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GandaIf The White 06-05-2001 06:02 PM

Help out the Barrow Downs with your knowldedge!
<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 149
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Hey everyone. RKittle has informed me that if I or any member of this Forum send him some Quotes, he will stick them up top. So, seeing as you all know alot of good Quotes, I thought you could help me out. Just post your favorite Quotes up here (Try to make them more than &quot;Let's go!&quot;). With all of us together, Im sure we can get some very nice Quotes. And dont worry about them already being up there. RKittle can sort them out.

"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends."</p>

HerenIstarion 06-06-2001 01:45 AM

When they got near Thorin said: No rushing forward this time! No one is to stir from hiding till I say. I shall send Mr. Baggins alone first to talk to them. They won't be frightened of him ('What about me of them?' thought Bilbo) and any way I hope they won't do anything nasty to him.

HerenIstarion 06-06-2001 11:44 PM


But, why O People?' and here the Master rose to his feet and spoke very loud and clear 'why do I get all your blame? For what fault am I to be deposed? Who aroused the dragon from his slumber, I might ask?

Master of Esgaroth about dwarves

GandaIf The White 06-07-2001 02:34 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 150
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: Help out the Barrow Downs with your knowldedge!

<blockquote>Quote:<hr> &quot;I have never been out of my own land before. And if I had known what the world outside was like, I don't think I should have had the heart to leave it.&quot;<hr></blockquote>


<blockquote>Quote:<hr> &quot;One who can not cast a treasure away at need is in fetters.&quot;<hr></blockquote>


<blockquote>Quote:<hr> &quot;You have proved mightiest, and all your labours have gone well.&quot;<hr></blockquote>


<blockquote>Quote:<hr> &quot;Personally I have no hopes at all, and wish I was safe back at home.&quot;<hr></blockquote>


These are just some old Quotes I have posted here, but I like them all. Please post more of your own. I want to give RKittle a BIG list.

"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends."</p>

HerenIstarion 06-07-2001 09:35 PM


But if you can only speak ill of those who showed you mercy, keep silent!

Frodo to Smeagol

HerenIstarion 06-23-2001 05:52 AM


What is that to you, Master Cook' he answered. 'And why should I do so? Isn't it mine? It came to me, and may a man not keep things that come to him so, at the least as a remembrance?'
'Some things. Those that are free gifts and given for remembrance. But others are not so given. They cannot belong to a man for ever, nor be treasured as heirlooms. They are lent. You have not thought, perhaps, that someone else may need this thing. But it is so. Time is pressing.'

conversation between King of Faery and Smith of Wotton Major

Imbear Nolwehin 06-23-2001 09:54 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 5

&quot;The memories of the First Age are dim, and all things in Middle-Earth grow colder. Let not the ancient friendship of Eldar and Dśnedain wane also&quot;

- Gil-Galad, in letter to Tar-Meneldur



TolkienGurl 10-10-2002 01:01 PM


'I said I'd carry him, if it broke my back,' he muttered, 'and I will!'

'Come, Mr. Frodo!' he cried. 'I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you and it as well. So up you get! Come on, Mr. Frodo, dear! Sam will give you a ride! Just tell him where to go, and he'll go.'

Childlike Empress 10-10-2002 04:23 PM


What is that to you, Master Cook?" he answered. "And why should I do so? Isn't it mine? It came to me, and may a man not keep things that come to him so, at the least as a remembrance?"
"Some things. Those that are free gifts and given for remembrance. But others are not so given. They cannot belong to a man for ever, nor be treasured as heirlooms. They are lent. You have not thought, perhaps, that someone else may need this thing. But it is so. Time is pressing."

conversation between King of Faery and Smith of Wotton Major
This sounds very like Bilbo and Gandalf's conversation at the beginning of FotR.

[ October 10, 2002: Message edited by: Childlike Empress ]

Eowyn of Ithilien 10-11-2002 06:55 AM

"No, they never end as tales," said Frodo. "But the people in them come, and go when their part's ended. Our part will end later-or sooner."
"Hard as di'monds, soft as moonlight. Warm as sunlight, cold as frost in the stars. Proud and far-off as sa snow-moutnain, and as merry as any lass I ever saw with daisies in her hair in springtime."-Sam

[ October 11, 2002: Message edited by: Eowyn of Ithilien ]

Arwen1858 11-19-2002 12:46 AM


'I pass the test,' she said. 'I will diminish, and go into the West, and remain Galadriel.'

Sauron999 12-03-2002 07:50 AM


"Where there's life, there's hope," as my Gaffer used to say, "and need of vittles".
Sam to Frodo at the Journey to the Crossroads.
Btw can anyone please explain to me what vittles are?

Gandalf_theGrey 12-03-2002 10:12 AM

My dear Sauron999,

"Vittles" are also known as * drumroll please * ....... "victuals!" [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

At your Service,

Gandalf the Grey, whose quote is contained in his sig

LePetitChoux 12-03-2002 11:23 AM


I want to hear more about Sam, dad. Why didn't they put in more of his talk, dad? That's what I like, it makes me laugh. And Frodo wouldn't have got far without Sam, would he dad?

It's just such a cute quote! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

-Imrahil- 12-03-2002 12:12 PM


I go to my fathers. And even in their mighty company I shall not now be ashamed. I felled the black serpent. A grim morn, and a glad day, and a golden sunset!
(my signature)

I love this quote, just so wonderful. Can't describe it

[ December 03, 2002: Message edited by: -Imrahil- ]

Sauron999 12-03-2002 04:09 PM

Thank you indeed, Gandalf the Grey! You know english is not my motherlanguage and so far i have never heard the word vittles before.
(isn't it ironic? Gandalf teaches Sauron some English [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] )

-Imrahil- 12-03-2002 07:15 PM



Old Fool! Old Fool! This is my hour. Do you not know Death when you see it? Die now and curse in vain

Morgoth Bauglir 12-03-2002 09:47 PM

Turin Turambar, Turun ambartanen. master of doom by doom mastered.


silence, if fair words stick in thy throat, would would do all us better (or something close to it :\)

Manardariel 01-07-2003 02:41 PM

As allways, I will post Eowyn“s speach to Aragorn. Not only do I like it best, it also means most to me.


Too often have I heard of duty! But am I not of the house of Eorl, a shieldmaiden, and not a dry-nurse? I have waited on faltering feet long enough. Since they falter no longer, it seems, may I now spend my life as I will?


All your words are but to say, you are a woman, and your part is in the house. But when the men have died in battle and honour, ou have leave to be burned in the house, for the men wil need it no more. But I am of the house of Eorl and not a serving woma, I can ride and wield blade, and I do not fear either pain or death." "What do you fear, lady?" "A cage. To stay behind bars, untill use and old age acceot them, and all chance of doing ggreat deeds is beyond recall, or desire."
I love that qoute... YOU GO EOWYN!! Sorry, I“m just crazy. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

alaklondewen 01-07-2003 03:34 PM


At last I understand why we have waited! This is the ending. Now not day only shall be beloved, but night too shall be beautiful and blessed and all its fear pass away!
-Frodo when seeing Arwen coming to Minas Tirith


'Oh, they're both cracked,' said Ted. 'Leastawys old Bilbo was cracked, and Frodo's cracking. If that's where you get your news from, you'll never want for moonshine.'

Carrūn 01-07-2003 09:17 PM

Several of my favorites between Sam & Gollum:


"Not a bird!" said Sam mournfully.
"No, no birds," said Gollum. "Nice birds!" He licked his teeth. "No birds here. There are snakeses, wormses, things in the pool. Lots of things, lots of nasty things. No birds," he ended sadly.

"What is it?" growled Sam, misintrepreting the signs. "What's the need to sniff?" The stink nearly knocks me down with my nose held. You stink, and master stinks; the whole place stinks."
"Yes, yes, and Sam stinks!" answered Gollum. "Poor Smeagol smells it, but good Smeagol bears it. Helps nice master. But that's no matter. The air's moving, change is coming. Smeagol wonders; he's not happy."
[ January 07, 2003: Message edited by: Carrūn ]

hobbitlass 01-08-2003 09:47 AM


Sam is an excellent fellow, and would jump down a dragon's throat to save you, if he did not trip over his own feet; but you will need more than one companion in your dangerous adventure.


It must often be so, Sam, when things are in danger: someone has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them.

[ January 08, 2003: Message edited by: hobbitlass ]

Carrūn 01-09-2003 07:32 PM

Good old Merry:

Merry went to the door: "Waht about supper and beer in the throat?" he called. Frodo came out drying his hair.

"There's so much water in the air that I'm coming into the kitchen to finishe," he said.

"Lawks!" said Merry, looking in. The stone floor was swimming. "You ought to mop all that up before you get anything to eat, Peregrin," he said. Hurry up, or we shan't wait for you."
Classic Aragorn:

"Well, I have rather a rascally look, have I not?" said Strider with a curl of his lip and a queer gleam in his eye.
It isn't really funny at first glance but when I thought of it as the future King of Gondor doing his best Elvis impression, well...

My favorite Eyown quote:

"Where will wants no, a way opens, so we say," he whispered; "and so I have found myself."[/i}
I don't know why, but my favorite character in the books in one who hardly ever talks. I hope he gets some screen time:

"This is an evil door," said Halbarad, "and my death lies beyond it. I will dare to pass it nonetheless; but no horse will enter."
[ January 09, 2003: Message edited by: Carrūn ]

Arwen_Evenstar 01-09-2003 08:01 PM

Let he not vow to walk in the dark, who has not seen the nightfall
-elrond halfelven to the fellowship in Imladris

I dont have a book handy so that might be a wee bit off

Helkahothion 01-15-2003 01:00 PM

Hope this helps altough it is from the movie,

SO you have chosen........Death.


Well, I'm back.

Samwise Gamgee.

All's well that ends better.

Bilbo Baggins

Listen Hound of Sauron, Gandalf is here.

Needs no explanation now does it? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]



Balin999 01-15-2003 01:10 PM

"The treacherous are ever distrustful."
Gandalf to Saruman.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 01-21-2003 11:53 AM

"It is ill dealing with such a foe: he is a wizard both cunning and dwimmer-crafty, having many guises."

Eomer speaking of Saruman.

"Don't hurt us! Don't let them hurt us, precious! They won't hurt us will they, nice little hobbitses? We didn't mean no harm, but they jumps on us like cats on poor mices, they did, precious. And we're so lonely, gollum. We'll be nice to them, very nice, if they'll be nice to us, won't we, yes, yess."


Ultimatejoe 01-22-2003 05:16 AM

"I have an unsatisfied desire to shoot well with a bow."
-J.R.R. Tolkien

Entmoot 01-22-2003 11:28 PM


'Fly, you fools!'
hehe, you cant pass that. A defining moment in the book.

Eressiė Ailin 03-01-2003 09:15 PM

My favorite quote? Well, that one's in my sig. Almost anything between Sam and Gollum is funny, and also everything between 'Stinker' and 'Slinker.' Gandalf's little speeches are always the most touching.


'Make the other hobbit, the nasty suspicious hobbit, make him crawl, yes, gollum!'

'But not the nice hobbit?'

'Oh no, not if it doesn't please us. Still he's a Baggind, my precious, yes, a Baggins. A Baggins stole it.... We hates Bagginses.'

'No, not this Baggins.'

'Yes, every Baggins.'

GaladrieloftheOlden 03-03-2003 05:47 PM

Someone said- I think it was Carrun- that Halbarad was one of your favorite characters- that's funny. I always thought that I was the only one who thought so. Welcome to the club! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]. My quote (TTT Movie):


I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Once we fought- and died togehter. We come now, to honor that allegiance.

We are glad to fight alongside Men, once more.
He is also one of my favorite characters. It was sad when he died... [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] . Getting off topic.

Your footsteps are to us as the strokes of doom. You bring great evil here, Ringbearer.

welcome, Frodo of the Shire, one who has seen the Eye!
I'll post book quotes next time, it's just that I don't have the books with me now, and to quote the movies, I don't need the script. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Elotareth 03-28-2003 04:38 PM

Ok, I hope its alright that this is from the movie...

May the grace of the Valar protect you...
Arwen Undomiel (to Aragorn, unconscious in the river)

Arvedui III 03-28-2003 08:55 PM

Here are some of my favorites:


"But if I should return, think better of me." "That depends on the manor of your return."
Love the Faramir/Denethor stuff.


But beleave me, Éomer when I say that she loves you more truly then me. You she loves and knows as sister loves brother, and in me, she sees only a shadow, and a thought.
Dunno, something out that quote...


and in such a war as we plan to make on the fields of Mundburg, where Denethor is lord, what would you do, Master Meriadoc?
I always loved that one.

merry03 04-09-2003 02:41 PM

This is from the movie, so....

"Shall I explain it to you, or go fetch you a box?"
- Legolas

This is one of my favorite lines because I, too, am short! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ April 09, 2003: Message edited by: merry03 ]

GaladrieloftheOlden 04-09-2003 02:53 PM

This one makes me burst out in tears [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

I sent my son out, unthanked, unblessed, and here he lies with poison in his veins.
said by Denethor


[ April 09, 2003: Message edited by: GaladrieloftheOlden ]

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