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Boromir88 08-11-2012 10:29 AM

Taters to Taters
I am sure most are familiar with the game "Apples to Apples" and it's become a staple of Barrow-Downer moots. I've been trying to think of a way to bring a Tolkien themed version of Apples to Apples to this site, and I believe this can work.

Set up

1. Now in Apples to Apples there are red cards and green cards. The red cards are people, places, or things, and the green cards are adjectives. For "Taters to Taters" it's going to be the same, but the red cards will just be a character, place, or thing from any Tolkien book. For the adjectives, I'm going to be using the green cards from A2A, and for each round just draw a random green card.

2. I will PM the players 7 "red cards" from the books. These could be characters, locations, or objects. I will be keeping track of who has what, but it would also be a lot easier if no one forgot/lost what their red cards were.

3. In this thread I will post a "green card," which would be the adjective for that round. And then each player, amongst their 7 red cards chooses which one they feel best fits the word. You will then PM your choice to me.

For example/
"Round 1
Green card: Cheerful"

And the red cards I've PMed wilwa are: "Sauron, Mindolluin, Gelion, Durin, Arkenstone, Ancalagon, Saeros"

-Wilwa will then pick which one she thinks fits best with "cheerful" and PM me her choice.

4. After I have all the players choices, I will post them in this thread, anonymously. (This part is important)

5. The Judge is selected, by me amongst the players each round. In A-2-A, it just passes around clockwise. For this, I'm simply going down the player list. Thus, Round 1, sally will be the Judge, Round 2 Nogrod...etc.
-The Judge does not play a red card in the round that they are judging (ie. I should not be getting any PMs from you if you are the judge of the round).
-After I've posted all the choices in this thread, it is the Judge's job to determine the choice the best fits the adjective (according to his/her own mind).
-If you are the judge, your decision is entirely up to you. There are no rules or restrictions on the judge, in his/her judgements. The only important thing to maintain is the judge does not know what players have played which "red card." It has to be completely anonymous (and which is why, everyond PMs their red card to me).

The judge, does not have to post their whole reasoning, why they eliminated some cards...etc. However, the judge must provide his/her reason for choosing the red card that won. So, when the judge determines the winner, post your decision in this thread. You must state your reasoning for the card that won the round. If you'd like to post more details of why you chose one card over another, or why you eliminated others, feel free. All that is required is to post your reasons in picking the winner.

6. After the judge posts the winner, I will know who played that card (and also the person who played it will know too :p) and the player will receive 1 point.

7. We go to the next round, the next member on the list is the judge for the round, and we repeat this process.

Additional Housekeeping

-The first member to 4 points wins the game.

2 phases. 24-hours each. First phase is, in this thread, I will post the green card word, and the judge for the round. Players have 24 hours to PM me back one of their red cards they will play.
-2nd phase. The Judge phase, at the beginning of the DL, I will post the anonymous list of all the choices sent to me. The judge will have 24 hours to pick the winner, and post his/her reasoning. During this phase, players may also freely comment on all the choices. There is no posting requirement, this is just for fun and relaxed like the live A2A games. Before the judge has made his/her decision, players are not allowed to reveal which "card" was theirs. To do so, will result in your card being automatically disqualified for that round. After the judge has posted the winner, however, the winning player will be revealed (and given 1 point). Other players may then reveal what their "card" was, if they so wish, but players may also keep this information secret if they also wish. (Therefore, I will only reveal the person the judge picked as the winner. And if anyone else wants to reveal what they sent me at this time, they may, but it is not required).

-This can move fairly quickly depending on how fast we keep the PMs rolling. However, there will be a maximum of 24 hours allowed for each "phase." When I post the green card, players will have 24 hours from that post to PM their red card. (If I have ALL of them, before the 24 hours, I will post them all in this thread). The judge will then have 24 hours to post his/her decision from that moment.

-And before I forget. I've put the "red cards" in a word document, and just have a completely randomized list. Once a player PMs me their red card choice for the round, I PM back the next red card on my list. So, everyone should always have 7 options in their hand to begin each round. And my list, again, has been randomized.

*Any other questions? Essentially, this is going to run the same as Apples to Apples, but I'm serving as the "Mod" to disperse all the cards and keep everything anonymous.


Unfortunately, for this time, I'm going to have to set a cap, unless we can figure out a more econimical way of running it, because too many PMs would become quite unmanageable. So, for now, the cap is 16, and it's going to be first come first serve type deal.

3 though have been reserved for their assistance in the idea. And wilwa for coming up with the creative Tolkien-theme name. Originally, I was going with "Apples to Apples (Tolkien edition), but "Taters to Taters" is kind of perfect. :D


the phantom

Galadriel55 08-11-2012 10:48 AM

I'd be glad to join. My days are kind of crazy and unpredictable now, but I think that if I can manage WW DLs I can manage this one.

Boromir88 08-11-2012 10:51 AM

Awesome. This will also have much less commitment from the players.

And after additional thought, I think it would be better, and more fair for all, just to have one set deadline time. So we can discuss good DL times, although, this isn't a game where there is any given advantage in getting your choice in at the very end, or not.

Nogrod 08-11-2012 11:18 AM

As I discussed with Boro on the FB, I think the chatting over the different choices people send in is kind of the funniest part of the game, so I think people should feel free to comment on the different choices the "judge" has - or to rant after the decisions are made.

The one thing that is important though is that no one should in any way reveal which was the "card" they sent in themselves.

In the number of games I have played Apples to Apples people have at times commented also on their own cards on the table but have not given any indication it is their own card they are discussing...

Timetables should not be a problem as anyone can just react as soon as they come online. Unlike in Werewolf or Arda Cup you don't need to read a lot, deduct, specualte, plot... anything like that. Like in the original card game you have a set of chances and you pick one - in the live game that is like five to twenty seconds...

The fun thing with the online Tolkien version though is that if you get a name of a place or person you don't know already you have to do some researching - and that will help you learn more of the Tolkien universe!

Nogrod 08-11-2012 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 673190)
The fun thing with the online Tolkien version though is that if you get a name of a place or person you don't know already you have to do some researching - and that will help you learn more of the Tolkien universe!

Am I already contradicting myself while saying on the other hand you can make snap-decisions and then on the other say you need to do some research?

Partly yes, I'm afraid. :D

But if we have 24-hour turns there should be ample time for everyone to either just make reaction-based decisions like in the live-game, check out any facts they need, add banter or comment on others etc. as much as they wish.

I myself at least hope this would be as a relaxed game there is - as Apples to Apples is...

Galadriel55 08-11-2012 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 673191)
I myself at least hope this would be as a relaxed game there is - as Apples to Apples is...

I hope Boro will not be overworking though... so many PMs at once!

Boromir88 08-11-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 673191)
I myself at least hope this would be as a relaxed game there is - as Apples to Apples is...

Same here. :)

And as Nog said, in the live Apples to Apples, the commenting while the judge is going through the choices is part of the fun.

So, to start the Judge's phase, I will post the anonymous list of the choices at the DL. The judge will have 24-hours to pick the winner and give his/her reasoning. But also during this time, the players can comment on the choices the judge has. It is by no means required, but feel free to do so, the only addendum being you can never reveal what your card is. To do so would result in your card being disqualified from judging in that round.

Edit: D'aww thanks G55, I've got the major work done, by setting up the list of red cards already. And so I can do and move all the PMings relatively quickly. You send me your choice for the round and I reply back with your replacement "card." It will just be, making sure my PM box stays not full.

Galadriel55 08-11-2012 11:44 AM

But after the Judge made his/her pick can the cards be revealed? At least the winner?

And we'll know how many points each one has, right? So that means that at least the winner is revealed.

Boromir88 08-11-2012 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 673195)
But after the Judge made his/her pick can the cards be revealed? At least the winner?

And we'll know how many points each one has, right? So that means that at least the winner is revealed.

Yes. After judge makes decision no more anonymity required. Everything will be revealed.

Nogrod 08-11-2012 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 673196)
Everything will be revealed.

That is indeed a decision that has to be done. Will you reveal all the "cards" aka. "this round Wilwa played Melkor, Galadriel played Lotho Sackvile-Baggins..." or should they be up to whether people ask / are willing to provide the info?

In the live game the judge - or even some other people - oftentimes ask "who put Faramir in here?" (when the adjective was fex. "a nerd" :rolleyes:) - and some people even like to tell others it was they who indeed put Denethor in there (for nerd - hmm... because he went crazy sitting in a dark room watching for a ball that sucked him inside that world and thus made him disregarded the reality).

But all card vs. player relationships are, I think, seldom revealed (even I think there are also that kind of rounds).

I mean I have nothing against the mod revealing the full round after the judge has made the decision. It's quite fine with me. But if someone sees that as a problem we should think about it.

Boromir88 08-11-2012 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 673197)
That is indeed a decision that has to be done. Will you reveal all the "cards" aka. "this round Wilwa played Melkor, Galadriel played Lotho Sackvile-Baggins..." or should they be up to whether people ask / are willing to provide the info?

Answered this as I was making the change to having a one set dead line. Essentially, I will only reveal who won and thus who gets 1 point for the round. After the judge has made the decision, players can reveal what their "card" was if they want, but they can also keep it secret as well. So, yeah, this will be left up to the individual player.

MCRmyGirl4eva 08-11-2012 04:23 PM

Is it too late for me to join?

Nogrod 08-11-2012 05:05 PM

Not even near MCRmyGirl4eva!

I think you're the fifth player (from 16, the most). :)

It should be fun.

Boromir88 08-11-2012 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by MCRmyGirl4eva (Post 673211)
Is it too late for me to join?

Added. :D

My guess is probably about another week before starting. Many of the others who know, and I imagine would enjoy playing are attending Britmoot.

the phantom 08-11-2012 09:42 PM

Well, well- this is going to be a bit different. When playing in real life I tend to choose whatever card makes me giggle uncontrollably- e.g. one time the word was "Legendary" and someone played "baked beans" and it just struck me as gold at the moment, so it won.

With this format and time to reflect... I'm thinking there might be a different strategy.

Loslote 08-11-2012 10:07 PM

I love the idea for this game - it sounds like a ton of fun, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. :D

If we're starting in about a week...I think that'll work. I won't be settled into my dorm until three days after that, BUT I should be able to get online at least once a day even then, and after that's over with I'll be as free as I'll ever be. Sign me up! :D

Meneltarmacil 08-12-2012 12:39 AM

I love Apples to Apples.

Sign me up, please.

Kitanna 08-12-2012 11:47 AM

Goodness me! Is it too late to join up?

Boromir88 08-12-2012 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Kitanna (Post 673250)
Goodness me! Is it too late to join up?

Nope. Probably be starting next weekend. :D

Gwathagor 08-13-2012 12:58 PM

I can totally make time for this.

Lhunardawen 08-15-2012 11:19 AM

Making this official: Sign me up, please!

MCRmyGirl4eva 08-15-2012 11:50 AM

Yay! I'm in! TACO... don't ask about the tacos... or fight club...

Boromir88 08-15-2012 01:35 PM

At this point we'll begin on Saturday, but anyone else who wants to join can do so until then. (A max of 4 more that is) I'll send out the PMs with your 7 red cards Saturday morning, or afternoon.

Then I'll post the Round 1 information in this thread at Noon EST. So, the DL every day will be Noon EST.

It's not that big of an issue, as the DL can be in WW, because there's no advantage for when you reply back to me with your choice. The DL is just to give one, set and consistent time for when we move from the 1st phase to the judging phase in each round.

So, Saturday Noon, you'll have 24-hours to PM me your choice for the round. When I receive it, I will reply back with your replacement. (Everyone should have 7 options at the beginning of each round).

And Sunday Noon, the judging phase will begin. I will post all the choices for the judge in that round. The judge has 24-hours to pick the winner. During this time, it's not required, but anyone may discuss the choices (but no revealing what you sent in before the judge's decision). After the judge picks the winner, the winner will be revealed and get 1 point. Anyone else may feel free, at that time, to reveal which word they sent in. I will only reveal the winner though, and so this will be completely up to the rest of you. :D

All makes sense? Any other questions?

Boromir88 08-18-2012 10:30 AM

Round 1

Green card: Honest (trustworthy, truthful)
Judge: sally

*Deadline Noon tomorrow.

satansaloser2005 08-18-2012 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 673611)

Green card: Honest (trustworthy, truthful)
Judge: sally

*Deadline Noon tomorrow.

Given the last WW game, especially this post, I find this rather appropriate. :p

Also, yay!

Nogrod 08-18-2012 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 673611)
*Deadline Noon tomorrow.

Boro: regarding the time-stamp on your post, is the noon EST half an hour earlier or later, or more, to either direction? I mean yes the EST is -5 from the UTC/GMT and that's a nice guideline to Lhûna and us Europeans, but the Daylight Savings kind of make it messy as some areas have the and some do not.

Haha, looking forwards to this!

*and PMing my choice in a minute...*

Boromir88 08-18-2012 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 673627)
Boro: regarding the time-stamp on your post, is the noon EST half an hour earlier or later, or more, to either direction? I mean yes the EST is -5 from the UTC/GMT and that's a nice guideline to Lhûna and us Europeans, but the Daylight Savings kind of make it messy as some areas have the and some do not.

Haha, looking forwards to this!

*and PMing my choice in a minute...*

Ran a bit late watching the start of the Premier League. 30 minutes before the time stamp on my Round 1 post. :)

Nogrod 08-18-2012 03:32 PM

Just a question: are we going in the order of the names in your first post as who is the judge at any given round?

I mean Sally begins, then it would be me, wilwa next, then Galadriel...

I mean in the live game you know the order of the judges, and this looks like it, but just to be sure of it...

Lhunardawen 08-18-2012 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 673627)
Boro: regarding the time-stamp on your post, is the noon EST half an hour earlier or later, or more, to either direction? I mean yes the EST is -5 from the UTC/GMT and that's a nice guideline to Lhûna and us Europeans, but the Daylight Savings kind of make it messy as some areas have the and some do not.

Thanks, Noggie. No more counting for me! Glorious, glorious 12-hour difference.

Boromir88 08-19-2012 10:06 AM

Last I was able to see, Kath was having laptop/internet issues. But the good thing about this is, no mod-firings. :p It's easy to jump right in if there are problems and you happen to miss a day. It just means you would have missed a chance to win the round.

Ok, so Round 1, sally...these are your "Honest" red taters. Pick the winner and give your reasons for picking the winner. You may of course explain your decision as detailed as you'd like, but just make sure you give your reasons for the winner. :)

Frodo Baggins
The Witch-King
The Shire
Fangorn Forest
Samwise Gamgee

The rest may, at this time, discuss anything about the selections/dynamics. No one can reveal what they sent me, before sally has chosen a winner. After her judgement though, fair game. :)

Nogrod 08-19-2012 10:32 AM

Okay. Some starters...

Well, you surely can't pick Frodo or Sam as they're both liars - and the Shire itself is a swarming bed of lies. Frodo lied about his intentions even to his closest friends, went around with a false name etc., while Sam at least lied Frodo about their food supplies later on the road... and think of all those hobbits smiling at their mathoms and telling you from between their teeth how they loved them!

Nor Huan! He betrayed his master! Now a good dog doesn't turn against it's master even if there is a nice girl nearby who scratches it the right way...

Maybe you should pick Fëanor, I mean whatever else he did, he was honest to the bone...

Kitanna 08-19-2012 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 673650)

Maybe you should pick Fëanor, I mean whatever else he did, he was honest to the bone...

I was going to say the Witch-King for much the same. Because he was always honest with his plans for Frodo and his duty to his master.

Boromir88 08-19-2012 10:51 AM

*heh gleefully smiles...big glee* :D

Meneltarmacil 08-19-2012 08:05 PM

To state the obvious, Tol-in-Gaurhoth is the worst possible choice if you're looking for honesty.

Galadriel55 08-19-2012 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Meneltarmacil (Post 673662)
To state the obvious, Tol-in-Gaurhoth is the worst possible choice if you're looking for honesty.

But I like it best. :D

the phantom 08-19-2012 10:07 PM


I think we can toss out the Hobbits for not being the genuine article. As Nog pointed out, Hobbits have this appearance of adorable goodness but they are massive liars. I mean- there's a chapter in Lord of the Rings entitled "A Conspiracy Unmasked" that is all about how Hobbits are lying to one another.

With the same reasoning Huan is supposed to be good but turns on his master. Bad dog!

The Witch King and Tol-In-Gaurhoth on the other hand- I don't penalize them quite so much because at least they're a known quantity. Our Tol-In-Gaurhoth contests are completely based upon (to quote Laura) being a lying liar that lies a lot. Thus these two answers make sense from an amusement standpoint.

Wargs are, well... wargs. I can't particularly say if they're honest or not. And Fangorn- there are good trees and bad trees, so again it's difficult to say.

Theoden I suppose would be a decent straightforward choice (I don't recall any deceit on his part), though he wasn't so good at spotting honesty seeing as he let Grima hang about all the time.

Which of course leaves Feanor as the obvious decision. He was rather straightforward, and didn't seem to care about the consequences. The guy really meant it when he said, "You guys suck- I'm leaving to kill Morgoth."

So for me it would be between Feanor (the most straightforward answer) and Tol-In-Gaurhoth (the most ridiculous answer).

Nogrod 08-20-2012 01:44 AM

I would disagree with the phantom on two cases.

Firstly Theoden doesn't become less honest by being bad in recognizing dishonesty around him. It's the Forrest Gump thing... Also if one considers the specifications, he can be said to be a most trustworthy person in the end. The only problem I see with him is then that he is a too obvious a choice - although one could argue also that he's not that trustworthy if he can be persuaded to err that easily by Grima-like creatures.

In a similar vein Fangorn Forest doesn't become more or less honest because of there being "good trees and bad trees" - which I think doesn't hold water as a statement in the first place. Anyway, Gandalf trusted the Fangorn for a reason and they proved both truthful and honest when they realized they were no outsiders to the War even if they had previously thought so and took action. One could ask Aragorn or Theoden whether Fangorn is trustworthy...

But yeah, I'd still go for Fëanor, or The Witch-King, for them being interestingly honest in their talk & deeds even if we'd disagree with their aims and actions as such. Or then Tol-In-Gaurhoth, if one can identify it with the werewolf-game (which I'm kind on unsure of): the idea of being "honestly dishonest" as lying and deceit are the defining characters of the game is actually quite nice.

satansaloser2005 08-20-2012 08:40 AM

Well, Sam is right out. Little fellow lied his fool behind off. No eaves indeed. And hobbits are tricksy little creatures, so Frodo is likewise eliminated, as is the Shire.

Theoden might fit the bill, but I tend to think of his situation first rather than the character himself, which leads me to think he is a poor choice.

As for wargs and the forest and the pup in question, I don't think this much applies to them. With the exception of a few notable trees, I don't believe I've found many trees to be either good or evil. Dogs are normally good, but that doesn't make Huan honest, and as for wargs....well, I could make a joke about Eomer, but I'll keep it to myself and simply comment no further on these options.

I could pick Feanor, but I'd only be catering to the phantom's interests, and we can never have that, can we? ;)

The Witch-King (which king?) then. As some others have mentioned, he never tried to hide his evilness. I can appreciate that in a villain. Of course there was deceit involved in other ways, but the Witch-King himself was always pure, honest, downright dirty evil. Definitely something to consider.

And Tol-in-Gaurhoth? Well, you know, there is always deceit in that game. However, I must put forward the following for review:


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 673235)
Also, did you have to say such a painfully honest-sounding thing? Meh.

Now let us also consider this:


I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for.
True words, all. It is the most seemingly trustworthy, the most forthcoming that are the most successful werewolves. They don't lie, they mislead. They tell the truth but conform it to their desires. The best werewolves are not dishonest. They are, instead, the ones who put their furry arm around your fleshy shoulder, tell you they trust you, and then bite you as you're going in for the snuggle.

As such, and given how I like to play Werewolf (actually how I like to play, not just that I like to play), I believe my choice has been made.


Boromir88 08-20-2012 08:54 AM

Thank you, my dear on a just and...honest...judgement. (I had Captain Jack Sparrow's quote in my head for most of the round heh...and refrained from posting it so I did not influence your decision in the most dishonest of manners :p).

And the winner therefor of Round 1 is...

the phantom

May continue to discuss for a little over an hour. And then Round 2 will begin. :D

satansaloser2005 08-20-2012 09:33 AM

Grumble, grumble, grumble. Congratulations to Phantom for, as usual, reading my mind. :p

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