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Galadel Vinorel 08-16-2002 08:15 PM

Ways your life has become more like LOTR ....
Lately I have been noticing how LOTR lovers have been either teaching their dogs Elvish commands, or just acting a lot more like one of their favorite characters. As for myself, whenever someone does something stupid (even if they are in some movie), I say, "Fool of a Took!!" Have you all noticed yourself doing these sort of things as well, or any of your friends and family? [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Davin 08-16-2002 08:38 PM

I am one of those people that teaches his dog elvish commands.

I also find myself walking on all fours and talking like Gollum...especially when I go up stairs.

Galadel Vinorel 08-16-2002 08:41 PM

COOL!! I never thought of doing that. I'll have to try that. I'm thinking of taking my One Ring and putting it one a chain around my neck. Maybe I'll even start talking like Gollum!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Tigerlily Gamgee 08-16-2002 09:54 PM

Well, I have a deeper love of nature and history now. I used to overlook both of those, but now... Whenever I see an area of trees getting torn down for new subdivisions I get really sad and think of what this earth used to look like. I sometime scoff at modern technology and wish I could go live in the trees of Lothlorien. I am sadden when I realize how much history and how many cultures have been lost over the passing years... It's true, I am just more aware and in tune now because of Middle Earth.

As for other things... I do find myself reciting the lines quite frequently, and a lot of the time on accident. The other day at work (where I wear many layers of clothing) a child asked me, "Do those clothes make you hot," and I reply, "It's quite cool." Then there was the time when my friend and I were cracking up after my mom yells at a bird in the road, "Fly you fool!"

Lady_Galadriel 08-16-2002 10:44 PM

I'm always quoteing from lotr, and I also only speak to my cats, (and my neighbors cats) in elvish... I've also been trying to get my dogs to understand my elvish commands, but I allready taught them in spanish, so it's hard for them...

Also yesterday we had a test in spanish class... I actidently did half of it in elvish.... My teacher now thinks I dont know how to speak spanish right.....

And I also pay more attention in history, even though it's mainly because I'm trying to find connections between Middle Earth history and world geography...

And my cats are named in elvish, but I let my family and others who dont know elvish call them by their lotr names...
gollum, pippin, sam, and legolas...

orlandoandsaran 08-17-2002 08:52 AM

What i do at home and when i go out is mope around muttering some silly words i don't even know like 'Frenzyeleihh'?!??
But that's all what i do.....the rest of the time i really have no talking to my doggie in elvish (if only i could speak..sigh..)..

Duramarthiel 08-17-2002 09:36 AM

My friend was doing a report on the Hobbit, and I asked her to get on the ground and act like gollum. She sucked at it! I had to show her what was right. So now every time I see her I speak like gollum at some point.

Duramarthiel 08-17-2002 09:38 AM

I also try to step... lighter, so as to walk like an elf! Hehe, last Christmas I tried walking on top of snow... we had 4 feet of snow, not good.

(sorry for the double post)

Galadel Vinorel 08-17-2002 01:39 PM

I know what you all mean. Whenever I see places on a map or scenery, I pay more attention to it, and try to find similarities in it to Middle Earth. I look at horses more closely now to see if any of them resemble the horses in LOTR. I also find myself trying to walk like an elf sometimes. It seemd that LOTR has changed my life a lot.

PayalS 08-20-2002 12:16 PM

I'm always quoteing from LOTR, and I tried making my two-week-old puppy obey elvish commands. Unfortunately, she's too young to do that, but I might as well get her used to hearing gibberish whenever she comes near me. And anyway, she might learn to obey elvish when she's older.
Oh, and did you know that they've started naming streets after LOTR? I live in Palo Alto, Calif., which is close to San Jose, where they're naming streets Bilbo and Brandybuck St. and Isengard.

Lhunbelethiel 08-20-2002 02:03 PM

Check out the street name discussion here:STREETS

I started it and took the pix. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] I love that there's a place named after LOTR! I'm going back as soon as possible to get the rest. I don't live in San Jose (closer to Fremont) but that neighborhood appeared older, so I think the streets have been named thusly for a while.

Merri 08-20-2002 02:08 PM

Teehee I've started acting like Merry/Pippin . . . my friends think it's weird and eccentric. Eccentric! Yay! I'm eccentric! *cough*.

And I start muttering to myself like Gollum sometimes when I'm not happy with my mother if she's hidden something, like my books. I'll say things like, "Yes, we'll find it, my precious, won't we?" And if my Dad's acting too- um, Chinese Daddish? I'll say, "Nice master . . ." [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ August 20, 2002: Message edited by: Merri ]

lotRfreak 01-29-2003 07:07 PM

i always say "fool of a took"

Jesse 01-30-2003 06:06 AM

Hello all:
I often do an immitation of Gollum "Those filthy stinking thieves! They stole it from us they did! Those wretched hobbits! Curse them we will," LOL, I do a good immitation too. Sometimes I pretend I'm Gandalf in FotR and yell "You shall not pass! Go back to the pit where you belong!"


Rindowen 01-30-2003 01:48 PM

I find myself trying to learn Elvish! This is a silly, silly thing in itself, for WHO will I be able to speak with in Elvish?!

Perhaps my sweet kittens already know it?! [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Inderjit Sanghera 01-30-2003 02:22 PM

I have been admiring sword-fighting and Archery more after reading the Sil. Does this count?

Gorwingel 01-30-2003 02:28 PM

I too have become more aware of nature and old things. also I have had a urge to go and learn how to swordfight and ride horseback. Also when I am on a walk I joke around that I am going on a quest.

the guy who be short 01-30-2003 03:15 PM

lotr has changed me alot too.
i find that i use my rulers as swords and keep stabbing people with them. i also made a bow out of rulers, balloons, cardboard and sellotape! it fires pens! lol
i have also started learning quenya, a big change in my life
i also find that i have memorised several poems, such as that in my signatures, 3 rings, tom bombadils song, a elbereth gilthoniel, aragorns poem, the song of the ent and the entwife, gil galad was an elven king, and ash nazg durbatuluk. does anybody else memorise these little songs (lol, little, have you seen the size of the ent and the entwife?)?
so generally, i am more violent, and sing more, lol, they dont go together.

Airerūthiel 01-30-2003 03:30 PM

* I started learning Quenya
* I have ruler sword-fights with random people
* I do that age-old joke 'My precssshhhioussss...
* and I'm always quoting the book (well, what I've read of it lol)

Vardamar 01-30-2003 06:51 PM

Well I have tenetivly planned a trip around the world(inspored in part by Lord of the Rings) But Ill be making the trip on horseback and my feet, without aid from the modern world. This means bow hunting firemaking (with flint), etc. Now I just have to finish med school and save the 20000 i figure it will cost for the horse and all the equipment. Anyone coming with ???

Shy Hobbit 01-30-2003 06:55 PM

I recently read FotR after seeing the film and have taken to using Sam's "If you take my meaning" line.

I look at my ears and wonder what they would look like pointed, and how my cartilage earring would affect that.

I say that a certain friend of mine is "Tookish" (he's very sweet though [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] )

Compare something I really really really want to the One Ring and think about how having or doing that thing would affect me.

Want to improve my skills at riding my horse bareback. It's just more fantasy like that way.

Meela 01-31-2003 01:09 PM

i do impressions of just about everyone from lotr now

plus ive got a bazillion spiders in my house that are all named after either actors or characters

and i act out just about every scene/moment whenever i can

and i have the hair of about 20 characters (and i mena styles, not the amount! and not the hobbit feet hair)

Dark Shadow 02-01-2003 09:34 AM

hmm. Well, I'm learning Quenya (slowly [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]), I'm desparate to go and visit a real forest (there aren't many of those around here) and am obsessed with trees. I tend to suddenly go "Isn't that a nice tree?" and unsurprisingly i get a few strange looks for that. I now love maps, the older the better, and spend history lessons thinking, "now isn't that just like [insert event from sometime in middle-earth here] isn't that funny?".

- And has anyone else noticed how similar some of the characters names are to chemicals/gases? For example, in chemistry every time I read the word Argon, i think Aragorn, and then I go off into strange thoughts along the lines of... "Argon is a noble gas... Aragorn is a Noble King...." stupid huh?? and I always say "Boromide" instead of Bromide....

I think that's it actually. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Neferchoirwen 02-01-2003 10:10 AM

Hmmm...surprised I haven't posted here since it first showed up.

I'm a praying person, and it seems that everytime I pray, my voice lowers and sounds more elvish. I'm learning Quenya, and I might even pray in Quenya when I'm fluent.

the guy who be short 02-01-2003 10:42 AM

i now wear a belt to put my rulers in. i use them as swords

Inderjit Sanghera 02-01-2003 11:26 AM

Oh, and for some reason, I also stare at the stars for about two mintues, when I can see them.

luin'loki 02-01-2003 11:48 AM

I walk like an elf,do impressions of Gollum(even though I'm not good at it),I found out that I'm a Tolkienite,I try to be as quiet as a hobbit when I walk,I stand and sit taller like an elf(which I am!I can prove it.Come over and look at my ears!)and I always bring Tolkien or the characters or actors into conversations,I want a leopard gecko to name Legolas,and I'm going to try to teach my year-old mutt(I mean it she has like 5 different dads!)Quenya(which I'm just starting to learn).The address to learn is Just click on fanstuff on the side-bar.

[ February 01, 2003: Message edited by: luin'loki ]

Evenstar1069 02-02-2003 05:31 PM

I try to walk quietly like an elf or a hobbit. When me and my friend went for a walk the other day we ended up quoting from the movies and pretending we were going to Moria.

Demloth of Dol Amroth 02-02-2003 10:05 PM

-i named a computer i built "Orodruin," and gave it a different color scheme and mt.doom pic for the desktop (one of my many themes)
-i've bought the one ring gold-plated ed. my sibling is beginning to look at it funny and tries to do an impression of the "bilbo look." it's creepy.
-i name everything in my computer games, from Baldur's gate characters, to cities in civilization, in elvish.
thats all for now, i might be back later.

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