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Niluial 03-23-2003 11:00 AM

Movie Mistakes - Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
<I>Here are some movie mistakes from The Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers. It is quite a laugh ! I didn't take all of the movie mistakes, if you would like to read all of the movie mistakes of The Lord Of The Rings - Two Towers and Lord Of The Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring, then go to <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> I really advise you to go ! If anyone has any other sites on movie mistakes please tell me about them I would really love it !</I><P>The stew pot that Sam cooks the conies in is much bigger than the one he has been carrying around on his back. <P>Arwen's pendant that Aragorn is wearing moves from side to side in the scene before the evacuation of Edoras and also at Helm's Deep when Aragorn is talking to Theoden on the walls.<P>The flower that Theoden is holding while he is in front of his son's tomb has 8 petals, but when he drops it, it has only 6, and the flowers on the ground have only 5 petals.<P>The Battle of Helm's Deep: Exactly two shots before Gimli slides down between the legs of an Orc and smashes his axe on his chest, look carefully at the Elf on the left side of the screen. He arches his bow and fired, followed by a specific sound effect, but no arrow.<P>Near the end of the battle of Helm's deep when Theoden just gets on his horse to fight, he is wearing the helmet he just put on. In the next shot, his is wearing no helmet while charging toward the Orcs, and in the shot right after that, he is still on his horse racing out, and his helmet is back on his head. <P>After Aragon, Gimili and Legolas confront the riders that slaughtered the band of Uruk Hai, the leader claims they burnt the corpes, and points out plumes of smoke on the horizon. How very odd that Aragon the marvelous Ranger and Legolas with the fantastic Elven eyesight both overlooked this glaringly obvious feature to the scenery. <P>In the scene after the Helm's Deep battle, when Aragorn meets Eowyn, the earlier footage of Aragorn's return to Helm's Deep is used. He has the wound on his shoulder and is dressed like he was during the 'falling' episode. The background (people in the fortress walking calmly) also indicates that this takes place before the battle. This scene should immediately follow the one, where Aragorn is greeted by Gimli ('you are the most reckless man I ever knew').<BR> <BR>The scene when the three companions first meet Gandalf: After Aragorn drops his sword, Gimli lowers his axe and holds it by his right hand. When the shot changes, Gimli holds it by two hands and in a ready position. The same thing with Legolas, his bow changes position, and Aragorn with his legs.<BR> <BR>There is one shot in the Battle of Isengard when it shows Saruman wandering on the balcony - it is played backwards, indicated by the unusual movement of his hair. <P>When Treebeard throws Merry and Pippin to the ground at the feet of the white wizard, look between Merry's feet and Pippin's feet as they lie there. You'll see two circular mounds of dirt - probably the marks they were standing on before they threw themselves on the ground. <P>After the orcs blow up that wall at Helms Deep, the rocks that are blasted out are moving as if in slow motion, yet the spears of the orcs are moving at regular speed. <P>most scenes with Gollum, he has a small pouch attatched to his narrow belt over the right hip. Early in the scenes where Golum is leading the Hobbits through the bog, you don't see the pouch. Later you do. <P>In the scene before the battle of Helm's Deep when Legolas is arguing with Aragorn, his eyes are brown, rather than blue. <P>Merry and Pippin were bound when taken by the Uruk-Hai, and the bonds weren't cut until after they managed to escape during the fight. Yet, when the horse almost crashed down on Pippin, he had his arms spread out up near his face, not bound, even though they weren't cut until later.<BR> <BR>When Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli enter the King of Rohan's chamber, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli start knocking down soldiers to protect Gandalf. When they have finished, there is a shot taken from behind and one of the beaten soldiers is lying on the floor playing with his hair, curling it around his finger.<BR> <BR>In the scene in the storeroom where Sam is suggesting Frodo use the Ring to escape, Frodo is initially sitting in front of a barrel. Then Faramir arrives and Frodo and Sam are now sitting on a cloak and there are no barrels in sight. <P>After Merry and Pippin escape from the Uruk-Hai, Merry has a deep cut over his right eye. Very often the cut changes. It starts out over his right eye all bloody, then it changes to his left eye and it is still bloody. Then it goes back to his right eye but is clean, then it disappears entirely and comes back later to over his right eye and not bloody. <P>When Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli meet Eomer and the Riders of Rohan, Eomer says that they burnt all the bodies of the Orc company. He points towards where they Orcs are piled and from a distance there is a shot of smoke rising from a fire. There is no forest nearby. When the travellers reach the pile of dead Orcs they are only yards from the eaves Fangorn Forest, which is vast and would surely have been visible even from a distance. <P>At the end of the film, when the heroes of the big battle are watching the lightning over Mordor, you can see in the background that the big hole in the wall on Helms Deep is gone. <P><I>he he .... </I>

Some Weird Creature 03-23-2003 12:22 PM

Woooow! I never knew there were so many mistakes in a movie and you say there are even more mistakes? Thats just scary! Well I am on my way to movie mistakes now....

Niluial 03-23-2003 12:43 PM

Yes some weird creature there are many mistakes in both Lord Of The Rings but do take in mind that the movie was three hours long . <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> is a really cool site it doesn’t just give you The Lord Of The Rings mistakes but it also gives you a wide range of other movies and their mistakes ! They update it often and give you many famous and not so famous movies to choose from! <BR>He he….. it is very funny even animations have mistakes!

HCIsland 03-23-2003 01:23 PM

It is a neat sight. Here is a list of their top twenty movies and the number of mistakes.<P>1 The Matrix 192 <BR>2 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 192 <BR>3 Titanic 163 <BR>4 Spider-Man 159 <BR>5 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 153 <BR>6 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 140 <BR>7 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 137 <BR>8 Jurassic Park 112 <BR>9 Terminator 2: Judgment Day 112 <BR>10 Die Another Day 111 <BR>11 The Fast and the Furious 110 <BR>12 Gladiator 99 <BR>13 Pearl Harbor 96 <BR>14 Top Gun 93 <BR>15 Star Wars 90 <BR>16 Saving Private Ryan 88 <BR>17 Independence Day 86 <BR>18 The Wizard of Oz 85 <BR>19 Attack of the Clones 80 <BR>20 The Mummy Returns 77 <P>I think it goes to show that the larger and more complex (and popular) a film is, the more of these types of mistakes are going to be spotted.<P>H.C.

Yavanna 03-23-2003 02:05 PM

That's really funny. I know in FotR, you could see the dust from a car going up a dirt road in the backround of one scene. But all those from TTT were funny. I'll have to look out for those.

Princess_Fairy 03-23-2003 02:16 PM

HCIsland: Excellent point. You defiantly have that right! The only problem on the site is the mistakes aren’t in order! What I sometimes do is put them in order print them and watch the movie until I see all the mistakes<p>[ March 23, 2003: Message edited by: Princess_Fairy ]

Niluial 03-23-2003 02:24 PM

Lol, good idea Princess Fairy! I think I'll do that sometime! Lol

Princess_Fairy 03-23-2003 10:11 PM

I havnt done it to the Lord Of The Rings but I think I am going to do that this Holiday! They will have The Lord Of The Rings three on that <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> ???

MLD-Grounds-Keeper-Willie 03-23-2003 11:47 PM

You know what the funny thing is? There are probably plenty of other movies that have more mistakes than those listed, but since they are not popular enough they remain unnoticed. People only want to hear about the mistakes in those good movies since they don't even care about the others.

Niluial 03-24-2003 02:08 PM

MLD-Grounds-Keeper-Willie: You are right. I was looking at the other movie mistakes (other movies that are like an hour long), they had like 13-14 pages of mistakes when the Lord Of The Rings only had 7 ..... suprising. Shows what a great movie LOTR is

Himaran 03-25-2003 06:55 PM

Excellent bloopers! and a good site, too.<P>Himaran

merenwen 03-25-2003 08:27 PM

ok most of those were from ttt but i was recently watching fotr and i noticed that saruman took gandalf's staff and then gandalf escaped without his staff, but later in the movie he has his staff... hmmmmm <BR>staff staff staff staff....

GaladrieloftheOlden 03-25-2003 08:59 PM

I like this thread but there is already one a lot like it....try <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>this.</A>

Mordor_Queen 03-26-2003 07:30 AM

Yeah did you know there were 142 mistakes in The Two Towers?!

HCIsland 03-26-2003 09:52 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> i was recently watching fotr and i noticed that saruman took gandalf's staff and then gandalf escaped without his staff, but later in the movie he has his staff... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Look more closely. Different staff. If this is a plot hole it was introduced by Tolkien.<P>H.C.<p>[ March 26, 2003: Message edited by: HCIsland ]

Galadriel9 04-05-2003 02:55 PM

Hi,<BR>I dunno if this has been written already, sorry if it has,I didn't have time to read them all but in FotR, Gandalf's staff gets taken by Sauron, he flies away on the eagle's back without it and then just randomly acquires(yes, I know I've probably spelt that wrong!) it again in Rivendell. Or do the elves make him a new one? I'm confused!

Galadriel9 04-05-2003 02:58 PM

ooops, I feel really stupid now, having just read the message before my last one...sorry, it's late at night and I'm shattered...

Ringenes-herre-fan 04-07-2003 04:00 AM

I know that Lord of the rings: fellowship of the rings have many mistakes, but I donesn't think that it have anything to say.. The movie is very, VERY GOOD!

Burzdol 04-07-2003 12:38 PM

I have one. In the scene where Gandalf summons Shadowfax, the horse comes from the wild, right? There is a shot that has Gandalf on Shadowfax with his feet in stirrups. To second that notion, I have a book that shows that picture. Still stirrups.<P>~Burzdol~

Burzdol 04-07-2003 12:50 PM

Movie Mistakes:<P>In one shot, when Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn are looking for Merry and Pippin, Legolas only has half a bow. He holds it at the middle and the rest of the side is gone.<P>I Fangorn Forest when Grishnakh chases Merry and Pippin, he has red blood all over his mouth. Five seconds later, he has gree, orc bllod.<P>In ashot when Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn ride up to Edoras, they have three horses. In another shot, Gimli isn't on the back of Legolas's horse. He is on Gandalf's. Later he's back on Legolas's.<P>When the company is attacked by wargs, the one warg's teeth fell out of his mouth!<P>In Faramir's company the two hobbits are taken prisoner. When Faramir is talking to Frodo alone, he has a man walking behind him. The man had a gun strapped on his back, instead of bow.<P>That's it for now.<P>~Burzdol~

Ringethiriel 04-09-2003 12:50 PM

has anyone noticed in the fellowship of the ring, gandalf says "jesus christ" does christianty exist in middle earth???<BR>im confused!!!

Arafangwen 04-09-2003 05:08 PM

When you said that Legolas' eyes are brown instead of blue, I belive it's because in the books J.R.T. says that when Elves are upset thier eyes "cloud up" so to speak, and Legolas was obviously upset in that scean so I belive that there was a purpose to it but you never know....<P>I'm comming to Legolas' rescue once again!!! I'm liking this whole hero thing!

HCIsland 04-09-2003 07:38 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> In Faramir's company the two hobbits are taken prisoner. When Faramir is talking to Frodo alone, he has a man walking behind him. The man had a gun strapped on his back, instead of bow. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Oh, come on.<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> has anyone noticed in the fellowship of the ring, gandalf says "jesus christ" does christianty exist in middle earth???<BR>im confused!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>He never said this.<P>I'm sorry, but if you guys are going to come up with mistakes, at least make them real ones.<P>H.C.

Everdawn 04-11-2003 01:41 AM

You know what, i saw the movie like 5 times and i never ever noticed the mistakes.. Although, i think they should be referred to as slip-up's as nothing in this wonderful set of movies can never be a mistake to me...

Lucinda 04-12-2003 08:10 AM

A bit unrelated, but in FotR, does anyone else think the black part of Narsil's (the sword that was broken)hilt looks like its made of rubber? I dont think they had rubber in middle earth...

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 04-12-2003 05:32 PM

Speaking of uncanny mistakes, the title of this thread says they're from Fellowship of The Ring, and then the list of mistakes is from The Two Towers. Ironic? Very.<P>Sophia

gertauriel 04-13-2003 08:06 AM

have you seen in FotR, when Aragorn goes to Boromir (who's dying at that moment) and when he jumps over the dead Uruk-hai orcs, one of the orcs lifts his head, but when he sees the camera, he puts his head quickly down again. I almost laughed my head off when I saw it! OMG, that expression on his face... LOL... and btw, sorry for the bad english, I'm finnish...

HCIsland 04-13-2003 07:41 PM

That's hysterical.<P>I just watched it. It's right after Viggo jumps over him, he lifts his head up to watch.<P>H.C.

The Only Real Estel 04-18-2003 04:48 AM

If you want mistakes, or 'mistakes' go to Movies and then the thing with the really long name near the top!

Dunadun 04-22-2003 03:58 AM

I went and watched the movie again after seeing this thread and, I noticed that these mistakes are not true. <P>Theoden with his helm on in one seen and with it off in the next then back on.<P>The flowers at the tombs all had 6 petals.<P>The fire of the Uruk-Hai bodies could have been recently started and a hill could have obstructed Aragorn and Legolas's view so they could not see the smoke rising.

gilraën 04-22-2003 04:40 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Look more closely. Different staff. If this is a plot hole it was introduced by Tolkien. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>In the book there is no mention of Gandalf being 'relieved' of his staff, or anything else for that matter, merely that he is placed on the top of Orthanc. PJ, not Tolkien, had the plot hole.

The Only Real Estel 04-22-2003 02:02 PM

Yeah, I don't want to throw my support behind the TTT errors, but a lot of the FotR errors are actually there. Tolkien didn't SAY that Gandalf was 'relieved' of his staff, but do you think that Saruman would allow him to keep his main source of conducting his powers? I doubt it. Which brings up a question I had, How did Gandalf get another staff after that? And the same after falling into the chasm at the Mines? I guess he just stopped by the White Coucil or something...for lack of a better idea.

samchn07 12-22-2011 12:15 AM

No i didn't see any mistake in this movie, the movie is awesome. And my friends like this movie.

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