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The Might 09-13-2008 10:05 AM

Awesome LotR soundtrack
Just a thread I decided to start in order to glorify the LotR soundtrack, since it really means a lot to me.
Not only because hearing it reminds me of the movies and of certain scenes and characters, but also because it really helps a lot. Some hear blue whale sounds, some hear spiritual music in order to calm down and try forget about their problems in day to day life, well I use the soundtrack.
Especially "Flight to the Ford" has a special effect. No matter how angry, sad or stressed I am the song always manages to get me in a good mood.

I hope some other Downers will share their opinions and experiences regarding the soundtrack here. Looking forward to reading your stuff.

~ TM

Morthoron 09-13-2008 12:47 PM

Lalwende started a thread here...

where we were discussing various songs to add to the soundtrack (punctuating specific scenes). But are you referring more to the actual sounds in the soundtrack or different music to add?

Groin Redbeard 09-13-2008 02:49 PM

Classical Music has got to be the most relaxing music ever created by man. I love Strauss, Beethoven, and Brahms, but you're right Might (hey, that rhymes :D), I'd give up any of those artists for Howard Shore's score (I can't believe how much I'm rhyming today). Just as Strauss' waltz will take my mind to another place and time so does the Howard Shore.

The Bridge of Khazad-Dum has got to be my favorite soundtrack from the movies. It has enough exciting notes in it to keep your attention through most of the song, with some of the best written music from the movies in it.

Aiwendil 09-13-2008 04:36 PM

Although The Might undoubtedly refers to the Shore scores when he refers to "the" LotR soundtrack, I can't resist calling people's further attention to the unjustly forgotten score by Leonard Rosenman for Bakshi' LotR. It's certainly very different from Shore's work and I suppose some will object to it as a bit old-fashioned, but personally I consider it an "awesome LotR soundtrack" as well.

Don't get me wrong, though - I do love Shore's LotR. While I wouldn't go as far as giving up Beethoven for them, I must say that the track "The White Tree" from RotK ranks right up there with some of the masterpieces of the past few centuries for me.

The Might 09-18-2008 06:54 AM

Yes, I was indeed talking about Shore's soundtrack.

MatthewM 10-02-2008 09:15 PM

I have started some threads like this in the past - I love the music of the trilogy so much. I listen to the score on a regular basis. I, too, connect with these songs not only because they remind me of the movie and the characters, but I feel a deep spiritual connection with these songs, and many of them have the overwhelming power to cheer me up in the worst of moods. I also feel that these scores echo to the heart of the book - the real deal. Real stuff.

Being a lover of music years before the score, I'm sure enhanced my appreciation of the music. I would like to add my own praise to classical music - the feelings I have felt while listening to certain pieces by various masters (and I include the trilogy soundtrack in there) are so deep and powerful, that I probably haven't felt them with any other music, save The Beatles. Hits a heartchord. Music, music, music...I love you!!!

Morthoron 10-05-2008 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by MatthewM (Post 569267)
I would like to add my own praise to classical music - the feelings I have felt while listening to certain pieces by various masters (and I include the trilogy soundtrack in there) are so deep and powerful, that I probably haven't felt them with any other music...

Then, we should add some classically-phrased rock music to enhance the upcoming Hobbit movie. Let's reword a Queen song to better fit the Hobbit theme:

The Boromirion Rhapsody (by the Morthoron Snipe and Griping Choir)

Is this a Wraith's knife,
In this, my fantasy?
Caradhras landslides
Are my escape from reality.
Sauron's one eye
Looks down from on high
And sees -- N.Z.

Gollum just killed a friend,
Put his fingers 'round his throat
After he fell out of the boat.
Gollum's birthday's just begun,
But now the ring has made him gone astray.
Gollum -- O-o-o-o-o-o
In Mount Doom your gonna fry,
Unless The Hobbit is released this time tomorrow,
You'll be gone, you'll be gone --
Because scripting really matters.

Hugo, your time has come,
Put back on that silly wig
While Peter Jackson does a jig.
Goodbye to John Noble and Sir Ian Holm,
By now your just too old to make the show.
Bilbo -- O-o-o-o-o-o
It just can't be McAvoy,
Perhaps they will decide on Martin Freeman,
But we don't know -- we don't know,
Because scripting really matters.

I see the Shire full of Thorins's trusty dwarves
No more Liv, no more Liv -- we can do without Arwen!
McKellan will be Gandalf, Rhys-Davies' wants no part of Gimli!
O Guillermo, O Guillermo
O Guillermo, O Guillermo --
O Guillermo script the show! Script the sh-o-o-o-w!

But Bilbo's in Limbo, no one has cast him --
N'gila! please start designing clothes -- Sew some clothes!
N'gila! please start designing clothes -- Sew some clothes!
N'gila! please start designing clothes -- Sew some clothes!
Will you sew some clothes, please go design some clothes!
Oh let her sew - sew - sew - sew - sew - sew!
Otho 'n' Lobelia, Otho 'n' Lobelia, Otho 'n' Lobelia need some roles!
Morgoth Bauglir has a goblin put aside for me, for me, for me-e-e-e-e!

So you think I'd forget about Elves at Helms Deep,
Or Denethor's fiery mile run from his keep?
Oh Peter, can't do this to me Peter --
Edit it out, edit out of the film!

Scripting really matters,
Someone make Phillipa see --
Scripting really matters,
Scripting really matters to me...
I hope The Hobbit won't blow.


MatthewM 10-09-2008 07:50 AM

Lol did you make that up?

Morthoron 10-09-2008 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by MatthewM (Post 569788)
Lol did you make that up?


Peregrin Took 10-17-2008 10:59 PM

Clever indeed!

Carlas 10-19-2008 03:53 PM

I absolutely adore Shore's soundtracks. I went through quite a rough time a few years back and I listened to the Return of the King's soundtrack almost every night as a way to forget about things. Very therapeutic. :p

Morthoron- Haha, brilliant!

Tigerlily Gamgee 01-07-2009 04:29 PM

Did anyone manage to pick up the complete score CD's???? I totally missed my chance on TTT and ROTK... granted, I could still get ROTK for a decent price, but TTT is going for over $200!!!! :( *pout* Any reviews on them? I just ordered the FOTR one from B&

Beregond 01-07-2009 04:50 PM

I have the FotR full soundtrack - it's great, no question about it! Who could say no to more Howard Shore music? I think his LotR score is the best in movie history. His score is so deep that this complete set does not lose potency compared to the condensed version. I wish I had all three full editions - that's 9 hours of music! But they are quite expensive. They were around $50. $200 is a bit ridiculous - I assume you saw that price on Amazon, because often when Amazon is out of stock they list the price from "other sellers". Those other sellers may have incorrectly priced the item or be selling a different product.

Oh...wait. Ignore what I just wrote; I see one bid up to $200 on ebay. Wow. These were $50 last year! Did they stop making them? That's scandalous! How can they be worth so much?

Morthoron - excellent! I love song parodies. I want to sing your version now! :D

Tigerlily Gamgee 01-07-2009 05:33 PM

Yes, the TTT and ROTK are out of print! I'm KICKING myself for waiting so long!!!!!! I should've bought them last year *pouty face*
I just bought the FOTR one, though, as that one is still in print (I wonder why they left that one in print and not the others! *shrug*).

Have ya'll seen the ad on TORn about the show at Radio City Music Hall in October!??? I wanna go!!!! NY trip?

Morthoron 01-07-2009 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tigerlily Gamgee (Post 580222)
Yes, the TTT and ROTK are out of print! I'm KICKING myself for waiting so long!!!!!! I should've bought them last year *pouty face*
I just bought the FOTR one, though, as that one is still in print (I wonder why they left that one in print and not the others! *shrug*).

Have ya'll seen the ad on TORn about the show at Radio City Music Hall in October!??? I wanna go!!!! NY trip?

Well, I received the ROTK Complete as a prize (of all things!) in an M-e poetry contest on another Tolkien site. I wasn't aware of the value!


Ummm...just kidding


Beregond 01-07-2009 06:17 PM

Oh, what dastardly news! If only I'd bought ten of each while I still had the chance (and sold nine). Alas, alack! :(

Benjimir 01-08-2009 08:17 AM

The soundtrack from the LOTR Online is rather excellent. Most all of it can be downloaded from various sources. It was produced with a full studio orchestra, and much of it could fit within and between the movie tracks.

Down Down to Goblintown, Lament for Oakenshield, Things to Come, and others are exceptional. The Shire related themes, Breeland Jig and others are wonderful. They make for great background music when reading the books.

Eönwë 01-08-2009 02:10 PM

I don't know whether this is what you're looking for, but you can seemingly buy it for around £18.

Tigerlily Gamgee 01-08-2009 03:24 PM

That one just comes with all 3 original sountracks, but not the complete recordings (as those, in themselves, are about 3 CDs each). :( *sigh*
I can't even find anyone who will burn me a copy... this blows :(
I may write the record company and be like "***?" Hehe.

The Might 01-08-2009 03:40 PM

Wait, full editions? What are those?

Tigerlily Gamgee 01-08-2009 04:10 PM

The complete score to the movie... in full.. un-cut! THe FOTR one is still in print, but for some reason TTT and ROTK got taken out of print :( DOH!

Beregond 01-08-2009 04:40 PM

That's right, three hours of beautiful music split into three Audio CDs. The set includes an Audio DVD too, (same music on one disc playable on a DVD player/computer).

Eönwë 01-09-2009 02:27 PM

Oh, you mean these this and this and this? Yes, they do seem quite expensive.

Tigerlily Gamgee 01-28-2009 07:36 PM

I just found out that the TTT and ROTK ones will be re-released later this year... so don't spend $200 trying to buy it... it's coming back into print! YAY!

Kitanna 01-28-2009 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Tigerlily Gamgee (Post 580210)
Did anyone manage to pick up the complete score CD's???? I totally missed my chance on TTT and ROTK... granted, I could still get ROTK for a decent price, but TTT is going for over $200!!!! :( *pout* Any reviews on them? I just ordered the FOTR one from B&

I managed to get my hands on all three complete recordings. Free library check-out on CDs + iTunes = sneaky, but wonderful. Though I would like to own all three so I could listen to them in my car, but I have other frivolous things to buy like food and soap.

Now that I've managed to procure all of them I must say they're probably the most listened to albums in my iTunes. Since most of the songs are just beautiful instrumental pieces they make perfect background music for reading and paper writing.

ninja91 02-05-2009 12:04 AM

I am also a big fan of the soundtrack!

I have always loved 2 tracks from FOTR:

"Lothlorien" is a great, mysterious track

"The Breaking of the Fellowship" is pure masterpiece, it gets me every time :smokin:

Keyan 08-26-2009 01:49 PM

ROTK is available on iTunes and Amazon MP3 as the complete recordings for about $25. As long as you don't care about discs, it's a good way to get it. I prefer Amazon b/c of the universal MP3 format. The complete recordings for FOTR and TTT are not available digitally yet for some strange reason.

Anyway, back to the original point, when I listen to The Grey Havens, I am at peace. One of the best soundtrack tracks ever.

Light of Eärendil 08-27-2009 08:23 AM

I love these recordings, but here in México it's almost impossible to find the complete extended editions soundtrack.

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