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Lush 07-28-2005 05:07 AM

Names for Girls and Boys
I'm about to become an aunt, and in the upcoming flurry of activity that surrounds the arrival of a new baby, my cousin and his wife have been discussing possible names.

At first they thought I went off the deep end when I suggested a Middle Earth-inspired name for kicks, but there were a few I came up with that they thought were pretty cool. Of course, they're not actually going to use them, especially seeing as they sound really strange in both Ukrainian and Russian, but I've been inspired.

I used some common roots found in the languages to create a few names, instead of borrowing from existing characters, and I realized that it's tons of fun (either that or I'm really bored at the moment).

Some of the names that my cousin and his wife liked were:


As a sidenote, my boyfriend, who claims to be as non-dorky as they come, really likes the name Arwen for a baby girl (but he says he imagines she'd be teased mercilessly at school).

Does anyone else have cool Middle Earth names they'd like to share? Anyone plan on using one? ;)

Balin999 07-28-2005 11:37 AM

One of my favourite ME-names is


I really like the sound of it, and it would be a name no-one else had (I guess).

And... come to think of it, Balin wouldn't be that bad either.

I have not yet thought about any girl names.

the guy who be short 07-28-2005 11:54 AM

You may be interested in this thread where we're helping mormegil name his next daughter.

solarisa 07-28-2005 11:57 AM

choices... ... amarie??, with the e pronounced like "ay" so "amariay"
miriel? *i got these from the silmarilion... it's up to ur aunt, or whoever

Encaitare 07-28-2005 12:08 PM

- Galadriel (didn't anyone ever read The Great Gilly Hopkins?)
- Nienna

- Peregrin
- Fredegar (Fred for short -- not Fatty!)

Durelin 07-28-2005 12:48 PM

I've always considered 'Middle-earth inspired' names for my future children (yes, creepy me intends to have children someday). I mean, why not? :D I've also considered quite a few Roman names...

Here's some random names...if they even remotely appealed, I took note of them... On some of them I wouldn't go with the traditional spelling, but... is that illegal? :p

Tiriel (I like Miriel too)



And my boyfriend swears his first son is going to be named Ecthelion... :rolleyes:

I would prefer Aetius, personally...

Hilde Bracegirdle 07-28-2005 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Balin999
And... come to think of it, Balin wouldn't be that bad either.

Hmm.. think of a bouncing baby Balin! :D I like it! (Or bounce to hard and it might be Bawlin' instead.)

I have an overseas friend whose son is Rohan. It is an actual name in Hindi meaning 'sandalwood', so the child could pick whether they prefered to have a Middle-earth name or an Indian one. Not very creative on my part, but a nice name all the same.

VanimaEdhel 07-28-2005 03:37 PM

Actually, Arwen is a Welsh name meaning "Muse" - if you wanted to give her a way she could claim that her name is entirely related to Tolkien.

I actually think that Melian could be a beautiful name for a girl. Here are some more that I like (off the top of my head) - I'm pretty sure I repeat:
Emeldir (though we know I've always been a fan)
Arien (though people might connect that with "arian", don't know if you mind)
Avallónë (could just have "o" and "e", I guess)
Idril (stretching it a bit)
Lindon (this could be for both genders, I think)
Eä (though it's short, I think it's very pretty)
Eressea would be kind of pretty
There's always Luthien

Lorgan (close enough to Logan that I don't think he'd get trouble)

Have to go pack up the car now...

wilwarin538 07-28-2005 04:12 PM

Nessa ad Vana are really nice, and you put them together to get Vanessa, which isn't obviously a ME tipe name. Plus the elven word for Beauty is Vanessë. :cool: Plus Vanessa is my name. :D Its Greek though so I don't know if it would go with a Ukrainian or Russian last name.

For a boy I like Aman alot.

Nimrodel_9 07-28-2005 05:05 PM

Definitely Lorien for a girl. :)

Amanaduial the archer 07-29-2005 10:26 AM

Lorien would be nice, yes - but can you imagine the number of times when someone would mishear and spell it 'Lauren'?

Many of the female names sound and look Welsh, or maybe Irish - Rían and Rómenna, for example, sound Celtic and Arwen, along with names like Bronwen, is actually a Welsh name. So if you like the sound of 'Tolkien-based' names, you could always consider lists of Welsh or Irish/Scottish traditional names (Welsh here and Irish here).

Oh, and just an endnote - I'm rather fond of Elentari. It sounds lovely and I love the meaning - imagine being called 'Queen of the Stars'...

Fordim Hedgethistle 07-29-2005 10:35 AM

As it happens, I went to school with a girl named Lorien, and -- yes -- her parents had named her in reference to Middle-Earth.

For my money, I think a good name for boy would be Teleporn... :smokin:

Hilde Bracegirdle 07-29-2005 10:37 AM

I'd much prefer Trotter or even Celeborn!

Kitanna 07-29-2005 10:57 AM

I think Nenya, Narya, and Vilya are all pretty names.
I'm also a fan of the name Figwit. Of course if I ever have a son I'm going to name him Pippin

solarisa 07-30-2005 02:13 PM

scuse me i didnt know you were the AUNT but anyway...galadriel is too well known; how bout annael for a girl?? :)

Lush 07-31-2005 03:57 PM

Thanks so much for everyone's contributions (how could I forget Teleporn? Shame on me).

It's good to know that Arwen exists in Welsh. I really really love that name, and I suppose if one ever gets teased for it a spiel about its other origins might shut up the other side (though probably not).

I also really like Rian, Silme (then again people can barely read these days, so everyone would probably read her name off as "slime), Vanessa (it is a lovely name, wilwarin, you've lucked out), and so on.

I haven't thought much of boy names, because they're pretty sure it's a girl in there, but Aman is gorgeous.

Mithalwen 08-01-2005 06:28 AM

I put my best shots on morm's thread but if it were a boy... I think you might just get away with Faramir with a Russian/Ukrainian surname? I mean Faramir Smith is a bit conspicuous but Faramir Baryshnikov.... (or whatever) is so much more plausible.....

Alphaelin 08-07-2005 11:42 PM

Congratulations on your impending aunt-hood, Lush.

I didn't dare suggest ME names for my children; our families are too traditional. :p

*However*, if Tolkien-related names had been an option, these are some I've always liked (in no particular order):


Anarion (I know it's a place name, but I like the sound)

And though they are tragic/fearful characters, I like the sound of Turin and Maeglin.

Encaitare 08-08-2005 09:21 AM


Anarion (I know it's a place name, but I like the sound)
It's a person-name; Anarion was Isildur's brother.

Another good name for a boy is Maglor.

The Only Real Estel 08-08-2005 11:13 AM


Yeah, that one sounds good!

I could see Elenna & Lorien as possible girls names.

Alphaelin 08-08-2005 10:41 PM

V. embarrassed
Encaitare wrote:

It's a person-name; Anarion was Isildur's brother.
:o So he was! How embarassing for me. I must have been thinking of Anorien.

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-08-2005 10:47 PM

Aerin (or Aeryn) is very pretty.

Morsul the Dark 08-09-2005 09:30 AM

Well I have a few I like

Samwise(he's my favorite charactor) Also his initials would be S.A.M. :p

Gandalf is good again one that would be teased so I figure give the kid a double middle name Ian Andrew Gandalf ma....(acto,my name, charactor, last name) for the "less perseptive of you" just kidding :D

But heres my list (top five)


Girls:-(Already set on Saphire however)

As I said I'm alreadfy biassed to Saphire so I can't think of any names

Durelin 08-09-2005 12:00 PM

Oh, I completely forgot Elanor... :)

Lush 08-12-2005 03:09 AM

It's a boy!
Well, I'm an aunt. :) The baby surprised everyone by being born a boy, as opposed to a girl, which was what the ultrasound technicians had insisted upon.

He doesn't have a name yet because in Ukraine parents are given a month to decide.

I'm really fond of Peregrin and Beren at the moment. And Estel, of course.

Lalaith 08-12-2005 03:55 AM

Congratulations on auntie status, Lush.

I like Beren and Estel, too.....what about Thorin? (It's based on a real, as opposed to Tolkien-created name, comes from the Norse Þórinn)

AbercrombieOfRohan 08-12-2005 06:11 AM

Congratulations Lush! That's awesome. Have you seen him yet? I bet he's adorable.

Time for me to stop gushing, anyways, I always liked the name Maia for a girl. The good thing about it is you wouldn't ever know it was a Lord of the Rings name, unless your mind works in the same way that most of ours do.

For boys though, I'm no help. I'd want to name him something boring like Tom, though Sam would be a good name, I suppose.

Kitanna 08-12-2005 10:39 AM

Congratulations on becoming an aunt, Lush!

wilwarin538 08-12-2005 11:56 AM

Congratulations Lush! :D

Encaitare 08-12-2005 02:19 PM

Congrats, Lush. :)

Alphaelin 08-12-2005 03:48 PM

Congratulations, Lush! I hope wee Peregrin Beren Thorin Estel and his mommy are both doing well.

:rolleyes: Don't you just love ultrasound techs?

Lush 08-13-2005 08:15 AM

Thanks guys. It was a difficult birth, but they're both Ok. He is an extremely cute baby, such a little kitten. For my money, he looks like a Peregrin. Not that anyone is going to listen to me.

Anarion is also a good one, but I think it sounds almost too fancy. ;)

And as for the ultrasound techs, well they do like to pretend they know everything sometimes.

Gil-Galad 08-28-2005 04:59 PM

call the boy Gil-Galad in my honour... :smokin:

wilwarin538 08-28-2005 05:02 PM

How about William in my honour? Then his nickname would be Will just like me. :D Except I'm Wil, but thats a minor detail. ;)

vanwalossien 09-02-2005 01:29 PM

Actually, I read a story in a newspaper last summer or whenever it was, about this guy, they wrote a good bit before they casually dropped his name into a sentence. His name was Gandalf :D Appearently, it's an ancient Norwegian name from the Edda, but really, no-one here is going to relate it to anything but Tolkien.

I always liked the idea of naming a girl Tinúviel, Tina for short, but I'm not sure about boys' names. A friend of mine once said that she couldn't marry a man who wouldn't agree to name his son Aragorn..

Gil-Galad 09-02-2005 04:47 PM

Tilion would be a cool name for a boy...

THE Ka 09-02-2005 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Gil-Galad
Tilion would be a cool name for a boy...

I agree. That name has always been in my mind very beautiful and majestic.

I tried to name my parent's second dog (a white, male, very fluffy pomeranian) after Tilion, but they immediately stuck their noses up to it... Now I call their other pomeranian (a female, who is red) Arien, just to spite them. Unfortunately, they like this nickname. I just wish they would accept that if your going to have an Arien, you need a Tilion as well! It drives me mad sometimes...

~ Aesthete

Oddwen 09-03-2005 08:02 PM

There's always Dane/Dain...I know of a person whose name is Dane, and I always think of Dain Ironfoot when I hear of him.

Durin isn't such a bad name.

Bêthberry 12-19-2005 09:48 AM

Hear ye! Hear ye! Fordim be in need of hobbit names
For those who do not frequent the role playing inns, an announcement here is made and advice sought.

Master Fordim Hedgethistle and his lovely wife Mistress Hedgethistle, neé Willow Whisp, ;) have become the proverbially proud parents of hobbit twins. Children and mother doing well; father near speechless, a state heretofore unknown to him.

Now the prevalence of twins among the hobbits is a rarity, rarer even than amongst the race of men, and so it is to be understood that the parents are in something approaching a quandry. The naming of children is a solemn thing and much time, effort and thought is expended on this momentous act which recalls Adam's role in Eden--or whoever the Middle-earth version is. But to have to consider two names, now that is flumoxing indeed for new hobbit parents, even hobbits as sage and sagacious as our Hedgethistle family.

So we are here to offer our help and sage advice to Master Fordim Hedgethistle and his wife, as congratulations on the birth of their twins. Shall the names be something non-cannonical or noble and Numenorean or creatively hobbitish?

Bibble and Bobble Hedgethistle?

Clementine and Candy Apple Hedgethistle, in honour of the season?

Hildefonds and Harreld Hedgethistle? Holly and Halfred?

Lisianthus and Lupin Hedgethiste?

Offer your suggestions here and see what Master Fordim makes of our kindnesses. :D

Estelyn Telcontar 12-20-2005 02:23 AM

Congratulations to the Hedgethistle family! (And a good idea for reviving this thread, Mistress Berry!) Master Fordim has not told us whether the twins are maidchildren or manchildren, so it's difficult to choose names. It is, of course, possible that they are one of each. In that case, I offer the obvious choice:

Poll and Pollina! :D

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