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TheGreatElvenWarrior 12-28-2007 08:35 PM

Ones to Marry
There has been a thread not so far back about who you think is best looking, but I was wondering if you could marry anyone in Middle-earth who would it be?!?!?!?!?!(And it doesn't matter if they get married in the end or not)

I know I would marry Samwise or Pippin, not only are they good looking, but also awesome!


The Might 12-28-2007 08:45 PM

Not some Elvish girl cause I would thnik that once I'm dead she's going to find herself some new guy...and I would have to send my Legions of Might (army made up by Gil) to deal with him.

Nah, it would probably have to be someone from Dol Amroth.

Aganzir 12-29-2007 07:43 AM

Even though I identify with dwarves, I would never want to marry any dwarf. They're a too chauvinistic and jealous race for me.

I would marry Boromir.

I like his pride and self-confidence. He's a man who knows what he wants and gets it also (well, except the throne of Gondor, but who needs that anyway?). I'd have enough freedom & wouldn't have time to tire of him as he isn't home too much. One of the most important things is, though, that I don't think he's of a jealous sort. I just couldn't stand someone who needs to know where I am going, when I am coming back, whom I am meeting etc.

In the end, he dies, so I wouldn't have to spend all my life with him. Not that I couldn't do that but sometimes variatio delectat.

Romantic, aren't I?

Folwren 12-29-2007 09:02 AM

Jack Aubrey! Oh...LotR character? I've no idea.

This is ridiculous.

-- Folwren

Mithalwen 12-29-2007 02:07 PM

Despite the many cute elf boys...
this is a no-brainer.


Mr Perfect

Not only is he kind, humourous, courageous, honourable, intelligent, a scholar as well as being a verray parfit gentil knight, but he is tall, dark and handsome and let us not forget, a Prince. And he likes gardens and has a nice taste in presents.

Then he loves a complex, spirited woman for herself as much as her beauty and their relationship promises to be happy and a true partnership. Yeats could be describing them:

"How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;"

Folwren 12-30-2007 11:28 AM

Yes, Mithalwen, Faramir would definitely be a very good choice. But all the same, I don't think I would quite choose him. Oddly enough, I would probably prefer Boromir....without the Ring, of course. I think Faramir would be entirely too quiet and laid back for me. I love him very, very much in the books and admire him greatly, but he's not my type. Kinda like Sam...he's my favorite character, but I would never, ever be happily married to him - not if I were like I am now.

-- Folwren

Bêthberry 12-30-2007 12:18 PM

Whereforth art thou Heathcliffe or Rochester?
I see that no one has chosen Grima, or Saruman, or perhaps even Shagrat.

It is very reassuring to see that Downers of the female persuasion have finally and truly disabused themselves of that old odd notion once prominent amongst the better half that a good woman could marry a scoundrel and reform him.

piosenniel 12-30-2007 01:31 PM

It's a Hobbit I fancy.

Rose's brother - Wilcome "Jolly" Cotton

Defended the Shire against Sharkey's Men in The Battle of Bywater, the last battle in The War of the Ring.

Guinevere 12-30-2007 03:04 PM

Though I am usually a rather indecisive person, this answer doesn't take me a second's hesitation:


For all the reasons that Mithalwen gave.
And I think his most striking character trait is his extraordinary empathy .
(I am speaking of Book- Faramir, of course! And in my imagination he looks like Anke Eissmann portrays him.)

(btw I love the beautiful verses by Yeats you gave, Mithalwen!)

The Might 12-30-2007 03:30 PM

As I expected a lot mostly females are posting on thsi thread simply because there are a lot more male characters to choose from in the books and they are usually in the center of attention.

I mean, I am can't think like you, bu Faramir Mr. Perfect.
Why not Beren for example?

TheGreatElvenWarrior 12-30-2007 06:37 PM

I am a hobbit fancier myself, but I would defenently not marry the Pimple, what a creep... but of course, Ted Sandyman is not all that better! But if you married Saurman wouldn't he put a spell on you or kill you if you tried to calm you down. But you might be able to get control of Grima, but he is kinda shallow.

Mithalwen 01-11-2008 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 541266)
Yes, Mithalwen, Faramir would definitely be a very good choice. But all the same, I don't think I would quite choose him. Oddly enough, I would probably prefer Boromir....without the Ring, of course.

Well I am rather older than you so maybe I have realised that what you need is not the same as what you think you want. Boromir is more glamourous but I can't imagine him being a good husband and had shown no inclination to become one. I always think the fact that the heirs to Rohan and Gondor were single so late is a failure of hope. Not that there is anything wrong with being single late - I fear with Faramir as my benchmark I may be far too picky ;).

I always feel that Eowyn would not be diminished or compromised by her marriage. Faramir would not break her spirit but help her channel it. Boromir would be too forceful and uncompromising. Faramir is not weak but he is more subtle - for want of a better word he is like a horse whisperer.

Oh Great Elven Warrior - no contest..... never liked Beren (and loathe Luthien). "So wet youcould shoot snipe off him". There are a lot of cute elf boys though.

Oh Bethberry - everyone knows it is easier to change the man than change the man ;) ... besides you never get a receipt.

Elmo 01-11-2008 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Bêthberry (Post 541269)
I see that no one has chosen Grima, or Saruman, or perhaps even Shagrat.

It is very reassuring to see that Downers of the female persuasion have finally and truly disabused themselves of that old odd notion once prominent amongst the better half that a good woman could marry a scoundrel and reform him.

The real question we have here is are there any female orcs? ;)

Lalaith 01-11-2008 03:57 PM

The only character in LotR who would be realistic marriage material for me would be Merry. Sensible, decent, but a really good laugh.

In my case however, (as I like tall men) he would also have to drink more Ent-Draught.

PS Actually on second thoughts, there's also Eomer - although there's not so much evidence of a sense of humour.

Mithalwen 01-11-2008 04:01 PM

And the hairy feet don't unnerve you? Merry is my favourite hobbit - but I just think short with hairy feet... and surely riding around the Shire in armour after the war is over is on a par with driving a pointlessly big car.... :p

Gwathagor 01-11-2008 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 541151)
Jack Aubrey! Oh...LotR character? I've no idea.

This is ridiculous.

-- Folwren

Ha ha! Jack Aubrey...

MatthewM 01-13-2008 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 541142)
One of the most important things is, though, that I don't think he's of a jealous sort.

(Concerning Boromir)

I disagree with this entirely. I see jealousy in Boromir's character, for sure. Which I identify with :) would hate me!

And for my answer, I wouldn't marry any of them, but, Eowyn!

Aganzir 01-13-2008 12:09 PM

You're right, MatthewM. What I meant with that, though, was that I don't think he'd be jealous about a sweet little wife like me. ;)

Lalwendë 01-14-2008 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 543106)
And the hairy feet don't unnerve you? Merry is my favourite hobbit - but I just think short with hairy feet... and surely riding around the Shire in armour after the war is over is on a par with driving a pointlessly big car.... :p

Merry. The Richard Hammond of The Shire... :D


Originally Posted by Bb
I see that no one has chosen Grima, or Saruman, or perhaps even Shagrat.

It is very reassuring to see that Downers of the female persuasion have finally and truly disabused themselves of that old odd notion once prominent amongst the better half that a good woman could marry a scoundrel and reform him.

Grima? Who'd want to marry a civil servant? :D

Saruman. Well, I think he'd be interesting, if not attractive. My personal image of him is rather like Ming The Merciless, not the Chris Lee portrayal, despite this being the bees' knees for me as a Chris Lee fan...At least he is nifty at making jewellery...

Shagrat? Looking at what the unflattering words in his name suggests, any girl of his wouldn't be much of a looker...

Mithalwen 01-16-2008 03:10 PM

[QUOTE=Lalwendë;543272]Merry. The Richard Hammond of The Shire... :D

Saruman. Well, I think he'd be interesting, if not attractive. My personal image of him is rather like Ming The Merciless, not the Chris Lee portrayal, despite this being the bees' knees for me as a Chris Lee fan...At least he is nifty at making jewellery...


but did Merry have his teeth whitened?

I have just realised I would be very vulnerable to Saruman - I am very voice sensitive and find silver hair attractive (though more Thingol style-prematurely grey). However I hate beards and don't hold with magic... so maybe I'd escape...

Rikae 01-27-2008 12:00 PM

Well, maybe this seems a little too obvious a choice, but I've had a crush on Aragorn for 20 years now.

He's rugged and capable of sarcasm when needed, but at the same time noble, humble, patient enough to endure decades of isolation and injustice without becoming bitter; he puts others before himself, is courageous and very loyal. Plus, he ages slowly, cleans up nice, and is the KING, just as comfortable in a palace or in the wilderness. He also knows lots of interesting things like herbal medicine and ancient history. Besides, I'm a sucker for guys who turn out to be older than they appear to be at first. ;)

Nimrodel_9 01-27-2008 03:34 PM

Faramir, hands down. Although Merry is my type.... :D

TheGreatElvenWarrior 01-27-2008 07:09 PM

Beautiful... oh wait, he's not a fictional character:(... umm, well if I couldn't get Samwise or Peregrin... I think I'd go for Faramir!

Laurinquë 01-28-2008 03:31 AM

Wow, I never knew that many people liked Faramir! I love him too though, he think he is just about perfect, OK, Perfect. I also like Pippin, he is so funny, outgoing, and happy, he is also a bit taller then the rest so I would not have to break my back trying to kiss him.:p Merry is nice too, even though Pippin is better looking in the movies, Merry is the one who helped slay the Nazgul remember Elven Warrior? I admit that I like Aragorn, but who I really like is Sam. Wonderful Sam. Not only is he the real hero of the story, he also likes plants and gardening, two must haves for me. Sam!

Ha, it looks like I have named half the characters in the books here! :D

A Little Green 01-28-2008 08:56 AM

My first thoughts were of Faramir, and after that of Aragorn. Then I came to think about Beleg.

Loyal, wise, beautiful (though I meant inner beauty, of course he is bound to have some outer as well :p), courageous but not show-off, calm, gentle. And intriguing as well :D The height might prove a problem, though, as I'm not too tall myself and I guess he is? Oh darn, who cares.

TheGreatElvenWarrior 01-28-2008 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Laurinquë (Post 545121)
Wow, I never knew that many people liked Faramir! I love him too though, he think he is just about perfect, OK, Perfect. I also like Pippin, he is so funny, outgoing, and happy, he is also a bit taller then the rest so I would not have to break my back trying to kiss him.:p Merry is nice too, even though Pippin is better looking in the movies, Merry is the one who helped slay the Nazgul remember Elven Warrior? I admit that I like Aragorn, but who I really like is Sam. Wonderful Sam. Not only is he the real hero of the story, he also likes plants and gradening, two must haves for me. Sam!

Ha, it looks like I have named half the characters in the books here! :D

Oh come on Lauri, you're not that tall, after that ent draught, Pippin would be as tall as you!:p Actually he would be my height!

And oh yes, whats gradening? Did you mean gardening?

Laurinquë 01-29-2008 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by TheGreatElvenWarrior (Post 545170)
Oh come on Lauri, you're not that tall, after that ent draught, Pippin would be as tall as you!:p Actually he would be my height!

And oh yes, whats gradening? Did you mean gardening?

Oh thanks TGEW, "Your not that tall".
And yes, I did mean gardening.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 01-30-2008 07:22 PM

Hee Hee. Why not? I'll allow myself to be girly for a bit.

Faramir seems to be quite the ladies' choice, doesn't he? I have to say, he's my kinda guy. He has depth and integrity. He's gentle, and a gentleman. His arc remains my favorite love story, not just in Lord of the Rings, but in anything I've ever read (excepting maybe Pride and Prejudice :D ). In a very different time, he still loved an unconventional, even rebellious, woman for who she was, not for her land or her money, or because feudal society demanded that he choose a wife.

However, I'm not sure how I'd like life in Gondor. Ithilien sounds beautiful, but the life of Men seems to be missing something in terms of simple joys. All that riding off to war and fighting Orcs would drive me half-mad with worry.

I just wouldn't feel at home, as absurdly PERFECT as Faramir is.

I'm far more of a Hobbit at heart. As such, I'd have to say Sam would be the one. He is the true hero of the story, and he's heart-smart, full of hope and love of life, and courage. I think that the way people make friends speaks volumes about them, and Sam's approach to friendship is my own. That said, he'd probably wind up being the friend I fall hard for but never find the courage to even think about romance with, for fear of ruining the friendship. :p

Laurinquë 01-30-2008 09:17 PM

I'm far more of a Hobbit at heart. As such, I'd have to say Sam would be the one. He is the true hero of the story, and he's heart-smart, full of hope and love of life, and courage. I think that the way people make friends speaks volumes about them, and Sam's approach to friendship is my own. That said, he'd probably wind up being the friend I fall hard for but never find the courage to even think about romance with, for fear of ruining the friendship. :p[/QUOTE]

Oh I know! I love Sam but don't think I could ever get up the courage to talk to him about it, I would be so scared he would never treat me the same afterwards if things went wrong. But Sam is so wonderful! I swear he is perfect for me, I mean, where does it say that Rosie Cotton liked gardens? I do. Grr...that Rosie Cotton...she is dispicable.

TheGreatElvenWarrior 01-30-2008 09:44 PM

Oh, Lauri you know that Samwise it already sailed off Into the west!;) Besides you're waay too young for our dearest Samwise (especially the combination of him and Beautiful!*dreamy stare* (don't ask, she knows what I'm talking about)

Gordis 01-31-2008 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Bêthberry (Post 541269)
I see that no one has chosen Grima, or Saruman, or perhaps even Shagrat.

It is very reassuring to see that Downers of the female persuasion have finally and truly disabused themselves of that old odd notion once prominent amongst the better half that a good woman could marry a scoundrel and reform him.

I don't think a good wife would have changed Shagrat or Saruman...

But if Eowyn loved Grima, he would have remained a good Rohan man he was born to be - Grima son of Galmond, the faithful King's advisor.

Legate of Amon Lanc 01-31-2008 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Gordis (Post 545649)
I don't think a good wife would have changed Shagrat or Saruman...

But if Eowyn loved Grima, he would have remained a good Rohan man he was born to be - Grima son of Galmond, the faithful King's advisor.

Well, I'd think otherwise and the two folks first... actually I pity that Galadriel was already married, because she and Saruman would have been a lovely pair :D (only a tad dangerous for each other... I'm sure sooner or later they'll decide to rule the Middle-Earth. Hooray!)

Gordis 01-31-2008 05:31 AM

Nay-nay, Galadriel was a good match for Sauron-Annatar, only she didn't realize it!:D

Thinlómien 01-31-2008 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 545665)
Well, I'd think otherwise and the two folks first... actually I pity that Galadriel was already married, because she and Saruman would have been a lovely pair (only a tad dangerous for each other... I'm sure sooner or later they'll decide to rule the Middle-Earth. Hooray!)

:eek: Sounds disastrous. I'm afraid poor Gandalf would not have stood a chance against their evil designs... :D

Speaking of him, a friend of mine *coughAganzircough* once married me to him in The Sims... Yes, Gandalf is one of my favourite characters, but... :rolleyes:

Legate of Amon Lanc 01-31-2008 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Gordis (Post 545667)
Nay-nay, Galadriel was a good match for Sauron-Annatar, only she didn't realize it!

No, Sauron-Annatar was too arrogant selfish blockhead, whilst Saruman (at least in his earlier days) was a clever and open-minded man "of noble mien and bearing, with raven hair, and a fair voice". (I always thought that people overlook something important by imagining Saruman just as an old man!)


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 545675)
:eek: Sounds disastrous. I'm afraid poor Gandalf would not have stood a chance against their evil designs...

He wouldn't... mwa ha ha!!! (though Saruman hinted the opposite conspiracy during their encounter in Dunland)


Originally Posted by Lommy
Speaking of him, a friend of mine *coughAganzircough* once married me to him in The Sims... Yes, Gandalf is one of my favourite characters, but...

:rolleyes: Aganzir... :D

TheGreatElvenWarrior 01-31-2008 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Bêthberry (Post 541269)
I see that no one has chosen Grima, or Saruman, or perhaps even Shagrat.

It is very reassuring to see that Downers of the female persuasion have finally and truly disabused themselves of that old odd notion once prominent amongst the better half that a good woman could marry a scoundrel and reform him.

Well, Saurman wouldn't scare me all that much... but Shagrat:eek: oh my he's scary to put it in simple terms! Orcs are just filthy and mean! (at least Saurman is colorful!)

Aganzir 01-31-2008 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Gordis (Post 545649)
I don't think a good wife would have changed Shagrat or Saruman...

But if Eowyn loved Grima, he would have remained a good Rohan man he was born to be - Grima son of Galmond, the faithful King's advisor.

And if Saruman had had a good wife, he would have remained a good and noble ainu he was born to be. ;)

Maybe all he really would have needed was to be henpecked. He could act as bad as he wished in public, but there would always have been his mistress to show him his rightful place.


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 545675)
Speaking of him, a friend of mine *coughAganzircough* once married me to him in The Sims... Yes, Gandalf is one of my favourite characters, but...

I'm sorry to tell about your personal life here, Lommy, but just can't resist...
You know, Lommy abandoned her rich and athletic husband and their three children to marry the poor, unemployed and grumpy Gandalf. She's such an impulsive person, that's what I've always said...


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 545677)
He wouldn't... mwa ha ha!!! (though Saruman hinted the opposite conspiracy during their encounter in Dunland)

He was just jealous, try to understand him. Poor guy. Lost his true love.

Though I think Galadriel and Celebrimbor would have been a perfect match.

And who said no one wants to marry Saruman? He's the only one I could have taken both in the books and the movies.

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