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Kitanna 02-10-2005 05:43 PM

What other fantasy movies do you like?
Like the What other fantasy books do you read thread I was just curious what other fantasy movies people on the Barrow Downs liked to watch. And this isn't limited to live action either because there are plenty of good cartoon fantasy movies out there.
Personally I'm in love with Star Wars (the trilogy is a work of genius regardless of what Lucas says) and I'm a big fan of the Last Unicorn and Labyrinth.

SO what fantasy movies do you guys like to watch?

elronds_daughter 02-10-2005 08:07 PM

Here's my list: I love Star Wars (and I agree with you; the original trilogy is the best by far) and I'm an avid fan of Star Trek.

TomBrady12 02-10-2005 08:10 PM

I enjoyed reading the Chronicles of Narnia books when I read them in about 5th grade, I also like the movies, even though they look a little silly compared to the LoTR movies.

Star Wars is good, interested to see the last one, hopefully it will be good.

I've recently been reading Morgan Llywelyn books, which I suppose are more historical then they are fantasy, (although there are cetainly some fantasical elements). I think they are excellent books and would recommend them highly, particularly "Lion of Ireland"

TB12: Dynasty

Ainuosérė 02-10-2005 08:35 PM

I heard about these just recently, the Chonicles of Earthsea. They were originaly a book series but were recently (from what I know) made into movies. i havnt personaly watched all of them, but i have read the books and they are great.

and yes, the original starwars trilogy is one of the best, though i havnt really liked the later ones that have come out.

Elianna 02-10-2005 09:03 PM

Well, I'm a Trekkie and a "Wars-ie," I guess would be the corresponding Star Wars term, and I'll add another vote to Narnia.

I also love a (canceled) sci-fi TV show called "Firefly." All of you like it too, you just don't know it yet. ;)

Encaitare 02-11-2005 02:15 PM

Star Trek all the way. I have all six movies and I got them at the final sale of a closing video store for about $7. "The Wrath of Khan" is my favorite.

Other favorite fantasy movies...
-The Princess Bride
-Indiana Jones, all three of them
-The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast = my favorite Disney movies ever. I still love them.

Did anyone ever see A Fairy Tale? It was a little artsy to be a kid's movie, as I remember it, but it was a very nice movie.

I liked Troy, King Arthur, and especially Hero as well, although maybe they would be considered more historical.

Snorri Swifthammer 02-11-2005 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Elianna
I also love a (canceled) sci-fi TV show called "Firefly." All of you like it too, you just don't know it yet. ;)

I second this!!! One of my favorite shows I've ever seen.

As for movies

Legend was interesting.
Princess Bride is great.
Logan's Run is a classic.
I thought Final Fantasy:Spirits Within was good if you can tolerate a rather open ending.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is beautiful and could be seen as Eastern Fantasy.
Hellboy is a fun pulp fantasy.

Sett 02-11-2005 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Elianna
I also love a (canceled) sci-fi TV show called "Firefly." All of you like it too, you just don't know it yet. ;)

sorry i have to agree as well. I watched every episode on the sci fi channel and when i found out it was cancled i freaked, A sci fi/western. Must have been the first in the genre , and the humour was great. God i miss that show.

Willow is a great fantasy film in my opinion

Ainaserkewen 02-11-2005 03:33 PM


Star Wars is good, interested to see the last one, hopefully it will be good.
I never like Star Wars too much, it seemed a little out-dated when I saw the originals, and the new ones are very visually interesting but not particularly grabbing. I don't know much about Episode three but I do no how it's going to end. Anyone take any guesses?

I liked the Matrix Trilogy and the Animatrix. I consider it fantasy as well as sci-fi. It opened up a lot of philosophical questions, which I now research. The puddle is very deep.

Also, I love watching good, un-tampered-with Anime. Coming from Japan is some of the best modern fantasy available. The genre is diverse and you can find any type of story you could ever want. This is also a very deep puddle.

Eruanna 02-11-2005 03:45 PM

Firefly fans...yes, me too!
The best thing on tv or dvd for years. Looking forward to the film? :D

Also a fan of Star Wars, Star Trek, Farscape, Babylon 5 and most of the comic book films that have been made over the last few years.

Elianna 02-11-2005 04:47 PM

Ah, yes, the Firfefly movie coming out in September. That's going to be great! Maybe Fox will see the error of its ways and launch the TV series again....

Anyone sensitive to spoilers: Don't read this! Any guesses on the end of Episode 3 of Star Wars? *shrug* Vader's there. But because of that and "always two there are," you know Dooku's going to die, and my main worry is how. Will it be an awesome lightsaber duel, or will he be poisoned in the first five minutes of the film?

Yee, more votes for Willow and Princess Bride! Oo, Tenth Kingdom; it was a mini-series on a long while ago. Has anyone mentioned Ever After?

drigel 02-11-2005 08:18 PM

Sam L Jackson says it will be an awsome death - I cant wait!

I cant wait for the Narnia movie:

Kitanna 02-11-2005 11:14 PM

The two newest Star Wars movies were pretty terrible, but the third one looks like it's going to be awesome. Finally, Darth Vader!
Also, can't wait for the Narnia movies, too bad it won't be ready until about Dec. of this year.

Assasin 02-12-2005 01:34 AM

E_d! you're a Treky! I love Star Trek too. I also like the Princess Bride, and the Pirates of the Carribean.

Linnahiril Tinnufinwen 02-12-2005 01:07 PM

I would have to say that my other favorite fantasy movies would be the Star Wars Trilogy. I used to be obssessed with it in Jr. High. I'm not so sure I like the prequels so much, but I am still curious about the third one that is going to come out. My favorite fantasy books are the ones from the Harry Potter series, and other children's stories, like Polar Express, Cinderella, Where the Wild Things Grow, etc.

Luinalatawen 02-12-2005 01:53 PM

Personally, I don't really do any Sci-fi. I took a class last month called "Love and Sex in Medieval Art and Modern Film" in which we watched a movie just about every day. Most of them had huge fantasy elements in them. One of my favorites was Ladyhawke. Also, I'm currently in a fantasy literature class and we watched the silent Dracula film Nosferatu on Thursday. LotR, Smith of Wootton, and Farmer Giles of Ham are just a few of the titles on the book list for that class, so I'm excited :D I tend to like medieval era movies, so pretty much any film set in Medieval times with a fantasy theme will be one of my favorites.

Saurreg 02-13-2005 09:42 AM

I like David Lynch's Dune, Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal and Ralph bakshi's Fire and Ice. The first Conan movie was ok too.

Lalwendė 02-14-2005 02:53 PM

I would say I'm no fan of fantasy films, but thinking about it, there are a few decent ones aside from LotR - which is the best one of course (yes, despite the story errors!).

Excalibur is a classic. It's very over the top, but then when you want to watch something about King Arthur then you want mad and far fetched! Though Merlin reminds me a little of Leonard Rossiter. ;) If sci-fi is being included, then I've got the Star Wars trilogy and still haven't watched it but I remember it as being good. I also enjoyed all the Matrix films, even the ones which pontificate. But my favourite sci-fi has to be Close Encounters - which I wouldn't class in this category as its mostly earth bound and doesn't feature any kind of secondary world.

One I can recommend is the BBC adaptation of Gormenghast. This really does leave out a lot of the book, but the sheer drama of it is well worth seeing, plus it's got a fabulous cast, including Christopher Lee as Flay. Also The Box of Delights, an early 80's adaptation from John Masefield is also now available, which is worth watching, particularly if you like a bit of nostalgia like me. Spirited Away, a Japanese animated film which was a massive success has been recommended to me, but I haven't got around to watching it yet - apparently it takes at least two viewings to properly grasp the story.

Eruanna 02-14-2005 05:30 PM

I've recently watched Spirited Away, it's a beautiful film, although a little bit confusing at times!
Another Japanese animation called Princess Mononoke is also a lovely story, beautifully drawn :)
I thought the BBC did a good job on Gormenghast, the sets were amazing.
Thanks for the tip about The Box of Delights Lalwendė that's definitely one for me to look out for.
I agree about John Boorman's Excalibur. Nicol Williamson all but chews the scenery. I did find Arthur's accent a little bizarre; but it is, as you say, a classic. :D

Shelob 02-14-2005 07:30 PM

My favorite non-LOTR fantasy movie is Princess Bride, but since most of you seem to agree with me there I will only add the point that if you have not read the book you really ought to.

Elsewise I enjoy Star Trek (and Encaitare it's really funny you should say you got the movies at the final sale of a video store--that's where we originally got ours, though we've since bought DVD coppies of them all), most anything that could be classified as action (so Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Carribean, and similar) as well as anything bassed off of a book ( but that's more because I like comparing texts to their movie interpretations).

And, while it might fit in this category only marginally, I would add to the general mix Monty Python and the Holy Grail. :D

For those of you who have suggested Gormenghast, is that worth reading/watching? I've heared about it piecemeal but never enough to determine what it's about or if it would be an interesting read. Thanks.

Lalwendė 02-15-2005 05:02 AM

Is Gormenghast worth reading? Oh yes! :)

It is, more than anything, a tale about the castle Gormenghast, from which the trilogy (usually found bound in one doorstop of a single volume edition nowadays) gets the title. This is an immense place filled with history, danger, junk and dust. And weird people. There is the Groan family, the nobles, who are weird enough, but in addition there are a myriad other people who keep the whole place running. It is almost undefinable as to which category of fiction it could be placed in, though it does tend to be seen as fantasy. But it also has strong elements of gothic horror and satire.

The main narrative thread follows the adventures and machinations of Steerpike, a kitchen boy who has escaped, and now seeks to climb the social ladder of Gormenghast, along the way upsetting the established order - which in itself is stifling and inexplicable. Some of the best characters include: the sinister Flay - former manservant to Lord Groan, Fuchsia - eccentric and romantic daughter of Lord Groan, and the Prunesquallors - the castle doctor and his man-mad sister.

I'd recommend reading it before seeing the BBC version - as then your imagination will be able to run riot imagining the gothic splendour of the place. ;)

Milord Aldagrim 02-15-2005 06:35 AM

I might sound redundant here, but I too like Star Wars and Star Trek. I also love Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal. Another good on is Prince Valiant, which is based on the comic strip. The Mummy movies are good. Oh, I almost forgot a great one! The Wolfman with Lon Chaney Jr.

Encaitare 02-15-2005 02:15 PM

I too love the Mummy movies. I have them memorized and enjoy reciting them, accents and all... :rolleyes:

Gormenghast sounds really cool... I shall add it to my mile-long list of Books to Read.

Kitanna 02-15-2005 05:04 PM

MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000), always an excellent choice. They make a few Tolkien references every now and again too.

aelithes 02-15-2005 05:12 PM

I'd have to say The Princess Bride, Willow, and Legend. Now, my choice of fantasy movies is almost entirely a matter of circumstance and a product the generation I grew up in, so I make no claims whatsoever in terms of their level of quality! Though I think one unanimous positive factor of all three films is their unerring quotability.

Shuki 02-20-2005 10:39 AM

Of course I like Willow, Legende and into the Labyrinth (David Bowie was so cool) But I also remeber: Ladyhawk Do anybody know these film? With Rudger Hauher and Michelle Pfeiffer and Matthew Broderick (a realy very young Matthew) It“s very romantic, fantastic...and have a very good filmmusic.

Kitanna 02-20-2005 11:31 AM

Ladyhawke is an excellent movie. Almost all '80's fantasy movies are good though.

Lathriel 02-21-2005 11:20 PM

I Like

The Princess Bride
Star Wars (But not the attack of the clones)
The neverending Story (But NOT NOT NOT number 2 and 3, those are just horrible to say the least. especially when you've read the book)
Of course I also like The dark Crystal
And also to add a few Disney movies Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, The little mermaid and Alladin
Of course Monty Python and the Holy Grail is great.
However Excalibur...that movie just makes me laugh, especailly the tinfoil castle.

Lalwendė 02-22-2005 03:19 AM

I've just remembered something else worth checking out, the old Robin of Sherwood ITV series (UK). I believe this was fairly popular in the US too, and they are all available on VHS/DVD - the early episodes are the best. Though it's based on English legend and has a medieval setting (inlcuding actual historical characters) it's very much a fantasy drama with strong pagan themes, e.g. Robin commuicates with Herne the Hunter. The storylines were always exciting and the cast was usually good - including a much younger Ray Winstone as Will Scarlett, and the music was stunning.

Faramir 02-22-2005 06:33 AM

My favorite fantasy movies are:

1.Reign of Fire-Good Battles with Dragons and some good effects

2.Star Trek 2-The Wrath or Khan-I like This Movie because of the "fighting" i didnt like how spock died though.

3.Harry Potter (1,2&3)-Some good effects,I like the Books more than the movies though.

4.The Cartoon-Wizards-A very odd Cartoon,it has hiltler in it so that kinda made me mad.

5.Dungeons and Dragons-I love this movie just because the dwarves are as tall as men and the fightings ok.

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 02-22-2005 07:12 AM

I'll second Lalwende's point:

One I can recommend is the BBC adaptation of Gormenghast. This really does leave out a lot of the book, but the sheer drama of it is well worth seeing, plus it's got a fabulous cast, including Christopher Lee as Flay.
This was an excellent film, oh most excellent! I haven't gotten my hands on the books though, which saddens me.

I also am a Star Wars fan.

And one, heretofore unmentioned: Final Fantasy. Yes, I know, they're video games not movies, but the storylines are good enough that I think at least the more recent ones should qualify. Then there's the FF movie, the Spirits Within, which I own and thoroughly enjoy. I'd love to see a film version of FFX though, and I bet it could be done if someone was inventive.

Another vote for the Wonderworks Narnia films. Particularly the Silver Chair, I love the portrayal of Puddleglum.

And last but not least, I love and always have loved the Rankin-Bass Hobbit. The Bakshi LOTR I can take or leave, and the R-B ROTK I can just plain leave, but the Hobbit I think is a classic.

Anime? I like the wildly overdramatic Vision of Escaflowne series. ;)


alatar 02-22-2005 12:00 PM

In the words of Inigo Montoya of the 'Princess Bride, "...there is too much. Let me sum up."

* SciFi *
Trek - the TV shows but not so much the movies (sigh).
Star Wars - the original three were okay for adolescents; can't say that the new two were any good.
Terminator - ground breaking romantic action flick.
V the mini series - aliens as fascists. It could happen!
Frank Herbert's Dune - better than the original movie and an introduction to some great books by a superb author.
Tron - one day we'll play video games like this.
Aliens - action comedy and lots of pyrotechnics.
Escape from New York - Kurt Russell finally lets go of 'Flubber.'

* Fantasy *
Excaliber - a really good over-the-top Arthur movie.
The Princess Bride - wit, true love and comedy. The book is a story in itself.
Legend - some D&D, lots of surrealism and Mia Sara as the 'dark bride' is stunning.
The Sword and the Sorcerer - good slash'em testosterone B-flick.
The Dark Crystal - Henson/Oz puppet movie for kids and adults.
Willow - more D&D with different 'races,' some magic, romance and swordplay.
Krull - more D&D with a SciFi twist.
Xena - what's not to like?
Beauty and the Beast TV show - some action in a fantasy romance. Much poetry by Shakespeare, Frost, Shelley, etc.
Robin Hood - the classic movie still holds up over time. Can watch it with the kids without fear of nightmares.

Lalaith 02-22-2005 12:49 PM

Yes, indeed: Princess Bride, Spirited Away, the BBC Gormenghast (it didn't get particularly good reviews when it was shown in the UK, but I loved it. Never read the books but really feel I should)

Query - has the Earthsea Quartet been filmed? Can anyone supply more info?

But the greatest ever fantasy film has to be the Wizard of Oz, surely...

Encaitare 02-22-2005 03:00 PM

Also amazingly amusing is Robin Hood: Men in Tights. A Brooks take on the story. And if we are allowed to include SciFi, then I must mention Spaceballs.

And if TV shows count... Animorphs. I read all the books and watched the TV show, only to have it taken off the air.. *sigh*

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 02-22-2005 07:34 PM


Query - has the Earthsea Quartet been filmed? Can anyone supply more info?
I don't believe it has. But when someone does it, I'll be the first one in line. :)

Encaitare 02-22-2005 08:58 PM

Not sure whether this is what you're talking about... Earthsea at IMDb.

Lathriel 02-22-2005 11:23 PM

How could I?

I forgot to mention the Narnia movies I really like them and I hope the new version of the Lion,the witch and the wardrobe that is being filmed right now will live up to the old one that was made.

Plus of course the Harry Potter movies.

I also love Robin Hood and the men in tights. Its one of my favourites!

alatar 02-23-2005 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Lathriel
I also love Robin Hood and the men in tights. Its one of my favourites!

Was that Robin Hood, and the Mel Brooks version, or do you mean one movie? I like the 50's version with Errol Flynn and the 'Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves' version with Kevin Costner.

And Mel Brooks lost something after making 'History of the World' or I got too old.

Lathriel 02-24-2005 01:57 PM

I meant the one by Mel Brooks.

History of the World Part One is also a favourite of mine but its not fantasy.

alatar 02-24-2005 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Lathriel
History of the World Part One is also a favourite of mine but its not fantasy.

Agreed. Just meant to say that Spaceballs and Men in Tights left me laughless. :(

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