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GaladrieloftheOlden 03-19-2003 06:21 PM

How many times should we cry (or want to) in RotK?
I'll just say right away: I don't know whether this topic should be here or in Novices and Newcomers...<P>Ok, now that's done, here's my question: How many really sad parts do you think there should be in RotK? Because we don't want it to be over sentimental, but we don't want to have it be all battles and, right afterwards, happy endings.<P>I, personally, think that these should be the sad parts: <UL TYPE=SQUARE> When Frodo "dies", and when Sam realizes that he's not really dead. If that wasn't sad, wouldn't it sort of defeat the purpose of the whole big friendship-between-Frodo-and-Sam thing that PJ has worked so hard to make everyone see?<BR>When Sam finds Frodo in the tower and Frodo's all weak and there are dead orcs everywhere.<BR><B>Definitely</B> whe Pippin "dies". They can't cut out that part, they can't! It is really sad and, though not real important to the plot, it adds something else to the feeling of it, which I thought was really important. I distinctly remember crying for a long time at that part of the book.<BR>When the Ring is destroyed and Gollum jumps into the Cracks and Frodo and Sam despair and fall down as the eagles are coming<BR>The Most Importan One: At the Grey Havens. I want to go home <I>sobbing</I> after that and not be able to fall asleep at night for a long time (which, considering I get insomnia problem stuff a lot, shouldn't be hard, but you know what I mean .)</UL><P>I probably missed some, so please add in and tell me what you think.<P>[ March 19, 2003: Message edited by: GaladrieloftheOlden ]<p>[ March 19, 2003: Message edited by: GaladrieloftheOlden ]

Ruler of the Frogs 03-19-2003 06:28 PM

I was pretty much a sobbing wreck for a lot of LotR. I'm pretty emotional, expecially when it comes to book. I think that when Frodo "dies" it will be very sad, and I think that although Gollum is kind of the enemy, when he falls into the Cracks of Doom I imagine that would be kind of sad too. A mix of triumph and sadness. If they include the part of Pippin's "death" that will also be sad. *crying*

HCIsland 03-19-2003 06:29 PM

I would like to add a few.<P>When Denethor tells Faramir that he should have sent him. That is, I wish you were the one that was dead.<P>When Gollum almost backs away from taking Sam and Frodo to Shelob and when he returns Sam treats him like dirt, pushing the Smeagol half down forever.<P>Frodo living without the Ring in the Shire. There's one scene where Sam finds him fingering the Evenstar given to him by Arwen. I know this can be interpretted in different ways, but to me it seems like he's fingering an absent ring. This may only be my interpretation, but I think at the end Frodo should seem almost hollow. It should be heart breaking.<P>Sam returning to Elanor. Man, I better bring Klenex.<P>And of course: Grey Havens.

Ruler of the Frogs 03-19-2003 06:32 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>When Denethor tells Faramir that he should have sent him. That is, I wish you were the one that was dead.<P> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I also imagine that when Denethor burns himself, that will pretty disturbing if not sad. And definatly the Grey Havens!!

GaladrieloftheOlden 03-19-2003 07:31 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> When Denethor tells Faramir that he should have sent him. That is, I wish you were the one that was dead.<P>When Gollum almost backs away from taking Sam and Frodo to Shelob and when he returns Sam treats him like dirt, pushing the Smeagol half down forever.<P>Frodo living without the Ring in the Shire. There's one scene where Sam finds him fingering the Evenstar given to him by Arwen. I know this can be interpretted in different ways, but to me it seems like he's fingering an absent ring. This may only be my interpretation, but I think at the end Frodo should seem almost hollow. It should be heart breaking.<P>Sam returning to Elanor. Man, I better bring Klenex.<P>And of course: Grey Havens.<P> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I also imagine that when Denethor burns himself, that will pretty disturbing if not sad. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I thought I was missing something...<BR>The Faramir and Denethor thing should be really sad. I don't know how good of an actor John Noble is, but I'm sure that David Wenham has the potential to make us all sob and get many strange looks from people who aren't as devoted to LotR as us <BR>Yes, definitely the thing when Gollum nearly backs off. If they put that in. I can see how they might not.<BR>I don't think they'll put in the thing with Frodo's life in the Shire. I'm not saying I think they shouldn't, I certainly think they should, and if they do, I'd be pleasnatly surprised. I would certainly expecially like to see the parts where the Rign is paining him, even though it's gone.<BR>Sam going back to Elanro? Do you mean Rosie, maybe? Yeah, that m,ight be sad, but I'm thinking it'll more likely be very happy.<BR>Oh, I hope they don't make Denethor burning really gruesome. I think it should be very sad and very, for lack of a better word, awesome (as in awe). Or maybe solemn. And, as you said, more than a little disturbing.

Tinuviel87 03-19-2003 08:08 PM

No, he returns to Rosie AND Elanor but anyways i agree with all the things said above and I also want to ball my eyes out at Aragorns coronation/wedding (they are combining them).

Cibbwin 03-19-2003 08:19 PM

I know I'd better cry more than 5 times, cause that's how many times I did in TTT.

GaladrieloftheOlden 03-19-2003 10:13 PM

Oh. We've forgotten the parting of Arwen and Elrond. That should be sentimental, and not leave our eyes dry....that line in the book makes me cry.

Silmarien 03-19-2003 10:47 PM

I personally don't cry in movies, just almost cry but am too overwhelmed to put any effort into it, but I am really emotionally affected.<BR>But what about when Theoden dies? And when Merry and Éowyn fight the Witch-King? <BR>And I reiterate when Denethor says that too Faramir but also when Gandalf says "Don't throw your life away your father loves you"

elven maiden Earwen 03-19-2003 11:00 PM

probley the whole movi8e because I know what will happen next. I would cry threw the sad parts and the happy parts.

Rynoah, the Overly-Happy 03-19-2003 11:34 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>When Denethor tells Faramir that he should have sent him. That is, I wish you were the one that was dead.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Yes, yes yes YES! I want my heart to be ripped out and stomped on during this part and I want to be able to hate Denethor when he says it. Definitely a must-have and I'll bet money the actors can pull it off.<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Oh, I hope they don't make Denethor burning really gruesome. I think it should be very sad and very, for lack of a better word, awesome (as in awe). Or maybe solemn. And, as you said, more than a little disturbing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I hope it is (gruesome that is). It sounds horrible to say, I know, but I always imagined it as a gruesome ordeal. Maybe it's just my sadistic "we don't like Denethor" side speaking....<P>A scene I want to cry joyfully at is Faramir and Éowyn falling in love. I did shed tears during this part of the book and I'd like it to happen again.

Quirkette 03-20-2003 12:29 AM

Sam carrying Frodo would be a potential eye mister for me, I think. Wonder if they do it?

Lady Greenleaf 03-20-2003 02:07 AM

Hmm...well, I think these should get us pretty emotional...<P> >When Theoden dies in the battle of the Pelennor Fields and Eomer is holding him crying. ( I heard this from some guy who saw a short little ROTK trailer somewhere.... )<P> > When Frodo " dies " of course and Pippin is reunited with Merry.<BR> <BR> > When Arwen parts with Elrond.<P> > When Legolas hears the cry of the gulls and the hobbits/Gimli are telling him he can't go ( they SO better not cut that part out, or someone's going to hear from me.... )<P> > When Frodo departs for the Grey Havens, of course....poor Sam<BR> <BR> > when Eomer says goodbye to Aragorn and they hug and Eomer says, " Since the day when you rose before me out of the green grass of the downs I have loved you, and that love shall not fail." Kleenex moment... <P> > When the whole Fellowship breaks as Aragorn escorts them to their own seperate ways...( there SO better be tears from every single one of them when they all part...)<P> Hmmm, can't think of any more...<P> One thing my heart is desperate for is a more fulfilled emotional ending then there was in the books. I always felt a bit dissapointed with the ending of ROTK, like it was just very abrupt and silent as to the emotion of the Fellowship characters when they all part...really, the only detailed parting was that of Frodo and Sam and even that was a bit too....general for my liking..<BR>I hope PJ made the Fellowship breaking much more in depth and emotional....and lost of tears from each and every one of them as I said before....^_^<P> BTW, I'm a newbie so I'd love to get to know u all better! ^_^

GaladrieloftheOlden 03-20-2003 11:55 AM

Welcome! <BR>Yes, I forgot about Legolas and the Sea. It might be a little bit difficult to put on screen without making it corny, though. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I personally don't cry in movies, just almost cry but am too overwhelmed to put any effort into it, but I am really emotionally affected.<BR> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I didn't mean litereally break out crying then and there. I mean more like late at night when I'm remembering it. It would be a little strange to just cry right then in front of everyone and have people looking back at you and telling you to be quiet...I rarely actually cry during a movie, but I think the death of Haldir might have had me shed a few tears one of the times I saw it, but definitely nothing else in LotR. What I do mean is that I hope that some of the pieces in the movie should make you be immensely sad, and I think I might actually cry at the Grey Havens and Pippin's "death" and possibly the parting of Arwen and Elrond and the Denethor-Faramir scenes. And possibly Frodo pining away for the Ring in the Shire. I don't think I actually will at more than one or two of these, (and very quietly), but I'm just naming the possibilities.

Meela 03-20-2003 01:28 PM

anything but sam's soppy speeches. i take it the 3rd film will continue the tradition and add one in.<BR>anything concerning my darling denethor.

Iarwain 03-20-2003 04:48 PM

If the film is good, I will cry. If the film is a disaster I will also cry, so either way I'm probably going to cry. <P>When Denethor torches himself in a state of lunacy, I will cry. (I know that this is not going to be featured in the film because of the eminent effect it would have on its rating. )

Ruler of the Frogs 03-20-2003 04:54 PM

I think that I will be crying through the whole thing. It's the end, which means triumph (happy tears), reunitings (happy tears, also) and of course, partings (sad tears)So I will be crying for the whole movie!

Ruler of the Frogs 03-20-2003 04:57 PM

And I will cry, right there in the theater. If it's sad enough, I will sob. I've never been ashamed of crying, so I've always cried in public, when I felt the need. People will be looking at me like, 'Woah. Chill.' But I just don't care. I was SO close to crying at many parts during FotR and TTT. But I have a feeling that RotK will be much, MUCH sadder than the first two.

GaladrieloftheOlden 03-20-2003 06:57 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> If the film is good, I will cry. If the film is a disaster I will also cry, so either way I'm probably going to cry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well...for me that is a possibility I really won't know until I see it, because the fact that I usually don't cry during movies doesn't mean anything here. I am much more into Lord of the Rings than into any other movies that I have ever seen, and am <I>hoping</I> to. The reason I don't know is that it totters between me always crying in the LotR books, and me not ususally crying in movies. MUST....HAVE.....ROTK....NOW!! Sorry, this happens to me sometimes.... A disturbing sign of serious addiction. And I'm not kidding either. I have done that in class, to my serious embarassment, as I am usually really quiet and shy-ish at school.

Beruthiel 03-22-2003 01:24 AM

The moments when I'm gonna cry? There's gonna be so many! okay here goes<BR>~When Sam thinks Frodo is dead and then realises that he isn't~<BR>~When Faramir and Eowyn fall in love~<BR>~When Merry says to Theoden's grave "Like a father you were to me, for a little while"~<BR>~The Ring is destroyed and Frodo and Sam have given up hope and lay down to die~<BR>~When Denethor says that he wished Faramir had died instead of Boromir~<BR>~When Arwen has to say goodbye to Elrond~<BR>~When Aragorn is made king and marries Arwen~<BR>~At the grey havens~<P>Then I'll just cry because its the end of the movie. <P>Its strange, I really want to see the movie and yet I'm dreading it because after that it will all be over. Do you get what I mean? Or am I just seriously over-reacting?

Meela 03-22-2003 04:26 AM

no, you're not over reacting. i feel the same way. what are we gonna do after Rotk??<BR>we'll have to force peter jackson to re-release them all in the cinema so we can have another 3 years of lotr mania. or hopefully he'll make the silmarillion or the hobbit or a lotr epilogue or something like that. anything that gives us more lotr. preferably more denethor.

Merenwen Telrúnya 03-22-2003 05:32 AM

Good idea!! But no more Denethor for me, (that stupid burns himself when his people need him ánd he tries to burn his son to! Poor faramir!) Whatever,i'm sure I'll cry watching RotK , probably all the time..

Lily Bracegirdle 03-23-2003 07:32 AM

I agree with everything said so far. It's almost making me cry just thinking about it!<P>Theoden's death, when he says goodbye to Merry, is devastating.<P>When Denethor cries at Faramir's bedside, saying "I sent my son forth, unthanked, unblessed, out into needless peril; and here he lies with poison in his veins" and poor Pippin tries to comfort him.<P>Sam crying over Frodo's body and taking up the Ring to finish his master's task.<P>In the book, I always cry a tear or two of joy at the line "Rohan had come at last," so I'm expecting to do so again. And when the banner of the White tree is unfurled and they realize it's Aragorn and not the Corsairs of Umbar.<P>All the goodbyes are going to be devastating. The Grey Havens scene will be unimaginably bittersweet.<P>-Lily

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 03-23-2003 04:37 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> When Denethor tells Faramir that he should have sent him. That is, I wish you were the one that was dead. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>aaahh i got so sad at that part int he book!

Quirkette 03-23-2003 05:09 PM

I am crying already.<P>The movie won't be out till DECEMBER.<P>Waaaaahhhhh..........<P>Well, I only have to wait till August to get TTT on DVD.<P>Hmmm.<P>Waaaaaaahhhhh.......

Goldberry 03-23-2003 05:37 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Then I'll just cry because its the end of the movie. <P>Its strange, I really want to see the movie and yet I'm dreading it because after that it will all be over. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Me too, exactly. It seems like the end of everything - it seems so terrible! But they will still be on DVD and stuff, and it's only the movies, anyway. The books are the important part, eh? And the Barrow-Downs <BR>But I definitely will be crying my eyes out when I get home from the movie

VanimaEdhel 03-25-2003 05:59 PM

Like so many before me, I, too, spend most of the movies crying, even when I'm watching them for the zillionth time on TV. I spent much of last night weeping over "Fellowship of the Ring", which was on again. I weep through the books and the movies...I even cry when I am reading The Silmarillion...go figure, huh? I didn't cry during "Lost Tales 1 and 2" or "Unfinished Tales", thank goodness...

Catherine 03-25-2003 06:10 PM

There are to many parts to say when we should cry, all I have to say is, bring tissues!

Himaran 03-25-2003 06:49 PM

Definantly when Frodo leaves for the elven world, and Sam is left behind...<P>Himaran

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 03-25-2003 08:14 PM

Arg! I am seriously going to cry during the WHOLE movie! I'll be like "Wahhhhh!!!!"

merenwen 03-26-2003 05:43 PM

i thought it was really sad when theoden died and he didn't even know that eowyn was RIGHT THERE!! and just the whole dying scene was very sad, i'm just like, "i'm not gonna cry, i'm not gonna cry, oh what the heck *sob*"

Lathriel 03-26-2003 05:56 PM

I will cry when Theoden burns himself, I actually cried when Gollum looked like a "old tired hobbit" as Tolkein put it, strange....... <BR>I will cry when Eowyn gets wounded and I will cry at the end.<BR>Every time I re-read LOTR I cry at the end because such a great book ended and because all the magic is slowly leaving middle-earth

Meela 03-27-2003 02:13 PM

Theoden burns himself? Don't you mean Denethor...

Lathriel 03-27-2003 05:19 PM

Sorry that's whom I meant. It must have been the headache I had yesterday.

GaladrieloftheOlden 03-27-2003 06:14 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Its strange, I really want to see the movie and yet I'm dreading it because after that it will all be over. Do you get what I mean? Or am I just seriously over-reacting? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm the same....<BR>You know, I think I should see RotK alone, even though I know I won't. Because I think I'm gonna cry a lot, and I'm certainly not known as a person who would do that at the movies, so if I go with my parents or just friends I'll have to keep distracting myself from the movie so as not to cry. I'll have to find someone who doesn't know me <I>too</I> well, so they won't notice as much . I hope that PJ makes us want to cry, but not make it so sentimental that we don't dry our faces during the whole film. I think that I will cry at the <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I sent my son forth, unthanked, unblessed, out into needless peril; and here he lies with poison in his veins <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> because I still cry at that part almost every time I read the book, and for most of the others I mentioned, I only cried the first time. Or two. Or three. No really, it is the type of scene that I extremely want to be there, and if PJ changes one word of that line, I will be out for murder. Denethor's facial expression at that part ought to make a stone cry. I need to see some films with John Noble in them, to form an opinion on whether he'd be a good Denethor or not. I would trust David Wenham to the ends of the world to play Faramir well, but Denethor...I wonder about Noble. And he had better be good, because otherwise certain BDers *glances at Meela, grins evilly* will be devastated. The only piece that I actually heard PJ say was gonna be a crying scene was the Grey Havens, in some interview. I feel like I'm gonna start crying now, but that is only natural, because I am doing homework as I am typing this, and I just poked myself in the eye with a pen.... <BR>The one last thing I want to say is, with all of the ideas of places we <I>might</I> cry is making it seem like this movie won't be a battle film, but some sort of sappy sentimental movie. It should not be! I want to cry more after I see it than during, but quite a few times then as well... MUST....HAVE....ROTK....NOW!!!

Merenwen Telrúnya 03-29-2003 11:39 AM

The Grey Havens will also make me cry, , I had 2 cry while I was reading that part in the book, soo...<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> MUST....HAVE....ROTK....NOW!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>ME TOO !!!

GaladrieloftheOlden 03-29-2003 11:53 AM

Lol! Now I feel like I am not alone in my strange craziness... I hope that Liv and Hugo (and PJ of course) do a really good job with the parting of Elrond and Arwen scene. PJ cannot cut that! I'd like to know if they do any of the pieces from the Appendices or not, because there are some there that would be really good for the movie, and some that, well,...wouldn't. <p>[ March 29, 2003: Message edited by: GaladrieloftheOlden ]

Salix 03-29-2003 11:53 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I personally don't cry in movies, just almost cry but am too overwhelmed to put any effort into it, but I am really emotionally affected. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Same with me. I know one part I'll be emotionally affected. The part where Gandalf stands before the ruined gate of Minas Tirith and the rooster crows, and the horns of the Rohirrim are blown as if responding. I love that part.

GaladrieloftheOlden 03-29-2003 11:54 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I personally don't cry in movies, just almost cry but am too overwhelmed to put any effort into it, but I am really emotionally affected. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> For me, I said before, I never do, but I am much more into LotR than other movies, so I probably will. If I don't go with someone, that is.

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