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Rose Cotton 07-15-2002 07:34 AM

101 what ifs...
This is anotherone of those 101 things. But their so much fun I just had to think of another one.

Anyway, what happens is you and I think of as many "What ifs.." as we can. You put your "What if" and then you give an exaple of what might happen.
For example

What if they got the wrong hobbit?

Lotho:Ring? Dark Lord? Are you kidding? Get out of my house you old git!

What if Frodo touched the water?

Frodo is leaning over the Mirror of Galadriel getting closer to it.

Galadriel: Do not touch the water!

But it's too late. The ring around Frodo's neck has touched the water and is now being sucked in. In a second Frodo has been pulled into the mirror to who know's where.

Galadriel: Oh, not again!


I know you can think of better ones so please try. If you want you can take other peoples what ifs and just have different outcomes in the examples.


Maikadilwen 07-15-2002 11:42 AM

What if Tolkien had never written his books??? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]
We wouldn't BE here..... I wouldn't be writing this and.... Do you need more?? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ July 15, 2002: Message edited by: Maikadilwen ]

Calencoire 07-15-2002 03:21 PM

What if...
Aragorn and Legolas and Gimli followed Frodo and Sam instead of Merry and Pippin? Merry and Pippin would probaly have been killed and Sauron would have taken Minas Tirith.

obloquy 07-15-2002 03:25 PM

This looks like a great topic for the Middle-earth Mayhem forum! I'm sure it was purely accidental that you posted it in the forum for advanced discussions of Middle-earth.

The Fifth 07-15-2002 06:32 PM

What if...

Sauron had made a fake ring along with the real one?

"Good job, Frodo, you cast the ring into Mt. Doom!"

"Umm, Sam, I think we had the wrong one."

Meanwhile, Sauron laughs as a Wraith returns the real ring. Uh oh.

What if....

Sam had drowned near Amon Hen?

Well, Frodo would have died in Mordor.

Okay, that's all I can come up with.

Nevfeniel 07-15-2002 06:38 PM

<font color="purple">What if Tom Bombadil never found the hobbits? He said he found them by chance. Merry and Pippin would have died from mean Old Man Willow, which means Faramir would have died, and Éowyn probably wouldn't have been able to slay the Witchking.

archon 07-15-2002 07:03 PM

What if:

Bilbo had completely missed Gandalf's note on the mantelpiece until the following day?


Bilbo misses out on the adventure there and back again. The 13 dwarves get killed by giant spiders in Mirkwood. Smaug survives and the Dwarven City Under the Mountain is never rebuilt. The goblins and orcs of the northern Misty Mountains are not depleted in the Battle of the Five Armies, which doesn't take place. Wilderland stays wild.

The Nine Riders become the Nine Crawlers as they seek the Ring in the dark tunnels of the Misty Mountains. But they eventually find it. Gollum chokes on a fish bone.

Rhadaghast the Brown plays an important role in the rearguard action as the forces of the Dark Lord sweep across Middle-Earth. Gandalf is slain by the Lord of the Nazgul in an impressive air battle, with Gandalf riding the King of the Eagles and the Nazgul Lord astride his pterodactyl.

Bilbo Baggins -- old, fat, and immensely boring -- answers the knock at his door to find himself gutted on the spear of an Uruk-hai: one of the shock troops leading the two-pronged -- and ultimately successful -- assault on Rivendell and the Grey Havens.

Lady_Galadriel 07-16-2002 12:06 AM

What if the ring had never came to Frodo? What if Bilbo had kept the ring and taken it whit him?
He would be like gollum now, and sauron would have taken ove middle earth

Aldagrim Proudfoot 07-16-2002 07:41 AM

What if Feanor hadn't made tghe Silmarils? Morgoth wouldn't have taken them. The Noldor wouldn't have gone back to Beleriand, Moregoth would have probably corrupted or killed all of the Men. The War of Wrath might have never taken place.

littlemanpoet 07-16-2002 10:07 AM

What if Eowyn had snuck into the Paths of the Dead and followed Gimli?

Merry would have been left in Edoras, Eowyn might have made it through the Paths, might have not, and Eowyn might have been banished form the ships at Pelargir, maybe not, and she would have come too late to the battle to slay the Lord of the Nazgul, and without Merry it might not have happened anyway, and she wouldn't have been wounded by a Morgul blade or breath (i forget which it was) and would not have met Faramir and no wedding and on and on...

Eruwen 07-16-2002 10:08 AM

What if:

<font color="sky blue">Sam had taken the ring by himself into Mordor when he thought Frodo was dead? Frodo would probably be dead thanks to the Orcs. Would Sam have ended up with only nine fingers? Would Sam have even made it TO Mt. Doom? No, wait. That's a little over board there. I do think Sam would have made it.

And What if:

<font color="sky blue">The Fellowship had not woken up when Pippin had the Palantir? What if Pippin had accidently told Sauron everything? And would Sauron have found Frodo and the ring before it reached Mt. Doom?

Whoa. This is just really weird to think about. [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Orome 08-15-2002 06:38 PM

what if gollum had choked first and asked questions later? (well riddles!)

Morquesse 08-16-2002 06:46 PM

What If:
the Rohirrim didn't kill the Uruk-hai who had Merry and Pippin? Saruman would have them, the Ents would not be roused(sp?)and possibly Saruman would send other orcs after Frodo.
What If:
Bilbo didn't find the Ring? The dwarves would become spider-food and who knows how Bilbo gets home.(if he ever would)

Orome 08-18-2002 08:04 PM

what if radagast hadn't sent the eagle? no gandalf so the balrog gets and kills frodo, or they go through the gap of rohan and saruman gets them

the phantom 08-18-2002 10:32 PM

What if Faramir had gone to Rivendell rather than Boromir?
Faramir doesn't try to take the ring at Rauros, so all of the fellowship is together when Saruman's orcs come. The entire fellowship is slain in defense of the hobbits who are captured. Hobbits escape into Fangorn and eventually meet up with Gandalf, but without Aragorn and the rest, Minas Tirith falls and then it's impossible to get the ring into Mordor.

Ringwraith Number Two 08-20-2002 09:03 AM

What if Boromir had managed to take the Ring from Frodo? Frodo might have gone mad with the anguish of being parted from the Ring, perhaps, and Boromir might have been the Tenth Ringwraith.

[ August 20, 2002: Message edited by: Ringwraith Number Two ]

Davin 08-20-2002 11:01 AM

What if Smaug ate Bilbo and swallowed the ring and flew away from Middle-earth and never came back. That would be fun.

Rose Cotton 08-20-2002 11:18 AM

What if Bilbo had never been bothered by Gandalf and the Dwarves?
The Dwarves would have been eaten by the spiders, Smag would have lived, Bilbo wouldn't have found the ring. The ring would have been found by an orc and returned to Sauron and.....need I say more?

The Rip Designs Dude 08-20-2002 12:12 PM

that one kinda was already said

what if saruman was punished by the Valar after the war of the ring and sent to earth to be a shopping mall santa claus for all eternity ? You would all be reading my very own fanfic, Saruman is coming to town, available at this url :

The Rip Designs Dude 08-24-2002 10:25 AM


wow I killed the tread


Nilwen 08-24-2002 11:41 AM

What if...
Bilbo lost the riddles in the dark,an was killed by Gollum.Gollum would have found the ring,and it would have been reternd to the dack lord,after much suching and very sore knees. [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Aramacil 08-24-2002 03:07 PM

What if .....Sam was more intrested in his garden then in helping his master, I don't think Frodo would have lasted long. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

NyteSky 08-24-2002 11:08 PM

What if Gollum hadn't fallen into Mt Doom after biting off Frodo's finger but swallowed it instead? I have no idea what would happen. Sam would probably push him in I suppose. Unless Frodo stayed obsessed and tried to wrap Gollum around his finger...
On second thought, this is a little too weird for me to want to know what would happen. They all "lived happily ever after to the end of their days" as Bilbo put it. (well, more or less) That's good enough for me.

Nilwen 08-25-2002 12:49 PM

Just think about this.....
What if the books were written by a female.Not that that would be a bad thing,but it would be different. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

dark_one 08-26-2002 08:18 PM

Ok here's a big What If...

What if Melkor had never gone into the Void and never conceived "different" thoughts?
He would not have caused the discord in the music of the Ainur and he would not have become evil. There would have been 15 Valar and Arda would be a happy Evil Free place. But then the books would be really boring and no one would read them. Oh well.

Orome 08-27-2002 08:39 PM

what would have happened if gandalf did not fight and destroy the balrog? ie he was not pulled down into the chasm

the balrog would then have survived and then done what? would he have followed the fellowship? or stayed ad attacked Lorien? or gone back to sleep?

Davin 08-28-2002 06:07 PM

What if Ungoliant had eaten Melkor (lol [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img])?

Would everything have been taken over by giant spiders????

dark_one 08-29-2002 08:25 PM

Ick...well Ungoliant might've experienced her first case of indigestion. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Here's another one

What if Frodo didn't get to Rivendell in time?
He would have become the 10th Nazgul, Sauron would get the Ring, and he'd take over middle earth

Arod 09-02-2002 07:22 AM

What if Tolkien never had written "The Lord Of The Rings". Never mind. I don't want to think about that...

It's too scary to comprehend. [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Cúdae 09-02-2002 12:34 PM

Here's a few:
What if Frodo had been a Dwarf? An Elf? A Man?

What if the Ring had not been a ring, but a necklace or bracelet instead?

What if Sauron's eye got dried out from being lidless? (I just had to ask... lol.)

And what if the Silmarils had not been lost and had been kept the elves instead?

anduril444 09-02-2002 12:55 PM

What if Arathorn had decided to take young aragorn with him when he was slain by orcs?

Demloth of Dol Amroth 09-04-2002 06:35 PM

what if galadriel had not passed the test of the ring? she would've taken it from frodo then become the "Dark Lady" as opposed to dark lord, but THEN what? would she have rallied all elves to her and obliterate everyone else, or finding elves to slow to regenerate numberswise pulled a saruman and made an orc army?

Armadoin 09-18-2002 02:03 PM

What if Melkor had never corrupted Sauron?
Then when Melkor fell there would be rejoicing and everyone would be free and happy and the one ring would never have been wrought and Frodo could stay in the Shire for his whole life ... and the list goes on forever more! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

gayare'dion 09-20-2002 07:45 PM

what if, faramir, had killed gollum right away. frodo and sam would not get into mordor, and prolly end up in a more dangerous situation than the shelob (the shelob was very hard, but i mean, when your travelling through lands that are patrolled by orcs, and constantly watched, you would be seen, and outnumbered, while shelob you could somewhat more easily get throuh, and yeah im just rambling on)

mithchamwen 09-21-2002 06:03 AM

what if j.rr.tolkin died before he finished all three books! noooooooooooo!!!!! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Isilya 09-21-2002 08:41 AM

What if there was no Balrog in Moria? What decision would Frodo have made at Amon Hen?

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