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Elladan and Elrohir 01-29-2005 10:07 PM

What was the best new scene in the three EE's?
All right, so, for those of you who've seen all three Extended Editions, what was the best added scene?

I regret to say I have not seen ROTK EE (perhaps I am not qualified to start this thread), but my favorite new scene so far is probably the scene in TTT where Aragorn tries Eowyn's soup. Totally non-canonical, but hilarious!

Please note that this is not about which EXTENDED scene was the best. Which COMPLETELY NEW scene was the best in the three EE's?

Lolidir 01-29-2005 10:43 PM

big question. if you would like to give like 12 hours to go watch all of them over again and then come tell you then hang on .............. ok back ( not really) :)

i cant remember all of them, but i really enjoy the Mouth of Sauron seen in RTK EE which you havent seen. its geat. i wont go into to much detail bc you havent seen it but its great.

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 01-29-2005 10:53 PM

The grandeur of the past, the desolation of the present and the hope for the future..
I loved the scene in ROTK where Frodo and Sam stumble across the statue of the Stone King at the crossroads in Ithilien.

That's one of my favorite moments in the book (as I have probably said about fifteen times around here ;)), and I loved the way it was handled in the film version. I just loved the fact that it was included in the film version at all, because it's such a minor moment as far as the plot is concerned. Even though it doesn't inspire any major plot changes it has always seemed like the last hopeful moment before Frodo and Sam head into the utter despair of Mordor. Even though it's an emotional turning point rather than a "action based" turning point, it's always seemed very significant to me.

Not to mention it makes me cry. *sniff*


Gorwingel 01-30-2005 01:28 AM

I would have to say that I am split between when the Fellowship leaves Rivendell, because it always makes me emotional, and I love when Frodo asks Gandalf what way is Mordor, and the scene at the end of TTT when Gimli has the sword in the head of the orc. That definitely is my most favorite humorist scene, but then I also love when Gimli gets drunk and talks about "the little hairy women" in ROTK :cool:

Michael Wilhelmson 01-30-2005 09:24 AM

ROTK Celebration
Sorry, but I have to say that Jackson couldn't have included much of the important stuff.

For this thread, I liked the drinking scene (John-Ryhes Davies did all of that improv!), as well as the assassination of Saruman, as misplaced as it was.

Kath 01-30-2005 11:25 AM

The best new scene has to be in RotK when we see Aragorn kill that disfigured orc leader thing. I was so cross when the stone didn't crush him and I moaned about it for aaages and then there it was - him dying! Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!

Eruanna 01-30-2005 11:55 AM

I'd have to re-watch the EEs of the first two films to pick one from each (there's a good excuse) :D
However, for Return of the King I'd have to give a mention to the scene where Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas stumble out of the Paths of the Dead and Aragorn sees the black ships. I had to explain how they had got onto the ships so many times to people who had not read the books :(
My favourite additions though, were the scenes in the Houses of Healing (all of them) I really regretted their absence in the theatrical version.

Shelob 01-30-2005 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Kath

The best new scene has to be in RotK when we see Aragorn kill that disfigured orc leader thing. I was so cross when the stone didn't crush him and I moaned about it for aaages and then there it was - him dying! Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!
I agree whole-heartedly...that was joyous to watch.

Beyond that though, I also liked in 'Fellowship' the Lembas scene where Legolas tells Merry and Pippin about it...that was pretty funny. And I'm having a complete blank on 'Two Towers' now...maybe I'll go watch it again and let you know.

By the way Lolidir,

if you would like to give like 12 hours to go watch all of them
a friend and I did this, it was fun. :D

Eomer of the Rohirrim 01-30-2005 01:30 PM

The scene in The Return of the King where Faramir chats to Pippin. That's very nice, and one of the few good scenes with Faramir. Made up for Beregond slightly.

elronds_daughter 01-30-2005 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
The scene in The Return of the King where Faramir chats to Pippin. That's very nice, and one of the few good scenes with Faramir. Made up for Beregond slightly.

Aye, that was one of my favorites as well. As well as "The king has got a crown again" scene. And I found the "Mouth of Sauron" scene most amusing.

Boromir88 01-30-2005 01:52 PM

My favorite scene from all three, comes in TTT...the scene between Boromir, Faramir, and Denethor in Osgiliath. One mainly because Boromir is my favorite character, and it shows the friendship between the two brothers, despite Denethor's favoritism (and some wonderful lines).

"Remember this day brother, it is a good day."
"...that leaves more time for drinking," (Ok I forget half the quote). :rolleyes:
"He loves you father!"

This scene also goes to explain the actions of Faramir, taking the ring to Osgiliath.

From ROTK, my favorite added scene would probably be Eowyn fighting fiercely next to Theoden. I love the expression on Hill's face like..."who is this soldier?"

Lalwendė 01-30-2005 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88
My favorite scene from all three, comes in TTT...the scene between Boromir, Faramir, and Denethor in Osgiliath. One mainly because Boromir is my favorite character, and it shows the friendship between the two brothers, despite Denethor's favoritism (and some wonderful lines).

"Remember this day brother, it is a good day."
"...that leaves more time for drinking," (Ok I forget half the quote).
"He loves you father!"

This scene also goes to explain the actions of Faramir, taking the ring to Osgiliath.

That's a great scene, and I'd forgotten about it until you mentioned it! I think in that scene, Sean Bean gave one of his best performances in the films.

A favourite for me is the scene with Merry and Pippin in Fangorn which echoes the episode with Old Man Willow. I think one of the reasons I like it is that The Old Forest is a favourite chapter in the books and I was pleased to see at least something of it returned to the films.

Finwe-89 01-30-2005 02:06 PM

That's a hard question, well like Eomer, I like the scene where Pippin and Faramir are talking with each other, but I also ike the scene with Legolas and Gimli in TTT EE after the battle at Helms Deep when they are talking about their scores :D

Lalaith 01-31-2005 04:40 AM

I liked Theodred's funeral. It felt very Rohirric.

alatar 01-31-2005 10:33 AM

I liked the scene in FOTR where Gimli recollects receiving the gift of three tresses/locks/strands of hair (?) from Galadriel. For a moment Gimli the Clown wasn't present.

Lalwendė 01-31-2005 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Lalaith
I liked Theodred's funeral. It felt very Rohirric.

This again is a wonderful scene. The singing of the lament by Eowyn was incredible, as was the sight of the body being interred within an opened Barrow, which was exciting to me as an ancient history/archaeology enthusiast. This scene conjoured up images of an 'older' Britain, which was quite peculiar as it combined influences from periods of history millenia apart, with the Anglo Saxon sound of the lament, and the burial, influenced by something far more ancient.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 01-31-2005 12:23 PM

Totally agree, that was possibly the best moment of grief in any of the films.

King of the North 01-31-2005 12:31 PM

Elladen and Elrohir, I'd have to agree with you. That is probably my favorite NEW scene. It added some needed laughter plus it gave some more info on the Dunedain to some unaware fans. Especially those who never read the book.

Tigerlily Gamgee 01-31-2005 07:35 PM


My favorite scene from all three, comes in TTT...the scene between Boromir, Faramir, and Denethor in Osgiliath. One mainly because Boromir is my favorite character, and it shows the friendship between the two brothers, despite Denethor's favoritism (and some wonderful lines).

"Remember this day brother, it is a good day."
"...that leaves more time for drinking," (Ok I forget half the quote).
"He loves you father!"

This scene also goes to explain the actions of Faramir, taking the ring to Osgiliath.
I totally agree with this. I think that it is probably one of the most fleshed out extended scenes, and one of the most relevant. This is by far my favorite added scene from all three films.

Lathriel 01-31-2005 09:17 PM

This is a tough question for me because I'm one of those people who changes their mind all the time as I think on the subject.
Of course I LOVE all the extra scenes with Faramir. As you guys may have predicted.
However, I also do like the stew scene. My mom was never a fan of that scene because she thought it made the story between Aragorn and Eowyn cheesy. But I always disagreed and it is my friend's most favourite scene.

For FOTR my favourite is split between the view of Caras Gladhon, the lembas comercial (graciuosly given by Legolas) and Galadriel's gifts.

For TTT it would be the Boromir/Faramir scene

For ROTK I'm thinking it would be the scene between Pippin and Faramir or the crossroads.

Most of my favourite scenes are the ones where character development plays a large part. I love the battlle sequences but still I prefer the character development ones. Of course that is to a certain extent.

Still I watched a little bt of PJ's commentary for ROTK and he keeps on hinting at the 25th anniversary edition. He had better hold himself true to that cause I'm counting on it. :D

Lalaith 02-01-2005 04:09 AM

Theodred's funeral scene was also about the only time that Film-Eowyn felt like Book-Eowyn to me. Fair and cold, indeed.

Evisse the Blue 02-01-2005 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
Totally agree, that was possibly the best moment of grief in any of the films.

*nods* Yeah, that is grief without slipping into cheesy at all. Very difficult to achieve in movies these days. Another moment like this one is when Eomer finds Eowyn on the battlefield and when Faramir sees Boromir pass by in his boat on the Anduin.

These three moments are definitely among my very favourites. I'd also mention the Boromir - Faramir interaction in TTT (Gosh, Sean Bean reminds me so much of Sharpe in those scenes!), Aragorn taming Brego in TTT, and the wood elves passing through the forest in FOTR and Merry and Pippin in Fangorn.
The EEs have some of the best scenes ever! It's really difficult to choose one or two favourites!

Finwe-89 02-01-2005 08:59 AM

Yes, I agree with Lalaith, it was a very great scene, and very emotional

Laitoste 02-04-2005 07:51 PM

I completely agree with those who listed Theodred's funeral. Something stirs in me that I can't name during that scene...

Also, the part where Faramir and Eowyn look out from the Houses of Healing. That was what I waited four years for! :cool:

AragornII 02-22-2005 08:42 PM

My favorite scene would have to be in ROTK when Aragorn tells Legolas to shoot a warning shot past one of the Corsairs' ear and Gimili bumps the bow and Legolas kills him on accident. I also liked the drinking contest between Legolas and Gimli and the new Gimli scenes in the Paths of the Dead. The Paths scene with all the skulls was pretty cool too.

ninja91 06-08-2006 10:44 AM

I think that the best scene was the addition of the Mouth of Sauron. I think that that was very important, and that the last battle would not have had exactly the same feeling without it.

narfforc 06-09-2006 05:39 AM

I agree with Ninja91, the Mouth of Sauron was a welcome addition, I also liked the Death of Saruman, no matter how big the hobbit was that shot Wormtongue?................ha.

In fact I like more of the EEs than I dislike, And I dislike more of the EEs than they deserve.........................

SarumanCymraeg 06-09-2006 07:58 AM

Although they were both pretty incorrect as far as the books were concerned, I truly loved both the Mouth of Sauron scene and Saruman's death scene. Christopher Lee truly at his masterful best!

Ar-Pharazon 06-09-2006 10:24 AM

I enjoyed the extended battle scenes in the siege of Minas Tirith. With the battle on the siege towers and the ring wraiths strafing the battlements. Especially the one where the orc horde sends the battalion of orcs charging the gate with their puny battering ram, only to be completely pasted by the Gondorian Archers. It gets to the point where the bodies are piled so high against the door that they can't ram the door.

Finally Gothmog decides to bring up "Grond" (aka Giant Troll Powered Battering Ram), like duh, why didnt he do that in the first place :rolleyes: .

The scene from FOTR I liked the most is when Aragorn and Boromir are talking the night before they reach the Falls or Rauros and Boromir pleads with him to bring the ring to Minas Tirith. Aragorn rejects it by saying that he "Would not bring it within a hundred leagues of the white city." It sets up the divide between Aragorn and Boromir nicely which flows well into the next scenes where Boromir tries to take the ring by himself.

Valier 06-09-2006 10:43 AM

The drinking game that Gimili and Legolas have is one of the best new scenes!! Legolas feels all fuzzy....Hee hee :D

Beanamir of Gondor 06-15-2006 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by ninja91
I think that the best scene was the addition of the Mouth of Sauron. I think that that was very important, and that the last battle would not have had exactly the same feeling without it.

Maybe it's just me. I hated that scene. *rambles on about how Aragorn shouldn't have killed the messenger*

Hating to betray TTT EE Boromir and Faramir, I give my best-altogether-new-scene-vote to the Houses of Healing. Short and wanting as it is (Aragorn never gets near Merry or Faramir, and only just barely helps out Eowyn) at least we FINALLY get some Faramir-on-Eowyn action and the blue starry cloak.

Kath 06-15-2006 03:28 PM


Maybe it's just me. I hated that scene. *rambles on about how Aragorn shouldn't have killed the messenger*
I hated it too, gave the wrong view of Aragorn.

I think my favourite new scenes were the ones that showed the relationship between Boromir and Faramir. It was nice to see them just as brothers, with Faramir obviously so proud of Boromir, and Boromir protective of his kid brother.

The Mouth of Sauron 08-30-2006 05:18 PM

The scene in ROTK with Denethor : " Why do the fools fly ? " .

Bang on portrayal by John Noble of the madness of Denethor .

ninja91 08-31-2006 05:25 AM

Oh yeah, and it would not have been complete if they had not shown Saruman and what happened to him at Orthanc (even though it happened in the Shire in the books)

ingo 10-26-2006 04:37 AM

The best scene
The end of "The Two Towers"

Gandalf: Thoeden King Stands alone.

Éomer Not alone. Rohirrim! (the Rohirrim mass behind him from behind the hill)

calandil 10-26-2006 07:11 AM

faramir and pipin
i love the scene when faramir talks to pipin

Carrūn 10-28-2006 05:14 PM

Like many of the other posters, I enjoy the added boromir/faramir scenes in TTT and the mouth of sauron. I think they really add more depth to the story. Actually most of the EE scenes do, but those stand out in particular to me.

ArathorofBarahir 01-03-2007 02:22 PM

I personally enjoyed the scene at the Green Dragon in FOTR, the scene when Gimli was sitting on the Uruk at the end of the Battle for Helm's Deep, then there's the scene when Merry and Pippin find the food in Isengard and the scene where Merry and Pippin are sitting on the Walls of Isengard drinking and smoking. I also enjoy the entire celebration in Edoras after this scene.

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