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Beleg Cuthalion 03-11-2005 11:27 PM

If Lord of the Rings had been adapted as Anime...
Well, I'd rather not imagine such a nightmare for fear of an immediate coronary conclusion, but nevertheless....

-Arwen would have purple hair. If she was lucky.

-Bilbo would run a dojo and have a rock garden.

-The concept of artificial dragon APC's would be revived.

-Aragorn would be blonde.

-There would be speedlines everywhere.

-Frodo's eyes would be even bigger, if possible.

-Gandalf would look even more like Hidetora Ichimonji than he did in the Rankin-Bass films.

-Sauron would be 30' tall and could cause his enemies to explode in a spray of blood by clapping his hands.

-The Shire would be infested with bamboo and lotus blossoms.

-Boromir would most likely have really hairy arms and long sideburns. And possibly a topknot.

-All the swords would be curved. Anduril would be five-and-a-half feet long and would talk in the typical bad-atitude fashion.

-Barad-Dur would be 20,000 feet tall and Sauron would be depicted casually slaying errant minions on all possible occasions.

Maeggaladiel 03-12-2005 12:41 AM

~Frodo would be able to transform into a robo-hobbit. Or some kind of hobbit/endangered species hybrid.

~Legolas would look exactly the same as he does in the film. Except his eyes would be bigger. Heh.

~Narsil could turn into a huge laser-shooting gun that only transforms when Aragorn raises it dramatically and shouts out a catch-phrase.

~Everyone would wear bizarre outfits that include fingerless gloves, pants with one leg, useless vests and lots of zippers, etc.

~Arwen, Galadriel and Eowyn join together to form an All-Girl Super Crime Fighting Team. They run around in short skirts fighting monsters and flirting with the mysterious Dark Knight who slightly resembles Aragorn in a suit of armor.

~Unbeknownst to everyone, Aragorn can change into the mysterious Dark Knight after a fatal encounter with a radioactive squirrel.

~Everyone would ride chocobos. Oh wait... that's not anime.

Neferchoirwen 03-12-2005 12:44 AM

uhm...but adapting LotR to anime mean that it necessarily has to follow certain (asian) anime "conventions"?

just a thought.

...But a blonde Aragorn and a purple-haired Arwen would be cool ;)

Lyta_Underhill 03-12-2005 08:36 AM

Just as long as Saruman isn't turned into Santa Claus again!
Santa Saruman
(I kind of thought bare-legged Viking Boromir was amusing though!)
Longboat-Ready Man of Gondor

(Of course, this has nothing to do with the newer conventions of Anime...just thought it was amusing!) Of course, we would probably get to hear the fox's thoughts in the anime version...)


Rilwen Gamgee 03-12-2005 04:00 PM


uhm...but adapting LotR to anime mean that it necessarily has to follow certain (asian) anime "conventions"?

just a thought.
That's true...but if Aragorn yelled, "BANZAI!!!", instead of, "Eärendil!", that would be an amusing touch, as well.

Also, instead of transforming Legolas into an even more perfectly blond-haired "bishonen" ("pretty-boy" in Japanese, for those who don't know) with a piercing glance and a deep voice, he might possibly become a tall, happy Elf.

Gollum could look something similar to a kappa (a Japanese water demon that looks something like a turtle), I suppose, except much skinnier and without a shell. :eek:

Lyta, the picture of Santa-Saruman is funny! I can imagine Gandalf returning to Bag End and saying, "Yes, Frodo, there is a Saruman." ;) (There's a children's book my family has called, "Yes, there is a Santa Claus." I'm not sure if anyone else is familiar with it...)

Shelob 03-12-2005 05:19 PM


Here's a link to a site that describes Kappas and has a picture (click on it for a larger version)

I don't really know too much about anime (though I can tell you that all the 'anime freaks' at my school bring nothing but junk food for lunch--and sorry if the phrase 'anime freaks' is insulting to you, but that's how we at the geek table refer to them)

my one suspicion would be that if LOTR were done in an anime style it would become even harder to follow for non-book lovers and Tolkien purists everywhere really would have heart attacks.

Ainaserkewen 03-12-2005 06:13 PM

I think that would be an awesome idea for the soul reason that if the Lord of the Rings were adapted into anime, that would mean that finally there would be an opertunity for a very accurate visual presentation. Accurate as opposed to a movie format. You can do so much with animation and an actual 26 or more episode show than a movie.

If such a project was ever to be done, I think that it should like this:
Found at:
This site
I love this artist!

Lyta_Underhill 03-12-2005 08:10 PM

Smeagol...You weren't so different from a kappa once...
1 Attachment(s)

Gollum could look something similar to a kappa (a Japanese water demon that looks something like a turtle), I suppose, except much skinnier and without a shell.
Rilwen, you might have something there with the kappa idea: this picture shows an illustration from a children's book from the 60's called "Kap the Kappa," about a mischievous "Japanese water elf." Notice the nature of his steed! Gollum indeed! ;)


Rilwen Gamgee 03-12-2005 11:44 PM

True, that kappa certainly does look like Gollum! But they tend to prefer cucumbers, instead of fish... :confused: Gollum wouldn't fancy them much...: "Cucumbers! Nasssty! No taste, preciousss!"

malkatoj 03-13-2005 12:48 PM

I agree with Shelob ...'anime freaks' haha. I think that it wouldn't be too bad if the Japanese did it, though they would probably have some more 'intimate' scenes involving Aragorn and Arwen, (yes, with purple hair) Sam and Rosie or *gasp* Sam and Frodo...those Japanese animes get pretty crazy (I've even heard that Pokemon is kinda good if you watch it in japanese! Doubt it, but still). But as soon as it got licensed, it would mean death to the world, and all these crazy 12-year-old fangirls who only answer to some Japanese word that, little do they know, means 'Large Bowel Movement' would be running around screaming "WAIIIIIII LORD OF THE RINGS KONNICHIWA!" since we all know they don't speak Japanese.

Sorry if I offended any anime freaks here, but you know it's what would happen.

Neurion 03-13-2005 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Ainaserkewen
I think that would be an awesome idea for the soul reason that if the Lord of the Rings were adapted into anime, that would mean that finally there would be an opertunity for a very accurate visual presentation. Accurate as opposed to a movie format.

Aina, about that:

AAAAAGGH! Receive thy fatal blade oh beating heart!

And in case I didn't make my point:

Falkor 03-25-2005 02:28 PM

Thats' not right.
If Lord of the Rings had been adapted as Anime...

I would run away. While wearing a pair of pants on my head.

Somebody stole my pants.

By the way, that's more Manga than Anime...

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 03-26-2005 01:55 PM

If LOTR was made into an anime Eowyn would be wearing a schoolgirl's uniform.

Kitanna 03-27-2005 05:31 PM

If LOTR was anime I'd lock myself in a trunk and have someone throw me into the ocean. I shudder to think.
But I must say last year my friend and I had the idea of having an all out war of LOTR vs. Anime. But neither of us can draw so it never happened. I image it would be those crazy (and scary) anime cartoons vs. Hildebrandt's LOTR drawings. I think we all know who the victors would be.

On the other hand, LOTR as anime has some comedic value. Just think of Frodo as Pikachu. "Frodochu!"
Or perhaps Legolas in the schoolgirl outfit...hehehe. No that's mean...yet strangely entertaining.
I have to agree with Maeggaladiel about everyone riding chocobos. Heck I’d ride a giant chicken if it were possible.

But when it comes down to it making LOTR an anime cartoon is a terrible idea. With the huge eyes, the crazy colored hair, and those weird mutated teardrops that seem to hover behind everyone. It's all together evil.

Nirvana II 03-31-2005 05:41 PM

I think Saruman would look more like Heihachi Mishima from the Tekken games.

Tekken isn't really Anime, per se, I know.

But seein Saruman with those two lightning things of hair.

Gil-Galad 03-31-2005 08:41 PM

Lord of teh Rings, in the near future...with guns and gritty landscape, like a techno-Mordor, and a tropical-Shire, and a Palace of gods-like-Rivendell...and Minas Tirith will be a bustling City with flying cars...

ElementFire 04-16-2005 10:30 AM

It never ceases to amaze me how much you dudes can think of...But all the same, I'm stoked!!! :D
Eowyn- would probably have....white hair (not old people white hair, cool white hair)
Arwen- Angular brown hair, and bubbly blue eyes
Frodo- Big shiny blue eyes, (ooh, shiny!!) :P and the same hair
Gandalf- Would be really tall, and would have kind of a childish smile, but would look really scary and formidable if he wanted to.

These are just my standards, please don't kill me.

Lûthien Nénharma 04-24-2005 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Maeggaladiel

~Everyone would ride chocobos. Oh wait... that's not anime.

HAHA Thats funny,and technically we could associate with anime,b/c ppl who love anime love final fantasy

Lûthien Nénharma 04-24-2005 09:51 AM

Arwen would be running around in a kimono and have two buns on her head

Aragorn would have a caster gun, a space ship, and many scars

Legolas would not wear a large shirt over his tights, but a full spandex body suit

Gimili would have a gundinamium helmet and say "Omae O' Karosou"

Frodo and Sam WOULD be gay

The ring would talk and shoot out mystical beams and twinkling lights when frodo wears it

The Nazgul would pilot Gundams

Middle earth would be a space colony

Gandalf would have a much longer beard, a longer face with a little hat on

Merry would be a black belt

an the orcs would be human cat things that have magical powers

Kitanna 04-24-2005 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Lûthien Nénharma
The ring would talk and shoot out mystical beams and twinkling lights when frodo wears it

Didn't that happen in the cartoon version of Return of the King?

Lathriel 04-24-2005 02:27 PM

And I would scream. No actually I would faint and somebody would have to take me to the hospital where I will take 6 months to recover from shock.

I mean, how MUCH bigger could Frodo's eyes get. Also if they made sam and Frodo gay we would have a whole bunch of people on our case saying "See, I told you Frodo and Sam wre gay."

To those who love anime, sorry I just don't think it would work. Partly because LOTR is very different from anime in story line and portrayal of the characters. (No cutsy outfits allowed in LOTR and absolutely NO schoolgirl outfits!!!!)

Bergil 12-07-2005 08:17 PM

Pros: -no need to make cuts.
-appeals to large audiance
-not all anime is "like that",Akira Toriama could interpret it at least as well as Peter Jackson.

cons: more coplaining by purists
-comes out in Japan first
-In back-to english translation, all the fighting would be toned down, the charachters would be dumbed down, and other stupid changes would be made due to desire to appeal to kids.

in case you haven't guessed, Dragonball is one of my many other obsessions.

Valesse 12-07-2005 11:39 PM

If Lord of the Rings were made into a Manga/Anime

-Haldir would have disturbingly pink lips and wink at everyone.

-Aragorn would stab his foes with his nose.

-Arwen would be a crime boss/ninja/bubblegum priestess... with purple hair, but still end up stealing horses.

-Elrond WOULD look good in purple dresses... nevermind what Gollum says. He could wear whatever he wants.

-Galadriel's hair would be long enough to trip folks in Valinor..but for some reason its always billowing and getting in people's mouths. Gross.

-Legolas and Gimli would be too busy literally hammering each other into the ground to fight anything.

-Fatty would always be smiling so hard that his eyes are closed. Always.

-The wargs might actually look half decent.

-"Figwit" would have air time :p

-Manwe and Aule would have yelling matches about "Mecha" and "Chibi" styles.

-Denethor wouldn't just catch on fire-- there's be a whole smegging lightshow to boot.

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