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Kitanna 10-09-2014 05:31 AM

WW CVII: Restless Nights in Sleepy Hollow - Game Thread
Kitanna shooed the last of the drunkards from her tavern. The denizens of Sleepy Hollow stumbled home and the tavern keeper closed up for the night. Locking the doors and barring the windows, Kit went about counting the night's coin.

“Another fine night,” she declared when finished.

Outside there was a grunt and a thud. “Probably some fool back for more,” she mumbled, walking to the door to peek out. “We're closed.” She called through the door.

There was another sound, this time a scratching noise at the door. Kitanna backed away. “Enough of your jokes, Sally! Go home and get some sleep!”

The scratching stopped momentarily, but began anew, louder and more determined. “Shasta, you miserable imp! I'll be open again tomorrow!”

There was a loud snuffling at the crack at foot of the door. Kitanna jumped back. A shadow moved by the crack. “Nerwen? Aganzir? This isn't funny any more! Stop trying to scare me or I'll put vinegar in the ale! Don't think I won't!”

The scratching ceased and was replaced by pounding on her door. Kitanna retreated behind her bar, grabbing her broom. She'd be ready to swat any of the idiot pranksters who broke in.

The Living
Legate of Amon Lanc
Shastanis Althreduin
A Little Green

Night 1 has begun. Plan your strategies my lovelies for tomorrow the violence begins.

Kitanna 10-10-2014 05:30 AM

Shasta headed over to Kitanna's tavern first thing in the morning. He was ready for breakfast and gossip after a good night's sleep. To his surprise he found Wilwa standing in front of the tavern, surveying the door that had been ripped from its hinges.

“Door's broke,” she said.

“I can see that.” Shasta looked closer. The door lay useless in the dirt a few feet from the doorway. Deep gauges were cut into the wood, like claw marks, but what manner of beast could do such damage?

Nerwen sauntered up, eating an apple. “What's going on here?”

“Door's broke,” Wilwa repeated. Shasta shot her an annoyed look that went unnoticed.

Other villagers arrived to check the damage. None dared to go into the darkened tavern. Even with the sun shining brightly overhead and birds singing, it felt wrong inside. So instead everyone shuffled their feet and avoided eye contact.

Sick of waiting Sally spoke up, “Where's Kitanna?” There was a chorus of “I don't knows” and a lot of shoulder shrugging. “Did anyone go look for her?”

“I bet she's just playing a joke,” Legate said. He forced out a laugh, but no one joined him.

“Hello? Kit?” Sally called, sticking her head into the door frame. There was no response.

One by one the villagers stepped into tavern. Aganzir walked around opening the shutters to let in some light. She immediately wished she hadn't.

Kitanna, or what was left of her, was strewn about the floor. An eye was flung haphazardly onto the bar, her intestines were being used to tie some chairs together, her spleen was splattered against the wall. Her arm lay motionless on the floor, still clinging to her broom.

“Who would do such a thing?” McCaber demanded! “Now who's going to serve us ale?”

“There's only one force in this world capable of this sort of carnage,” Rikae said quietly. “Werewolves.”

The Living
Legate of Amon Lanc
Shastanis Althreduin
A Little Green

The Dead
Kitanna – ripped apart Night 1

Day 1 has begun.

Nerwen 10-10-2014 05:56 AM

No! Not Kit! Now who’ll get us drunk?:eek:

Still, at least my little friend Jonathan is as delicious os ever! It’s good to have someone you can rely on.

*takes a bite of apple*

Inziladun 10-10-2014 07:06 AM

I don't know how reliable 'Jonathan' is, but on my screen he's saying This webpage is not available. :rolleyes:

Nerwen 10-10-2014 07:32 AM

I said Jonathan was reliable, not the link function on this site. Try it now.

Inziladun 10-10-2014 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 694743)
I said Jonathan was reliable, not the link function on this site. Try it now.

Ahh. I missed that particular madness, though it appears the inmates are at large still. ;)

Inziladun 10-10-2014 07:40 AM

All right, the Rule of Three stipulates that Nerwen and I are very possibly wolves. Who wants to be next?

Nerwen 10-10-2014 10:02 AM

Come on, don't be shy...:Merisu:

Inziladun 10-10-2014 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 694750)
Come on, don't be shy...:Merisu:

I wonder if everyone knows we've started.

*insert random banter about Day One and submarines*

McCaber 10-10-2014 01:17 PM

I'll step up! Everyone is a wolf but me.

Rikae 10-10-2014 01:53 PM

Oh, how about this, the game has started. Coulda fooled me.

Rest assured: I am definitely not a wolf, because I'm posting fifth.

Inziladun 10-10-2014 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 694755)
I'll step up! Everyone is a wolf but me.

Oh, but you're the Third! Now, wasn't that easy?


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 694756)
Rest assured: I am definitely not a wolf, because I'm posting fifth.

Actually, aren't you fourth?

Inziladun 10-10-2014 02:05 PM

So, to see who might have done in the barkeep, let's think of who acted a fool and got tossed out last Night.

I recall Sally and Wilwa's furious debate over the relative virtues of muffins vs. cupcakes. Then, when Kitanna said she preferred cronuts, they gave her such a malicious stare! :p

Rikae 10-10-2014 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 694757)
Oh, but you're the Third! Now, wasn't that easy?

Actually, aren't you fourth?


Inzil is a wolf 'cause he's looking for an easy lynch.


Inziladun 10-10-2014 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 694759)

No, just a failure of basic arithmetic. :p


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 694759)
Inzil is a wolf 'cause he's looking for an easy lynch.


Darn it, you got me. At least I can get my Fenris honor.

Rikae 10-10-2014 02:34 PM

Nah, I just counted Nerwen, Inzil, Cate Blanchett and McCaber.

Rikae 10-10-2014 04:11 PM

Still no new posts? I guess everyone has just decided that since it's a basic game, there is nothing to discuss on day one?

That better not be the case or I will be most displeased.

Inziladun 10-10-2014 04:29 PM

I have to vote in a few short hours, and I'm thinking there will probably be a glut of posts after I go to bed.

As for discussion points thus far, the rules and roles are basic, as it doesn't seem that the Wildcard is a factor. We have three baddies, a Seer, and a Ranger. And hapless cannon fodder, of course.

Inziladun 10-10-2014 04:32 PM

So here's a nice tune while we wait. :)

Rikae 10-10-2014 04:46 PM

We can discuss the most basic thing of all: how people are posting (if only they were posting).
It may not be rock-solid evidence, but in the end, it can work, and it's what usually tips the balance in a WW game anyway.
At this point, though, if nothing changes, I'm inclined to vote for the last person who posts, or for the person who says the least.

Or I could vote for Mac, who I know for a fact is aware of the game and had the opportunity to post.

Macalaure 10-10-2014 05:06 PM

First is the worst, second's the best... Third is the one with the hairy chest!

Lynch McCaber!

Unless our moddess counts, then... Lynch Inziladun!

So there, I already found two wolves. What have you guys been doing so far? :p

McCaber 10-10-2014 05:08 PM

Chiming in suspiciously on cue, I see, eh Mac?

Inziladun 10-10-2014 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 694767)
Chiming in suspiciously on cue, I see, eh Mac?

Ooh! Suspicion! That's the spirit!

I proclaim Mc and Mac to be wolves. Because, why not?

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-10-2014 05:37 PM

Well, here we are! I am no stranger to complications, but this little abode of ours seems to have turned a little bit... uncomfortable.

We already have several self-confessed Werewolves, several more accused by others, well done! The only danger I perceive is that at this rate, we might run out of villagers before the Day is done.

On a serious note, though. Good to see people posting around here, because we all know that curse of Day 1 is usually even worse than curse of Wolvery itself. I didn't have chance to post earlier today and cannot really post very much at this point (here being middle of the night), but I certainly will appear couple of hours before DL with the hope that more people pop up meanwhile, and perhaps some more dicussion.

So far, of course half-in-role posts and all that starting banter is hard to judge, if I were to judge only based on tone and gut-feeling (pretty much the only things now), my bet would be in fact McCaber (strangely enough, his posts essentially stand out to me as the only ones giving any awkward vibes on first read). And okay, maybe possibly Mac. But that's just first impressions. Otherwise... nothing much to say. People are behaving, I would say... normally.

But hey. I'll be around for a short while if there's something more to respond to, but like I said, then you can expect me several hours before DL. And I certainly hope to be more active then (I hope people will be still around, though).

Till that time...

EDIT: X-posted with Inziladun. Notwithstanding joking, to name the same two people is somewhat... unsettling.

Inziladun 10-10-2014 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 694768)
Ooh! Suspicion! That's the spirit!

I proclaim Mc and Mac to be wolves. Because, why not?

Actually, such early wolf-on-wolf would be both incredibly gutsy and undeniably risky. It just seemed a bit opportune that both jumped out of the woodwork like that.

Inziladun 10-10-2014 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 694769)
X-posted with Inziladun. Notwithstanding joking, to name the same two people is somewhat... unsettling.

It's a conspiracy, I tells ya. Or, more likely, a coincidence based on the fact that so few have posted toDay.

I'm a bit loopy for lack of sleep, though I'm sure no one's taken notice. Another reason I'll be voting early.

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-10-2014 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 694770)
Actually, such early wolf-on-wolf would be both incredibly gutsy and undeniably risky. It just seemed a bit opportune that both jumped out of the woodwork like that.

I didn't even think about it as wolf-on-wolf, but McCab especially (and Mac a bit) was basically really the only person sounding to me somehow fake, or how to say it. But that's really the only thing. But noticing such interactions is good, if for future reference, or whatever, we shall see...

Okay, but yes, off to rest for a while and then I will be back before DL...

Rikae 10-10-2014 06:07 PM

How's Cab suspicious? Or is this still just banter?

Edit: X'd with Legate

Rikae 10-10-2014 06:11 PM

I can't see "wolf-on-wolf" on the level of Mac's comment about Cab being either risky or... well... much of anything.. I mean, it's a silly rhyme the kids say when they come to the dinner table.

Although Cab's response to Mac does worry me slightly.

Inziladun 10-10-2014 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 694773)
How's Cab suspicious? Or is this still just banter?

I didn't think him particularly dodgy before, but it did look a little odd that he threw that out there on Mac so quickly.

In other news, there was a few minutes ago a lightning strike unnervingly close to my house. I wonder if there's a crater in the back yard.

Inziladun 10-10-2014 08:48 PM

Come on, guys. You're going to leave me having to vote like this? :rolleyes:

Ok. Not voting is not an option. Of those who've posted, Rikae seems to be the most involved.

Legate has appeared, and doesn't have any furry vibe at the moment.

What I said about Cab immediately making note of Mac's entrance (just after being called out on his absence by Rikae) was, I thought, something interesting in a very slow Day. It really wasn't that big of a deal, but the fact that both have since disappeared is maybe something else to consider.

Inziladun 10-10-2014 08:49 PM

Oh, forgot Nerwen. Nothing but banter there, no so help.

Inziladun 10-10-2014 08:52 PM

Ok then.


Again, precious little to work with, so let's see what happens.

McCaber 10-10-2014 08:59 PM

Sorry, I was in the middle of watching Dr. No at the time. Every once in a while the urge for a classic Bond flick hits.

Inzil's vote seems more random than anything else, because there's like six posts here to choose from. I didn't see anything in Mac's post besides early banter.

Rikae 10-10-2014 09:10 PM

Ok, thoughts:

Nerwen - seemed a bit antsy in her initial posts, maybe, but others are fishier at the moment.
Inzil - the creepiest thing about him is that he doesn't seem suspicious of me! No, seriously, I find his jumping-on-Cab-for-jumping-on-Mac at least as opportunistic as Cab's jump was. Actually, I see Cab's in a bit better light, since someone needs to get suspicions going, right? A risky role to play but a necessary one.
Also, I got the impression Cab was his main suspect? If it was Mac, I'm not quite sure why, but he chose to vote him.
Cabbie - Suspecting Mac for his timing. Not really as suspicious, to my mind, as it seems to be to Legate and Inzil.
Legate - Seems legit. After all, "sounding fake" is pretty much all there is to go on at this point (that or the timing of posts).
Macalaure -

Originally Posted by Macalaure (Post 493061)
Hmmm. I have to admit that your post would usually make me very, very suspicious of you. But this is your first game, so I'll be nice. ;)
For now...

Eight years of being nice earns you a free pass for toDay, Mac. :D Wasn't that a great game?


Absent and therefore all evil. One must be the secret cobbler.


Also absent, but psychic and therefore too useful to lose.
Unless evil... psychic wolves? Nope nope nope...

Threatening to vote people seems to be effective. Perhaps I'll vote for Sally...

Macalaure 10-10-2014 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 694778)

But, but... I didn't even do anything yet! :eek:

Clearly Inzil is trying to look innocent by acting like he always does (i.e., voting for me). Very suspicious.

Only Legate and Rikae are really trying to be helpful, which is nice, and even though it doesn't actually tell us anything about their alignment, I'd be willing to reward it by not voting for them.

The rest banter and hand-wringing about how quiet we all are. I don't like reading too much into banter, but the latter, while understandable, makes me a bit uneasy.

Other than that, just absence.


Originally Posted by Rikae
Eight years of being nice earns you a free pass for toDay, Mac.

While I do wish there were more reasons for not voting for me.... Awwwww. :)

satansaloser2005 10-10-2014 09:45 PM

After Kit's (next to) last game, you would think she would know better than to hang out in a bar by herself at night. Alas, our Kit has yet again been taken from us too soon, leaving only me to avenge her foul and absolutely natural murder. I shan't let you down, my darling!

Yes, hello, I'm here, and Kit's dead again. Who do I have to kill this time? :mad:

satansaloser2005 10-10-2014 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 694737)
No! Not Kit! Now who’ll get us drunk?:eek:

Still, at least my little friend Jonathan is as delicious os ever! It’s good to have someone you can rely on.

*takes a bite of apple*

Wow, that' I'd forgotten about that. Beautiful.


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 694768)
Ooh! Suspicion! That's the spirit!

I proclaim Mc and Mac to be wolves. Because, why not?

I would love this, honestly, though who would be the third McWolf? :p


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 694780)
Threatening to vote people seems to be effective. Perhaps I'll vote for Sally...

Love you too, sweetheart. :rolleyes:

Rikae 10-10-2014 09:54 PM

Speak of the devil! :smokin:

satansaloser2005 10-10-2014 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 694784)
Speak of the devil! :smokin:

No, darling, Phantom isn't in this game. :Merisu:

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