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Estelyn Telcontar 11-17-2003 07:36 AM

**TTT Extended Edition - additional scenes**
Which additional scenes have you found in the extended edition of "The Two Towers"? Do you like what they add?<P>(This thread will be opened early Tuesday morning - please post on this 'official' thread instead of starting new ones. For discussion of the special features, see the official **TTT Special Features** thread. If you have a new topic concerning the TTT EE that does not fit on either of those threads, go ahead and begin a new discussion. However, please do not mark your thread with the double asterisks of the official ones - they are reserved for moderators and administrators of the Barrow-Downs. Thanks, and have fun!)

Estelyn Telcontar 11-18-2003 12:23 AM


Meela 11-18-2003 04:29 AM

The material they have added helps to develop the story. There's not much I can say except that it is very good.<P>The scene they added with Denethor should soften people's opinions towards Faramir.<P>Some of the scenes are simply extra shots that don't enhance the story, such as the battle scenes in Helm's Deep, but are good to watch all the same.<BR>The one at the end that concludes the counting game between Legolas and Gimli is very amusing. Gimli also seems less like comic relief to me now, but I may just enjoy his character more.<BR>The sewer scene in which Faramir helps Frodo and Sam out of Osgiliath is very touching.<BR>The infamous stew scene between Eowyn and Aragorn: priceless. I absolutely loved it.

Orominuialwen 11-18-2003 12:10 PM

I am watching the EE as I type this. It's great!!! What I've noticed so far is that there are quite a few book quotes added. I am at school now. They're show it in one of the computer labs during lunch. The teacher who is showing it is a huge LotR fan- all the computers are named after characters (I'm working on "Beregond" now ), the word Pa;antir is painted on one of the windows andthere's a LotR poster up!!

Tar-Palantir 11-18-2003 01:49 PM

I only got to see the first 15min and now I have to go to work, but I can say already that this is a MUCH better movie, the small scenes make all the difference, Elvish rope scene, great. The meeting of the orcs and uruk-hai, good call. uruk-hai mediceine, another good call, this is the kind of stuff I was hoping for.<P>Can't wait to get home and check out the rest!

Faramir Fan 11-18-2003 02:12 PM

It was simply brought a tear to my eye a couple of times.<P>I loved how the first words out of Faramir's mouth wasn't "bind their hands". The whole sequence was different and Faramir, instead of being this mean, depthless character, was more thoughtful and meaningful...all in about 30 seconds (why couldn't this have been left in!). In fact when he does say "bind their hands" it is almost as an afterthought, not a pronoucement.<P>Osgiliath - WONDERFUL. The interaction between Boromir/Faramir/Denethor was amazing.<P>The sewer scene, with the interaction between Faramir and Sam, "you showed your quality/gardiners must be held in high regard had me reaching for the kleenex.<P>Loved the homage to Tom Bombadil, Treebeard saying his lines in a couple of places. As was the case with FOTR, the hobbit scenes that were cut from the theatrical version made me think of scenes that really should have been cut in the theatrical version, so that these could have been there....wargs and babies crying in the caves comes to mind.<P>I doubt I will ever watch the theatrical TTT version again. This is my Two Towers and I think I have made my peace with PJ. It seems he makes the theatrical version for the general population, but the extended version is made for us...the REAL FANS!

Balin999 11-18-2003 02:57 PM

I think that they made Gimli less look like an idiot. I especially enjoyed this line:<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> What do trees have to talk about? Except the consistency of squirrel-droppings? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>That is actually funny and not such stupid slapstick like Gimli falling off a horse.<BR>The stew scene is also very funny, and I guess many "Vigghie" fans will have a shock when they hear that he is 87.<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I doubt I will ever watch the theatrical TTT version again. This is my Two Towers and I think I have made my peace with PJ. It seems he makes the theatrical version for the general population, but the extended version is made for us...the REAL FANS!<BR> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I agree with that. The whole story is explained way better than in the theatratical version. (Saruman ordering to hew down the trees of Fangor, the Huorns appearing at Helm's Deep and other things I have forgotten.) <BR>Of course, it doesn't mean anything to people who haven't read the books, but it is very satisfying if you have been a reader for a long time.<BR>The only thing I didn't really like was that Treebeard was citing Bombadil. I don't think that he should be brought into the story this way. If it was decided that he was left out, it should remain this way. (was that understandable english?)<BR>And once again I'm convinced that Brad Dourif (he IS the Grima-actor, isn't he?) is an excellent actor.<BR>Oh, and last but not least I liked the weed scene with Merry and Pippin. <BR>To those who haven't seen EE yet: be sure you do, because it's worth it!<BR>Finally, good job, PJ! (BY the time you all read this, I'll be back in front of my Tv-set and watching the Bonus-material. Yeeha!)

Mattius 11-18-2003 05:54 PM

Well I was most excited about seeing the trees at the battle of Helm's Deep but was a little dissapointed with how it was shown. However the rest of the additional scenes were excellent- the Boromir, Faramir, Denethor one especially.<P>My favourite though is just after Gandalf has revealed himself to the Three Hunters and Gimli says he is grumpier than the old Gandalf!!<p>[ November 18, 2003: Message edited by: Mattius ]

ArathorofBarahir 11-18-2003 07:13 PM

I think that the additional scenes in the Two Towers helped explain the story more, it went in depth and told you why. But my favorite new scene would have to be the one with Faramir, Boromir, and Denethor. That was absolutely amazing!

The Saucepan Man 11-18-2003 08:12 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I doubt I will ever watch the theatrical TTT version again. This is my Two Towers and I think I have made my peace with PJ. It seems he makes the theatrical version for the general population, but the extended version is made for us...the REAL FANS! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Hear hear, Faramir Fan, and I can see why you, as a Faramir Fan, liked it so much. <P>I have spent the evening watching the Extended Edition and thoroughly enjoyed it. I agree with much of what has already been said here. The award for the most improved character certainly goes to Faramir. I really appreciated him being given the line about the dead Southron (even though it is Sam's in the book). It softened him right from the outset.<P>Like the rest of you, I thought that the Osgiliath scene with Boromir and Faramir was the best of the additions. It had the dual benefit of increasing the viewer's sympathy for both of these characters. Not so for Denethor, of course. It looks like he is going to be portrayed as a fairly unlikebale chap, and I feel that there is more to him than this in the book. But I can live with that. And I loved the brothers' reaction to his arrival. I also liked the way that Faramir's words about proving his worth (which were in the theatrical version) were foreshadowed by Denethor's mocking words in this scene.<P>Lots of other good stuff: the Elven Rope, some excellent lines for Gimli, the conclusion of his contest with Legolas at Helm's Deep (although didn't Gimli win on 42 in the book?). One point here though, Gimli is shouting "22, 23, 24" at the beginning of the battle, and yet he only adds another 19 to his tally throughout the rest of it, despite being in the thick of the action for most of it. But that's a minor point, I suppose.<P>I liked the interaction between the Uruk-Hai and the Orcs, and was glad to see Ugluk given a little bit more character (although I would still have loved to see him utter the immortal line: "I am Ugluk. I command!" ).<P>I didn't go a bundle on Merry and Pippin dozing off to Treebeard's poetry, but appreciated the greater screen time that they both got. The Ent-Draught (and Merry's concern over being taller than Pippin) was great. And I did like the "Old Man Willow" scene. I thought that it was nice to see Jackson adding a little bit of a homage to Bombadillo. It was good to see the Huorns in action too. I liked the few understated shots, before the Uruk-Hai retreated, to show that a forest had suddenly appeared where there had been no forest before. And I actually thought that the fate of the Uruk-Hai was well done - not too overstated.<P>The scene with Eowyn's stew was delightful, although her line about Aragorn being a descendant of the Numenoreans, blessed with long life was a bit too expositional for my taste. It was nice, though, for us fans to get a bit more of a detailed explanation of Aragorn's heritage (in the Ring of Barahir scene too), and for the Kingdom of the North to get a mention (if not by name).<P>I knew before that the initial scene with Brego would make much more sense of the bit where the horse later comes to Aragorn's aid. Seeing it now, though, it does make me wonder why they included that in the theatrical version (but then I never liked Aragorn getting dragged over the cliff anyway). Arwen got a few more lines too, which probably won't thrill too many people here ( ), but I thought that they were nice.<P>I wasn't too sure why they included the discussion between Gandalf and Aragorn at night on route to Edoras. This just seemed to me to be explaining things that we knew already, although Gandalf's reaction to Aragorn telling him that Sam was with Frodo was wonderful (Ian McKellen is always able to convey so much in just one small expression).<P>Finally, Faramir showing the Hobbits and Gollum the route through the sewers finally explains that old chestnut about how they got to the other side of the river with all the Orcs about (although those of us who are spoiler nuts knew about this already). Again, it softens Faramir's image and his threat to Gollum clearly shows his concern for Frodo and his mission. Personally, I wouldn't have included his reference to there being something terrible in Cirith Ungol, since I found that this detracted somewhat from Gollum's subsequent foreshadowing of Shelob.<P>But overall, I thought that the Extended Version was a real treat, and it really is the definitive version of TTT for me now too. I can still see why these scenes were left out of the theatrical version, since they do slow the film down in parts where it should, for a cinema audience, be going at a faster pace (especially towards the end). Personally, though, I would have included some of these scenes in preference to a number of those that were in the theatrical release, particularly the re-taking of Osgiliath, but hey its not my film. And, with all these great scenes, I do have some sympathy for Jackson. It must have been really quite difficult deciding what to leave out.<P>Edit: Oh, and how could I forget Eomer recovering Theodred's body from the aftermath of the Battle at the Fords of Isen. That was a nice touch. And Eowyn's elegy at Theodred's funeral was wonderful - both haunting and moving.<p>[ November 18, 2003: Message edited by: The Saucepan Man ]

Elassar 516 11-18-2003 08:43 PM

I thought the Extended Edition as a whole was much better. I still think they could have added a lot more though, but it's much inproved.

Imladris 11-18-2003 08:57 PM

The EE was excellent! It really added the heart to it...

Enorëiel 11-18-2003 09:07 PM

I thought the EE version was great! To me it really put a bit more light-hearted-ness back into the film (I know it is a bit of a grim story but still). <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> The only thing I didn't really like was that Treebeard was citing Bombadil. I don't think that he should be brought into the story this way. If it was decided that he was left out, it should remain this way. (was that understandable english?) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Me too. It was a great sequence, a good scene but... I just don't think it should have come from Treebeard (and yes that was understandable English )<P>I really enjoyed the elven rope (it really lighted up Frodo's character from his original portrayal in the theater version), the stew scene (he,he very well done - loved it! Especially when Eowyn if finding out how old Aragorn is - priceless!), the added scenes with Merry and Pippin (great! loved them! Especially the last one, that was awesome!) and lastly the tallying of the scores. That was done extremely well.<P>I also liked the new scenes they had with Faramir. They really made his character more appealing and less um, well, bad i guess you could say (what would be the right word?) The sewer exchange (that sounds wrong but you know what i mean) between Gollum and Sam - loved it! Very touching! <P>Overall I would say the EE version was a great success, granted I still don't like it as much as EE FOTR but, hey, that's my opinion.

Finwe 11-18-2003 10:14 PM

Eowyn's expression when she found out about Aragorn's face was absolutely priceless!!!!

Lord Elrond 11-19-2003 07:08 AM

I watched the two tower EE last night. I am really happy with the new scenes. A lot of them come directly from the book, which is good seeing that Peter Jackson took a little too many liberties in changing the film. Also they helped explain Faramir's attitude a little better. Not that it was true to the book but it was closer than it was. The comic relief of Gimli and Pippin I felt was also in true Tolkien style. Hey anybody want to rate me so I at least have one rating rather than none.

Estelyn Telcontar 11-19-2003 09:21 AM

I too think that the EE is a definite improvement, and I would like to go on record with my personal opinion on the Old Man Willow scene: I thought it worked well! It seemed very organic to have Treebeard, as a tree-shepherd, rescuing the hobbits with TB's lines.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 11-19-2003 09:31 AM

The only thing I can think of that hasn't been mentioned is the worm that was eaten by Gollum. Hilarious and heart-breaking at the same time.<P>The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition was very good, but didn't 'need' to be as good (if you'll follow me) because the theatrical version of FotR was so excellent.<P>However, The Two Towers needed to be saved. And the new Extended Edition has done just that. I think it is absolutely marvellous. I do own the theatrical version but from now on it will only be treated as a part of history, rather than something to watch.<P>Wonderful.

HCIsland 11-19-2003 10:06 AM

I don't want to repeat the sentiments of people that have already expressed so well how much they like the additions, but can add that I loved the inside joke for the Tolkien geek. It happened during the added scene in the stables.<P>Eowyn: His name is Brego.<BR>Aragorn (to Brego in Elvish): That is a kingly name.<P> <P><A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>Click here</A> if you don't know who Brego is.<P>H.C.

Daisy Brambleburr 11-19-2003 01:14 PM

I got my copy of the dvd at lunchtime yesterday; I literally ran to Tesco to buy it, and as soon as I got home I watched it straight from 4 until 8 o'clock. It's the best way to watch something like this!<P>I personally loved these scenes,<P><BR>The Faramir/Boromir scene: This was the scene that I most looked forward to. And it was brilliant. It gave new dimensions to both Boromir and Faramir, it made you emphasise with both of them and understand them better. Any excuse for more Boromir is a good one. The addition of Denethor was also great.<P>Entdraught: This scene made me laugh. Billy & Dom were so funny, and the subtle referance to Tom Bombadil/ Old man willow was very cool.<P>The part where Faramir saw the Haradrim warrior. I remember this part from the book, and I'm glad that they were able to expand on it. <P>The stew scene: I wasn't sure if it would work when I heard about it, but I thought that it was actually really good. <P>And lastly, Merry and Pippin in Isengard. Very funny, nice to see some lightheartedness from these characters.

Balin999 11-19-2003 03:47 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> although didn't Gimli win on 42 in the book? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>He won on 42, as he does in the movie, doesn't he? But his axe was notched because the number 42 had an iron collar around his neck. <BR>It's a pity that there is only a for-12-year-olds version, because they can't show what Gimli's axe was really for. But I found that scene with the twitching dead orc really really funny. <P><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> owever, The Two Towers needed to be saved. And the new Extended Edition has done just that. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Exactly what I'm thinking.<BR>And Enorëiel, I'm glad that I managed to make myself clear <P>Something I wondered about was that scene with Barahir's ring. Does this ring "really" exist? Because I can't remember anything about it, and in the index I only found Barahir being the father of Beren. Can anyone help?

Orominuialwen 11-19-2003 04:45 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Something I wondered about was that scene with Barahir's ring. Does this ring "really" exist? Because I can't remember anything about it, and in the index I only found Barahir being the father of Beren. Can anyone help? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, it does exist. It's mentioned more in Silm than LotR, so that's probably why you didn't find it. It was given to Barahir by Finrod in the First Age. It was one of the Heirlooms of Arnor, and (I think) one of the oldest objects in ME. Hope that helps .<P>Edit: You can find more info on it <BR><A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>here</A>. I can't get the exact page, but you should be able to find it on the site<P>[ November 19, 2003: Message edited by: Orominuialwen ]<p>[ November 19, 2003: Message edited by: Orominuialwen ]

FAENADUIAL 11-19-2003 06:01 PM

Last evening our entire family sat down and watched the EE version together straight through. It was great to find that the LotR fanatics in our house and those of us who only watch the movies and refuse to read the books (ugh!!) felt the same way. This is a great improvement.<P>For my part I was especially pleased to see the trees destroy the orcs at the end of the battle at Helm's Deep. It never sat well with me that the movie had taken so much of the magic of middle earth out of the story. I was never sure how they were going to handle this and I liked that you only got a hint at what was going on in the woods. They left alot of it to your imagination.<P>Also, the scene between Boromir and Faramir was terrific. It explained alot that was missing, gave you great insight into both characters (which we could have used in the first movie) and I think really leaves us well set up for the third film.<P>My husband loves the movies and I keep telling him that although I think they are wonderful in their own right there is much that is changed and missing from the books. I felt great when he kept saying during the EE version "I understand this so much better now, how could they have left that scene out!". He now admits that he may have to try reading the books!!<P>I can't wait to look at the special features.

balrogman 11-19-2003 07:54 PM

i loved the scenes with merry and pippin, especially the last one(flotsam and jetsam) also i loved the line were pippin says something like "we found a barn full of pipe weed and smoked it all!" they have really good interaction in the new scenes, especially the ent draught scene. i liked Gimli's new lines when they are in Fangorn, the grump gandalf and such, and everything else was great(especially the boromir/denethor/faramir scene) but eowyns singin brought me to tears....of pain

Imladris 11-19-2003 07:58 PM

"tears of pain" Does that mean it was sad or that it sounded awful? I myself think that it was a nice touch, but her voice broke too much and she kind of jiggled her body a wee bit much. It would have sounded better if she had sung it coldly, with silent tears streaming down her cheeks. That would have been more Eowynish...

Amarantha_Daisy 11-19-2003 09:07 PM

*squee* I bought the EE at 7:00 last night, when it came out. Of course, since it was like 9:00 when I got home, I had no time to watch it. Well, the whole thing, anyway. i saw the new scenes!<P>I *loved* the scene with Boromir and Faramir *and Denethor * It really explained a lot about the charcters. Cleared things up, you know? It makes you feel some sympathy for Faramir, so he isn't so cold hearted like they portrayed him origanally.<P>I also loved Theodred's funeral scene. It was so moving. And that song was beautiful!<P>I was skeptical about the Eowyn soup scene. I had heard some bad stuff about it, but I loved it. I like how it cleared up a lot about Aragorn's past *for those non-book readers* and it was actually funny, not just slapstick Gimli humor.<P>I could go on for a while, but I'll spare you guys I can't wait to see the *whole* thing... Maybe this Friday...

Balin999 11-20-2003 06:07 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>but eowyns singin brought me to tears....of pain <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I agree. That was horrible. Sometimes less is more, if you take my meaning.<P>And thanks, now I can see clearly (Barahirs Ring). I read the Silmarillion at least three times and I still can't remember all names and all the story. Thanks!

lindil 11-20-2003 08:45 AM

Well, despite the fact that I engaged in certain finacial sleights of hand to immediately acquire said discs upon day of release, I still have only seen disk one and a wee bit of 2. [and an excellent bit of ducumntary on 3, wth Prof Shippey] - very nicely done. THough the maker of the official movie guide was clearly way out of her league.<P>But so far I agree with Eomer, they have managed a better salvage job on TTT than I thought possible. Now if only it hadn't needed so much help to start with... <BR> <p>[ November 20, 2003: Message edited by: lindil ]

Liriodendron 11-20-2003 10:18 AM

The "Aragorn is a Dunedain" scene should not have been cut from the theatrical release. (IMO) It does so much to help understand why Aragorn is "The King", in so little time. They could have just had the questions and discussions with Eowyn bit. What was that stew? It looked like fish? <BR>For some odd reason, when Eowyn started to sing, I had thoughts of Martha Stewart. Must have been the hairdo?

Imladris 11-20-2003 10:23 AM

Hmmm...I thought that the chunks in the stew looked like fat...ugh. <P>As was said before, I didn't like it that they had Eowyn didn't sound right.<P>If there was one added scene that should have stayed in the theatrical version would be the one with Denethor/Boromir/Faramir because that scene really explained Faramir and made him easier to accept...

Essex 11-20-2003 12:17 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>The scene they added with Denethor should soften people's opinions towards Faramir.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I don't think Faramir the character was a problem, it's what he does and why he changes his mind is the issue. But that's another thread.<P>The one scene that sticks out for me is that I actually felt SORRY for Gollum in the new marshes scene where Frodo tells him not to touch him. Superb. Although I'm a mite annoyed at myself for feeling sorry for him for what he does later....(in tt/rotk)<P>The denethor scene. How comes he knows about the One Ring? (don't tell me denethor found out about it in the palantir). Elrond passing on the news via his minions that the One Ring has been found? Elrond would not do this in a million years!<P>But as said before, it does show us a reason behind the drastic changes that boyens/walsh made to the script (after looking at the dvd extras I'm begining to absolve jackson of a lot of the blame)<P>The denethor scene was still good despite this. and all the other scenes work well as well, especially treebeard knicking tom's lines!<P>It seems a lot of the new scenes are using Tolkien's words directly, which is a great plus point.

HCIsland 11-20-2003 12:18 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> The "Aragorn is a Dunedain" scene should not have been cut from the theatrical release. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I understand what you are saying but the question really is, do you need to know that Aragorn will be King to understand the film you are currently watching? The answer to that question is no. I found it interesting that almost all references to Aragorn being the future King was removed from Towers. The only reference that remained was when Elrond was talking with Arwen.<P>If I were to pick one scene to reintroduce, it would certainly be the Osgiliath scene. It presented the underlieing conflict in Faramir's character which definately did play a part in the events in Towers. Then again, very few reviews criticized this aspect of the film. Negative comments I read tended to speak towards, length, the Treebeard scenes (too slow) and the fact that the film doesn't progress the central plot much (getting the Ring to Mordor). I don't think Faramir was anywhere near the issue to the non-book readers out there.<P>H.C.

Sapphire_Flame 11-20-2003 02:09 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>The Ent-Draught (and Merry's concern over being taller than Pippin) was great.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I loved that bit. And then later at Isengard too, when Merry is trying to measure himself against Pippin without Pippin noticing. <P>And did anyone else notice the expression on Pip's face when he finds that apple? Think back to that apple-throwing scene in Fellowship... I swear you can almost hear him thinking, "Is Strider throwing things at me again?" So cute! ^^<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>however, The Two Towers needed to be saved. And the new Extended Edition has done just that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Hear hear!!! <P>Abedithon le,<P>~*~Aranel~*~

Enorëiel 11-20-2003 04:19 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> but eowyns singin brought me to tears....of pain <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>All too true. I think if it had been sung a bit softer (it almost made me jump when she sang cuz it was so LOUD when it had been so quiet!) and had been a lighter tune... maybe it would have worked. I personally thought that Miranda Otto had a very nice voice... i just don't think the song or the volume was correct. <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> And did anyone else notice the expression on Pip's face when he finds that apple? Think back to that apple-throwing scene in Fellowship... I swear you can almost hear him thinking, "Is Strider throwing things at me again?" So cute! ^^<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Ha! I was thinking the exact same thing! That's why it made me laugh

The Only Real Estel 11-20-2003 06:04 PM

I think that the extended Faramir scenes have a shot at being the best, because they clarify his character a little bit & make him out to be a guy trying to please his father than a guy after the Ring. As any of you who know me even remotely well should know, though, I'm <I>still</I> not impressed with PJ's Faramir. I have to wonder why PJ didn't think it was worth his while to put in the extra Faramir scenes...maybe he reshot them after seeing how Faramir came across, I don't know .<P> I loved the stew part (mainly Aragorn trying to pour it out ), the final tally part (wonder why PJ upped Gilmi's & Legolas's count by one...?), the extra Gollum/Smeagol fight at the beginning, some more screen time for Saruman/Wormtoungee & Merry/Pippin, & other ones to . <P>I really liked the Boromir/Faramir flashback (as I knew I would), although I thought that PJ over-did Denethor a bit, perhaps. I know he liked Boromir better, & didn't have any fuzzy feelings towards Faramir, but I don't think he was quite that bad. Oh well, it worked out ok.<P> PJ trying to transplant Old Man Willow into Fangorn is something that I'm not sure about. It just didn't seem right at first, but I might get used to it :/.<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>however, The Two Towers needed to be saved. And the new Extended Edition has done just that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Close at least. For me it's to early to make a judgment on that yet. I don't quite think that it's <B>saved</B> it, though. My main buffs still stand with Faramir & Aragorn's cliff-falling scene...<p>[ November 20, 2003: Message edited by: The Only Real Estel ]

The Saucepan Man 11-20-2003 08:11 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I think if it had been sung a bit softer (it almost made me jump when she sang cuz it was so LOUD when it had been so quiet!) and had been a lighter tune... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>It was a funeral dirge. It wasn't supposed to be pretty. Personally I think it worked well as the kind of elegy that might be sung at a Rohirrim funeral.<P>Although I must admit that her first note came as a bit of a shock to me too. I thought a foghorn had gone off.

Tar-Palantir 11-20-2003 09:11 PM

WHAT? I thoroughly enjoyed Eowyn's song. I think that throwing in an attempt at the Rohirric tongue was a great idea. And I think it fit well with the words of Legolas in the book:<P><I>"That, I guess, is the language of the Rohirrim," the Elf commented, "for it is like to this land itself; rich and rolling in part, and else hard and stern as the mountains. But I cannot guess what it means, save that it is laden with the sadness of Mortal Men."</I><P>My only knock? I like Frodo (via Elijah's acting) less and less every time I watch these movies in part or in whole - blecchhh...

Amarantha_Daisy 11-20-2003 09:18 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> WHAT? I thoroughly enjoyed Eowyn's song. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Me too! But...hmmmm. It seems that overall Eowyn's song wasn't so poular... I loved it *blush* Although I agree that it was a tid surprising. I wasn't expecting it. It surprised me <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> It was a funeral dirge. It wasn't supposed to be pretty. Personally I think it worked well as the kind of elegy that might be sung at a Rohirrim funeral.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I second that. Funeral songs aren't usually that uplifting, so I think it worked really well. It was touching.

gilraën 11-21-2003 05:10 AM

I loved this edition so much more 'Tolkien' and less 'PJ' in this version...........Thanks PJ

Meela 11-21-2003 09:34 AM

I haven't mentioned the funeral yet...<P>I was a bit jumpy when I first heard the song. I had expected something a bit softer and melodious, but the harshness of the song really does suit the scene. It was very moving.

lindil 11-21-2003 10:02 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>For me it's to early to make a judgment on that yet. I don't quite think that it's saved it, though. My main buffs still stand with Faramir & Aragorn's cliff-falling scene... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>'Saved' as in I can imagine watching it occasionaly, not as in, 'wow, it's really almost perfect'.<P>The Theatrical release as it stood, would probably have not gotten more than the occasional [read: 'every few years or so, till I forgot how bad it was again'] viewing.<P>The enitre Warg/Cliff scene is stupid. <P>As is 'the scout' attacking instead of doing what a scout does which is report back so that an attack [or defense] can be better coordinated. <P>Of course perhaps they was supposed to be a <I>vanguard</I> of 1[well ok 2]. <p>[ November 21, 2003: Message edited by: lindil ]

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