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Susan Delgado 01-12-2003 04:23 PM

Search For The Book discussion
Aylwen Dreamsong invites you to...Search for the Book. Please do not post here until Aylwen has.

Title: Search for the Book

Basic Storyline: A storyteller in the market place of Dale told a tale once of a book that lay in a lone mountain not far from the Iron Mountain. The storyteller said the book contained the histories of a lost race, and spells and medicines they used. An interested Daleswoman in her nearby shop overhears, and decides to find the book, but there is no telling what she and a few companions may encounter, both in the mountain and in the wild.

Purpose of the Story is to: Find the mountain and successfully get the book
and return home.

The story ends when: Players find the book and return home.

Starting location: Dale

Destination: Hopefully they make it to the mountain, and in the end, back to Dale.

This story takes place in the Middle-years of the Third Age, maybe 100 years before 770 when Smaug invades Erebor and Dale is destroyed.
The plot takes no more than a month and a half, two months at most. The game requires a commitment of a couple of months, not too long, hopefully.

Main character types are: Humans of Dale, adventuring types.
Secondary characters may be: Bored Elves of Mirkwood looking for a good adventure.
People who don't belong: Hobbits, Dwarves.

My Character:

I plan on only playing one character, though if necessary I will play dual roles.

Name: Jadae Starfire
Race: Female human of Dale
Age: Eighteen

History: Jadae grew up the daughter of a metal crafter and a trader. She spent many a day sitting on the floor of her da's shop while he forged the metal. Such comfort Jadae found in the fire and the smell of the metals.

Jadae never agreed or got along with her parents, so when she was sixteen she left home. Knowing her love of welding and crafting, she worked many cheap jobs until she saved enough money to buy her own shop. There she worked making daggers, swords, and armor for anyone who had the money.

Personality: Jadae had always been a troublemaker and risk-taker. Still she puts her best foot forward while the other one stands still. Jadae is very impatient. She always looked for a new adventure and a new trail or path to keep her busy and occupied. Jadae often doesn't agree with people, but always has an unchanging opinion on everything. She likes to break the rules and rarely listens unless the topic is of interest to her.

Appearance: Dark, dark brown curly hair falls to Jadae's shoulder blades, and is often tied back while she works. Jadae has cool grey eyes. She wears comfortable breeches and tunics that she doesn't have to worry about dirtying while she works. Jadae had always been tanner than most, coming from her mother’s side. Short, about five feet tall, and slight but strong are words that describe Jadae.

Weapons/Gear: Jadae is not exactly skilled in weaponry or fighting, but any blade that is made by her and used by her finds it's mark, be it the right mark or no. Jadae's horse, Ronan, is always loyal to her. Jadae's most trusted weapon is her wit.

[ January 12, 2003: Message edited by: Susan Delgado ]

Aylwen Dreamsong 01-12-2003 05:08 PM


Right then. Thanks Susan! Okay, if you want to join this RPG, please post your character's bio here. Please, no Dwarves or Hobbits. Men (women!) and maybe one elf. Anything else? Oh yes, and if it helps, the Book is said to hold cures/recipes for some diseases and ailments, and may be useful to merchants or loremasters. I was hoping to keep the characters varied. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

I don't think there's anything else. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


Bęthberry 01-12-2003 05:58 PM

Hello Aylwen,

An imaginative, well-plotted story idea and an interesting character. I look forward to reading your game and cheering Jadae on. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

It's great to see your game here, too, "Frain"!


[ January 12, 2003: Message edited by: Bethberry ]

Mattius 01-12-2003 06:24 PM

Hello there, would it be okay if I posted my character, you can refuse or accept it then! Right-oh here goes...

Name: Mattius Strife
Race: Man (just) of the Dale
Age: 18 years and 1 month [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

History: Mattius grew up in his parents tavern, 'The Rusty Hilt'. Although he enjoyed his childhood helping out his folks and meeting new people almost daily he soon found his heart lay in 'The Guard'. At the age of 16 he left home to become a trainee soilder and two years later he became a full member of The Guard, thinking that it would be full of adventure.

Unfortunatly he was mistaken and soon tired of the job wishing to have more fun.

Personality: Mattius has always got along well with people, this skill comming from meeting so many citizens in his parents pub. As mentioned above however, he is activly looking for excitment as his job in The Guard is no more than a policing role.

Appearance: Six foot tall, spikey blonde hair and blue eyes. Usually found wearing the uniform of The Guard, strong silver breastplate over a mail chain tunic and armour over his legs. And a top his head a round helmet with a nose piece falling down his face. In cold weather this is all shrouded by his dark green cloak.

Weapons/Gear: Mattius carries a short sword issued to him and also a gift from his father, two bronze tomohalk axes, crafted by the dwarves of the lonely mountain and bought by Mattius' father as a showpiece for 'The Rusty Hilt'.

Okay there you go!

Aylwen Dreamsong 01-13-2003 04:54 PM

Bethberry, Thank you for the warm welcome, 'Frain' is always happy to see an old friend. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Maybe I should go to the White Horse and invite some adventurers along?

Mattius, Mattuis is accepted, and is allowed to follow Jadae in her search for the book.

Hopefully someone else will see this and join too. Is it just me or does January always seem really busy? Maybe it's just midterms.

[img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Aylwen [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Bęthberry 01-14-2003 06:59 PM


Who are you calling old? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

That is a great idea. Come to The White Horse as Aylwen, Frain, or Jadae, post for a little while, and see what other characters are there, or if any gamers would be interested.

Ride to the Dark Side will be finishing this weekend, and so there should be several gamers who will have idle keyboards.... [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: Bethberry ]

Aylwen Dreamsong 01-14-2003 07:40 PM


Who are you calling old?
I had a hunch you would say that [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] . Of course, I was not meaning by your age... [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Yes. I think Frain would love to take a ride through Rohan, and visit Bethberry in the White Horse Inn [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]. Maybe tonight or tomorrow [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] .

For a minute there I was scared maybe it might only be Mattius and I...


doug*platypus 01-15-2003 04:18 AM


Please, no Dwarves or Hobbits.

I was hoping to keep the characters varied.
...hang on! Something doesn't quite add up...

Garn! I was so excited when I read the first post, but you Dale people think you're so much better than we Dwarves! How about just one? I already have a Dwarf Loremaster character who would be ideal on this quest, and would provide some variety and spice. In the pre-Smaug years I imagine there were quite a few Dwarves skulking around Dale. Here's a little sample:

After the second tale had finished, and it is apparent that the will to tell his tales was not dimmed, a man asked of the longbeard:
"Sir, what is your name? From whence came you?"
"MY NAME?! MY NAME??!!" he roared, his eyes blazing, and the beer swilling from his mug, as he stomped over to the man and slammed his tankard down on the wooden table. His eyes wide and wild, he stared at the man who was now quivering in his seat.
"I have forgotten." he said, took up his drink and walked across the room again. It may be that through the course of his long life, all the Dwarf came to remember were the tales that he told. For they were his life as well as his craft, and he had desire to know nothing else. That is not to say that he brooded endlessly on his lore and his histories. But when not at task, he simply thought of nothing else. He could roast a boar, pour a beer, change his clothes, and do by instinct all things necessary to sustain him through life. But the only reason he lived, now that he had been consumed by them, was to tell his stories.
This quest would be earlier on in his life, though, before he has gone completely nutty. Let me know if I should post a Bio for him or not. Cheers.

Aylwen Dreamsong 01-15-2003 06:40 AM


...hang on! Something doesn't quite add up...
When I said that, I meant motive/history wise, not species/race wise. You caught me there, for a second.

I don't know. So is the dwarf a loremaster? I'm not sure we would need one, unless he knew of the book. If he was a linguist-type character (I wish I could think of a better word!) we may have more need of someone like that. When you can, post a proper bio for your dwarf. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I'll think of it. Though I thought people would complain about not being able to be elves. I like dwarves though, don't get me wrong. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]


doug*platypus 01-15-2003 07:27 AM

What's the book called?

As for the extent of his resume, my Dwarf could perhaps just be an accidental character, that is either picked up along the way or, hearing about the quest, follows along behind until he is accosted by the group and told to either join them or get lost.

doug*platypus 01-16-2003 02:50 AM

Rosfin of Erebor

Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain, bard and loremaster to King... whoever is King Under the Mountain at the time of this adventure.

Aged 114, over the hill but not too far down the tricky slope on the other side. His home is Erebor, but he travels frequently around the lands. Has even been through The Shire to the Blue Mountains on several occasions. As a bard and loremaster the Dwarf has a certain amount of respect accorded to him, but also a certain amount of disdain. He has not the time nor the inclination for metalwork or battle, the two pillars of Dwarven life.

Fluent in Sindarin, Khuzdul and Westron, with a fair knowledge of Quenya, and even knows a few garbled phrases of Orc language, mainly the few words that are common throughout all Orc kinds. Rosfin has a large repertoire of tales and ballads, and also plays a large version of a wooden recorder (like a cross between an oboe and a flute). As a consequence of remembering such things, he occasionally forgets the most basic of knowledge, such as how old he is or how well done he likes his roast boar.

Catching wind of the search for the Book, Rosfin decides to tag along out of professional interest. Somewhat of a recluse among the Dwarves he cannot afford to dislike the other races as many Dwarves do. Aside from his recorder, his hooded cloak and his pipe, Rosfin carries a jewelled mattock with a diamond-tipped blade, given to him by the King of the Iron Hills. He refers to his weapon The Pride of the Fleet. The only other such item he carries is a small knife, made in Erebor, whose hilt is in the shape of a dragon with its wings folded down towards the blade.

Aylwen Dreamsong 01-16-2003 06:45 AM

doug*platypus , I like Rosfin! He sounds very interesting and unlike many other dwarves. I have also read some of your posts in other RPGs, such as Kidnapped! and The Hobbits Gift. You and Rosfin are welcome to join Jadae and Mattius in their search for the book. That is, if we get enough people to join. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

To tell you the truth, I hadn't thought about what the race would call their book, yet I'll think of that name once my brain has recovered from midterms next and this week [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] . To the Humans (and Dwarf!) I thought to call it 'Wanaparma', meaning 'Lost Writings,' though it is not very original, and if I had time I was hoping to think of something more exotic and interesting.

Aylwen [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Mattius 01-16-2003 12:39 PM

So how many people more do we need before we can begin the RPG?

Aylwen Dreamsong 01-17-2003 08:01 AM


Ride to the Dark Side will be finishing this weekend, and so there should be several gamers who will have idle keyboards
We'll wait at least until this weekend, Mattius.

I received a PM from Orual, who seems interested.


Ithaeliel 01-17-2003 08:26 PM

I am part of an RPG that will be wrapping up soon, so I will consider joining this one. It sounds rather interesting. I'll try and post my character tomorrow if I decide to join.

Hannon le!


Orual 01-17-2003 10:49 PM

Sorry this took so long, I was busy. But here's the profile that I worked up...

Name: Arethin
Age: 24
Race: Man of Dale

History: Arethin was the son of a trader and an artist, with one younger brother. His family was fairly well-off until his father's death in a fire when he was fourteen years old. He began working as a laborer to help support his family, in supplement to his mother's income selling her paintings. He was always a bright young man, but could not finish his education after his father's death.

His mother fell ill when he was twenty, and since then he has searched for a cure for her. His brother, seven years younger than he, is ready to take up the burden of helping to support the family.

Personality: Arethin is a gentle, easy-going man. He's very strong, and knows his strength, and is all the more gentle for it. Arethin is fiercely loyal to those he is close to, and though it is difficult to anger him, if his friends or family are threatened he is a force to be reckoned with. He's not argumentative, and generally bends to the will of those in charge, but occasionally he will pop out of his shell and debate heatedly over decisions.

Appearance: Arethin is a little over six feet tall with mid-neck length sun-bleached hair and brown eyes. He is strongly built from his work. He wears a khaki shirt and dark breeches. Despite his build, most peoples' first impressions of Arethin are of a shy, introverted, but kind young man.

Weapons: Arethin, being the self-appointed protector of his family, is quite skilled with a sword, and in hand-to-hand combat. He can use a bow if necessary, but prefers no weapon at all; his size is an advantage over most enemies.


Aylwen Dreamsong 01-17-2003 11:22 PM

Good job, Orual. Arethin is a good character for the journey. He has good reason for being there [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img].

Hold tight everyone, Ithaeliel may want to join in, and then there are a few Rpg's finishing up in the next few days, so we may have some more company.

[img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Aylwen [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Ithaeliel 01-20-2003 11:13 AM

I'm trying out something totally out of the ordinary for myself- this will be fun it I get accepted!

Name: Angalos Stormaxe
Race: Man of Dale
Age: 27
Occupation: Trader with the wood-elves
Appearance: Dark brown hair down past his shoulders that he wears in a braid during the day; tanned and toned from working constantly in the sun, also quite well-featured. He wears a light shirt and trousers made from elven cloth for working hot days.
History: Growing up, Angalos' father and mother kept a general store, so they would often let him wander away and keep himself entertained on his own while they worked. Angalos would almost always go to the docks where the traders would unload barrels upon barrels of wine that came down the river from Mirkwood. He was fascinated with elves from the first, and whenever they came he would observe them with wonder. Naturally, Angalos opted to go into the trading business, where now he deals with elves quite often.
Weapons/gear: Throughout his life, Angalos' fascination with trading has not prevented him from learning to weild a weapon. Whenever he goes abroad, he carries his namesake with him- stormaxe, a silver, dwarf-style axe that is half his height and has a black handle.
Reason for going: He is looking for a little more adventure, but mostly it is because Angalos wants to see new lands and broaden his horizons, and perhaps be part of something great.

Aylwen Dreamsong 01-20-2003 11:22 AM

Angalos sounds cool, Ithaeliel. Why is it so out of the ordinary for you? Cool.

Anyways, we have only five people:


Maybe some of the other RPG's will end today or in the next two days, and we can open the actual Rpg this week. If we don't get too many more characters, I'll probably decide to be another character.

Aylwen [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Susan Delgado 01-21-2003 03:35 AM

Ready and waiting, just give me the Word [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

doug*platypus 01-21-2003 04:35 AM

Yeah, ditto, but no hurry. Whenever you guys are set. I'd also like to say that I'm glad there are no bad guy PCs. In the case of this RPG it seems silly to have the story seen from the bad guys' perspective as well; this seems more like an FOTR mission... quest... thing. And I don't think that only having five PCs is necessarily a bad thing, either (although I'm sure one or two more wouldn't hurt). Check out The Blue Mountains RPG.

Amanaduial the archer 01-21-2003 01:38 PM


Ride to the Dark Side will be finishing this weekend, and so there should be several gamers who will have idle keyboards....
Hmmm, I wish (8 other games on at the moment. Or maybe 9. One is unmoving.)

As soon as the Ride finishes, Ill be there if I can.

*Anuion* 01-25-2003 08:18 AM


I humbly post my request to join you on your quest.

Here's my character:

Description: Anuion wear's green clothing and has light brown hair. He is 1.87 meters high(sorry I don't use foot measures and don't know them either) and carries a light elven sword a bow and a long knife. (just think of a crossing between Legolas and Aragorn only not so perfect as both.
Biography: Anuion is a Sindar elf and was born (and still lived) in Mirkwood where he was a servant of king Thrandhuil. When reaching the age of 500 he had enough of a life of serving and began to master the art's of fighting and weaponry. When he reached the respectable age of 1000 he went out of Mirkwood and became a ranger. He has seen many places from the shire till ithilien.

Yeah well he's a ranger. What is he doing in Dale?
Good point. Well Angalos Stormaxe is a trader with the forrest elves. As a ranger he ofcautse needs money so he could have been going with him for some extra cash. Or he could just be returning from a visit to his father in Mirkwood wich he does quite often. (Not just on Holyday's [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] )

Okay that's clear, why would he come with us?
Because he is always eager to help and the mountains arren't pretty at night if you know what I mean. Strange folk runnin around at night. Besides, it is always good to have a battle brused elve along.

Well here it is. Hope you like him.

If you will be needing any referances just look at the "Wolf Run RPG" and the "Shadow of Umbria RPG"

This WILL be my firsth RPG in Rohan (if I am accepted that is) so I will work my but of to see that I get it right.



Aylwen Dreamsong 01-25-2003 09:12 AM

Wow! You're one step ahead of me, *Anuion*. I suppose you're used to the answers the game owners ask...

Well, I did say I'd let an elf go along, and you provided a reason as well. Lets see how the Elf and Dwarf get along on the journey [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img].

To Everyone:

My apologies for leaving this thread alone for a few days. I was hoping a few more people would join, but it seems 'Ride to the Dark Side' is taking longer than we thought. Plus, I have been a bit busy with midterms (Especially Spanish..) but after this Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday it shouldn't take up my time anymore.

So, I suppose we have to start the Rpg sooner or later. If miss Susan Delgado has time, we could start it tomorrow (Sunday) or the day after.

Thanks for the patience,

*Anuion* 01-25-2003 09:21 AM

Dear Aylwen Dreamsong,

I guess I really was ahead of you. Because the secondarie character's where elves I taught it would come in handy if I gave you some reason's. Did it help anyway?

Don't worry about the dwarf. Anuion is peaceloving and not violent of nature. Unless nature or friends are treatend. And if the dwarf get's nasty Ill just cut his beard of [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] .

Don't worry. I wont do that.



P.S. Thank you for accepting me.

Mattius 01-25-2003 04:35 PM


Check out The Blue Mountains RPG.
Good idea, its so great (possibly the best!).

doug*platypus 01-25-2003 05:03 PM


Ill just cut his beard of [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img].
Beard of smiles? What kind of a dwarf do you think you're dealing with? Don't fuss with the kingdoms of Erebor and the Iron Mountains. Them dwarves is CRAZY.

Semi-auto mattocks.

*Anuion* 01-26-2003 09:23 AM


And those weird five-assed monkey's are crazy aswell. (Don't know if anyone has seen that Southpark Episode)



Susan Delgado 01-26-2003 12:47 PM

Wouldn't a LotR-themed Southpark episode be bizarre? Yes, it certainly would! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Or have they done that? I know they've done Star Wars and...something else. Anyway, I've been requested to open your game thread, so this I will do. Now.

Mattius 01-26-2003 02:07 PM

Hey, a quick note to you all, I am changing my character's name to Jack Strife, not Mattius Strife as I previously put. Everything else about him is exactly the same as I put above!

Aylwen Dreamsong 01-26-2003 02:27 PM

No problem Mattius!


Aylwen Dreamsong 01-26-2003 02:36 PM

Also: Don't forget to disable your sigs when you post!

Thanks for starting the game, Susan!


doug*platypus 01-27-2003 06:47 AM

First Post, Rosfin the Bard

Hi all, nice to see the game has started, I'll be along shortly. I may wait a wee while for my first post, please just continue along and my character will, I'm sure, bump into you in the middle of a market, or coming out of an Inn. He has read a notice posted in an Inn regarding the quest, and is determined to find the party and either join or follow along behind, mattock in hand.

Garen LiLorian 01-27-2003 07:07 AM


when he discovered that in the Dale a criminal was about as frequent as a dragon attack.
Hee hee. Nice one, Mattius.

This sounds like a fun game, I look forward to reading it!

doug*platypus 01-28-2003 05:42 AM

Hi again. I realise I'm neither a mod nor the gameowner and that this may be out of place, but as one of the participants I'd like to remind everyone to please disable sigs on the game thread.

Love your new pic, btw Susan - what is it? Some kind of totemic bird?

Susan Delgado 01-28-2003 11:48 AM

Such a reminder is never out of place no matter who you are, and thank you for making it. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

It's a Phoenix, a bird with fiery feathers which once every five hundred years is consumed in an inferno and is reborn from its own ashes. It's not a totem in a Native American sense, but...I could go into a long and rambling discourse about why the Phoenix is important to me, but suffice it to say it's my favorite bird for many reasons [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Aylwen Dreamsong 01-29-2003 07:22 AM

Susan Delgado, I do not have mod powers, so would you mind terribly if you deleted the last post on the Rpg thread, as it was made by someone who did not join the game (Rochelle). I didn't want to post on the Rpg thread asking her/him not to post and for her/him to delete it, and wasn't sure if s/he would look here (as they didn't before they posted on the Rpg thread). Thanks.

As doug has said, please disable your sig before posting!


Bęthberry 01-29-2003 07:45 AM

Dear Aylwen,

Done! I also PMed Rochelle explaining our RPG procedures to her and suggesting she post on your Discussion thread or join one of our Inns. That was her first post here at the Barrow Downs, so I'm sure she meant well.

I sent her a copy of her post for her records.


Helkahothion 01-29-2003 09:58 AM


My real account is working again so I will be posting under this one again. My old account was *anuion*. Everything he said, I support. Except thebad things. I did not said those [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img].



Aylwen Dreamsong 01-29-2003 03:20 PM

Welcome back (at least to your old acount!) Helka. Please remember to disable your sigs when you post! As you said in your post, it seems Jadae has plenty of sharpening to do!


An old man, a guard, a worker, the smith herself and his travel companion.
Two of them are workers...Arethin and Angalos. Who is 'his travel companion'?

That's turning out to be quite a company in the smithy! Who are we waiting for? Oh yes! Rosfin! I'm sure we'll run into Rosfin soon [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] .


[ January 29, 2003: Message edited by: Aylwen Dreamsong ]

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