The Barrow-Downs Discussion Forum

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Morsul the Dark 07-30-2004 09:48 AM

Where are they?
I was looking through the site waiting for a thread to be responded to and I noticed there are thousands of registered members and yet a certain lack of active members the most members ever online was about 54 or so and the most I eversee online is about 20-30 and there are the regulars but what about the rest that never appear where are they? :rolleyes: Why do we have so many members when so few appear?

Sapphire_Flame 07-30-2004 10:22 AM

Well, there are these things called "time zones". Whilst, when you are on, there are a certain group of "regulars" on as well, there is also another group of regulars that are asleep as it's four in the morning where they live, so they are not online. And some people have work or school, and so have a hard time being online frequently.

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

Morsul the Dark 07-30-2004 10:27 AM

Yes but I have been on at nearly every hour of the dayexcept perhaps 6-7am(for me and I doubt all of them appear during that time ;) :p

Sapphire_Flame 07-30-2004 10:36 AM

Actually, it looks like the most users ever online was 130. And that was two days ago. Not too bad for the regs. *shrug*

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

Morsul the Dark 07-30-2004 10:41 AM

ah so it has increased well thats good :D

Estelyn Telcontar 07-30-2004 11:31 AM

Quite a few of the many members registered long ago, read and/or posted briefly, then no longer frequented the Downs. There are many reasons - real life time issues, computer problems, loss of interest in Tolkien's books, no more new movies to look forward to, other online interests, etc. Some of those who were regulars a couple of years ago drop in very rarely now. That's life...

DarkRose 07-31-2004 07:44 AM

Yes, many people only stop by occasionally to post once or twice and then go on their way for another few months. I hate to admit that I'm one of these people, as I am often diverted by other things online.

However, the Downs will always be my little home on the 'net. :)

InklingElf 07-31-2004 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark
I was looking through the site waiting for a thread to be responded to and I noticed there are thousands of registered members and yet a certain lack of active members the most members ever online was about 54 or so and the most I eversee online is about 20-30 and there are the regulars but what about the rest that never appear where are they? :rolleyes: Why do we have so many members when so few appear?

I remember a certain surge of members and active users when the movies came out...perhaps the fever has worn out for some Bloom lovers and such.

Morgul Queen 07-31-2004 04:40 PM

Which is a very good thing for our eyes and our (remaining) sanity. No more "OMG!!!1!!11 Orli IZ SooO HAWt!!!11". Huzzah!

Calathanien 07-31-2004 05:17 PM

i used to come on barrow downs though i never posted to much out of fear! and this is first time i have been on to the barrow downs in a verry long time, due to the fact i havent had time really. so when i read this post it kind of made me laugh cause in a way it applied to me aswell as a lot of other members as i am one of those that rarely comes on and when i do i dont post much if at all :confused:

Morgul Queen 07-31-2004 06:31 PM

I know what you mean, I'm finally back after a long, long absence. It's a bit weird because the entire site format has changed on me, and most of my friends have left.

That's what new friends are for, eh?

Encaitare 07-31-2004 08:45 PM

I'm relatively new to the Downs, so it's tons of fun for me. As long as there are other Tolkienites out there I don't think I'll get bored of them.

InklingElf, I adore your avatar! Leonard Nimoy is uber-cool. ::sings the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins::

Calathanien 08-01-2004 05:25 AM

i know what you mean Morgul Queen, all the friends i sort of had or people i new were freindly have gone. o well as you say thats what new friends are for. and the layout has changed alot, but its all good. :D

Thorongil 08-01-2004 10:43 AM

The time zones can be a problem, especially in the quiz & quotes rooms. A lot of the posts are written about 3 or 4 AM on my time, so questions are often asked and answered while I sleep.

Meela 08-02-2004 02:05 PM

I think that now the third movie has been and gone with relatively little hype, there's nothing to excite fans into... well, fanaticism. A lot of members joined with the movie craze, but if they're not a big fan of the books, they're losing interest and moving on to new things. I noticed that on a lot of sites that hadn't been set up to focus on the books, there was much less activity in the past few months.

Other than that, it's just a timezone thing. I know a lot more American Lotr fans than any other nationality, and if you adjust your timing to match theirs, there's a whole lot more activity going on.

Morsul the Dark 08-02-2004 02:38 PM

It's interesting because The membership on this site skyrocketed while the movies were popular I myself stumbled upon the site because I was trying to doa report onTolkien's envolvement in WW1 dfidn't find much but did find this site so I was suppose the old saying is true every cloud has a silver lining

FairLadyGoldberry 08-02-2004 04:01 PM

i am a frequent viewer to the barrow downs, however i rarely leave messages (just look at my pitiful total). i just like to read what other people have to say and let my knowledge of tolkien grow. i dont know if there are many others like me, but perhaps it seems there are less people on because some read and do not post. :)

Calathanien 08-03-2004 09:42 AM

yes i am one of those that just reads posts but as i said before i had'nt been on the site for so long. i came across the site a while back in 2002 though i must confess it was mainly the movies which made me read the books, even tho my dad was presuring me to as i had read the Hobbit. only after i decided i wanted to see the movies did i read the books so i could compare whic bits were missing etc, but then as i read fellowship i came to the conclusion it was great and have been hooked ever since and read as much as i can which is tolkien related. :D :p

Calathanien 08-15-2004 01:25 PM

ermmmm this topic is kinda old and no1 is posting on it anymore but thort i would post and ask. as i havent been on for ages the last i remember is that there was a languages forum, where did that go? did it evere exist? was it my imagination?

Evisse the Blue 08-16-2004 12:03 PM

Calathanien, it wasn't your imagination. I think the language forum was incorporated into the Books forum; it isn't gone, it just got ... assimilated. :)

Sapphire_Flame 08-16-2004 12:39 PM


and most of my friends have left.
I'm still here for ya, Morgy! :D *throws confetti at Morgul*


Which is a very good thing for our eyes and our (remaining) sanity. No more "OMG!!!1!!11 Orli IZ SooO HAWt!!!11". Huzzah!
*celebrates* Consider the depletion of active members to be... a cleansing of the site. Not meaning the lurkers, or those who post only occasionally. It's the Leggie-boppers (those who behave as demonstrated by Morgul) who leave and never return who aren't really missed.

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

Morsul the Dark 12-04-2004 01:56 PM

since even I now fit into this category of of few visit downers, why are all my favortie threads dieing? hmmm? do you need me posting up to 78* timess a day to keep things moving along? :p

*I actually have one day where I posted 78 times during that week my avergae was like 65(not total just for that week)

Calathanien 12-04-2004 03:15 PM


Calathanien, it wasn't your imagination. I think the language forum was incorporated into the Books forum; it isn't gone, it just got ... assimilated.
assimilated :eek: it sounds so scary lol!

rutslegolas 12-05-2004 12:15 AM

Well we can't see many members online all at ones , is as you folks said is the time-zone. Well I will add to it and say that this does exist , because I live in India and its about 12 hours behind or ahead something USA time,so when I am online there are about at maximum 22 members online and that's frustrating cause you cannot discuss your RPG's and all the other threaqds and you cannot make any friends except the 22 people who are online .

manaratowen 12-05-2004 01:21 PM


i just like to read what other people have to say and let my knowledge of tolkien grow.
i am guilty of lurking. but because of the time differences, most things are poted then answered by the next time i get on. so i generally read and let my knowledge grow. though i haev to admit that yes, i came here because of the movies, but reading the many questions and answers, my intrest inthe books grew, so now im reading the histories books.

Iris Alantiel 12-07-2004 12:47 PM

I also tend to lurk, albeit unintentionally. Often I'll only post when I feel like I have something to contribute that hasn't been said already by somebody much more articulate than I am. Since there are many intelligent, articulate folks on this site, I often just end up casually reading what's being said by others, occasionally contributing my two-cents-worth when I feel it might be helpful. Huzzah to lurkers!

Seriously, wouldn't you rather have me lurking if I had nothing more constructive to say than "Legolas is sooooooooooooooooo hot"? ;)

Calathanien 12-10-2004 06:44 AM

i tend to lurk as i feel scared to say anything as evryone tends to be more knowledgable than me on this site as much as i like to call myself a tolkien fan and i dont want to look al wierdoish by being all stupid about stuff.

Morsul the Dark 05-20-2010 09:33 PM

I miss "The Perky Ent" "Firefoot"... "Bombadil" "H-I" where have you all gone?...

Eorl of Rohan 05-21-2010 12:45 PM

Aah... Perky Ent... I used to love roleplaying with him :confused:

Where now the wights in their barrows? where are the posts that were posted?
Where is the clatter of typing and the green letters flowing?
They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
The days of Barrowdown's glory have gone down behind the hills into shadow.
Who shall gather the smoke of the dead threads burning,
Or behold the flowing years from the movie-released days of yore returning?

Morsul the Dark 05-23-2010 08:25 PM

For anyone who cares, I'm quitting the Downs, It's simply not the Nice Place it used to be. To those who are still wonderful I thank You.

Fare Well

Inziladun 05-23-2010 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 630972)
For anyone who cares, I'm quitting the Downs, It's simply not the Nice Place it used to be. To those who are still wonderful I thank You.

Fare Well

I'm very sorry to hear that, Morsul. I don't know what specifically prompted you to make this decision, but as far as I'm concerned you're a valued part of the Downs and you're welcome back any time.
If your path leads you in a different direction, farewell indeed.

Nerwen 05-23-2010 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 630972)
For anyone who cares, I'm quitting the Downs, It's simply not the Nice Place it used to be. To those who are still wonderful I thank You.

Fare Well


You could just quit Werewolf...

Loslote 05-23-2010 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 630972)
For anyone who cares, I'm quitting the Downs, It's simply not the Nice Place it used to be. To those who are still wonderful I thank You.

Fare Well

Aww. I'm sorry you feel like that. I hope that, if you don't feel you can stay, you at least can come back someday. :(

Pitchwife 05-24-2010 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 630972)
For anyone who cares, I'm quitting the Downs, It's simply not the Nice Place it used to be. To those who are still wonderful I thank You.

Fare Well

Please don't! If you're frustrated with WW, okay, that's understandable (still a pity, after modding a great game yourself!), but quitting the Downs because of that seems a bit like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. We haven't known each other that long or that well, but I'd definitely miss you.
Maybe you just need a break and a little distance, I don't know. If so, take it... but do come back!

Morsul the Dark 05-24-2010 05:44 AM

I'll most likely still visit but my participation will go Way down. although I am frustrated with WW. It was one, far overzealous, personal attack, which prompted this decision. As shocking as it is, it's not from the person I'd expected to push me over the edge.:eek:

I thank you all for the thoughts, and I will be back... someday. But at least for a month or so I need to be away.

Blind Guardian 05-24-2010 10:05 AM

Aw. Defiantly come back!

The Might 05-24-2010 12:03 PM

Not sure what happened in the WW thread, I haven't played in ages, but I hope it's not a reason to leave the BD.

Anyway, hope you return soon from your sabbatical.

Eorl of Rohan 05-24-2010 12:34 PM

Look at me, I felt the same way and took a five year sabbatical, and now I'm back to stay.
Some things just never leave you, and Barrow-Downs is one of them.
Leave if you must, Morsul, I do not know you well enough to question your decision, but I hope to see you back here someday!

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