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Gayametwen 10-26-2002 02:24 AM

*snarls* My precious..... I GOT IT! Anyone else out there?
Hi! I went and got myself..well I was given it... Anyway.. I got the LOTR ring ^^ Anyone else got it? I got the gold one [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

arelendil 10-26-2002 10:33 AM

I saw it in a toy shop and had to have it! it was only £7.99 and made by applause! i hope you didn't get the real solid gol 10k one cause that's not fair!

Arwen1858 10-26-2002 11:00 AM

I really need to get one. Whenever I'm wearing one of my normal rings, I start turning into Gollum, calling it my precious and such. I also have started calling many things, especially my computer and my LOTR books, my precious. Where can you find them?

Luinëcolloien 10-26-2002 11:27 AM

Arwen, they have it on the Barrow Downs. On the home page, look in the top right and click the 'Barrow Treasures" icon. They also have it at and several other places.

Arwen1858 10-26-2002 11:43 AM

Thanks, Luinëcolloien!

Eruialiwen 10-26-2002 12:31 PM

I need to get one too...I've been calling all my rings and stuff "my precious" [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I've even been thinking about renaming my computer "Precious" [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

DarkRose 10-26-2002 12:35 PM

Arwen1858, you could also possibly search on Ebay to find copies of the One Ring that you could order. Ebay is almost always very reliable. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Ah, since I'm incredibly cheap, I just wear the phony One Ring that comes with the special LOTR bookmarks. I have it on my finger right now, in fact. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Nilwen 10-26-2002 03:15 PM

I got one from EBAY.It came with a chain and in a little box that lites up.It kool but kind of cheep.I wish I could get the gold one but it a little expensive.The one I got came in size 7 i think and it barely fits my little finger,but thats OK I wear it on the chane any way.

Gayametwen 10-26-2002 09:16 PM

It's 9CT ^^ I got it from Pascoes...I'm not sure if they are available in other countries..I'm in New Zealand...^^ I'm currently wearing it on my chain...And well..since its 9CT it can't be a toy one..and I didn't know you could get it on the net too!
I got it for 340 NZD If I remeber rightly..or 350 was on special...

Calathanien 10-27-2002 10:20 AM

i personally dont have one but my sister dose(i gave it her for her b-day)!!! i keep taking it and saying its my precius and it came to me first!!! lol!!!!! [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]
i got it from argos for £12 for the money i paid its good quality!!!! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
its gold plated and has the writing on the inside and outside of the band!!! plus it came with a chain and boxs!!!!!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

elfling 10-28-2002 08:43 PM

I like the ring but I really want an elvin broach. I'm hoping for one for Christmas. It fits my personality better I really want to be one of the Fellowship, plus I have always liked trees and leaves so it's perfect.

Samwise 10-29-2002 06:07 PM

Somehow, a Ring that symbolizes the embodiment of evil just isn't my style. I'll stick with my dear Sam and Bill and my absolutely hilarious "Arms of the Hobbits", thanks. Just today I recieved the book "A Bad Case of Stripes" (unfortunately, in Spanish), but I can always go to my bookmarked website and listen to it being read by Sean Astin....AKA SAM... [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Sigh....

Frodo Baggins 10-29-2002 09:36 PM

Well, Sam., The idea of ANOTHER one Ring dosen't appeal to me, but Cahira has fallen in love with a certian LOTR ring by the name of Vilya, the ring of air, the one help by ELrond. And I must admit, I like that one!

[ October 29, 2002: Message edited by: Frodo Baggins ]

Samwise 10-29-2002 09:40 PM

Hullo, sir. Yes, I guess that one would be nice. It's just th' very thought of that other awful thing gives me the shivers....

Harmonica 10-30-2002 01:39 PM

I have ordered the Ring and hopefully I will get it in about a week or so. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] But I also want an elvin broach, that is so beautiflu.

Sleeping Beauty 10-30-2002 10:03 PM

I got the applause ring as well. But a while back I made my own one ring with a ring I found at Delia's (It's actually fits me!) It's on a silver chain and has it's place of honor among the rest of the mass of Tolkien stuff I have been trying to collect since the movie came out. ( I got the Legolas figure from the Two Towers - he rocks! ^_^; )

[ October 30, 2002: Message edited by: Sleeping Beauty ]

Harmonica 10-30-2002 10:19 PM


( I got the Legolas figure from the Two Towers - he rocks! ^_^; )
Indeed! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I got the Legolas figure too and he stands here at my computer desk looking awsome.... *sigh*.... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Sleeping Beauty 10-31-2002 10:54 PM

Doesn't he though? This Legolas is one of the best Lord of the Rings figures yet. Amazing detail work on them this time around. ^^ I want to open him and play with the bow and arrow, but *sigh*. I must keep him whole. I wonder if I could convince my friends to get me a second....¬_¬

Harmonica 10-31-2002 11:32 PM

Oh, take the poor thing out of the box! He won´t do any good in there! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I tried the bow on my figure and it went all over the room and one of my cats went after it! Hehe... [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Arwen_Evenstar 10-31-2002 11:39 PM

I got the stirling silver one, because i couldnt afford the gold one, but I can now!!! But the tricky part is getting mum to let me empty my bank account to pay for it... [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

Alcerin 11-01-2002 10:08 PM

Hmm...I can't seem to be able to find any ring that I can afford,I do have the bookmark one though,but it kept making my finger green so...

I think if I got a [real] ring it would be the silver one,cuz I don't look too good in gold [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

has anyone seen a really inexpensive dragon ring???????? if so, where (and it can't be online)

Harmonica 11-01-2002 11:41 PM

I got my ring from Movie Art in Sweden, it wasn´t so exspensive, it´s made from some you can see it here It costs about US$33.

Ainalondwen 11-03-2002 09:33 AM

My sis has THE ONE RING, and the Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Bilbo, Strider and an orc figures. they are soooo much fun to play with. Ahem. hehehe. She's 20.

I really really really want the Legolas figure from FOTR, but I can't find it anywhere now, not even on ebay! [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] I searched the whole of Edinburgh when I went for a shopping trip. I searched the whole of Blackpool when we went on holiday there. NOTHING. Oh well, I'll just go any buy the TTT Legolas.

I agree with Samwise, I have no desire for an evil ring. Although I do recall writing a funny little fiction piece with my sister about a miniature Mount Doom destroying an evil ring...hehehe [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

[ November 03, 2002: Message edited by: Ainalondwen ]

Sleeping Beauty 11-03-2002 07:34 PM

Ainalondwen, look up Lord of the Rings action figure and you should find one. I have seen plenty of them up there. And not bad prices either. Just keep looking! :-)

Manwe Sulimo 11-03-2002 08:26 PM

Well, I want to get Glamdring or Narsil from the Noble Collection...somehow, I got on their mailing list and now I have a catolog full of LotR merchandise. Isn't it weird how they can have Narsil (eg, the hilt and about 1/6 of the blade), but not Andúril?

It's also funny how there are about 4 different "One Ring" sets, and how you can never get 2 items that belonged specifically to 1 character (you can get Gimli's axe and....nothing. You can get Glamdring, but not Narya [even though you can get Nenya and Varya]).


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Knight of Gondor 11-03-2002 09:41 PM

Other stuff like that (replicas of Nenya, Galadriel's Ring) are available at Newline's Official Lord of the Rings store.

I might get a Ring, but like dear little Sam said, it DOES after all symbolize evil. I'm only a teen, so I can't get a good sword from Noble Collection or Arms of Valour for a while yet. I'm sticking an Elvish broach on my Christmas list though!!

Samwise 11-03-2002 10:26 PM

If you're looking for figures and the like, Sideshow Toy has some nice things.
ie: My Sam and Bill. I have "The Arms of the Hobbits", now , too, but no pics! [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

[ November 03, 2002: Message edited by: Samwise ]

Diamond18 11-03-2002 11:49 PM

I have the Ring from the bookmark. It is still attached to the tassel, and that is where it shall stay. (BTW It's the Bilbo bookmark, so it can be used in the Hobbit and LotR with equal relevance. Well, not equal...but whatever.)

Legolas Lover 11-04-2002 10:05 AM

Honey everybody has that ring. One of my friends has it. OH...You want to here something...

My moms friend has the ring that Aragorn uhad in the lord of the rings. You know the one that has the green stone in it??

Yeah she has that one. She searched high and low for it and she got it. I forget how much money she paid for it though [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Ainalondwen 11-04-2002 02:11 PM

Thank you for all the suggestions, I will endeavour to find my little Legolas (heehee).

Maybe I will start looking for Nenya, I'd like that more than an evil ring.

Sapphire_Flame 11-04-2002 04:05 PM

Heehee, I have the Ring, but the one I really want is the Witchking's Ring. Has anyone here seen it? Way too cool. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] AND I do tend to call it "my precious", along with my copy of The Trilogy, and my sword, Sting (yes, the one from the movie [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]), which I got for my birthday (heh, how ironic is that? preciousssss)

*Varda* 11-04-2002 04:30 PM

You know, you can find a lot of these rings in the Barrowdowns store itself.

Knight of Gondor 11-04-2002 09:18 PM

Try the The Noble Collection for the Witchking's ring. A friend of my sister had the DVD coupon book, and it was in there. But gross, 'tis almost worse than the One Ring!

Gayametwen 11-08-2002 03:03 AM

o.O I guess we're kind of lucky when it comes to LotR stuff in NZ because we get most of the stuff...and I DESPERATELY want to win the 22CT ring....but that'd probably take me 50 bars worth of Caramello bars to win it...I don't know much about the action figures and toys etc. but stationary, board games, books (like the movie rada rada), the ring..there's the silver one too....but meh...I have really tanned skin and silver makes me look too dark, adn well we don't really need to go on the net.. ^^;; MEEP!

I also want Arwent's pendant...well I could want everything and be a collector of some sort...but I doubt my pocket money would let me -.-"

Frodo Baggins 11-08-2002 07:46 PM

Well go to and take a looksee at Vilya. It's gorgeous and I'm asking forit for Christmas.

Ainalondwen 11-09-2002 01:58 PM

I got my elf!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

I brought him home, freed him from his bonds, and started playing with his bow and arrows [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

I (accidently) fired one at my sis, then decided to see how far they could go, so I fired one out the door...then spent 10 minutes searching for it, only to find it had ricocheted back into the room (ho hum).

Still looking for a ring.

VanimaEdhel 11-09-2002 05:38 PM

*Looks around incredulously*

Where's your loyalty? Have you forgotten about THE BARROW DOWNS STORE?!?!

Frodo Baggins 11-09-2002 08:19 PM

No offence Van, I love the BD store, but they don't have Vilya.

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