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piosenniel 04-29-2004 12:04 PM

Happy Birthday To The Barrow-downs!

On May 1, 2004, the forums at the Barrow-Downs reach the ripe (and I do mean ripe!) old age of FOUR! While the site itself is a bit older, the fourth anniversary of the opening of the forums is a cause to CELEBRATE!!!!! Therefore, we will have a PARTY in the Shire to celebrate the fourth birthday (uh, deathday?) of the Barrow-Downs forums and all members are invited!!!!!

PLACE: The Party Field in Hobbiton (located in the Shire Forum).

TIME: Saturday, May 1, 2004 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time through late Monday night, May 3, 2004.

DRESS: Middle Earth Wear – formal, if you wish, or just plain comfortable.

There will be an open bar, entertainment, and meals will be served buffet style.



Signed – "The Barrow-Wight"

Click HERE for the Party!

~*~ Piosenniel and Child of the 7th Age

Luthien_ Tinuviel 04-29-2004 02:55 PM

There are no awards this year? Or have I missed something?

piosenniel 04-30-2004 01:41 AM

Sorry - but the awards did not get organised this year . . .

~*~ Pio

Orominuialwen 04-30-2004 05:50 PM

Will there be a potluck? (I love potlucks...) :)

Child of the 7th Age 04-30-2004 06:48 PM

Absolutely! Everyone is invited to bring and describe their favorite dish....


Mad Baggins 04-30-2004 07:07 PM

Sounds great, but I will miss the awards. It'll be a great evening anyway, though! :)

Potluck, eh? Hmm...

Ithaeliel 05-01-2004 12:02 PM

I will most certainly be there! Couldn't miss that party for the world! (what else is nice about this is that yesterday was my own 2nd anniversary as a BDer)

But, er, before I make myself appear an idiot in the party thread... what's a mathom?

Primrose Bolger 05-01-2004 12:06 PM



An old word of the hobbit-dialect, not recorded as being in use outside the Shire. It was used to refer to any item that had no particular immediate use, but whose owner had no wish to throw away. Mathoms were often given as presents by the Shire-hobbits - an important part of their culture - or stored in the Mathom-house in Michel Delving.
--from the Encylopedia of Arda

Hope that helps! :D

Ithaeliel 05-01-2004 12:09 PM

Ah, thank you very much, Primrose! I'll be finding a mathom to bring now...

Ainaserkewen 05-03-2004 01:48 PM

K, last year I was at the party with bells on my feet. This year I couldn't get on until today, the last day of the party!!! Grrr. Oh well, I got one post in.

Balin999 05-03-2004 01:57 PM

Happy Deathday!
Happy Deathday Barrow Downs!
The fourth death-day for you, and the fourth death day for me. Though I can't say that I've been here regurlarly recently.
Anyway, all the best wishes to the moderators and our beloved Barrow-Wight.

Lord of Angmar 05-03-2004 05:30 PM

It has been four years, and I salute everyone involved in the creation and maintenance of this fine website. Though I myself have only been a member for just shy of a year, I have grown to really love this site and the discussions that take place on it. Just when you think that you have seen everything there is to discuss about Middle-earth, a relative newbie (I use the terms in the most respectful way, I assure you) like Fordim Hedgethistle can come along and shake things up with a marvelous topic like 'Canonicity': The Book or The Reader.

Break out the Old Winyards and toast the Barrow-downs!

I wonder when we'll be able to start calling The Barrow-Wight "the Old Gaffer"? :p

Galadrie1 05-04-2004 02:23 PM

Happy birthday, Barrow-downs! I missed the party ( :( ) but I probably would have felt out of place since I haven't been around much lately. Ah well; happy birthday anyway, with, hopefully, many more to come!

Lalaith 05-05-2004 08:35 AM

I couldn't make the party either, but offer up my best deathday wishes to the Wight and all the restless spirits who haunt his Downs.

Estelyn Telcontar 05-06-2004 03:34 AM

Thanks to Pio :) for editing into my post the poem I wrote too late for the party´s deadline. Since probably no one will go back to mid-page 3 to read it, :rolleyes: (especially now that the thread has been moved to storage in Elvenhome) I´m putting it here where it will hopefully find an audience. After all, I did put time and thought into it! :cool:

Bee-Dubbya is a forum king,
and of the Downs its members sing:
A Tolkien realm that’s fair, flame-free,
With book discussions and RPG.

Some threads are long, debate is keen,
With shining reputations seen;
And countless quotes in lengthy posts
Do testify of well-read hosts.

Some threads are funny, more or less;
On others, answers must be guessed
To questions easy or riddles tough.
The posters there can’t get enough!

Some threads do deal with movie lore,
And whether the characters should have been more
Like they were in the book - more noble, less weak.
Could PJ have done better? These answers they seek.

Some threads are stories, told anew
In Shire and Rohan, Gondor too.
Many Middle-earth gamers gather there
To write the adventures their characters share.

Four years ago the forum began:
The Barrow, idea of one Tolkien fan,
Became a virtual meeting place
For many - some, even, face to face!

Long ago we surfed this way
and now we dwell here; dead, so to say,
For into darkness we fell, deep and far,
In the Barrow-Downs where the Ghost Princes are.

Lift your glasses now all, in a toast to him
Whose vision, though green, is never dim.
Happy Birthday, dear Downs, and enjoy being dead,
All you Skeletons, Wights, and especially our Head!

Luthien_ Tinuviel 05-06-2004 04:24 PM

Much better, I think, than my attempt at adapting a poem to my purposes. Very nice! :)

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