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Ahanarion 03-13-2002 08:36 AM

Thank you.
Who said "Thank you."

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

HerenIstarion 03-13-2002 10:38 AM

In LoTR:

guests to Bilbo (Shire)
Bilbo to guests (Shire)
Frodo to Gildor (Shire)
Frodo to Maggot (Shire)
4 hobbits to Tom Bombadil (BarrowDowns)
Frodo to Gloin (Rivendell)
Frodo to Bilbo (Rivendell)
Aragorn to Galadriel (Lorien)
Gimli to Legolas (Anduin)
Aragorn to Eomer (Rohan)
Gimli to Eomer (Rohan)
Gandalf to Teoden (Rohan)
Eomer to Gimli (Helm's Deep)
Merry to Gandalf (Isengard)
Merry to Dernhelm (Rohan)
Theoden to Ghan-Buri-Ghan (Amon Din)
Frodo to Sam (Ephel Duath)
Eowyn to Faramir (Minas-Tirith)
Gandalf to Treebeard (Isengard)
Aragorn to Treebeard (Isengard)
Merry to Saruman (Dunland)
Frodo to Bilbo (Rivendell)
Mrs Cotton to Sam (Shire)
Sharkey's men to hobbits (Shire)

in The Hobbit:

Bilbo to Gandalf (Shire)
Bilbo to Gandalf (Shire)
Bilbo to Thorin (Shire)
Gandalf to Bilbo (Shire)
Thorin to Gandalf (Eriador)
Thorin to elves (Rivendell)
Bilbo to Gandalf (Anduin's vale)
Beorn to dwarves (Beorn's House)
Beorn to dwarves (Beorn's House)
Dwarves to Beorn (Beorn's House)
Bilbo to society (Esgaroth)
Bilbo to Smaug (Erebor)
Bilbo to Thranduil (Erebor)
Bilbo to elves (Rivendell)
Elves to Bilbo (Rivendell)

any questions?

Joy 03-13-2002 04:30 PM

My word H-I! Do you have the books on the computer or something??

Ahanarion 03-13-2002 08:05 PM

It was Bilbo to Thorin.

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