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Daisy Brambleburr 06-06-2003 12:28 PM

The terrifying moments of the quest: how scared would you have been?
I was thinking today about the terrifying things that the Fellowship had to go through on their quest.

My question is, which parts do you think were the worst? And, more importantly, would you have had the courage to do the things that the characters did?

I personally think that orcs and Uruk-hai must be very scary. I would have been frightened out of my wits in the battles, and probably in Moria as well. Dark, cold and with a strong sense of forboding. And (I know this is really the movie) but the Bridge of Khazad-dum was very thin and very high. And the fellowship are running! Could you have sprinted across that bridge without batting an eyelid? I couldn't! And travelling to Rivendell, being tracked all the while by Wraiths, that must have been horrible.

So, what's your opinion?

Theoric Windcaller 06-06-2003 12:53 PM

I think the Paths of the Dead would be pretty horrible, or perhaps standing in the rain before the Isengard army at Helm's Deep, awaiting to be viciously slaughtered.

I would be horrified at almost everything in the quest.

Finwe 06-06-2003 12:57 PM

I think the most terrifying moment of the entire LotR story is the Battle at Helm's Deep. Just watching that line of orcs steadily advancing, waiting to cut you down would just scare the living daylights out of me!
Another scary part would probably be the Paths of the Dead. Although, with a leader like Aragorn, I don't think I'd be all too scared. Viggo Mortensen's Aragorn is so charismatic that it just makes me want to volunteer myself to join his army! It's very rare to find people who can do that.

Yavanna228 06-06-2003 01:09 PM

Not to be a spoil-sport, but I have the feeling that this thread may be moved. If not, happy surprise. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
I'll go ahead and add my two cents in: I would have been most frightened either in Shelob's lair or inside the barrow. I have arachniphobia, and ghosts give me the creeps. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

MLD-Grounds-Keeper-Willie 06-06-2003 01:47 PM

I think that I'd be most scared if I knew that a nazgul was looking for me. Helms Deep must be pretty scary, however, I think that the siege of Gondor would be scarier. It would be pretty scary if the enemy broke through the first gate and the Witch King came in. Or the battle on the Pelennor fields, over Helms Deep, because at Helms Deep, they were securely fortified and way high above the orcs, but on the Pelennor fields, both armies are on the same level, which can be a lot more intimidating. I think the most terriying would be running to the Bridge of Khazad Dum. It would be horrifying to run from a whole bunch of orcs and some cave trolls, and then your leader, Gandalf, comes back frightened and exhausted, and frantically orders you to run, and then watching a balrog appear.

As for handling it, well, in Moria, I'd run of course. In the battles, I'd fight. At least you have a chance in battle. And if I put myself in any of the shoes of the characters who came face to face with great danger, of course I'd have the courage to do what they did. Hesitation will kill you, and for some of the situations, it waas vital to the quest of the ring, and I'd do it for that.

Theoric Windcaller 06-06-2003 02:15 PM

Ah, yes. Pelennor or maybe the Battle at the Moranon (the black gates.) Just awaiting any battle in Middle would scare me, especially if I were in Moria, hearing the drum beats in the dark.

We cannot get out. We cannot get out. They're coming.

That line would scare me: They're coming.

Estelyn Telcontar 06-06-2003 02:29 PM

This topic asks for opinion and experience, not book discussion, so it belongs on the Novices and Newcomers forum. Moving it there, where you may continue to read and post...

Meela 06-06-2003 02:34 PM

I would love to take the Paths of the Dead.

I would have been scared out of my wits during a battle such as Helm's Deep, but I would have survived.

EvennStarr8 06-06-2003 03:27 PM

I think just having the ring would scare me and knowing what might happen!!!

Aragorn2002 06-06-2003 04:42 PM

The things that would scare me would be having the ring and having to go to mordor and destroy it. And being at the battle of helms deep. That would really stink just standing there fighting against all odds and having imenent death just sitting right in front of you.

Rumil 06-06-2003 06:52 PM

Strangely, the thing which would have scared me silly was jumping over the chasm in Moria (the one which Pippin had to summon up his courage for), though admittedly I always was useless at the long jump.

Also encountering a gigantic fiery demon (with or without wings) would surely have necessitated a change of underwear.

Aule 06-06-2003 08:12 PM

I think facing the Balrog or even walink the paths of the dead would have scared the crap out of me

Aragorn2002 06-06-2003 08:20 PM

Oh yeah I forgot about the Paths of the Dead geeze that would've scared the bajeebazs out of me. Also the fighting at the Last Alliance would be a little scary.

Gorwingel 06-06-2003 11:48 PM

Oh, gosh, I would truthfully be scared in about every part of the journey. But the most scarest for me would probably have to be Shelob's lair and the tunnel that you have to go through to get there. I would be absolutely freaked out because I hate the dark, small places, but the actual spider would probably not scare me as much.

I would also probably not like the Dead Marshes, that place freaked me out in the book. Additionally I would also be scared in all the battles, I am not a good warrior, not a good one at all.

Niluial 06-07-2003 02:41 AM

I would say every part is scary. There is not one moment where I do not sit on the edge of my seat or bite my nails while reading LotR. It is just one of those books… I will come back later after thinking hard and then say which part was SCARY.

Daisy Brambleburr 06-08-2003 10:49 AM

Niluial, I agree that it is all pretty scary. I was asking which bits you found *terrifying* and what you may not have been able to do at all, putting yourself in the position of the characters.
I agree with most of the answers. I still think that I would have been most scared being tracked by the Ringwraiths to Rivendell. Just waiting for something to happen, and with Frodo ill to boot.

Daisy Brambleburr 06-08-2003 10:52 AM

Oops, i just realised that I mis read Niluial's post. Just ignore the first paragraph of my message... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Ophelia 06-08-2003 11:20 AM

If to be honest I would be Miss chicken pants I suppose . Well I could cut some parts of orcs off of them but I would not be any big support . But when you think harder , you know that there is no way back for you so all you can do is just soldier on and try to make use of yourself . But I would be totaly freaked out . Though I guess I would be too dumb to understand the meanin' of this quest . But to find out if this all is true I should need to go to this kind of a quest . So that means - we'll never find that out . [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Ophelia 06-08-2003 11:31 AM

Damn! I am so so-o-o-o-orrrrry for writin' something totaly not about this topic . Must be my stupinity or so for I have misunderstood the question . *kicks her self and runs into the wall head-first* **outch**
But anyways I thought that the meeting with the Nazgul on Wheatertop was the most frightening because you know that there is nothin' you can do to them only hope that someone like Aragorn will show up and make them leave .
And since I'm cloustrophoebic /sorry for mistakes in this word/ I would pass out wrom fear if old man Willow would lock me inside him [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Hans Markus Rod 06-09-2003 03:49 PM

I would definatly be most scared at the top of Amon Shūl, with five terribly fierce Nazgūl slowly surrounding you, and the Witch-King trying to seize the ring. Try imagining that, four Hobbits against five of the Nazgūl whit the Witch-King as their chieftain. I would have been scared to death.

The Pellenor, or the helms deep would not at all be as terrifying as facing the Nazgūl, because in open war one get the chance of fighting equal opponents, and dying a noble and worthy death instead of perishing surrounded by Nazgūls and fell beasts.

Meneltarmacil 06-26-2003 01:51 PM

Shelob... if there's one thing I can't stand it's going throw dark, narrow places just KNOWING something is going to leap out and scare the #$@%$%#&&#&& out of you... after Shelob first leaped out and freaked me out I could probably handle the fight though. It's really the "waiting for something scary to happen" part that gets you all spooked.

dancing spawn of ungoliant 06-26-2003 02:02 PM

a little while ago i saw a dream (or a nightmare) that i was in gondor and i saw black shadows hanging over the land and the mountains of mordor and the was horrible to be there and wait that the battle would begin - i was terrified!!!
but i'm so frightened about everything that i think i would have stayed home...there's no way i could have encountered shelob (i do afraid spiders)! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

[ June 26, 2003: Message edited by: dancing spawn of ungoliant ]

The Saucepan Man 06-26-2003 06:27 PM


there's no way i could have encountered shelob (i do afraid spiders)
Hmm, very interesting, you would appear to have an irrational fear of your own kind, dancing spawn of ungoliant. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Personally, I would have made a hopeless member of the Fellowship. First sign of a Black Rider or even an Orc and I would have been seeking an immediate and unconditional discharge. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] And as for fighting giant spiders, well you wouldn't have seen me for dust. I can't even deal with the normal sized ones in a sane and rational manner. [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Finwe 06-26-2003 07:51 PM

I'm ok with giant spiders and large bugs, it's just large reptiles that scare me. I think I could have gone through most of what the Fellowship went through, because I'm the type that tends to repress emotions in the face of duty. Even if I'm scared silly, or so darn tired that I could fall asleep with my head pillowed on the Book of Mazarbul in Moria, I would have kept plowing on.

But the one moment that would have truly terrified me is the charge of the Rohirrim at the Battle of Pelennor Fields. Just seeing that line of Orcs get closer, and closer, and closer, and having to deal with that anticipation, and the knowledge that it's too late to back out now, would have scared me to the extent of needing a change of underwear!

dancing spawn of ungoliant 06-27-2003 03:49 AM


you would appear to have an irrational fear of your own kind
yep, that's me an my sick mind [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
if i didn't be so afraid and i made my way even to rivendell, my feet would be so exhausted that i couldn't keep on.

Ophelia 06-27-2003 11:16 AM

Actually I have learned to controle my fear and do things beyond other doing . Just challenge me and I'm off . Scared to more than death but still I would go on , only when it would come to the metter of life and death I do not think I would have the controle over my feet that would be running in the wrong way - backwards .
But still one of the most frightening things in all that war in LotR and at any war would be to be placed in the front row where death shall find you before you even do somethin'g worthy to die .

Finwe 06-27-2003 11:26 AM

I think the same thing also happens to me. I'm the type who instantly responds to dares and challenges. I would have been the first one in line to volunteer for the Fellowship, if I had been in Imladris. I don't know whether that's a strength or a weakness.

Olorin 06-28-2003 04:06 PM

I think when the Hobbits were attacked on Weathertop was the scariest part. Could you imagine ghostly people dressed in all black coming up to you with swords in hand?

Click Here

Yavanna228 06-28-2003 04:24 PM

It has been said that some would be terrified during the battles. I think, as Willie said way up there, that I would fight. I don't know why, but whenever I am able to do something about a problem or something that scares me, I'm not so scared anymore. Then again, I have this irrational 'joy of battle' that comes on me whenever I do something like that. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Whenever I sit still or am unable to do something, that is what terrifies me the most, sheer helplessness. You may be saying 'You can fight the spider!' I know that I could, but I wouldn't, because spiders scare me stiff, and I'm sure that a giant one would probably make me pass out in terror. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 06-28-2003 04:28 PM

Amon Sul. Moria. Shelob's Lair. Caradhras. Amon Hen. Mordor. Emyn Muil. Gondor. Isengard. Helm's Deep. Khazad-dum. Goodness!

I'm like Finwe: I'll respond to a dare. Like when I climbed onto the roof of our school. I was scared silly doing it, but I forced myself to do it. So I probably would have said "I'll join the Fellowship!" but would have had to change my underwear five times a day sometimes. The most terrifying parts would be Moria and Amon Sul. The image of a black-cloaked figure following you with a sword? And having to literally run for your life? Scares the bejeebers out of me.

Ophelia 06-29-2003 01:18 PM

There is no doubt that I would fight even if with my eyes closed but I would , for my will for staying alive is far more bigger than any other wills . But still would it be scary during those wars . And as I said allready : challenge me and I'm off .

peonydeepdelver 06-29-2003 02:28 PM

I would definitely be terrified at Amon Sul and any battle, but the one thing that would scare the muffins out of me is if I had been taken hostage by the Uruk-Hai like Merry and Pippin. I can't believe that none of you guys have mentioned this yet! It'd be terrifying. You'd have almost no idea as to where they are taking you, and some of them want to eat you, some want to take you to Saruman, a few might even want to take you to Sauron, and some just want to kill you and spiteth on your grave! That's what I would call terrifying! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] Plus (in my opinion), I think Pippin was lucky to get all those chances to leave clues for Aragorn, be able to escape, etc. I doubt anyone else in that situation would be so fortunate or quick enough to use an oppurtunity to save themselves/others.

[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: peonydeepdelver ]

Meela 06-29-2003 02:32 PM

Thinking about it, I would die on the spot if Boromir freaked in front of me. As much as I love the guy, he would have me curled in a ball and whimpering with fear.

maikafanawen 06-29-2003 03:52 PM

The absolute scariest part was just before the battle in Balin's tomb in Moria. It was the company's first big fight and the poor hobbits must have been traumatized!

Then it must have been scary before the gates of Mordor when the mouth of Sauron spoke to Gandalf. I probably would have passed out.

Oh, and I personally would have been terrified if I were Eowyn standing before the Nazgul king on that thing he rode. I would have lost my mind for sure.


peonydeepdelver 06-30-2003 09:09 AM

Yeah, I think it would also be scary if you were shown Frodo's mithril coat, clothes, and cloak by the Mouth of Sauron... plus the fact that he works for Sauron would be nerve-racking.

Finwe 06-30-2003 09:41 AM

I also think that I would have been deathly scared of the Witch-King. I have absolutely no idea how she managed to face him and actually end up killing him. Of course, Merry was there to help her, but still. That moment must have been absolutely terrifying.

Aduoreiel 06-30-2003 01:55 PM

The battle of Helm's Deep would be very frightening. Just seeing an Orc is scary enough, but put armor and weapons on that orc is enough to make you "soil your armor", in the words of Monty Python.

Elennar Starfire 07-05-2003 12:35 PM

I don't have a problem with heights, so the bridge of Khazad-dum wouldn't bother me too much, and I'm not claustrophobic, but Shelob would really freak me out. I've partly gotten over my fear of spiders, but I still get scared when I see one as big or bigger than my pinkie nail. As for all the battles, I think I would fight and not run, but I can't be sure, as I have never been in that situation.

Another thing which would scare me for a while would be riding really fast horses.

[ July 07, 2003: Message edited by: Elennar Starfire ]

Kates Frodo Temp 07-05-2003 07:30 PM

It's hard to say what any of us would do, since we really don't have to face anything near those situations!

I'm one of the lucky few who is actually battle tested. I'm 14, 5'3", and weigh 120. My guy cousin is 16, 6'6", and must weigh near 200. We love to make our own weapons and have mock battles!

We really knock each other around with those wooden swords! Mostly, we hit just hard enough that you don't want it to happen again. Minor cuts and bruises are always the result, with both parties appologising profusely while getting ready for another go.

I know from experience that when I'm in "combat" my mind plays no part! It's all reflex; I can't even see. Definitely not afraid.

Of course, the fear is mostly eliminated in that type of situation. I mean, we're talking about my cousin, even if he is a hulk.

I'm terrified of tight spaces (yes there's a name for that, but I can't spell it right now.) Dark doesn't bother me, though. Spiders are no problem, but Shelob would probably give me the creeps.

Honestly, though, these guys weren't thinking about themselves (except for Pippin [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]) When there was time to be afraid, it would certainly be for your family, or Frodo, or the world that you were trying to save!

Yavanna228 07-05-2003 07:39 PM


I'm terrified of tight spaces (yes there's a name for that, but I can't spell it right now.)
Claustrophobia, you mean? [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
I know what you mean when you say that your fear is somehow gone whenever you're in the midst of 'battle', however irrational it may be. The sheer adrenaline and 'joy of battle' that comes over me is quite a rush, to say the least. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

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