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Old 11-22-2003, 08:24 AM   #82
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Location: The Land of Mordor (MWUAHAHAHA!...ahem...)
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Lumiel has just left Hobbiton.

As Gorby changed the topic with his question, Lumiel gave a bright smile and shrugged her shoulders inwards to accentuate her reaction. "It is the most wonderful place I have heard of yet in my travels, few as they have been. I would greatly like to travel there someday, though I know the King's law prevents it. Though the Green Dragon was a lovely place, as close as I've come to the Shire. I've never been to a place so warm and friendly, full of life!" she said, laughing lightly. Gorby seemed surprised by this reaction, not expecting the Shire to receive the nomination of "the most wonderful place" from an elf of all people, though he himself agreed whole-heartedly.

"Really?" he asked. He gave her a look of near-astonishment and smiled.

"Oh yes. My childhood was very lonely...and when I finally did get to see the world, most of it was aloof to me and seemed to be out of my grasp. When I came upon the Shire, or rather its inhabitants at the Green Dragon, I felt welcomed, like I was coming home for the first time." she replied, sighing softly at the end of it as her face settled into an expression of softness and fond memories. "I would very much like to go to the Shire for a time after all this is done." She waved her hand in the air to signify their journey. "Do you think that you could show me how to fit in a bit better? Well, I mean make me...I guess the word is more "hobbit-ish". I want to truly fit in there and have a home, even if it can only be on the borders of your beautiful Shire." She paused, looking down at the ground and blushing slightly. She realized after she had spoken that she had imposed upon Gorby and it was not proper of her to do. "I mean, if you and Anson wouldn't mind of course."

Gorby wasn't quite sure what to say. Of course elves had come through the Shire, and even a few had lived at the Green Dragon and nearby there for a time, but he had never heard of an elf asking a hobbit to maker her more "hobbitish"! He smiled and almost laughed at how strange it seemed but kept it back when he saw Lumiel's downcast face. "I'd be glad to Lumiel! And I'm certain Anson wouldn't mind giving a hand!"

"Oh thank you!" she exclaimed as her face perked up again. She wrapped her arms around Gorby for a moment in a friendly hug and released him just as quickly, laughing softly. Gorby was taken back by her reaction, he had not anticipated it at all. He could only stare at her in surprise and noticed how almost child-like she seemed and wondered at it for it seemed very unlike the other elves here.

At that moment, Falco made his suggestion about supper, and all agreed that a bite to eat would be a nice thing indeed. As the camp woke up with the movement, Lumiel smiled. She would finally have a home!

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 9:02 PM December 09, 2003: Message edited by: Lumiel ]
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