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Amanisilion 02-09-2002 11:20 PM

Funniest lines and scenes!
I thought the movie was execellent in adding just the right amount of humor in it. In my opinion, one of the funniest scenes were when Boromir was teaching Merry and Pippen how to swordfight, and they both jumped and tackled him to the ground. Another funny scene was the romantic one with Aragorn and Arwen. Don't make me explain into detail why i thought it was funny, but just the look on Arwen's face when they were about to kiss made me crack up. No offense, but she looked like she had down-syndrome in that scene.

Glenethor 02-09-2002 11:37 PM

"Nobody tosses a Dwarf!" Gimli; (this was uncalled for, Mr. Jackson!)<BR>"Where are we going?" Pippin;<BR>"I know less than half of you as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you as well as you deserve." Bilbo. Something like that.<BR>"We've had one breakfast, yes." Pippin

Rosa Underhill 02-10-2002 12:23 AM

Everytime I see Elrond... I just can't help it! ("Good-byer, Mr. Anderson...")<P>Yes, that swordfighting scene was hilarious. <BR>Merry: Ouch!<BR>Boromir: Oh, sorry-<BR>Merry: *kicks him in the shin* <P>I still don't know who said this but: "Oh, that's nice! Ash on my tomato!"<P>And we mustn't forget:<BR>Merry: Oh, I think I've broken something...*pulls out snapped carrot*<P>And: "A shortcut!"<BR>"To what?"<BR>"Mushrooms!"

Elven-Maiden 02-10-2002 12:57 PM

Gandalf telling Frodo to follow his nose.<BR> Frodo figuring out the password, better than Galdalf.<BR> Legolas popping out of the snow.<BR> Sam .... any of his scenes<BR> Pipin & Merry with the fireworks!<P>lol- these are the BEST scenes!

Aralaithiel 02-10-2002 04:15 PM

Here are my favorite scenes:<BR> Gimli:"Nobody tosses this dwarf!"<BR> Haldir:"The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark!"<BR> Elrond's face when Sam, Merry, & Pippin pop out from hiding at the council meeting.<BR> Hobbits & fireworks<BR> ANY scene with Legolas!!!! Except I did get rather upset when Aragorn barked at him to sit down! <BR>Also...the Uruk-hai were totally wicked!

Lush 02-10-2002 06:01 PM

-"Merry."<BR>-"What?"<BR>-"I'm hungry."

Banazîr 02-10-2002 06:24 PM

Merry about fireworf:"Let's get another one!" (god they look like Beavis and Butthead!! )<BR>Merry: "I think I've broken something...oh"<BR>Merry and Pip:"This, my friend, is a pint!"<BR>"They come in pints!? I'm getting one!"<BR>Pippin:the "But what about second breakfast....." line<BR>Merry:"Yes it's obvious Pip, he's overreacting!"<BR>Aragorn:"Have a bath Legolas"<BR>and a lot again

Erin 02-10-2002 09:16 PM

I thought the scene where Pippin knocks the skeleton into the well in the Mines of Moria were pretty funny. And then Gandalf's line: "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!"<P>Oh, I also liked "Well that's nice..ash on my tomatoes!"<P>And of course the Aragorn/Merry/Pippin scene: "Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall."<BR> "What about breakfast?"<BR> "We've already had it."<BR> "We've had one, yes. But what about second breakfast?"<BR> <Strider walks away><BR> "Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip."<BR> "What about elevensies? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?"<BR> "I wouldn't count on it."<BR> <From over bush, Strider tosses an apple and Merry catches it. He hands it to Pippin and pats him on the shoulder. Another apple flies through the air and hits Pippin on the head. He looks bewildered.><BR> "Pippin!"<P>LOL sorry..that was long! But yea..those are my favorites

Glenethor 02-10-2002 09:36 PM

Gandalf told Merry to follow his nose, not Frodo.<P>I thought it was funny, just as Bilbo was about to give his speech, when Merry and Pippin were washing the dishes (still with gunpowder all over their faces) with Gandalf glaring at them.<P>"Bilbo, watch out for the Dragon!"<BR>"Dragon? Nonsense! There hasn't been a Dragon in these parts for a thousand years!"<BR> <BR>======================<BR><I>Never laugh at live Dragons</I>

Rosa Underhill 02-11-2002 12:56 AM

Well, we all know that Hugo Weaving, who also played Agent Smith in "The Matrix", played Elrond. But did you guys know that Ian Holm (Bilbo Baggins) also played Jack the Ripper? (Run, Frodo, run!)

Glenethor 02-11-2002 01:40 AM

He also played the android in 'Alien.' The one who betrayed everyone so that 'the Company' could get its hands on the alien. Shoulda known he was a nutter when I saw him lunge for the Ring in Rivendell!<P>Mad Baggins indeed!<BR>

Elven-Maiden 02-11-2002 06:45 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Originally posted by Aralaithiel:<BR><STRONG> ANY scene with Legolas!!!! Except I did get rather upset when Aragorn barked at him to sit down! <BR></STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>When was that? Geez, it's been a while since I've seen the movie. I gotta see it again!<P>I liked the part at the end when Merry and Pippin are having the orcs chase them and Pippin goes, "Hey! It's working!" and Merry says, "I know it's working! Run!"<P>Also, when Arwen crept up on Aragorn in the forest and the look on his face was like, "Oh crap, it's my girlfriend!"<P>I also liked when the Black Rider jumped out at them in the forest, just because my friend jumped and let out a little scream... ...of course, he was then laughing at me at the end when I was crying...

Aralaithiel 02-11-2002 07:23 PM

Aragorn tells Legolas to sit down when they are at the Council of Elrond. I would have whipped Aragorn's a$# if he told me to sit down in my native tongue!

Raefindel 02-11-2002 08:49 PM

I love the part where Sam hits an orc with a frying pan and says" I think I'm starting to get the hang of this"

KayQy 02-16-2002 06:52 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Aragorn:"Have a bath Legolas" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Where did he say that???<P>"What did you hear?" "Oh, nothing, sir, just something about the end of the world..."<P>"I'm going to Mordor alone!" "That's right, and I'm going with you!"<P>And of course everything already mentioned...

Joy 02-17-2002 01:05 AM

Get down. - Confounded old, Samwise Gamgee! Have you been eavesdropping? <BR>Sam: I haven't dropped no eaves, sir, honest. I was just cutting the grass under the window there, if you follow me. <BR>Gandalf: A little late for trimming the verge, don't you think? <BR>Sam: I heard raised voices... <BR>Gandalf: What did you hear? SPEAK! <BR>Sam: N-n-n-nothing important. That is I heard a great deal about a ring, dark lord, and something about the end of the world, but, please Mr Gandalf, sir, please don't 'urt me. Don't turn me into anything - unnatural... <BR>_____________________________________<BR>Pippi n: What about breakfast? <BR>Strider: You've already had it. <BR>Pippin: We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast? Strider turns around, and continues on. <BR>Merry: Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pippin. <BR>Pippin: What about elevensies? Luncheon. Afternoon tea. Dinner? Supper. He knows about them. Doesn't he? <BR>Merry: I wouldn't count on it. Strider throws an apple back, and Merry catches it. He hands it to Pippin, pats him on the back. Then Strider throws another apple, which hits Pippin on the head. Pippin looks up, and around him, bewildered. <BR>_______________________________________<BR>Sam : Hey! Mr Frodo's not going anywhere without me. <BR>Elrond: No, indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you from him, even when he is summoned to a secret council, and you are not. <BR>Merry: Oi! We're coming too! You'd have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us. Pippin: Besides, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission… quest… thing. <BR>Merry: Well that rules you out, Pip. <BR>Elrond: Nine companions. So be it! You shall be the fellowship of the ring. <BR>Pippin: Great. Where are we going? <P>Sorry for being so long, I have the script in front of me.

Tigerlily Gamgee 02-17-2002 02:05 AM

Favorite scenes (minus the quotes that accompany them)...<P>-When Frodo urges Sam to dance with Rosie (awww...)<BR>-When Gandalf flings Sam on the table in Bag End<BR>-When Frodo and Sam run in to Merry & Pippin (or should that be the other way around)<BR>-Second Breakfast<BR>-Dwarf Tossing<BR>-Fellowship is joined by the Hobbits<P>I basically love any scene that has Pippin in it!

Rosa Underhill 02-17-2002 05:44 AM

*snicker, snort* (I don't know why I thought this was so funny, but it was!)<P>In Bag End; Frodo's about to leave when Gandalf hears something outside.<BR>Gandalf: Get down!<BR>Frodo: *thump*<P>*snicker* Heee, that little hobbit dropped like a rock!

the_master_of_puppets 02-17-2002 07:14 AM

i find it so funny in the Prancing Pony when Frodo charges at Pippin to stop him spilling the beans on his real name when Pippin goes "steady on!" LOL. hilarious!<P>Also when Gimli says "if you ask for my opinion, which i note they are NOT," and when he goes "no1 tosses a dwarf!" and "not the beard!". yes his accent is a major part of the hilarity.<P>And Aragorn did not 'bark' at legolas, he just meant to for him to calm down and not get into a fight on his account. It was meant to be a friendly gesture, not some order!<P>oh yes, the 2nd breakfast thing was funny too. and when they're in moria and the whole merry im hungry thing,nall. if i remember anything else i'll b sure 2 point it out...if no1 else has already said it.

KayQy 02-17-2002 08:59 AM

Oh, how could I have forgotten?<P>Aragorn fighting the orc at the end, stabs him through the gut. Orc pushes it to the hilt, laughing at him. Aragorn yanks it out and swipes his head off. — Ha! Laugh at that! The first time I saw the movie, the entire audience cheered at that point. <BR>

Lush 02-17-2002 03:18 PM

When Aragorn wasted the Orc, there were cheers, woops, clapping, and one extremely loud "YEAH!!! You show 'em Estel! Take those b*tches out! Men will rise again!" <BR>What was funny about this is that the person was a little old man who had obviously read Tolkien.<p>[ February 17, 2002: Message edited by: Lush ]

Joy 02-17-2002 03:26 PM

LOL, I wish that I could have seen that one Lush. When I was at the theater, there was only 9 other people, besides me and my mom. I think that two of them were about asleep, and two others were small children. This was the late show - started at 8:30. <P>I was about to jump out of my seat when the final orc-slaying seen took place! I felt like I was there. I had my sword drawn, ready to slash some orc head!

Lindolirian 02-17-2002 09:09 PM

Legolas walking about four feet above everyone else on the snow and Aragorn givin him a look like he's gonna knock him off his feet.<P>Pippin after the shot off the dragon firework: "That was great! Let's get another!"<P>Many others of my favorites have been told so i won't weary your eyes by telling them again and again....

Rosa Underhill 02-17-2002 11:24 PM

*looks at Lindolerian's pic and falls off chair laughing*<P>I was too upset to be happy about the orc getting his due. Poor Boromir... *sniffle* And poor Pip and Merry! *pitious wail*

Vilya Elathelas of Rivendell 02-19-2002 07:35 PM

lindolirian (that doesn't look right. sorry if its not!)--your pic is HILARIOUS!!! hahahahahahahahaha....well...<P>The whole scene where sam jumps out of the bushes and Elrond looks ticked then says a line about...oh, well it goes "no indeed it is hardly possible to separate you, even when he is invited to a secret council and you are not."<P>Then pippin and merry show up and I swear i was the loudest-laughing person in the theater because elrond looked like if he could he would have blown them both up...<P>oh yeah, and where sam says 'now what have i forgotten'. the readers all automatically think 'ROPE!!' <BR>ps- sorry if this is double-poated, my computer's being a jerk... electronics...

Lindolirian 02-19-2002 08:55 PM

Yeah i know my pic is so cool. Its made by Tanya Schricker tho... (hope i got the name right ) its in Reader Art: <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <P> I love how the falling numbers are actually elvish letters of some sort!

Starbreeze 02-20-2002 03:23 PM

The funniest bit for me was also to do with the audience, not the film as such. <BR>Just as Boromir gets hit by the first arrow, the whole audience falls dealy silence, you can even hear the sniffles, then, this little kid in the front row says, in a small and terrified voice "ooops!" The whole audience turn to look at this little kid and the sniffles turn to giggles. It ruined the moment but it was so funny that nobody cared (15th time for me anyway so I could recite the lines by that time anyway!)<BR>That was sooo cute I just had to put it in!<P>Also, <BR>Pippin - "You need people of intelligence on this"<BR>Merry - "Well that leaves you out then doesn't it Pip?!"<P>So funny! <P>Also, all the ones that have already been said - "Nobody tosses a dwarf!" So funny!

Raefindel 02-20-2002 05:29 PM

When I went, a really big guy sat in front of me, I mean REALLY BIG like 6'5"& He was as bald as a billiard ball. (Vrey scary-looking to a short elf like me) And when Gandalf fell in Moria, HE CRIED!

andhiriel greenleaf 02-22-2002 10:52 PM

"Where are we going?" - Pippin at the council meeting.<BR> "Nobody tosses the dwarf!" - Gimli<BR> "No! Not the beard!!" - Gimli, when his beard was pulled by Legolas.<p>[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: andhiriel greenleaf ]

Ara'rial 02-23-2002 02:55 AM

Everyone has already put my favorite funny parts already. So I won't put them down. My absolute favortie part was when the fellowship was assmebled. I like Pippin, he's funny.

the_master_of_puppets 02-23-2002 08:11 AM

LOL@the big guy crying! Another funny thing which wasnt part of the film but of me watching it for the first time:<P>i hadnt read the books at that point and when Bilbo disappeared when he put the ring on i seemd to 4get where i was a exclaimed "dear god; where has he gone and how did he do that?" and about 10 people turned around to stair at me and at least 3 were muttering to themselves "the bloody ring". lol!

Glenethor 02-23-2002 09:08 AM

Ah well, I fail to see the humour in some big guy crying...sorta. I've seen the movie now 22 times (!???). On a few occasions, I have sat and watched the audience during the scene of Gandalf's Fall, and the Departure of Boromir, and a fairly large percentage of people, male and female, young and old, are wiping tears from their faces. Not that I am some kind of voyeur, but I wanted to see if <I>my</I> reactions were weird compared to others'. I too had tears coming down my face when Gandalf fell, and just as they were stopping, Galadriel says 'he has fallen into Shadow.' Started right up again. And I am one of those 'stiff upper lip/men don't cry' type of men.

Gayalondiel 02-23-2002 12:46 PM

I tend to enjoy the bits between frodo and bilbo... not for the right reasons. you see, i heard the BBC radio play wherein Ian Holm played frodo first, so my impression is STILL of frodo talking to a different, odd-sounding frodo!!

Eruhen 02-26-2002 07:29 AM

You guys have mentioned every part of the movie I thought was funny, but I can't remember much about the movie, nearly three months after I saw it for the first (and only ) time. I really wish I had my driver's liscence so I could go see it about two or three times (or more... )!<P>I obviously agree that the Agent Elrond pic is hilarious!

Glenethor 02-26-2002 09:03 AM

During Bilbo's birthday scene, there is this hobbit holding onto a beer keg for dear life and roaring with laughter. He'd obviously had as much ale as was good for 'im! I wouldn't want to have his head the next morning! Everytime I see that guy, I crack up. He's such a...a...<B>Hobbit!</B><P>Another one: Bilbo is scaring the bejeezus outa some hobbit children, telling them about the trolls who took him captive on his original adventure, and their debate about how they were going to cook him. When he is narrating, the camera pans to Gandalf who is dancing with hobbits ( a neat way to hint that it was Gandalf who saved the dwarves and the hobbit). Then the next scene pans to Gandalf gathering up more fireworks from back of his carriage, and he is giggling rather madly. Either too much 'Old Toby' or he was perceiving in some way what Bilbo was telling the children and laughing about it.

Airetauriel 02-26-2002 01:56 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Originally posted by Gayalondiel:<BR><STRONG>I tend to enjoy the bits between frodo and bilbo... not for the right reasons. you see, i heard the BBC radio play wherein Ian Holm played frodo first, so my impression is STILL of frodo talking to a different, odd-sounding frodo!!</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I know exactly what you mean!!! I was born and raised listening to the radio version nearly every night of my life as a bedtime story - and I still do it now! (I have the set on CD - all 13) And it will be equally difficult listening to someone else do Golloum, rather than the late, great Peter Woodthorpe!!!!!<P>Airetauriel

Rosa Underhill 02-26-2002 02:05 PM

I love the LotR audio drama! Granted, for me at least, it's not as good as "The Hobbit" one, but I still love it! I had a fit of the giggles when Sam was found out. Heh, I have a fit of the giggles almost anytime I see/hear/read about Sam. Erm, no...I'm perfectly fine. Don't have a crush on Sam Gamgee at all. (I so envy Rose Cotton sometimes. )

Birdland 02-27-2002 12:53 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Originally posted by Glenethor:<BR>[QB]During Bilbo's birthday scene, there is this hobbit holding onto a beer keg for dear life and roaring with laughter. He'd obviously had as much ale as was good for 'im! I wouldn't want to have his head the next morning! Everytime I see that guy, I crack up. He's such a...a...<B>Hobbit!</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Before the movie was released, I saw some great clips on cable (can't remember where or when) with Frodo dancing with Rosie, and then he picks up this dunbeck (sp.?) and starts playing it. Looked like a Hobbit Renaissance Fair. Unfortunately, it was all cut.<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Another one: Bilbo is scaring the bejeezus outa some hobbit children,...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Not funny, but me and my friend were cooing over the one hobbit child. (The little girl with the big eyes.) She was soooooo adorable!!!<p>[ February 27, 2002: Message edited by: Birdland ]

Lady of the Lake 02-27-2002 03:36 AM

I HAVE ALL THOSE TAPES!!! I love them, and because of them Tolkien and LotR has been a BIG part of my life. I always enjoyed listenting to them as a kid - and i still do as a matter of fact... but, hehe, how funny do Gwaihir's wings sound when he's rescuing Gandalf!?! LOL WOOSHH! WOOOSH!<P>I loved all of the funny bits already mentioned above so I woun't say them again, except there is one bit I am surprized hasn't been mentioned. FRODO'S DANCING!!! How cute was he???<P>Also, on my second time round, I was by myself between a little four-year-old girl and someone's old granny. It was funny hearing the old lady let out a modest little "o" when the orc's head gets chopped off! LOL. Also, when Gandalf falls, the little girl turns to her mother with tears in her eyes and says, "don't worry, he doesn't really die, he just... goes away for a bit..." how cute!!!

Gayalondiel 02-27-2002 06:31 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Originally posted by Lady of the Lake:<BR><STRONG>I HAVE ALL THOSE TAPES!!! I love them, and because of them Tolkien and LotR has been a BIG part of my life. I always enjoyed listenting to them as a kid - and i still do as a matter of fact... but, hehe, how funny do Gwaihir's wings sound when he's rescuing Gandalf!?! LOL WOOSHH! WOOOSH!<P></STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I know what you mean... there's a definate difficulty in certain scenes. Like the battles: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Oh, good shot legolas! Right through his throat! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In perfect Oxford King's English, no less. you wouldn't yell that, you'd yell <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Aargh! Wolves! Wargs! aaaaargh! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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