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mark12_30 01-07-2003 10:37 AM

Winter: Lorien, Anduin, Emyn Muil...
The depths of winter are upon us. The days are short, the nights long and dark, for some of us the snow blankets the woods and fields...

As you look ahead to January, February, and March-- (to Mount Doom!)-- what thoughts permeate your view? What plans do you have for making it a Tolkienish winter? Are you in Lorien now, or somewhere else? Does the Anduin lie before you? Are you afraid of boats or comfortable in them? What about the Emyn Muil, the Dead Marshes, Dagorlad, The Morannon?

Has Gollum caught up with you yet?

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 01-07-2003 10:54 AM

All is quite literally cool here in Reading (we had snow today and expect more tomorrow). My current choice of reading is actually The Holy Thief by Ellis Peters, so I suppose I'm at the Abbey of Shrewsbury in 1144, waiting to see where Robert Beaumont, Earl of Leicester, is going with his playful claim on the reliquary of St. Winifred.

Since most of my thoughts outside of my current reading material are tending towards conclusions and beginnings, one might say that I am at the point of leaving Bag End, which would seem an appropriate place for us all to be, it being the beginning of a new year. Of course, it would be quite shockingly pretentious of me to say any such thing, so feel free to append any such comments below.

mark12_30 01-07-2003 11:11 AM

Leaving Bag-End... interesting; that feels like an Autumnal thing to me, or April; but January feels like leaving Lorien. We often have January thaw here in RI.

And Lent is coming. Now, for an evangelical/ borderline pentecostal like me, that's a VERY odd statement ("heresy, anyone?"; I can hear my pastor wailing in despair) Despite pastor's anguish, Tolkien has brought me meandering back across the Liturgical border, and Lent confronts me. To me Lent is like the final stage of a ring-quest, and somehow that's how I think Tolkien intended it, calendar-wise. They leave Rivendell Dec. 25, and the Ring is destroyed March 25... Christmas to Easter?

I find myself wondering what burden or curse disguised as a "treasure" I must lose, when I leave Lothlorien (on Ash Wednesday?) and let a river sweep me southward towards "the one place I don't want to get any closer to."

And another part of me persistantly keeps reviewing Bag End, with the fire lit and the teakettle just beginning to sing.

An odd thought: Boating all day on a river in January? They must have frozen.

Diamond18 01-07-2003 11:15 AM

I'm trying to work up the courage (and finaces...) to leave Bag-end and the Shire behind and venture into the unknown. It's a dangerous business, stepping out of your door. You never know where the road might take you. So you could say I'm standing in the doorway, peering out with trepedation, trying to see if there are any Ringwraiths or Orcs nearby.

I really want to get to Rivendell, where I can concentrate on finishing my book.

mark12_30 01-07-2003 11:24 AM

What is your book that you need to finish? Good luck getting out the door of Bag End. What will your Rivendell look like?

Like you, I need to "Finish My Book!" You reminded me... I do have another anniversary coming up! I started writing Bolco a year ago February-- and it's still not done! (Hangs head sheepishly) Thanks for the reminder.

[ January 07, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

Gandalf_theGrey 01-07-2003 12:26 PM

Thank you, mark12_30:

* humble bow * I had been secretly hoping you'd start a winter topic to match the wonderous autumn topic with which you graced us.

As for me, I am living "The Long Winter" on three different levels at the same time ... the reality of the past, the reality of the present, and fictionally, in an RPG of the same name in the Shire.

The swirling snow with strong wind-driven flakes yesterday enchanted me such that having some time, I felt pulled into it. Thus, I walked several turns around a small lake.

The day was a perfect match of when I was but five years old, Hobbit-sized, just gotten off the school bus from kindergarten, standing alone in the middle of the road. I lived then in West Seneca, one of those suburbs of Buffalo famous for being in the heart of a snow belt. Thick-falling snow accumulated in drifts by the roadside easily higher than knee-deep. Alone, I suddenly found myself encircled and confronted by a ring of wandering wild dogs.

Something told me to make no move, but to only watch them ... the dog directly in front, the one diagonally to my left, the one diagonally to my right. There was hunger in their eyes, yet they waited on me. I wondered for what, since I had no weapon, no shield like the kind my character Giles Harfoot now carries, no knife of Westernesse discovered in a barrow, no logical chance to survive against the teeth of all those enclosing dogs.

Strangely, I was not afraid, but calmly looked beyond the ring of dogs towards survival. Apart from the dogs, everything was coated in the most beautiful, peaceful whiteness, and a hush. The dogs then were bound up in that whiteness, which seemed to muzzle any thought they might have had about growling. I did not know how I would live, but trusted that I would.

Suddenly, an image flashed in my mind. The Lassie tv show ... and then I remembered the neighbor's collie Laddie who lived just two doors down. And so very gently I called Laddie's name. Laddie trotted peacefully next to me and stood.

One by one, the dogs in the ring drifted away. The keen gleam of impending attack in their eyes faded to disappointment, as they each turned without a sound. Laddie then escorted me to my door.

Now the year is 2003, and it is again The Long Winter. The snow flies, settles, returns, and I wonder some days how long the provisions will last. For on December 25th, I prayed for a Christmas miracle seemingly impossible given Time. "I know it's Christmas Day and all businesses are closed, but I want a job for Christmas."

Then last night, a new wave of hope unlooked for washed over me as I happened to read this, posted by lindil:


by the way Greetings on the Old Calendar feast of the Nativity of Christ -tonight/tomorrow morning is when the feast of Nativity is celebrated in among other places] Bethlehem and all of Russia and in addition to a few households in America.
Christmas Day, today? And I have a preliminary job interview this day.

Gandalf the Grey

[ January 07, 2003: Message edited by: Gandalf_theGrey ]

Mithadan 01-07-2003 01:03 PM

At the risk of raising the ire of my friends here, on Christmas Day I spent much of my time about a mile from my house -- on a beach in 80 degree weather. So I suppose that this winter is perhaps Dol Amroth or Ithilien for me...

Child of the 7th Age 01-07-2003 02:28 PM


Thanks for the topic.

I fear I am in Isengard during an unusually warm winter. I am attempting to stay out of harm's way with mixed success.

The natural world is fine. The weather is warm, up into the 60s during the afternoons, and quite sunny. No sign of rain or snow in sight, but the sandy beaches, I am afraid, are miles away. I don't see any nice green landscape, only lots of commerce and industry and the smokestacks of the refineries. Plus, my cracked ribs ache so much that this has got to be someplace with lots of Shadow. I swear I saw Sauron's agents lurking in darkness around the next corner just the other day.

I admit this is not my favorite time of year. I always identify with poor old Frodo on his return to the Shire as he counted the days, dreading March 13 and October 6. Many years ago, in January, we lost a baby to SIDS. We have two great kids who keep us scrambling, but that day still tugs at the heart.

The good news is that Spring comes very early here, and while the rest of you poor, freezing folk will still be struggling along the Redhorn Pass, we hope to begin seeing flower bulbs poking through in our gardens. I definitely have visions of daffodils in my head, and once these ribs manage to mend, I hope, like Samwise, to do something to achieve that goal.

Gandalf -- good luck with that interview!


[ January 07, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

Maikadilwen 01-07-2003 02:51 PM

Mithadan.... We really didn't want to hear that! [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img] Do you have a spare room? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Where am I...? With the weather we have right now (8 inches of snow in one night), I would say, crossing the Helcaraxë, with all the struggles and losses that come with that.

For me, stepping into the new year has meant the beginning of a new journey, a new life, since brutal reality decided to deal me a blow and harshly rip me out of a sweet and pleasant dream.
Struggling through ice and snow I am now leaving behind what I know and warily stepping into the unknown, with the hope that I may find my true place in the big puzzle.

[ January 07, 2003: Message edited by: Maikadilwen ]

Kuruharan 01-07-2003 05:55 PM


My current choice of reading is actually The Holy Thief by Ellis Peters, so I suppose I'm at the Abbey of Shrewsbury in 1144, waiting to see where Robert Beaumont, Earl of Leicester, is going with his playful claim on the reliquary of St. Winifred.
[hops up and down excitedly]

Ohmygosh! A fellow Cadfael reader! So nice to find them out there! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Anyway, back to Tolkien.

Since I am about to start school again, after a slightly distressing Christmas break, I feel like I'm staring at the Black Gate after coming through the Dead Marshes. (Not good. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] )

As a side note, the weather here will be in the mid-70's tomorrow, then a heavy frost the next day, followed by snow the day after that. Bizarre! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Raefindel 01-07-2003 08:01 PM

Thanks for the Topic, Helen. Nice choice. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Gandalf, I wish you well in your job-search.

I believe I must be in the Dead Marshes right now. The steps are trecherous and a simple slip or distraction will plunge me into the mire to face the battles already fought and won or lost, and the faces still hanging around to haunt me. I must remember that love keeps no record of wrongs, only then will the faces disappear.

The lights are flickering,as well; leading me astray, keeping me from achieving my goal, though my goal is not the black gate, but home and hearth.

In addition to my own family of 5, I'm caregiver to my grandparents and my Mother-in-law. My Mother-in-law is a TRIAL! And it is difficult to put our old battles to rest.I keep baking lembas to cheer my sad little heart, and I'm looking forward to spring!

[ January 07, 2003: Message edited by: Raefindel ]

Gandalf_theGrey 01-08-2003 01:40 AM


Actually, in the wintertime, I prefer a rousing snowstorm to an 80-degree sunny day at the beach.


Isengard! May the springtime bring a brighter transformation in Shire-hues of green and yellow. You're in my thoughts and prayers, both for the healing of your ribs and in remembrance of the loss of your child to SIDS. * bows * Thanks for your well-wishes on the job interview, we'll see if it leads to another.


Thanks for your well-wishes regarding my employment endeavors. The Dead Marshes ... may your steps be sure, your path true, and the light that is in you remain living.

~~ Gandalf the Grey

Diamond18 01-09-2003 10:15 PM


What is your book that you need to finish? Good luck getting out the door of Bag End. What will your Rivendell look like?
My book is a fantasy novel, which is somewhat inspired by Tolkien, but still my own style which is quite different. As I think about it the plot stretches out before me quite vaguely, and I know it will take many pages to to develop and resolve. I hope it will be "worth" its length. And sometimes I really get bogged down by my large number of characters (all of whom I love too much to kill off!).

I don't know what my own personal Rivendell will look like for me...that's vague too. It's like I won't know what it is until I see it, and I haven't seen it yet.

Thanks for the encouragment. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


Like you, I need to "Finish My Book!" You reminded me... I do have another anniversary coming up! I started writing Bolco a year ago February-- and it's still not done! (Hangs head sheepishly) Thanks for the reminder.
Ah, keep on working! And remember, it took about 13 years for Tolkien to write LotR. I have read your "The Fairy Wife" and I thought it was wonderful. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

piosenniel 01-10-2003 04:31 AM

Unfortunately, this winter finds me often in Minas Anor, sixth level, the Houses of Healing. Many of my patients with cancer have gone out of remission, and much of my time is spent working with them to get through chemotherapy, or working with them to make their last days as comfortable as possible.

There have been many trips this season through Fen Hollen, and down Rath Dínen, to the Hallows . . .

mark12_30 01-16-2003 12:41 PM

Gandalf_theGrey, how goes the jobhunt?
Sharon, are you okay?
Pio, where are you in Minas Anor?
Rae, are you still slogging thru the marshes?
Maikadilwen, how is the ice treating you?
Diamond_18, how goes the writing?
Kuruharan, are you back in school now?
Mith and Squatter, how are you?

Diamond18 01-16-2003 12:46 PM

I wrote half a page the other day.'s better than nothing!

On the other hand, the Entish Bow RPG is coming along smashingly. Which explains why I only wrote half a page the other day. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

piosenniel 01-16-2003 12:49 PM

Helen -

The sixth level of Minas Anor holds The Houses of Healing. My metaphor for the hospital where I work. It has been very busy this season - many of my cancer patients are in relapse and not doing well.

Many of them have died. So, my reference to the trips through Fen Hollin, the closed door that leads from the sixth level to Rath Dínen, the Silent Street that leads to the tombs.

Sorry to be so morose, but it has been a heavy Winter - I am looking forward to the renewal of Spring . . .

[ January 16, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Lush 01-16-2003 12:52 PM

Yeah, how is everyone? Freezing your buns off just like me? Searching from a pool of rich college boys for your next human radiator? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Re-reading The Lorien Chapters and wondering what kind of bleach Galadriel used on her robes? Idly braiding your hair a lá Legolas? Praying for another snow-day? That's all the news fit to print from this little collegiate den of vice, for now.

...pio, your posts will never cease to remind me what a charmed, wasteful life I lead in comparison. Good luck, friend.

[ January 16, 2003: Message edited by: Lush ]

piosenniel 01-16-2003 12:58 PM

I must admit I do love the way Leggy had his hair braided in the recent film. Do you suppose he'd share the name of his hairdresser if I asked nicely? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Raefindel 01-16-2003 05:17 PM

As a matter of fact, Helen, thisng have taken a drastic change! I may have found a job, un-looked for! That will change my whole situation! Wow! Praise God!

Maikadilwen 01-16-2003 05:28 PM

Well Helen, since you asked... [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

The ice seems to have closed around me ever since I fell into a nasty pit.
But I did find a tube of super-glue, which I now hope works on both broken minds and hearts....

[ January 16, 2003: Message edited by: Maikadilwen ]

doug*platypus 01-17-2003 05:42 AM

Sam I Am

Having recently returned from adventures with friends in another country, I find myself left behind while others go to the Havens (or India, if you will), with a female type person, a cosy hobbit-hole and a first baby on the way.

After an excellent interview today, I also look likely to move into local government, like the much vaunted Master Gamgee, although not at the political level.

Well, I'm back.

mark12_30 01-17-2003 07:05 AM

Pio, friend, I did understand your analogies, but was just trying to ask gently how you were doing... Death is hard, and there's not much that makes it any easier, is there? Spring would be good.

Legolas's hairdresser-- I don't know. But that herringbone braid in teh back sure is cool. And yes, many a morning I've spent taking it out and trying *again* to get it presetable (forget the herringbone, plain old french-braid...) if only my hair wasn't so frizzy and weak and brittle and so dratted THIN...

My main consolation would be that Cate Blanchett wore a wig. However, daily I am reminded that my boss has thick, luxuriant, cascading, wavy, shiny glossy shimmering hair, that would braid like a dream.

Okay, so I'm not SUPPOSED to be jealous (covetous?) of someone else's hair. How terribly unspiritual... Welcome to my pettiness.

Doug-- way cool about the baby! And I hope the position materializes...

[ January 17, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

Kuruharan 01-17-2003 08:20 AM


Kuruharan, are you back in school now?
Yes. Appalling, isn't it?!

red 01-17-2003 11:05 AM

When this topic was started, I was away in Lorien (aka St. Lucia, West Indies - Southern Caribbean). I reluctantly left that refuge and will resume my brown wizard training (aka Vet Tech school) soon. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

piosenniel 01-17-2003 03:14 PM

Helen -

I appreciate your concern.

You know, though, for the most part the Gift of Men is used well by the clients with whom I work. Not hard, really - graceful, and beautiful often to behold. It's only that there has been so much of it of late . . .

Diamond18 01-17-2003 03:15 PM


However, daily I am reminded that my boss has thick, luxuriant, cascading, wavy, shiny glossy shimmering hair, that would braid like a dream.
Hmmm...sure about that? It's been my experience that thick, wavy, etc. etc. hair refuses to do a thing, and is fine if you want the cascading look, but nothing else. People keep gifting me with hair accessories, without realizing that if I could use those things, I would have them already. Grrrr.

This message is devoid of any shred of Tolkien references. Well, except that I would never ever be able to wear my hair like Legolas or Galadriel, etc. Lame tag on, I know... But this in the Barrow Downs forum... It's about us. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

mark12_30 01-17-2003 08:45 PM

When winter first begins to bite,
and stones crack in the frosty night,
When pools are black and trees are bare,
'tis evil in the Wild to fare.

(But going for a snowy, moonlit walk isn't half bad, even when you come back with a bone-deep chill. Time for cocoa...)

mark12_30 01-20-2003 10:47 AM

Actually, this is turning out to be a surprisingly elvish winter (for a hobbit.) Today I have off, and my husband with me; this morning we head for the archery club. And this afternoon is Lembas-baking. (I wonder how I'll spend the evening?)

And speaking of archery, is this
Mirkwood bow gorgeous or what? Too bad they start at a forty-pound draw weight, I'm not there yet... maybe someday.

[ January 20, 2003: Message edited by: mark12_30 ]

Raefindel 01-20-2003 03:26 PM

Helen, I'm jealous! I always wanted to try my hand at archery, but alas, it would aggravate an old shoulder injury.

Gandalf, How goes the job search? My prayers and best wishes in your search.

Doug, congratulations on the expected baby. May your wife have as easy a labor as I did. Then again, that might scare you... 38 minutes is not a lot of time to get to the hospital. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Pio, Hope your holding up under the strain. It's tough to always be the strong one.

mark12_30 01-23-2003 01:41 PM

I wonder if it ever got this cold in the Shire? This morning it was zzz... zzzze... zzzeeee.... uh... z-z-z-zero degrees at our house. That doesn't normally happen. Now I know how Frodo felt on Caradhras. "This will be the death of the hobbits."

And from Bilbo: "I wish I was back at Bag End with the kettle just beginning to sing." I'd have the kettle on the woodstove, I think.

If it's that cold again tonight I think I'll bake more lembas. Wish I knew Bilbo's recipe for seed-cake.

Lush 01-23-2003 02:32 PM

Caradhras? Heh. Try getting stuck in the middle of the night, in the middle of a snow storm, on THE WRONG CAMPUS, wearing stilettos while experiencing a major hangover. Try that, Frodo.

mark12_30 01-23-2003 02:59 PM

...and people call ME crazy for wearing birkenstocks in the snow. Stilettos... Lush, m'dear!

Though fair, fair and cold, a maiden of the Rohirrim wears something more practical around horses. Can't I talk you into something besides stilettos?

Wrong campus... hmmmm.

Lush 01-23-2003 03:03 PM

Duke has three main residential campuses. I live on East, but found myself on West at 3 in the morning last night. The "safe ride vans"? Oh, they had shut down their routes!!! At least Frodo had someone to carry him. Thank God for random upperclassmen, right?

As for stilettos, I am sure that Eowyn tried them at least at some point in her lifetime. They make good weapons, you know.

Raefindel 01-23-2003 11:54 PM

Alas, I bought the kids snowboards for Christmas, and IT HAS NEVER SNOWED! It's 55 and raining.


If it's that cold again tonight I think I'll bake more lembas. Wish I knew Bilbo's recipe for seed-cake.

Ya know, I have that recipe, too, Helen! [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

mark12_30 01-24-2003 06:18 AM

Ok, Rae...?

Raefindel 01-24-2003 12:18 PM

Do you want it in a PM or should I post it in the "Arda Recipe Book"? It would appear right after my "Orc chops" recipe.

mark12_30 01-24-2003 12:22 PM

Oh, post it. Share the wealth. But do send me the link [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Gorwingel 01-24-2003 07:44 PM

Right now I feel like Frodo on a long journey (also known as high school), but not with a ring that is trying to take control of me. Finals just finished at my school so things are on the upswing, but the winters in Washington State are not good (well maybe for some of you they would be wonderful) we are the only people in the U.S. who are not having a cold winter. It is about 15 degrees warmer than it usually is. We have not had any snow, and it is rainy and grey. I would love to have a white winter (I always wish for snow) but alas it never comes.

Raefindel 01-25-2003 10:45 AM

Yeah, even one show would be nice, wouldn't it? [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

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