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Raw 01-11-2001 02:23 PM

Other Books
<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 9
<FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>Hello.
Of course Tolkiens books are the greatest but what other books are everyone reading? Myself i like Terry Goodkind.

<FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>Results (total votes = 20):<table bgcolor=#FFFFFF border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width="75%"> <tbody> <tr><td bgcolor="#000000" colspan=3 height=1></tr><TR BGCOLOR=#E0E0E0><TD NOWRAP> <FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>Only J.R.R. Tolkien!&nbsp</td> <td height><FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>12&nbsp;/&nbsp;60.0%&nbsp</td><td><img src= width=180 height=10 hspace=3>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#000000" colspan=3 height=1></tr><TR BGCOLOR=#E0E0E0><TD NOWRAP> <FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>Terry Goodkind&nbsp</td> <td height><FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>1&nbsp;/&nbsp;5.0%&nbsp</td><td><img src= width=15 height=10 hspace=3>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#000000" colspan=3 height=1></tr><TR BGCOLOR=#E0E0E0><TD NOWRAP> <FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>Margarete Wise and Tracy Hickman&nbsp</td> <td height><FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>2&nbsp;/&nbsp;10.0%&nbsp</td><td><img src= width=30 height=10 hspace=3>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#000000" colspan=3 height=1></tr><TR BGCOLOR=#E0E0E0><TD NOWRAP> <FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>Robert Jordan&nbsp</td> <td height><FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>3&nbsp;/&nbsp;15.0%&nbsp</td><td><img src= width=45 height=10 hspace=3>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#000000" colspan=3 height=1></tr><TR BGCOLOR=#E0E0E0><TD NOWRAP> <FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>David and Leigh Eddings&nbsp</td> <td height><FONT FACE="Verdana,Arial" SIZE=2>2&nbsp;/&nbsp;10.0%&nbsp</td><td><img src= width=30 height=10 hspace=3>&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#000000" colspan=3 height=1></tr></tbody> </table>


The Barrow-Wight 01-11-2001 03:02 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wraith of Angmar
Posts: 1705
Re: Other Books

Out of this list, I could only pick J.R.R. Tolkien. Some topics just weren't made for an ezboard forum, Raw. Better to just ask the question instead of making a limited poll. Too many polls spoil the polka, if ya get my meaning.

The Barrow-Wight (RKittle)
<font size="2">I usually haunt http://www.barrowdowns.comThe Barrow-Downs</a> and The Barrow-Downs Discussion Board</a>.</p>

Inziladun 01-11-2001 03:25 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Animated Skeleton
Posts: 47
Re: Other Books

Yeah,I agree. Tolkien's the only one on the list I've read.

And at that hour the sun went down beyond the rim of the world,as a mighty fire;and Tuor stood alone upon the cliff with outspread arms,and a great yearning filled his heart.</p>

The Barrow-Wight 01-11-2001 03:30 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wraith of Angmar
Posts: 1707
Re: Other Books

I've read the others. Most of them. Except for Goodkind. All are OK, but Eddings is repetitive, Hickman is pulp fantasy (sometimes seems as if it was created from the random tables at the back of a Dungeon Masters Guide) and Jordan, well I could only get through about 10 chapters of the first book (Eye of the World). I may try it again, though.

The Barrow-Wight (RKittle)
<font size="2">I usually haunt http://www.barrowdowns.comThe Barrow-Downs</a> and The Barrow-Downs Discussion Board</a>.</p>

Orald 01-11-2001 04:10 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 214
Re: Other Books

Tolkien is the only fantasy author that i read, I have read several other books by various people. Every once and a while I read some Michael Crichton or Tom Clancy.


Taimar 01-12-2001 06:44 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Spirit of the Downfallen West
Posts: 379
Re: Other Books

Sorry. double post.

Look into the of Desire.</a> </p>Edited by: <A HREF=>Taimar</A>&nbsp; <IMG SRC= BORDER=0 WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=10> at: 1/12/01 7:45:40 am

Taimar 01-12-2001 06:45 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Spirit of the Downfallen West
Posts: 380
Re: Other Books

I`ve read all the authors mentioned. None of them come close to the great JRRT. I enjoy Jordan`s work, though I know he is not too popular at the Downs. Goodkind is pretty good as well. I`ve read the `Dragons` books by Weis and Hickman and can`t say I was too impressed.

As for Eddings, I liked the Belgariad (ideal for slow afternoons when you don`t want to be mentally taxed) and found the Malloreon fairly average. I think all his other work is terrible. I recently bought his latest book (The Redemption of Althalus) for my daughter and put it down after around 60 pages, which is very unusual for me, since I generally like to finish a book once I have started.

We had a thread on the subject of authors a short while ago, but at the risk of repeating myself I`d recommend David Gemmell, J.V. Jones and Terry Pratchett for anyone who is looking for some interesting fantasy to read. Just my personal opinion, of course.

Look into the of Desire.</a> </p>

mecor 01-12-2001 07:06 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 9
Re: Other Books

Tolkien is the only auther on that list i have read.
of all the authers i have read Tolkien by far is the best.
C.S.Lewis is a pritty good auther, he also knew Tolkien, they would proof read eachothers works and tsuff


lindil 01-12-2001 10:30 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 191
Other authors

Tolkien soars above all [w/ one exception in my book] for reasons already belaboured on my longish werewolf post and the magic poll].

However I have always had a soft spot for CS LEwis and LeGuin's earthsea trilogy . an excellent treatment of magic and responsibility. although not near as deep is great for teens [read souls still being moulded and formed] and is good solid writing.

This may shock some , but I think John Crowley author of Little,Big and Engine Summmer are as good as Tolkien in many respects, not all though . Engine summer can often be found in used bookstores and is incredible.

But I agree w/ BW that there is a large amount of pulp out there that falls under Sturgeon's law: &quot; 90 % of everything is crap. And I heartily second 'the keep the polls to a dull roar' movement or am I firsting it?
Anyway I agree!

One big reason JRRT is head and shoulders above all*, is that he had a classical education, the likes of which prob. does not exist anymore, suffered no brain damage from sitting to close to a computer screen[ for way too many hours] or using a cell phone , read hundreds of mythologies in dozen's of language's, went to a relatively traditional Church on a very frequent basis and took his religion very seriously [and took great pains to convert his frienfd CS lewis] and drank much of his ale before the advent of pesticides.


"What then was this hope , if you know ?" Finrod asked "They say" answered Andreth :" they say that the One will himself enter into Arda , and heal Men and all the Marring from the begining to the end." Lindil is often found on posting on the 'New Revised Standard' Silmarillion at the Barrowdowns discussion board. </p>Edited by: <A HREF=>lindil</A> at: 1/12/01 11:34:58 am

Oktariina 01-12-2001 11:01 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 9

I could not choose from here either.
I like Tolkien, Pratchett and Rowling.


Raw 01-12-2001 02:15 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pile o' Bones
Posts: 15
Re: Yes

Sorry for doing so many polls.



The Barrow-Wight 01-12-2001 02:58 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wraith of Angmar
Posts: 1723
Re: Yes

Don't worry about it , RAW. Several people have been posting polls and I think its finally coming out that most (or at least a lot) members would just rather have straightforward discussions.

Keep discussing!!!

The Barrow-Wight (RKittle)
<font size="2">I usually haunt http://www.barrowdowns.comThe Barrow-Downs</a> and The Barrow-Downs Discussion Board</a>.</p>

the Lorien wanderer 01-12-2001 09:59 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 87
Re: Yes

Tolkien's by far the best among the options. Jordan isn't TOO bad though he doesn't seem very well liked here. I like Lewis as well. Oh, and Rowling too!

Not all those who wander are lost.</p>Edited by: <A HREF=>the Lorien wanderer</A> at: 5/14/01 10:25:19 pm

Aldaron 02-21-2001 10:25 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 6
Re: Other Books

I was delighted to see the mention of David Gemmel. The sort of fantasy he writes is entirely different from JRRT's but they are cracking good stories. I'm also quite partial to Robert Silverberg's Majipoor books, which now stretch to six. Start at the beginning with Lord Valentine's Castle. When you've been around as long as I have you read a great variety of things, westerns, sea stories, history, mysteries and ghost stories. But JRRT stays shining brightly at the top.


Suldaledhel 02-22-2001 06:53 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 181
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: Other Books

Out of that list, J.R.R. definately gets my vote..

-Sūldal ~ "See, half-brother! This is sharper than thy tounge. Try but once more to usurp my place and the love of my father, and maybe it will rid the Noldor of one who seeks to be master of thralls." -Feanor to Fingolfin- -=I may be found merrymaking at <a href=>The Barrow Downs</a>=- </p>

Taimar 02-22-2001 07:46 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Spirit of the Downfallen West
Posts: 402
Re: Other Books

Nice to meet a fellow Gemmell enthusiast, Aldaron. I own all of his books and have enjoyed every one. As far as I am aware, a new `Rigante` book is to be published in April.


Orald 02-22-2001 03:22 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Shadow of Malice
Posts: 603
</TD><TD><img src= WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: Other Books

When I saw this thread, I forgot what it originally was. I thought it was one asking what books you have read that are Tolkien, but not ME related.

So have you read any nonME books of Tolkien, if so which ones?

It seems fate is not without a sense of irony.</p>

The Barrow-Wight 02-22-2001 04:09 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wraith of Angmar
Posts: 1909
Re: David Gemmell

I went to the store today and bought a couple Gemmell books, The King Beyond the Gate and Quest for Lost Heroes. I've read several pages and enjoy the writing so far but I'm wondering if I should stop and read 'Legend' first?

The Barrow-Wight (RKittle)
<font size="2">I usually haunt http://www.barrowdowns.comThe Barrow-Downs</a> and The Barrow-Downs Discussion Board</a>.</p>

MIstari 02-22-2001 05:12 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pile o' Bones
Posts: 20
Re: Un-ME books

Personally I really enjoyed all of Jordan's Wheel of Time Books. They take a bit of reading (theyre fairly long winded) but if you're prepared to slug it out thery're really worth it. I think that Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman have created a fascinating world which has unfortunately got out of control. But I still recommend the Twins series. A very good plot and a brainracking concept for those interested in the theories of time.

However none really compares with the master Tolkien.
David Gemmell is outside my experience. I think I should have a look around DownUnder.

Then they all turned to the newcomer and cried, "From whence do you hail stranger." And he replied, </p>

Oliphaunt 02-22-2001 05:45 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Animated Skeleton
Posts: 29
pre-Tolkien fantasy

My english teacher this year is really big on reading and literature which is good. We submitted a sheet with questions of how much we read and what kind of books we read on the first day of the class. He found out I liked Tolkien and gave me a book called &quot;The Sword of Shannara&quot; by Terry Brooks. I read it, gave it back and told him it was ok. The next day he gave me another Brooks book. This pattern repeated about 8 or 9 times before he had finally exhausted his source of cheap plasic-Middle Earth. I have tried to stay away from post-Tolkien fantasy since then (actually the semester only ended a few months ago), but most pre-Tolkien fantasy is pretty good. I have read a few George MacDonald books wich I found very good, as well as CS Lewis' books. I know CS Lewis was a comrade of JRRT, but he didn't grow up with Tolkien-lit, if you know what I mean. Any other thoughts?


Taimar 02-23-2001 07:31 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Spirit of the Downfallen West
Posts: 403
Re: David Gemmell

I don`t think it really matters too much, Ron. There are several books which are take place before Legend, although they were published later. If you want to tackle the Drenai novels in chronological order, they should be read in the following sequence:

Waylander II
Hero in the Shadows
First Chronicles of Druss the Legend
The Legend of Deathwalker
The King Beyond the Gate
Quest for Lost Heroes

As I said though, all the books are fairly self contained and reading them out of sequence would not restrict your enjoyment.


KayQy 02-23-2001 07:48 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 117
Re: Other Books

I've read a bit of Weis and Hickman, but not much, and none of the others besides the Prof., though my parents and brother like them. Of course, my brother doesn't agree with me that The Sword of Shannarra is a cheap imitation of LotR, so I can't judge by his opinion<img src=rolleyes.gif ALT=":rolleyes"> ...

I haven't read much non-Tolkien fantasy lately, actually. Mostly Shakespeare and Sherlock. Mercedes Lackey is good, and Anne McCaffrey, though she's really more sci-fi (the two get lumped together so much). And I love Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman! The funniest, best-written, sacrilegious apocalyptic novel ever!

But tell me, who are you, alone, yourself and nameless?</p>

Zoe 02-23-2001 06:10 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 240
Re: Other Books

I've always enjoyed The Sword in the Stone by T H White. Funny, in a witty, British sort of way.


galpsi 02-27-2001 01:14 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Unquiet Dead
Posts: 1102
Re: Other Books

I'm not a huge epic-fantasy reader but I'd love to put in a good word for Terry Monaco's Parsival trilogy. Might be a little too Pirsig for some but I think that it's tremendous. Russell Hoban's Riddley Walker might also be stretching the genre a little but is just fabulous.


Aldaron 03-14-2001 11:18 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Animated Skeleton
Posts: 36
Re: David Gemmell

Looking for fantasy books that are not clones of Tolkien? You might consider Guy Gavriel Kay, who, by the way, helped Christopher Tolkien when he was first beginning to work on his father's notes and unfinished stories. But what Kay writes is nothing like Tolkien, except in his ability to use the language.


Elenanna 03-14-2001 11:22 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 72
Re: David Gemmell

ive read terry goodkind, just trying to remember which books he wrote, ive been reading so many recently... including tolkien {of course}

Visit me at <a href=>Lorien</a> friend of <a href=>Amon Gwareth</a> and <a href=>Rivendel</a> find my corpse at <a href=>The Barrowdowns</a> </p>

Lady Eowyn 03-15-2001 01:20 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 100
Re: David Gemmell

From that list I have only read Tolkien. I read the Space Trilogy by C. S.
Lewis and didn't really like it that much.
I also read That way lies Camelot and The Wars of Light and shadow series by janny wurts and I really like it.
Even though there are some parts in those books that remind me of LOTR.


Elenanna 03-15-2001 09:45 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 82
Re: David Gemmell

has ne1 here read northern lights?

Visit me at <a href=>Lorien</a> friend of <a href=>Amon Gwareth</a> and <a href=>Rivendel</a> find my corpse at <a href=>The Barrowdowns</a> </p>

Hannah 3 03-15-2001 10:52 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pile o' Bones
Posts: 18
</TD><TD><img WIDTH=60 HEIGHT=60></TD></TR></TABLE>
Re: David Gemmell

Elenna - no, no His Dark Materials. I haven't, at least. But they're supposed to be very good.

Everyone else - the only thing I read in that list was Tolkien, and the only other I've heard of is Robert Jordan, if he wrote the Wheel of Time.
I read JK Rowling, Tokien, Terry Pratchett, and CS Lewis a lot, and others in patches. Fantasy, I mean. A list of other books I read would be much too long. <img src=wink.gif ALT=";)">

~*Hannah*~ If one puts an idea forward to a true englishman - always a rash thing to do - he never dreams of considering whether the idea is right or wrong. The only thing he considers of any importance is whether one believes in it oneself. ~ Oscar Wilde</p>

The X Phial 03-15-2001 01:26 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 8
Other books

I'm afraid I know next to nothing on that list besides the prof. I'm a fan of Marion Zimmer Bradley's retelling of the Arthurian legends (Mists of Avalon, etc.) and also her retelling of the Fall of Troy from Kassandra's perspective (Firebrand). Otherwise I read mostly cheap paperback stuff to keep me from going insane on the bus (koontz, that kind of thing). Oh, and I read lots of psychological texts, so much fun, for my grad work. I'm also a huge Sherlock Holmes fanatic and love mythology of all kinds. Okay, that was convoluted. Oh well.

-*-The X Phial-*- You must believe in free will, you have no choice. Isaac Singer</p>

KayQy 03-16-2001 08:38 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 159
Re: Other books

Sherlock Holmes, eh? Have you read Laurie R. King's Mary Russell series or do you prefer the Canon over Apocrypha?

They cannot conquer forever!</p>

The X Phial 03-16-2001 12:47 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Pile o' Bones
Posts: 13
Re: Other books

I prefer the canon, but I do like things by other authors as well. I have a wonderful book of Sherlock Holmes stories by other autors, my favorite was a story by Stephen King in that collection. Never heard of the Mary Russell series...?

-*-The X Phial-*- You must believe in free will, you have no choice. Isaac Singer</p>

KayQy 03-16-2001 01:23 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Wight
Posts: 165
Re: Other books

It's a great series, taking place during and post-WWI, after Holmes has &quot;retired&quot; to keep bees, he meets Mary Russell and takes her on as an apprentice. The first book is The Beekeeper's Apprentice. (Who'd've thunk it?) They're the best-written Holmes novels I've found, maybe even better than Doyle (gasp!).

They cannot conquer forever!</p>

Mister Underhill 03-16-2001 03:33 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Dread Horseman
Posts: 584
Re: Other books

<blockquote>Quote:<hr> maybe even better than Doyle<hr></blockquote>Sacrilege! <img src=wink.gif ALT=";)">

I'm a fan (though not a rabid fan) of Doyle and Holmes. I'll have to check out these other books. I'm usually disappointed by such efforts -- witness Robert Jordan's pathetic attempts to follow in Howard's footsteps with Conan -- but I'll keep an open mind since you give them such high marks.


Mithrandir 03-16-2001 05:14 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 6
Re: Other books

The only other fantasy author that i read almost as avidly as Tolkien is Brian Jaques. He wrote a whole series of books based on the inhabetants of redwall, most of which are mice. Although these are childrens books, they are very entertaining and exciting to read. They go very quickly, if you pick one up, you can probebly read it through in a couple of hours. Although they do not compare to Tolkien, they are a good series of books to try. Hint: start with the book Redwall, although they are in no particular order, this is the first book of this kind that he wrote. Enjoy! <img src=cool.gif ALT="8)">


Elenanna 03-16-2001 09:34 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 87
Re: Other books

so you dont have to read them in order? because i can get some of books now but none of them are the first one

Visit me at <a href=>Lorien</a> friend of <a href=>Amon Gwareth</a> and <a href=>Rivendel</a> find my corpse at <a href=>The Barrowdowns</a> </p>

Aldaron 03-16-2001 09:44 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Animated Skeleton
Posts: 39
Re: Redwall

Hmmm, I'm reading The Legend of Luke even as we discuss Brian Jacques and the Redwall books.


Mithrandir 03-16-2001 11:12 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 7
Re: Other books

I am glad someone else enjoys the Redwall books as much as i do. No, you dont have to read them in order, because there is no particular order that they are placed in. What i mean is, Jacques first book was Redwall, then Mossflower, then Mattimeo, and so on, but that is not the cronological order of the books. For instance, although Mossflower was written after Redwall, its story takes place long before the first book. But then Mattimeo jumps right back to where Redwall left off. Am i makeing any sense at all? Anyway, you wont be losing much from each individual book if you read them separately. Let me know if you have any luck finding the books, and enjoy!


Elenanna 03-18-2001 12:00 AM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Haunting Spirit
Posts: 97
Re: Other books

ok, thx <img src=smile.gif ALT=":)">

Visit me at <a href=>Lorien</a> friend of <a href=>Amon Gwareth</a> and <a href=>Rivendel</a> find my corpse at <a href=>The Barrowdowns</a> </p>

Amandil 05-05-2001 04:15 PM

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Animated Skeleton
Posts: 38
Re: Other Books

No one comes close to Tolkien, but occasionally you have to read something else.

To restrict it to a few in the Fantasy genre, I guess some of my other favorites would be:
Robert Zelazny (for his short stories and his Amber series)
Robert Aspirin (for the Myth Adventures series)
Steven Brust for the Jhereg books starring Vlad Taltos
Michael Moorcock for all of his Eternal Warrior series
Mercedes Lackey for her Valdemar books and her Bardic Circle
Tad Williams for his Memory, Sorrow &amp; Thorn trilogy
Terry Gooodkind, mainly because it is the only other epic fantasy author that my wife adores
Ursula K.LeGuin for the EarthSea trilogy
Fritz Leiber for the Fafhrd and Grey Mouser books
Melanie Rawn for her Dragon Prince books.
C.S.Lewis' Narnia books
Lloyd Alexander's Prydain books
L. Frank Baums Oz books
The Robert Jordan Wheel of Time series for another friend
Elizabeth Moon for the Deed of Paksenarrion, and....... don't get me started!!!
This will make me want to go back and read some of these when I should be buckling down and rereading the Silmarillion for the zillionth time or laboriously work my way through HoME again, hoping to glean a few more gems.
I just moved into a new townhouse and haven't finished unpacking. I didn't realize I had 11 bookcases of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Between that and all my old comics my house would burn for weeks if it ever caught fire!!


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