Thread: All About You
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Old 05-30-2002, 02:49 PM   #6
Lothiriel Silmarien
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 829
Lothiriel Silmarien has just left Hobbiton.

Name (that you go by): Marie

Age: 14 (15 soon!)

Occupation: student

Future Aspirations: Haven't completely decided on it yet. I wanna become a writer maybe, or a massuese (how the hell do you spell that!) Or a fashion designer, I don't know! Something that I know I'll love and want to do for the rest of my career. Or maybe a teache that teaches Tolien classes! I'd LOVE that.And I love to hike, find my own trails and stuff, but there's no job in that.

Goal in life: To actually make a difference in life, or in someone's life. I want to marry Billy Boyd! Or one of the others on the list...And just to live a happy life.

Short term goals: To not give up on what I set my mind to. And to have SOME patience toward my completly annoying and hypocritical sister.

Passion: Listening to my music and just daydreaming. Tolkien books. Fantasy books. Basically everything related to the fantasy world. Elves..

Hobbies: Listening to Nickelback, NIN, STP, and other of my favorite music groups, daydreaming, hiking, reading.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Hmmmm, ok well I am generally a nice person. I'm compassionate and caring.

Fave book: The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, The Sword of Shannara, The Elfstones of Shannara (I'm only on The Elfstones now, but I most likely will like the other books I still need to read)

Fave movie: The Fellowship of the Rings (so far, I still have to see the 2 others!)A Night at the Roxbury is hilarious, Dumb and Dumber too, but they don't even come CLOSE to LotR!

Fave sport: Hiking, hockey. (really not a sport person)

Fave store: Barnes and Nobles.....I too can spend hours in there! All I need is a lot of money now...

Fave music: Alright! Like I said, Nickelback, NIN, Stone Temple Pilots, Sevendust, ok basically heavy metal and hard rock groups. Umm, I like listening to Enya too. Bagpipes and Cellos, but don't listen to them much, they're still cool though!

What you can't stand: When people can be so mean to others, especially those who are hurt (emotionally, physically, whatever)and disabled. And hypocrites! Big-headedness (like REALLY conceited and full of themselves)And when people purposely make you feel bad. And the way people react to the "popular". I hate it. Your only popular because you consider yourself that, why does everyone not comprehend that! And I mean this in the sense of little groups and stuff, like in highschool. (wow, long list!)

What you plain dislike: All of the above

Who you admire: Tolkien, my reading teacher, anyone who is genuinely nice and compassionate and who treats others the way they should be treated, but not letting people step all over them.

What you most love to do: Daydream, read. Music, and hiking.

Your self-confessed flaws: I am stubborn sometimes (hey, it's in the blood!)and I can get annoyed very easily (yeah, look who's talking!) I try not to get an attitude when people just REALLY annoy me, but sometimes I do but I control it. (not that good mostly.)

What intrigues/fascinates you: The way some people seem to be in their own little world. People who are incredibly creative and talented (such as Tolkien himself and Viggo Mortensen)and the way really great books are written. The world that the writers create so magnificently.

What scares you: Spiders!! Sometimes ghosts, any bug really, and hights. They are pretty cool (sometimes) but I am just scared!

Quotation to live by:"Few can forsee whither their road will lead them, until they reach it's end."...Legolas (I hope I got the quote right) And I like this one too:
"Dreams are necessary to life."...Amon Nais (I hope I got his name right, lol!)
"To stop dreaming is to stop living"

Additional comments: I love Billy.....yeah well, I'm not gonna bore you all anymore so I'm gonna end it here! Thanks to all of you who actually read this post of mine!
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Si vanwa na Romello vanwa Valimar!~*~
~*~Now lost, lost to those from the East is Valimar!
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