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Airetalathwen 03-24-2002 10:57 PM

Official Oscar thread
Okay people, let's pick this all apart. Post your mind here!!<P>LOTR:<BR>1)Make-up<BR>2)Cinematography (sp?)<BR>3)Original Score<BR>4)Visual Effects<P>Can't believe Enya didn't win!!!! <BR>Can't believe we didin't win adapted screen play!!!!! <P>I think these people are going to suddenly wake up in the middle of the night tonight, and say "I GAVE BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY TO ABM????? WHAT WAS I THINKING???!!!"<P>Gotta go catch my breath.... (Calm down Airetalath....)<P>~Airetalathwen<P>[ March 25, 2002: Message edited by: Airetalathwen ]<p>[ March 25, 2002: Message edited by: Airetalathwen ]

Eärendil 03-25-2002 01:26 AM

I agree with you....totally. <BR>I am gonna feel disappointed, angry and sad for a looong time now, how could they!!??<BR>It deserved at least 9 Oscars!!

Marileangorifurnimaluim 03-25-2002 01:38 AM

Actually, there's such a thing as losing because of stiff competition, which was the case the adapted screenplay with "A Beautiful Mind." Also, there was little chance the FotR could win best picture. It could win for best third of a picture , but it wasn't complete. <P>Peter Jackson could have swept the Oscars in 2003 if he'd released all three movies six months apart in the same year. But it would not have given him the time to edit, the time to guage fans reactions to the first movie so he could fine-tune the next, and it would have caused at least one of the movies to miss a major holiday saturation and the ticket sales would not have been the same. <P>Peter Jackson scheduled the movie releases for the maximum quality and ticket sales, not awards. <P>So it's nice that he won what he did.<P>I predict Elijah Wood will win best supporting actor for the RotK though.

Amarinth 03-25-2002 02:06 AM

i agree totally too! they won for visual effects, don't forget, so that makes four. as i said in the other oscar threads, the academy's preference for human interest films over other genres sometimes borders on bias, and they not making an exception with lotr is really surprising. abm is a good movie, but it is not exceptional, and ron howard's directing is good, but it's nowhere near peter jackson's excellent work. maybe some bloke should make noises about how the oscars are biased against non-human interest films, hmmm? that seemed to work for some other sentimental faves who won...<P>---------------------------------------------<BR><I>every man's life is a path to the truth -- hesse</I>

Marileangorifurnimaluim 03-25-2002 02:12 AM

If I were a judge in the Academy, I would keep in mind that there are two more movies coming. If the second and third actually supercede the quality of the first, I'd think Peter Jackson would be a shoe-in for best director. In 2004.

Amarinth 03-25-2002 04:15 AM

i don't know, malin, i just don't like the idea that lotr has to be seen in its entirety for one piece of the trilogy to be adjudged the best this year. the work stands and must stand for itself. just as nominees for "best song" for example should be judged for the <I>work</I> rather than the personalities attending them (yeah i'm complaining about that too). sometimes the individual merits of different films do size up pretty much closely together and i guess there are times you think they don't. maybe i'm being argumentative and a trueblue fanatic but i feel this was the case for 'no closure' lotr with these films, much the way i did with the english patient which, btw, was in the <I>proper</I> genre. abm, i and many of my "cinematic" friends felt was a finished but very abbreviated film. and again, except for the part were nash visualized his equilibrium theory, there was nothing <I>groundbreaking</I> that could be observed with the direction of that film! whereas for lotr...noticed how on earth that descending zigzagging shot of the uruk-hai running through the woods of amon hen was conceptualized AND shot? and that's just to begin (or end) with...<P>--------------------------------------------<BR><I>every man's life is a path to the truth -- hesse</I>

Glenethor 03-25-2002 05:34 AM

I think it deserved better, but hey, PJ likes being an outsider in a profession that is as incestuous banjo player's family from Deliverance. I hope that it (the loss) stirs PJ to work harder on the two remaining films. I am glad that the soundtrack won, though, because it is a fine piece of work. <P>It was a crime that McKellen didn't win, though. I am kinda peeved about that.

Birdland 03-25-2002 05:38 AM

Well, if you go by the level of applause when they were announcing the best director candidates, Peter Jackson definitely won hands down.

Rose Cotton 03-25-2002 06:20 AM

I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED THE OSCARS!!!!!!<BR>Oh well I heard the results and I'm very happy that LOTR got 4 oscars. Even though it deserved 13. Anyway LOTR has something the rest of them don't have. Fans like us and TWO SEQUALS. Get working PJ.

Imberantiel 03-25-2002 07:01 AM

I had a terrible nightmare last week about the oscars: That stupid Russel Crowe- movie took them all! And this morning when I woke up, it was REAL!!! I can't believe it really happened.. I'm so disappointed, and so angry that I could kill.. And I feel terrible for Jackson, McKellen and for the memory of Tolkien!! And my english gets hard to understand when I'm anxious! But why should we care?! The oscars are far over respected, and those who give them are just a punch of clowns!!! *perkele*

Aprylien 03-25-2002 09:40 AM

The Academy is notoriously known for frowning upon fantasy/sci-fi movies. For some reason they don't consider them the same caliber as other films. So the fact that LOTR was even nominated for best picture at all by those morons is an outstanding achievement for PJ. And being nominated for 13 is phenomenal! So even though they didn't have the creative intelligence to give LOTR what it deserved, it has still not only gotten more nominations than any other fantasy movie, it is also one of only three movies to be nominated for 13 Academy Awards.<P>And I agree - I cannon BELIEVE that Enya did not get best song. Did you see the opening shot of her with the shot of the Argonath behind her?! That took my breath away!

red 03-25-2002 11:50 AM

I must add my two cents about the Oscars in this thread as well. No, the Lord of the Rings did NOT deserve to win 13 Oscars. If it did, it would have won 13. I believe the voters in the Academy have a bit of a better perspective than a collection of biased teenagers anyway. Four Oscars is nothing to be disappointed about. For a visually stunning movie, the awards won were quite appropriate. My congratulations go out to all the hard-working folks who put this award-winning movie together.

Aprylien 03-25-2002 12:37 PM

"I believe the voters in the Academy have a bit of a better perspective than a collection of biased teenagers anyway."<P>Red - <P>You might want to find out who else is on this board before you make such a broad generalization. Although it is true that there are teenagers on this board, there are others who do not fall into that catagory. I for one am 28 years old. And as far as the Academy's ability to vote for movies, that is entirely up for debate.

The Barrow-Wight 03-25-2002 12:48 PM

Aprylien has a good point about the Oscar voting ability (just think "My Left Foot" and Marissa Tormei), but that doesn't change the fact that the above discussions were really biased in favor of LotR based on personal preferences rather than a real assessment of the film.

nilturiel 03-25-2002 01:01 PM

i was so dissapointed i sat for five hours and i didnt see orlando bloom once!

the_master_of_puppets 03-25-2002 01:27 PM

omg i only got an hours sleep last night since i stayed up 2 watch the oscars,and i dont think that helped when i realised we had only won 4!! we so should have got best adapted screen play- and heck ian mckellan as best actor in a supporting role!!! gr@ the voters! argh makes me so mad.<P>a beautiful mind cant be *that good*

Samwise 03-25-2002 02:44 PM

Ansu, welcome.<BR>As to the Barrow-Wight's comment, I thought the movie was done wonderfully, myself--that everyone played their parts ecxellently, the special effects were awsome, and....etc.<BR>Granted, other opinions of mine may be personal, (ie: Sean Astin played "my" Sam sooooo well) but those are not. The entire movie awed me.<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR><BR>Suddenly a low voice murmured:<BR>"Gil-Galad was an elven-king.<BR>Of him the harpers sadly sing:<BR>the last whose realm was fair and free<BR>between the Mountains and the Sea.<P>His sword was long, his lance was keen,<BR>his shining helm afar was seen;<BR>the countless stars of Heaven's feild<BR>were mirrored in his silver shield..<P>But long ago he rode away<BR>and where he dwelleth none can say<BR>for into darkness fell his star<BR>in Mordor where the shadows are. "<P>The others turned in amazement, for the voice was Sam's. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Marileangorifurnimaluim 03-25-2002 03:26 PM

Actually, my film buff fans do agree that as a movie 'A Beautiful Mind' was pretty mundane. But they loved 'Moulin Rouge' (which I turned off and never looked back after the guy starting singing "the hills are alive...").<P>I do think that it was a brilliant book adaptation. When I compare the few new lines the LotR script writers wrote "If you want him, come and claim him!" to the beautiful adaptation of our brilliant irreverent mathematition's perspective "there must be a mathematical equation for a tie that bad" - there's no comparison.<P>Best director though? PJ, hands down. But I'll wait and see at the next two oscars.

Tigerlily Gamgee 03-25-2002 05:40 PM

Well, in my opinion, everyone got the awards that they deserved. LOTR is a great movie, but it is not right to judge the other films and actors without actually seeing them all. Everyone that won was well deserved because there are so many talented actors and directors out there. Just remember, the rest of the movies from this year will be back shelf news by this time next year, whereas LOTR will still be making headlines and in everyone's minds. There are still two more movies to go & I am sure that they will rack up more awards when the time comes.

Samwise 03-25-2002 06:18 PM

Tigerlily, have you seen any of the other movies? I haven't, myself--just wondering about someone else's opinion. I COULDN'T judge, because, as I said, I hadn't seen any of the others. (Though just from the clips they showed I'm SURE I wouldn't have liked Moulin Rouge in the least... ) For that matter, has anyone else here seen any of the other movies?<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>"Yes, sir!" said Sam. "Begging your pardon, sir! But I meant no wrong to you, Mr. Frodo, nor to Mr. Gandalf. He has some sense, and when you said go alone, he said no! take someone as you can trust. " <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Aralaithiel 03-25-2002 06:25 PM

Did any of you see the looney that got the Oscar for "Best Documentary Short Subject' - Thoth? I think I'm gonna go get a camera and follow some loonies around and see if I can't get an Oscar. <BR>Sir Ian was robbed!!! Robbed!!! <BR>And LOTR deserved one for art direction, but did we get it - NO!!!!!!!! <BR>And while I am ranting, Denzel Washington is not an Oscar worthy actor!<BR>Anyhoo...I am glad that LOTR did get the Oscars they got. Yes, they deserve more, but the Academy doesn't ask for our vote!

Tigerlily Gamgee 03-25-2002 06:43 PM

Samwise...<BR>I have seen LOTR (obviously), In the Bedroom, and Moulin Rouge - though I am still planning on seeing the other two.<BR>I hesitated on A Beautiful Mind because I don't like Crowe, but I will see it if it is a good movie like everyone says it is (then I can be the judge!).<BR>I also saw Monsters Ball & I must say that Berry really deserved the award for what she had to do in that movie <P>As for the best song award... I LOVE Enya's music, but this song is not the best one she has every written & I can see why they chose Newman (after all, 16 noms!). I felt kinda sorry for Enya because you could tell that she was sooo nervous (I don't know if she has ever performed live before!).

ElanorGamgee 03-25-2002 07:23 PM

I saw "A Beautiful Mind." While I think that it is a good movie, I don't think that it deserves all the Oscars that it recieved. Sure, it's inspirational, but unfortunately, the whole story was not told in the movie, which was kind of disappointing when I found out after I saw it. An ok movie, but nothing that I'd really want to see again.

Samwise 03-25-2002 07:38 PM

Hm. Okay, thank you. <BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>"You do not understand!" said Pippin. "You must go--and therefore we must, too. Sam is an excellent fellow, and would jump down a dragon's throat to save you, if his did not trip over his own feet..... " <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Alkanoonion 03-25-2002 08:37 PM

I would like to say congratulations to PJ and team. <BR>4 Oscars is a great achievement, you have set the bar at a new hight. Lets hope you get more recognition next year. <P>As to reds comments<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I believe the voters in the Academy have a bit of a better perspective than a collection of biased teenagers anyway”<BR><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Please do generalise members on this forum. I am NOT a biased teenager but a 25-year-old male who can make an educated decision based on merit, not on my personal feelings.

Amarinth 03-25-2002 09:03 PM

it's two days after and is still am miffed with the oscars...<P>yeah aralaithiel, sir ian was robbed, robbed!<P>i've seen almost all the movies, except in the bedroom, and they're all good, but lotr really stood apart on a class of its own - the highest!<P>red - have a care before you pigeonhole everyone, please! many of us here are over 30!<P>---------------------------------------------<BR> <I>every man's life is a path to the truth -- hesse</I>

Samwise 03-25-2002 09:22 PM

Per Alkinioon:<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I would like to say congratulations to PJ and team. <BR>4 Oscars is a great achievement, you have set the bar at a new hight. Lets hope you get more recognition next year. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I wholeheartedly agree. <BR>BTW, red, <B>I'm</B> 31! <BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>LOTR (Movie) Moment (II) (Moria)<BR>Nine Walkers enter<BR>Frodo's sword glows with blue light<BR>door barred--Orcs coming!<P>Copyright 2002 S. Uffelman <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

avarerniliel 03-25-2002 09:37 PM

The movie was a stunning movie for the senses, but it didn't deserve best picture when you really think about it. The people at the academy pick apart a movie very carefully and judge it with UNbiased standards. FOTR deserved what it got. Actually, I don't think Elijah Wood will get the Oscar for best supporting actor in ROTK, he's not a particularly great one...he LOOKS like Frodo though...<P>Did anyone else hear the radio bad talking Sir Ian this morning? It drove me mad! The way they were going on...Oh well, I hope I don't get thousands of angry replies for this thread, but ponder on it thoroughly.

avarerniliel 03-25-2002 09:40 PM

Oh, and yes, ABM and Moulin Rouge were very good.

Birdland 03-26-2002 12:15 AM

I was thinking of an interesting problem this morning; how do you vote on three movies that are actually ONE movie chopped up into three parts and released over three years? <P>Since the film won for Cinematography this year, will people vote for it in the same catagory next year? If PJ didn't get the Best Director this time around, will people see something more in the next installment that would give him the nod in 2003. Was Elijah Wood or Sean Astin just "warming up" in the first film, and turn in such an incredible characterizations in the Two Towers that they could get a Best Actor nomination next year? <P>It just goes on and on...

Maeglin 03-26-2002 12:49 PM

Well, The FoTR wasnt made 2001 either so i guess it's okay to split em like that. I just can't get it didn't get the oscar for costumes!!! <P>All the work that was laid on them! Inchle-scratching for hours on ringmails that you barely could see!<P>Well FOTR deserved the price for the best movie better than a beautiful mind, atleast movie-crititans in sweden thought so. Mostly because "a beautiful mind" is so darn american! Sentimental, cheap and instrumenal-music constantly.<P>My appologies to any american that feels offended.

Jessica Jade 03-26-2002 03:51 PM

My thoughts on the Oscars...sorry if it's a bit long <P>I watched the ENTIRE Oscar show, all for Lord of the Rings...and i'm not really disappointed in any of them, except one (or 2, but i'll get to that later) because everyone who won really deserved it.(for the most part). Everyone KNEW Beautiful Mind was going to win best picture. I didn't expect LOTR to get it, because many ppl in the Academy might be saving their votes for Return of the King in 2004. I think Ron Howard did deserve to win, because he sure did get ripped off that year with Apollo 13. (btw, he DOES look like a starved vampire! LOL) It's highly possible and likely that the Academy members are saving some nominations for the other actors when the next installments come out. I have high hopes that Elijah Wood will get nominated for Return of the King. He really deserves it. I'm sure that in '04, the voters will honor the entire trilogy and that ROTK will sweep up a lot of awards. At least, i really hope so. The down side to having 3 movies is, by the time '04 rolls around, the academy might think that LOTR is "getting old" and not give it so many nominations. It depends heavily on other things as well, like what other movies come out that year. This year, there was definitly stiff competition. Who knows what wil happen in 2 years from now? Also, another reason that more actors didn't get nominated for LOTR was maybe because there were other great people that needed to be recognized. They had to give other people a chance and not just let the LOTR actors fill up half of each category, you know. I'm glad that at least the movie got 13 noms. That's an awesome accomplishment in itself. And just think....2 more movies yet to come!!! <P>As for the awards that LOTR won....It was by far a shoo-in for Best Cinematography. If anyone else had won, i'd have been pretty darn annoyed! I'm glad it won such a well-deserved award! The best makeup was well deserved too. It's tough to portray Tolkien's vision as well as the LOTR crew did. From the hobbit feet, to the beatiful elves, to the Orcs. I was pretty suprised, though i was half expecting it, when it won for Best Soundtrack. I was so happy about that one especially, because the soundtrack matches the movie so well and brings all the emotion and characters home to you and grips your heart with emotion. The more you listen to it the better it gets. It had tough competition in that area and i'm glad they pulled through! And of course, special effects...there is definitely NO movie this year with better ones! I'm glad that LOTR won the ones that it deserved they most. <P>However, i was mad that best song when to that horrible, generic, soulless piece of crap from Monsters Inc. I mean, hell, i could write a better song than that right now if i wanted to. It was so run of the mill, and nothing speical at all- no meaning, no talent and no thought required to make a pice of redneck "music" like that. ANY other song deserved it ten times more than that one. Ugh. I think that LOTR deserved Best Adapted Screenplay sooo much more than that Beautiful Mind did. Do these people have ANY idea how incredibly difficult it is to even attempt to make a film out of Tolkien's vast, intricate, mythological Middle Earth? Peter Jackson and crew did a magnificent job and shoudl definitely have won that award. Beautiful Mind? Please. Let's not forget that they even forgot to mention in the movie that John Nash was a homosexual Jew-basher. Such key things to the biography that they left out. And yet they still win. Now, i shouldn't really judge that movie, because i haven't exactly seen it yet (I'm going Monday) but i guess that it's the year for that film, with all the hype about it. I'm sure it's a great film with a powerful message and dynamic meaning, but i'm wondering now what all the excitement is about. I shall see....<P>The fact that LOTR didn't win as many as we wanted it to, and if it does not get the honor it deserves in the next 2 Oscars, does not change the fact that it's a beautifully made work of art. People will soon forget about Beautiful Mind (because everyone didn't exactly want it to win, they just knew that it would) but no one will EVER forget the magic in Lord of the Rings. In many competitions, it's the 2nd and 3rd place winners and runner-ups that go on to have much bigger success in the end. So...cheers to LOTR. Long after Beautiful Mind is forgotten, people in years to come will still be passionate about Frodo's desperate, tragic quest and Tolkien's timeless Middle Earth.

dragongirlG 03-26-2002 05:23 PM

I did not expect LOTR to win best picture, nor did I expect PJ to win best director, because (as others have said before) there are two more films coming out and there was a little genre discrimination. The biggest disappointment was Ian McKellen not winning for Best Supporting Actor, but otherwise I was pretty satisfied.

The-Elf-Herself 03-29-2002 08:34 AM

OK my two cents:<P>I haven't seen ABM, so I can't pass judgement on it. I can, however, say that I was extremely glad that that whiny, lousy Russel Crowe didn't win two Oscars...<P>And now back on topic. <P>I thought that of all things, Randy Newman should not have won Best Original Song. With so many better songs up(hey if Enya didn't win, I'd settled for Sting or Faith Hill), the fact that he won just because that Academy "forgot" to give him his just due 15 other times was not at all unbiased. If they somehow "looked over" him in the past years, that's their problem, and it shouldn't have impacted this year's results.<P>Just my personal opinion.

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