force of his blow knocked her back a step and he pressed his advantage, forcing Lumiel away from the group.

In a moment, she had regained herself and was now holding her ground against him. The man said crude things in an attempt to make her angry or fearful, so that she would make a mistake. She had been taught not to let emotion get in the way, and it wouldn't, even as she felt herself begin to shake as suppressed memories were touched by his words.

"Heh, the little elf lady plays rough...let me show you how to play!" he said, striking at her as she blocked it again, bleeding from a near-dodge away on her shoulder and on her stomach. "You're mine elf!"

"SILENCE!" she screamed and in a flurry of motions she parried to the left and right of him, forcing him to block and then swung upwards, bringing his sword to block again as he laughed at her, and she flicked her sword downwards again and forward to impale him below the sternum. He was quick and ducked to the side, getting lanced on his right side but not fatally. He fell forward and grabbed at Lumiel's shirt, dragging her down as she fell.

He gave a sigh of pain and Lumiel wretched her sword free from beneath him. She again turned towards the fire, hoping to see how the others fared and prepared to give help where it was needed only to be knocked down again by a heavy blow to the head. Her vision swam and blackness creeped inwards, but she stayed conscious, aware suddenly of a sharp pain in her gut as a foot connected sharply with her thus far minor wound, knocking her breath away and opening the cut wider. She gripped her sword, preparing to fight, but her hand was crushed by the same foot that had injured her. She grimaced slightly, but refused to let him hear her scream. Suddenly, she felt a sharp point at her neck.

"Silly girl, you'll hurt yourself with that sword, and you'll not hurt me again with it!" the brigand said sarcastically as he raised his sword for the final blow.

Sensing her danger, Lumiel wrenched herself towards the man and caught him off balance. She grabbed her dagger and lunged at the man, slicing at his throat. She missed and he punched full force at her face, having dropped his sword. She staggered back and he jumped on her and tried to wrestle the dagger from her left, undamaged hand. She reached with her bleeding right hand into her boot and took out her second dagger, stabbing him in the leg. He cried in agony and gripped her tighter, beginning to choke her. She had spirit enough left, but she was being worn down and was injured in several places, losing blood. She didn't know how much longer she could fight and the man was in better shape at this point than she.

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 7:38 PM December 05, 2003: Message edited by: Lumiel ]
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