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Arcanjo 05-21-2002 07:04 AM

RP Crmson Sword discussion
Who here wants to join in my Crimson Sword RP? All you have to do is post the profile of your character in here.

Of course, you may also ask any questions you feel like asking in here.


Cimmerian 05-21-2002 11:28 AM

I will take a shot here, a journey you say, sign me up!

My char -
Name - Bulvard
Age - 39
Sex - male
Race - Human of Gondorian origin.
Hair - Long and white.
Eyes - grey and wise.
Class - Warrior(of the ancient code)
Weapons - Longsword, daggers, staff.
Armour - Metal chestplate, gauntlets, leg guards and helmet. White in colour with Gold trimmings and ornations.
Clothes - Grey and Black, Black boots. White cloak.
Story - A man whose life has been tragically altered by the ravaging evil hordes.
His wife and child slaughtered at the hands of the devils from the shadows. He seeks to avenge their misfortunes or die trying.
He has a horse, a bright white stallion by the name of Arod.

Intense character here, one that will fight to the end and brood over things too.

Aosama, the Wandering Star 05-21-2002 11:12 PM

I'll join!
Race: Human, Rohirrim to be exact.
Sex: Female
Name: Gwyn, the Green Lady of Rohan
Age: thirty-four
Hair/Eye colour: Brown hair, green eyes
Story: Rohirrim lady on border patrol when this story begins... is asked to fight to regain the sword... decides might as well. Is really actually very thirsty for adventure.
Temperment: tough, cold, icy. don't mess with her. If looks could kill, people would have frozen to death. Not nice, but some people can awaken the kindness in her. (would make good plot/character developement)
Alignment: Good, just not nice.
What do you think?

Arcanjo 05-22-2002 11:42 AM

Great, with just two or more people we may start playing. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Elenna 05-22-2002 01:46 PM

Hello! I have been told I can play a good elf, so here's the info.

Name: Elwyn Arienwen
Sex: Female
Species: Elf
Age: Ummm, 1789
Weapons: Sword, dagger, anything sharp and pointy and convenient.
Hair: Bright red gold, curly, waist length
Eyes: Sky blue
Temperament: Hmmm. Happy most of the time. Has a temper. Don't make this chick mad. Oh, and she is very blunt.
History: My history is my own. All you need to know is it isn't pretty.
VEhicle: A horse named Celebdae (Silver Shadow). Light gray with black mane and tail.
Other info: SHe may seem simple and joyful on the surface, but she is very deep. A lot of pain lives behind that pretty face.

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Elenna ]

Cimmerian 05-24-2002 09:34 AM

Are we mercernaries joined by a common cause or are me the Army of this castle?

Elenna 05-24-2002 01:46 PM

Since there have been complaints about me being the same elf twice, please notice the new bio. Thank you.

Arcanjo 05-24-2002 03:18 PM

We are special guards of the king. So we are as bad and kick *** as possible. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

The Viking Thunder 05-25-2002 09:04 AM

Name - Harolas
age - 2502
race - elf (of Mirkwood)
sex - male
ht - 6'2
wt - 185lb
attire - black leggings and dark red vest, brown leather armour. grey boots.
weapons - Longbow and mithril arrows, elvish sword and daggers.
Story - An elf of mirkwood , now at the Castel of Rafflensher.
Waiting for orders waht to do, is pleased to have Elwyn Arienwen for company.

Elenna 05-26-2002 09:41 AM

Welcome, Harolas! Elwyn is pleased to have you for company as well! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Amanaduial the archer 05-26-2002 02:50 PM

now i dunno why im doin this as im in the undying lands RP, the Rivendell RP and the Mirkwood RP, but hey why not!

Im playing 2 bad guy and 1 good guy, so ill even it up by being a good guy(or so u i dont actually have a plan 4 that at the mo, but hey!)I also havent been human yet sp ill try that 2.

Name: Elanor Istavaira
Sex: Female(not changing THAT much!
Species: Human-not istari, although she is known to use magic.
Age: 21 (yes i know shes young but i cant have herhavin a heart attack half way through! plus its different from all the elvish types!)
Meaning of name: Elanor is a small flower found in Lorien(her parents were friends with the elves!), and Istavaira means spellweaver.
Weapons: 2 sais(egyptian type weapons-like a stiletto dagger but with 2 extra blades forking out.)and her magic staff and pendant
Clothes: Midnight blue hooded robe, shimmery texture and colour for travelling and occasions. underneath she wears contrasting soft leather or doeskin elven like clothes.
Hair: Almost down to her waist, slightly wavy, midnight black
Eyes: Brilliant emerald green with orange around the centre
Temperament: Quiet, but in quite an unnerving way so she always seems to be taking notes on you almost! She is very secretive, not very trusting but loyal. Quiet a droll, black sense of humour
History: Dont go there unless you wanna make a REAL enemy. het history is her own(Ok so i havent fully worked it out yet fine!)
Vehicle: A tall white mare, Sorrel

ill be able to post 2morrow, g2g now. Hope its OK!

Nevtalathiel 05-30-2002 12:06 PM

I know I'm a little late, but can I join? Maybe you could rescue my character from a group of orcs, or meet her on the road? I'll tell you more about her after you tell me if I can join.

Amanaduial the archer 05-30-2002 03:45 PM

my god, Nev will be acting feeble and untyranical for once! That will be a change!
Id luv u 2 join, just 2 see if u can actually be nice in role!

Elenna 05-30-2002 04:25 PM

GASP!!! A non-evil Nev? Can it be? Or is this just an evil ruse? Who knows...?

Ooooh - my 100th post! Feel honored, fellow RPers!

Nevtalathiel 05-31-2002 02:49 AM

Aman, I'm insulted, be prepared to feel my wrath! Ok, no that won't work since I'm not evil! Would you believe it, but the real me does not have magical powers or torture people, so playing a non-evl character shouldn't be so hard!

Amanaduial the archer 05-31-2002 01:19 PM


Would you believe it, but the real me does not have magical powers or torture people, so playing a non-evl character shouldn't be so hard!
haha u know, for a second there, i actually almost believed u!! j/k, nah ill come and rescue u asap...oh im gonna rescue nev- god that feels good!

Nevtalathiel 05-31-2002 01:24 PM

Don't get used to it, you'll be sadly disappoitned! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] My charcter in Cimmerian's ego trip is being rescued, I'm clearly getting very good at playing charcters who need rescuing!

Amanaduial the archer 05-31-2002 01:58 PM

well join in my fine (feeble) friend!(heh heh)

Nevtalathiel 06-01-2002 05:06 AM

Now you're really asking for it! but I will remain calm, and controlled, but your charcter in Rivendell might find he life slightly harder from now on! [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

More about my character, she's called Tumnaooriel, which means deep-hearted. She's calm, quiet, introspective and thinks more than she talks, but don't be fooled, she's very clever and she learns a lot from listening quietly, when other's have forgotten she's there. In appearance, she's about 5'8", deep, dark brown eyes and long, alomost balck hair.

[ June 01, 2002: Message edited by: Nevtalathiel ]

Amanaduial the archer 06-01-2002 12:41 PM

*nervously* erm, now now Nevtalethiel (see I got ure name right, even if you didnt get mine right!), erm, you cant go muddling up grudges from different RPGs now can you....really....*has just realised that what shes just said is completely hypocritical*...Dammit!

Nevtalathiel 06-02-2002 06:10 AM

Ok, ok, since I got your name wrong before, I guess I'll have to forgive you. You're never going to let me live that one down are you?

Amanaduial the archer 06-03-2002 06:19 AM

*beams happily, yet evily*
nope my friend, never! oh ok then...i spose eventually....maybe...

Nevtalathiel 06-03-2002 07:41 AM

*cringes at memories of acute dumbnes* I hope you do forgot one day, or I may be forced to kill you to make you forget. (I haven't threatened you for several hours, I was starting to not feel evil any longer!) [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Cimmerian 06-04-2002 05:33 AM

I am in Japan right now and there's no way I can get on the internet here with the queues to get online for FIFA sites.

Sorry about this, but I will be back on with the RPGs from Sunday.

My brother (a blond) is here with me and he forgot to pack his laptop(a blond trick) so until it arrives by courier I guess you guys move on and write me in till then.

Sayonara [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Amanaduial the archer 06-04-2002 09:45 AM


so until it arrives by courier
ooooooh la dee da!nah j/k, u know i luv ya really!

ho hum....christ im bored!

ArwenBaggins 06-04-2002 10:52 AM

Can I join being in the Army? PM me the Answer or post it here. PLZ???

Tinrùnya Sweetwind

Name Meaning: "Sparkling Red Flame"
Race: Elf [Noldor]
Lives: Mirkwood
Born: Don't know
Height: 6'1"
Age: 2000
Weapons: Ereglhagh, my dagger of fire, named after my childhood friend killed by Wargs. It will burn any enemy flesh it touches. I also am frequent in bow & arrow.
Why I left Home: Adventure
House[very rare]: Long dark blue or light colored dresses, a mysterious circlet, with a gem that changes color, given to me by a mysterious Istari, mostly barefoot.
Adventure: Long sleeved Dark Green Tunic and pants. A garter-like dagger holder right above my black boots.
Battle: A methrill outfit that I dyed black and the same garter-like dagger holder right above my black boots. I have dark blue leather gloves as well.
Hair: Long and red. Most of the time in a braid or in a bun. Occasionally down. Its length is right above my knees.
Horse: Firebringer, a dark brown stallion with a tan spot on its left legs.
Background: My parents were killed by Wargs like my friend. I was raised by an Istari until I was 500, then I moved to Mirkwood.
Mementos: A small, flame shape necklace given to me by my mother.
Temperament: Adventurous and quite. Does not like wearing dresses. Mostly calm, but if angered, will strike.

[ June 04, 2002: Message edited by: ArwenBaggins ]

Amanaduial the archer 06-05-2002 02:09 PM

right we have the orcs set up, this is ure cue to get in here nev, u cud be their captive or summit?(god im soo gonna enjoy this!)

Nevtalathiel 06-06-2002 08:04 AM

Ok, I'll write myself in, and don't be mean to me! [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Amanaduial the archer 06-06-2002 02:09 PM

ok im sorry nev, right, in front of all ye here present, I solomnly promise that i will not take the ssip out of Nevtalethiel, or not again to the extent where she says summit like "dont be mean to be" and nearly makes me fall off my chair (yes im alright now thanx, but thats the reason im typing so slowly...pain...pain...pain...)

ok? right then. Me and the Merry Mob are comin to rescue you...heh heh- ahem, i mean cough cough...

Nevtalathiel 06-07-2002 06:55 AM

Lol Aman, ok, since it seems to be what you live for (!), I give you permission to take the ssip out of me occasionaly, but only because it you seem to harm yourself when contemplating not doing so! [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Elenna 06-07-2002 10:15 AM

OHHH, so I'm the Merry Mob, Aman? Thanks ever so.

Nevtalathiel 06-07-2002 11:28 AM

Surely better the Merry Mob than the Gollum Mob? (Get it, Merry's a nice hobbit and Gollum's a mean one?) Ah, well, it worked in my head! [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Elenna 06-07-2002 12:54 PM

Hmmm. True. But all in all, I am not a mobster, see? Ummm, that one worked in my head too. See = Chicago mobster thing?

Amanaduial the archer 06-07-2002 01:02 PM

Nev- thankyou, thanku very much...*takes a small bow, very careful this time not to injure self*

Elenna-sorry, for sum bizarre reason have gona kinda alliteration mad!i mean on the rivendell one it was the good guys and the bad bunch! oh dear how sad do i sound...*sigh*

yep, helpless maidens is sounding good to me, my thougts exactly!

Amanaduial the archer 06-08-2002 02:50 AM

ok me and elenna are trying to pull of uno daring recue. Nev here we come!

Amanaduial the archer 06-08-2002 06:22 AM

hey u know i am actually having second thoughts about the rivendell one....this evil milarky is vvvvvvvvvvv cool! muahahahahahahahahahah*cough*ahahahahahahahahahaha gonna...

Aiwyn of the Eorlingas 06-08-2002 11:10 AM

Hello. Need another walker?

Alias: Ain
Race: Human
Class: Rouge (wanderer)
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 134 lbs
Hair: Copper-colored in a braid down her back that reaches the bottom of her shoulder blades
Eyes: Stone gray; perpetually glaring
Build: Sturdy frame, long legs and arms.
Temperament: Cold, distant, and intense. She sees everything going on around her, and learns much while listening and watching. She conceals all her emotions, expect when she’s angry. She makes sure everyone knows when she’s angry.
Clothing: Wears a muddy dark-green cloak all the time, except when fighting. Underneath, she wears a matching tunic and leggings, and thick leather boots that conceal more daggers. Her quiver hands off her belt.
Weapons: Quarterstaff, daggers, longbow (Longbow used for sniper attempts only: she's a 'lurk-in-the-shadows-and-strike-when-they-least-expect-it' kind of fighter. Or in other words: she doesn't fight fair). She is most skilled with the Quarterstaff, but can also fight with a sword (not very well, mind you), if need be
Story: She withholds her origins from all. (yeah, I’m working on it&#8230 [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
Skills: Can pick almost any lock, untie complicated knots, move quietly in the shadows, and sit perfectly still and silent for hours on end. Studies the anatomy and knows the schematics of the body, and where to strike for the most damaging result. Vast knowledge of herbs: which heal, which nourish, and which kill. Excellent rider and very skilled with a Quarterstaff.
Strong Points: Pursues her goals incessantly. When fighting, she won’t stop until her opponent is dead, or she can no longer stand or make her arms grasp her weapon. Loyal once her trust has been earned. Very protective of her few friends. Will pursue vengeance mercilessly
Weak Points: Illiterate, untrusting, and her sense of humor is very, very grim.
Likes: Horses, the stars, and plant lore.
Hates: To hear of honor or duty
Fears: The Sea and powerful magic
Horse: A dark brown stallion named Staa

Amanaduial the archer 06-08-2002 12:19 PM

heeheehee...ok no stoppit! *slaps self across face* ahem, i really shouldnt like being nasty this much should i?

nah i do actually feel a bit bad, cos im being so nasty to Elenna....anyway Elenna and nev, come on, come and worship my eviln- no!! i mean, er, come and post...or summit...

Aosama, the Wandering Star 06-08-2002 04:44 PM

Great Ainwyn! Someone like my Gwyn.. come on in! Hey that rhymed... [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Nevtalathiel 06-09-2002 01:25 AM

Aman, you wanna go sit in a dark romm for a while hun? You can have padded walls and a special jacket which holds your arms behind your back! [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] (Be evil, but nice to me!)

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