Thread: All About You
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Old 05-30-2002, 08:19 PM   #14
Shade of Carn Dûm
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: The Helcaraxë- aka Canada
Posts: 261
Losthuniel has just left Hobbiton.

Name (that you go by): Julie
Age: 13
Occupation: gr 7 student
Future Aspirations: to be a published author
Goal in life: to understand myself, to be accepted for who i am
Short term goals: pass exams
Passion: see hobbies
Hobbies:Fanfiction, BD-ing, riding, skiinging, reading
Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): i am a namless enentity. know and fear me. at school, i have a rep of being a total b*tch, and entierly cracked

Fave book: Lotr, anything by Tamora Pierce
Fave movie: FotR, Airplane!
Fave sport:Riding. but id nevr compete. i prefer just galloping wildly and jumping over random things(did that in a lesson once. one of the best experiences of my life. though my teacher nearly boxed my ears afterwards)

Fave store: Indigo!
Fave music: Michelle Branch

What you can't stand: if i said all of it, id overload the downs. hres a short list: Mary-Sues, Flamers, those peeps on ff.nt who are obsessed with grammer, people who think they can walk all over me, people who try and take away my identity, and want me to be like very other carbon-copy girl out there, My Mum, when she tells me i shouldnt be obsessed with Tolkien, peeps who tell me to get a grip, the Popular People who look down their noses at me, peeps who discriminate angainst other peeps, Bullies who say mean things about someone, Canadians who say Americans are all fluff-brained zombies (HELLO! i lived there for a year. i should know)

What you plain dislike: Polotics in genral (WAY over my head), Math (my teacher is brill, though),computers and Pork (a cross btween chicken and bacon? no thank you)

Who you admire:Tolkien

What you most love to do: Ride, and read

Your self-confessed flaws: im very proud, i love my freedom too much, i have this little tendency to rant(as you might have noticed), my emotions are very exreme. o ya, and then theresa that temper like wild horses to deal with...

What intrigues/fascinates you: Life. Life fasicnaytes me.

What scares you: Bugs and snakes(arachniphobe here). thought the biggest has to be dying without accomplishing anything in my life.

Quotation to live by: "The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places: but there is still much that is fair, and though in all lands, love is now mingled with grief, to grow perhaps the greater."- Haldir

Additional comments: ya, i know, i come off like the phycotic b*tch from hell, but im actually a nice person. its just, well, i have a little tendency to, er, rant, and i seem not-so-nice. dont hold my bad qualities against me! ive been walked on too many times in my short life, and that makes one, well...... prickly.

[ June 01, 2002: Message edited by: Losthuniel ]
~* Losthuniel
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!" Puck, Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
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