Well, I'm not getting rain here, but there's plenty of raw wind and cold mist! Not exactly inviting.
I don't think this is considered a walking song, but it's what I sing while I walk.
God is good, all the time.
That works,
alaklondewen! We sing that too sometimes; it never occurred to me as a walking song but it will now.
Tigerlily, enjoy! The idea is motivation & encouragement, not guilt or pressure. For me, it has been a huge blessing to just get outdoors, and see trees, and rivers, and rocks, and large areas of blue sky.
There's even the occasional deer skeleton (gah!) That was Thursday morning... quite an eye-opener. I had to step over it, too. I'm betting it was coyotes.
Another source of motivation has been this silly pedometer gadget, not bad for eight bucks.
Another neat motivation is going to be the growing collection of "walking" songs!
[ April 04, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]