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Old 09-07-2003, 07:21 AM   #46
Animated Skeleton
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Heaven, where Middle-earth and Zion are fused and all the guys are sexy beasts!
Posts: 43
Elróthiel has just left Hobbiton.

to eowyn: to change one's appearance drastically in order to do something that your previous appearance prevented you from doing. (ex: If "Bob" hadn't eowyned, he wouldn't have been able to join the needlework club without being laughed at.)

grey haven: A place where one would prefer to be and/or travel to, instead of staying in the original place.
(ex: I really want to go to Japan! That place is such a grey haven!)
(syn: blessed realm, valinor)

hobbitism: Chronic shortness. Other symptoms include: Large, hairy feet, curly hair, large eyes, and a phobia of going outside one's own backyard. May also result in cuteness, in which case one should stay away from fangirls.

uruk-hai-ism: A liking of licking one's own blood off a blade, also worsening one's wound, by pushing the blade even further into one's body, and grouping together in large numbers in order to take over a large, usually foolproof building. (syn: terroristism, maniacism, bullyism)

boromir: a person who likes small things which carry lots of power, large, round objects, and has lots of perseverence. A person who is a boromir would not like people who are a threat to one's status, and would resent them. Boromirs are usually loners, but will generally tolerate others, unless one of them happened to be a threat to one's status (see: aragorn, strider, elessar, estel, telcontar, elfstone, longshanks, wingfoot.... etc).
Occasional tendency to steal things.

That's it for now!
Elróthiel, the Insane Elven Goddess of Hilariosity and Laughter!
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