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satansaloser2005 02-03-2010 10:12 PM

Werewolf LXXII: Now There's the Truth of It! (Game Thread)
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 72nd round of Barrow Downs Werewolf (not counting the Junior games, of course). The following competitors are lined up and eager to stake their claim as most popular Downer.


The first round of eliminations will commence at 3 a.m. GMT tomorrow. Best of luck to all!

(Note: I'll put the narration up later, but I got lazy and didn't write an opening opening narration, so this'll have to do for now.)

Formendacil 02-03-2010 10:56 PM

Okay... this feels a bit odd... first person posting... and I'm going to bed pretty quickly.

Ummm... I have no suspicions yet. It's Day 1 after all. I trust I can get away with that when the only post I could suspect is the Moddess's?

I mean, I can pull random accusations out of the hat, for old times' sakes, towards Glirdan and Nogrod--Glirdy's simply always suspicious, and if Nog doesn't disagree with me yet, he will... but that's rather silly reasoning, no? Also, I'd like to suspect Shasta, on the simple grounds of being Shasta... but he doesn't seem to be playing, and so that wouldn't be sporting.

Seeeeeeeeeriously... whose idea was it for the Day 1 Curmudgeon to get first post? :p

Mirandir 02-04-2010 12:37 AM

So since Form was the first to post, he must be evil. That's how it still works, right? It's been a while. :p

So I won't be around until late afternoon due to classes and interviews and naps and such. Fair warning. :smokin:

Nerwen 02-04-2010 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Formendacil (Post 622804)
Also, I'd like to suspect Shasta, on the simple grounds of being Shasta... but he doesn't seem to be playing, and so that wouldn't be sporting.

Nonsense. Both Legate and I have come under heavy suspicion in games which we weren't even playing; I don't see why Shasta deserves a free pass.


Originally Posted by Formendacil (Post 622804)
Seeeeeeeeeriously... whose idea was it for the Day 1 Curmudgeon to get first post? :p

You mean... it wasn't yours?:confused:


Originally Posted by Mirandir (Post 622805)
So since Form was the first to post, he must be evil. That's how it still works, right?

One of the first three, as a rule. That means... oh no!:eek:

Eönwë 02-04-2010 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Mirandir (Post 622805)
So since Form was the first to post, he must be evil. That's how it still works, right?

It's actually the second person, I think. :p

Loslote 02-04-2010 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by sally (Post 622803)
The first round of eliminations will commence at 3 a.m. GMT tomorrow. Best of luck to all!

Underlining mine.'s still Night! Shh! :rolleyes:

Nerwen 02-04-2010 01:17 AM

Oh dear. I just assumed it had begun when I saw there were two posts already.

This is all your fault, Form. And possibly Mira. I hope you realise that. :p

Eönwë 02-04-2010 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 622809)'s still Night! Shh!

I was wondering about that...

Shastanis Althreduin 02-04-2010 01:07 PM

Form suspects me because I wear shirts with wolves on them. *nod*

satansaloser2005 02-04-2010 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 622809)
Underlining mine.'s still Night! Shh! :rolleyes:

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you.

(Yeah, I'd have plopped in ages ago but internet=rubbish. Aaaanyway....)


satansaloser2005 02-04-2010 09:01 PM

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains." --Pride and Prejudice and Zombies--

Shasta was uneasy. Actually, he was about to wet himself, but if anyone asked he was shaking because he was freezing. It was the middle of the night, and something evil was lurking in the dark, he could feel it. Paranoid? Him? Never.

He walked along the alley in silence, moonlight illuminating his path. A piece of paper blew across the dimly lit street and he jumped, his heart nearly leaping into his throat. He tried to scream but could only manage a gasp, and he froze as he saw someone step into his line of sight, staring at him intently. At first glance the woman looked....well, of loose moral fiber, but he turned off his iPod and peered into the darkness. “Horror,” he mumbled, enunciating the last syllable carefully. “You scared me, you know.” The young woman shrugged and walked up to him, smiling. “Hey. You’re out late.”

“You should talk,” Alona replied. She took his arm and they made their way down the alley together.

After a bit Shasta turned his iPod back on, holding out one of the ear buds to his companion. She grinned and carefully brushed back her hair, inserting the small device before taking hold of his arm again.

“Beauty and the Beast?” she confirmed with a laugh. “You have got to be kidding me. You’ve always struck me as more of a Wicked fan.”

Shasta frowned. “Don’t you like it?”

“Meh.” Alona shrugged, but her grin dissipated as they heard a door slam. “What was that?”

“Dunno, but I’m definitely not a fan. Come on, this way.”

They walked quicker until they reached a dead end and Alona kicked the brick wall. “Great.” Shasta took her hand and she shuddered; it was far too cold out and even though Shasta was wearing gloves his fingers were still freezing. “Where are we anyway?”

“No idea,” he admitted. “I think we took a wrong turn a few blocks back.”

“Fabulous,” Alona huffed. “What now?”

“Well the sun should be up in an hour or two. We could just stay here.”

“If the door-slamming axe murderer doesn’t kill us first,” she deadpanned. Shasta glared at her, his expression barely visible by the glow from his iPod. “Sorry. Bad day.”

“Yeah, well, there’s nothing else we can do. Let’s just wait.”

Alona sighed but nodded and they settled themselves in the corner, avoiding a few stray bits of trash scattered on the concrete. There was a noise behind them and she jumped. “Shasta, what was that?!”

“I....I don’t know,” he whispered. Alona was clearly terrified and he scooted closer to her. “So,” he said, feigning carelessness, “Sally said you’d been wanting to talk to me.”

“Erm....maybe....” She shifted uncomfortably, glancing around. “Is this the best time? Really?”

“Well if you’re right about the axe murderer....”

“Not even remotely funny.”

“Right. Sorry. But what did you want?”

“It seems a bit silly now....”

“Oh, get on with it,” he said, getting a bit nervous himself as he heard the noise behind them again. “We may as well talk. Maybe I’m brainless, but I don’t see what else we can do.”

“Fine,” she sighed. “I was wondering....well, I was going to ask you out.”

“Oh.” The noise grew closer and he could now hear a soft growling. “Did you hear that too?”

“Yup,” Alona gulped. She frowned, clearly embarrassed. “I may or may not be terrified.”

“Ditto,” Shasta mumbled. He wrapped an arm around her and they both closed their eyes, holding onto each other tightly as the growling grew louder. “Alona?” he said after a moment.


“For the record....”

The growling was now clearly all around them and they could feel hot breath on their faces and exposed necks. “Maybe they were right,” Alona said, her voice shaking.

Despite his fear Shasta cracked an eye open and looked at her. “Right about what?”

“They said there’s no future for us,” Alona murmured. “Well, I’d say there’s not one now.”

“Open your eyes,” Shasta managed. He saw large claws coming toward him but ignored it as Alona looked at him he smiled. “I don’t care,” he said quietly, and he kissed her.

Alona gasped, then leaned in and kissed him back. She shut her eyes again before she could see the creatures that were obviously surrounding them and felt Shasta’s hold on her tighten until she could hardly breathe. Finally she pulled her lips from his. “Making every last moment last, are we?” she teased, shivering in his arms.

Shasta was about to reply but they were out of time. As the creatures started to rip at their flesh Shasta made one last effort to protect Alona, grabbing his iPod and turning it on, hoping to blind or at least startle one of the creatures.

“See how bright they shine,” one of them commented. It looked confused for a moment then smiled. “Help me make the music of the night?”

The others chuckled and Shasta heard the bright and happy tones of a cheesy Disney film as the creatures ripped out his and Alona’s hearts and devoured them in one bite each.
Sally and Phantom stumbled out of the poorly lit street, cackling to each other as they walked along. “Come on, let’s go get some breakfast.”

“No way. I’m dead on my feet,” Sally complained, and she slid down the brick wall, flopping into an exhausted pile. Suddenly she looked up at Phantom and grinned. “Pollo madre,” she said. Phantom just stared at her as if she’d grown a second head. She pointed to her covered face in response. “Pollo madre. You like it?”

“It means mother chicken,” he said flatly. “It’s clearly a turkey. Didn’t you pay attention to the label?” Sally huffed indignantly and he laughed, sitting down beside her. “What about mine?”

Sally stared at him intently and finally smiled. “How do you say ‘big mouth’ again?” She stood up, offering Phantom a hand. He shook his head and pulled himself to his feet, gesturing to a small restaurant across the street. “Really? There? You’ve got to be joking.”

“Not the best, but better than nothing.”

“Yeah, if the alternative is eating on Mars. I’ll pass, thanks.” A few drunken boys walked by and Sally noticed that while she had been stumbling, their swagger was clearly induced by alcohol, not lack of sleep. “Morons. They’ll have a shock in the morning though.”

“Why?” Phantom asked hesitantly. “Sally, what did you do now?”

“Two of them were passed out in the hallway. I glued those devil masks to their faces.”

Sally!” Phantom said harshly. “I can’t believe you.” He glared at her, crossing his arms. “Why didn’t you call me to help?”

“Pfffft. I could take them. Out to dinner,” she added with a chuckle. “But believe me, I did them a favor. They look better like that.”

She jumped suddenly and Phantom stared at her strangely. “Phone,” she muttered. “I forgot to turn it off vibrate. Must be....” She pulled her phone out of her pocket and grinned. “Duck!”

“Only with rice,” Phantom said flatly, and Sally rolled her eyes. “All right, where are we going?”

Sally frowned. “That’s really weird....”

“What is it?”

“Never mind,” she stuttered, “just one of those stupid forwarded texts. Whatever.”

“Lemme see,” Phantom demanded, and Sally tried to protest but he grabbed the phone from her hand. “What the heck? ‘Breakfast with Phantom, eh? I’m jealous. Well, I’d be jealous, but you won’t be having pancakes so it doesn’t matter. Haha.’ What is it?”

“Inside joke,” Sally mumbled, snatching the phone and shoving it into her pocket again. “Don’t worry about it. No more weird texts, I promise. Now let’s go.”

Sally, why would she care about us having pancakes?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Sally insisted.

Phantom was about to press her further but they were suddenly approached by four figures in white sheets. “Worst. Costumes. Ever,” he said with a smirk. He tried to get around them but they spread themselves to fill the entire alley and he frowned. “Come on, Sally. We’ll go another way if these idiots won’t move.”

“It’s quicker this way,” Sally said, looking hesitantly from one cloaked figure to another. “Trust me, Phantom. I’ve been around enough drunks. They’ll move if we just kind of-”

The fourth figure grabbed her arm, squeezing it so tightly she winced. “What the-”

“You will curse the day you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you,” it said.

“I’ve been telling her that for months,” Phantom deadpanned, then he saw the expression on Sally’s face and stepped toward them. “Hey, let her go.”

The creature started to obey but one of its allies -the first in line- stepped out and placed a hand on its arm. “Easy now,” it said quietly, and the first figure tightened its grip on Sally’s arm. She whimpered and the figures smiled. “Hush, love, hush. Don’t distress yourself.”

“Two hearts,” the third creature said, glancing from Sally to Phantom, “mark it up.”

Phantom started toward them but the second figure held out a hand to stop him. “There will be blood,” it warned, and snarled at him as he kept walking. “It might be yours,” it added quickly.

Phantom,” Sally hissed, “either help me or get the heck out of here.”

“Definitely the first one,” he said, although he didn’t sound entirely convinced as he realized the hand was covered with fur and ended in sharp claws. “Who are you?” he asked defiantly.

At that moment Sally’s phone rang and they both glanced down at her jacket pocket.

This is thriller, thriller night
'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try
Thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller, thriller here tonight

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
Girl, I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try
Thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, thriller, ow!

“Society is slipping,” the second creature said flatly, pointing to Sally’s ringing phone.

Phantom took his opportunity to lunge at the creature, pinning it to the ground. “Let her go,” he said sharply, pushing the creature’s head roughly against the ground, “or else.”

“Oh, I’m in pain,” the creature whined. “I think this is what pain feels like.”

“Sometimes I wonder why I ever got in,” the third creature said with a roll of its glowing eyes. It flung its claws into the air, first one way, then the other, and shifted its weight as it prepared to pounce on Phantom.

Sally screamed and she saw the creature turn away from Phantom, instead digging its claws into her stomach. The wind was knocked out of her as she collapsed to the ground, bleeding and nauseous. “Hurts,” she managed.

“I can’t feel nothing at all,” it replied with a cheeky grin.

“It hurts,” Sally repeated.

“Ah, but there is worse yet to come, poor thing,” the first villain added, glancing down at Sally’s injuries.

“Shut up!” Phantom shouted. “Leave her alone!” He released the other creature and shoved two of them out of the way as he made his way to where Sally lay on the ground. “You all right?”

“Dumbest. Question. Ever,” Sally grunted, then her eyes widened. “Phantom, watch out!”

All four of their attackers dropped their sheets to reveal what looked like furry bodies. They were covered, however, in rhinestone jumpsuits from their necks to their pointy toes, and Sally and Phantom could only watch as they all repeated the movement they had seen before. Sally’s phone rang again but she ignored it, clutching her stomach as the creatures neared them.

....killer, diller, chiller, thriller here tonight....

The creatures arms continued to wave from one side to the other as they approached them one step at a time, the second grinning madly and giggling to itself.

“Underthings tumbling?” it asked hopefully, and its companions nodded. It licked its lips and approached Sally, smiling. “Want to say,” it mumbled, “love your hair.” Then it pounced.

Phantom, no!” Sally screamed, but it was too late. Phantom had jumped in front of her, and what was left of him was now laying in a growing puddle of blood. His party mask slid off his now detached skull, clattering to the ground. She stared at the dark hair and then her eyes flitted to Phantom’s blonde just as the creatures took his head too. She finally passed out from the loss of blood, her eyes closing just as the creatures were ripping Phantom’s eyes from his sockets and using them as finger puppets. Needless to say, she didn’t wake up again.

The Dead
Co-Mod Shastanis Althreduin, his last moment made last on Night 0
Vote Count Girl/Co-Co-Mod Alonariel, died of a broken (well, eaten) heart on Night 0
Heckler the Phantom, went out of his British mind (and then his regular one) on Night 0
Moddess satansaloser2005, didn’t dance and died (or was thrilled) on Night 0

The Living

It is now Day One. Discuss and vote and such nonsense. I’ll check the Downs periodically so PM or go to the admin thread with any questions! Game on! :D

Feanor of the Peredhil 02-04-2010 09:03 PM


Rune Son of Bjarne 02-04-2010 09:08 PM


satansaloser2005 02-04-2010 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Rune Son of Bjarne (Post 622854)

Hello. My name is Mario. *cues theme music*

I'm going to bed. Night all, and play nice. ;)

Nienna 02-04-2010 09:16 PM


Inziladun 02-04-2010 09:20 PM

Hmm. Quite a narrative. It's unsettling how phantom and alona managed to get iced when they're not even playing. How's that for lousy luck?
I guess anything said in the 'dry run' when people posted during the Night (:rolleyes:) should be fair game for a look. Probably nothing there, though.

Loslote 02-04-2010 09:39 PM

Since it's Sally's game...
The Werewolf Hunting Song!

Lottie: "Everybody's going werewolf hunting now, some are fast but some are slow.
Oh where'd we get them? I don't know, but everybody's going werewolf hunt-iiiiiiiiing.
I went a hunting in the store, got his head stuck in the door, spilled
some lima beans on the floor. Oh everybody's going ..."

Lucyyenic: "Stop it, stop, stop right this instant! What do you think
you're doing? You can't tell the newbies to go werewolf hunting when everyone
has not gone a werewolf hunting! We're going to get nasty pms saying,
"Where are my evil werewolves? Why don't I have a werewolf pack to hunt?" And are
you prepared to deal with that? I don't think so! Just stop being so silly!"

Narrator: "This has been Silly Songs with Lottie. Tune in next time to
hear Lottie sing ..."

Lottie: "Everypack's got a newbie werewolf, yours is pink but mine is blue.
Hers was small but - "

Nerwen 02-04-2010 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 622857)
I guess anything said in the 'dry run' when people posted during the Night (:rolleyes:) should be fair game for a look.

Of course. I find Shasta's comment about "wearing a wolf shirt" highly suspicious.

The real question is, what does this do to the "first three posts" principle?

EDIT: X'd with Lottie.

Loslote 02-04-2010 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 622857)
Hmm. Quite a narrative. It's unsettling how phantom and alona managed to get iced when they're not even playing. How's that for lousy luck?
I guess anything said in the 'dry run' when people posted during the Night (:rolleyes:) should be fair game for a look. Probably nothing there, though.

No, not much...except for the fact that it happened at all. Form is an experienced player. Why would he forget that we always start on a Night phase? To suggest "I forgot about the Night, ergo I must not have any reason to remember it, ergo I am no wolf"? Or just because he was tired and not thinking clearly?

Mira posted next, bringing up the age-old argument of "he posted first = evil", then warning that she would be a bit quieter than usual. Jury's still out on what that looks like.

Nerwen mentions the suspicion she and Legate came under during games they did not play in as a reason to suspect Shasta, who is not playing in this game, plus is a co-mod. (I totally support this. I am so not voting for him toDay. I say we lynch him with our non-votes! Who's with me? :p ) She then jokes with Form and Mira. Nerwen looks so far the best of the lot. She then pushes blame (jokingly, I think) onto Mira and Form.

Steve banters with Nerwen and Mira. After my "It's still Night, shut it!" post, he says that he wondered about that. He hasn't played for a while, though, so I can see him being confused by other people posting and assuming that something had changed. I don't think he looks too suspicious, but I don't think he looks good, either.

EDIT: xed with Nerwen

Mirandir 02-04-2010 09:56 PM

Hellooooo my dears! With any luck, I should be around for the next couple hours at least. Have to leave work first though so nothing legitimate to contribute at the moment.

Loslote 02-04-2010 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 622859)
Of course. I find Shasta's comment about "wearing a wolf shirt" highly suspicious.

The real question is, what does this do to the "first three posts" principle?

Aha! Proof! We must lynch Shasta. :smokin:

It extends to all the people who posted during the Night. We're ALL evil. ;)

EDIT: xed with Mira.

Loslote 02-04-2010 10:02 PM

I've got to run, but I'll be here for a while later tonight.

Inziladun 02-04-2010 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 622860)
No, not much...except for the fact that it happened at all. Form is an experienced player. Why would he forget that we always start on a Night phase? To suggest "I forgot about the Night, ergo I must not have any reason to remember it, ergo I am no wolf"? Or just because he was tired and not thinking clearly?

I've only played with Form once before, but it is difficult to see him forgetting about the Night Phase. Then again, it's also hard to see someone like him coming up with such a convoluted plot to appear innocent, if he was a wolf


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 622862)
It extends to all the people who posted during the Night. We're ALL evil. ;)

Well, there is it then! Thanks for the admission. ;)

Going to bed now myself. Here's hoping for some interesting stuff to read upon my return.

x/d with Lottie

Nerwen 02-04-2010 10:17 PM

Now, a serious response.

It's very unlikely a wolf posted last Night by mistake. One (or more) might, as Lottie suggests, have done it on purpose to look like a clueless ordo. On the other hand, that sort of thing has actually brought people under suspicion in the past, cf. Roa's getting the number of wolves wrong a couple of games back. I'm not sure a wolf would try it this time.

On yet another hand (Hey! Where'd this third arm come from?:() it probably wouldn't be a great idea to write off all the Night posters as good guys for that reason either– one tends to come unstuck with meta-reasoning.

EDIT:X'd with Zil.

Nienna 02-04-2010 10:22 PM

I agree with Nerwen. The people who posted pre-Day are under just as much suspicion as the rest of us. Maybe in a few days that information can be used in conjunction with other evidence but for now they could be anything.

Glirdan 02-04-2010 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen
On yet another hand (Hey! Where'd this third arm come from?)

That's it, Nerwen's got an oddity, let's lynch her! :p

On a slightly more serious note, however, I am also inclined to believe that at least one Wolf posted pre-Day. On the flip side, however, it could simply have been a lapse in memory (or ability to check time zone differences :p) and thus the posting began. But as Nerwen said, we can't write them off as innocent just yet either.

That's really all I have for now. Gotta run right now, should be back on shortly before going to bed though.

Mirandir 02-04-2010 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Nienna (Post 622866)
I agree with Nerwen. The people who posted pre-Day are under just as much suspicion as the rest of us. Maybe in a few days that information can be used in conjunction with other evidence but for now they could be anything.

As one of those pre-Day posters, ima go ahead and meagerly offer the excuse that some people don't read the difference between AM and PM *coughhackme* and saw that someone else had posted and assumed it was okay. /excuses

Glirdan 02-04-2010 11:43 PM

Okay, well I am off for the night. I will be back tomorrow, but not till much later in the Day due to school and such. See you all then.

Nerwen 02-04-2010 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Glirdan (Post 622867)
That's it, Nerwen's got an oddity, let's lynch her! :p

The prejudice I have to cope with! If only humans and three-armed mutants could live together in peace!:(


Originally Posted by Mirandir (Post 622868)
As one of those pre-Day posters, ima go ahead and meagerly offer the excuse that some people don't read the difference between AM and PM *coughhackme* and saw that someone else had posted and assumed it was okay. /excuses

Same here. So, from my own perspective, I know it's indeed possible to get confused like that. But as I also said, I'm not willing to make any judgement either way about the rest of you at this stage.

Unfortunately, other than the timing-oddity, the Night–posts seem like typical content-free Day One banter (except for Shasta's, which was practically a confession, if you ask me).

So, moving on– is it too early to start considering possible Simons? I think not.

The candidate I have the honour to propose is fun (just look at her quiz thread), creative (see her unique take on the story of Nimrodel and Amroth), and honest (did she deny it when Mith asked if she were a spambot? She did not!).

The choice is clear.

÷lucyyenic for Simon÷

I, for one, welcome our new spambot overlords!:cool:


Loslote 02-05-2010 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Glirdan (Post 622867)
On a slightly more serious note, however, I am also inclined to believe that at least one Wolf posted pre-Day. On the flip side, however, it could simply have been a lapse in memory (or ability to check time zone differences) and thus the posting began. But as Nerwen said, we can't write them off as innocent just yet either.

I do think so. Either innocent!Formy posted by mistake (and I'd like to see his explaination for that before I consider him innocent) and wolf!RandomPoster saw this as an opportunity to...actually, that kind of falls apart. What would a wolf gain from posing early? Formy is starting to look like the only possible wolf in the bunch, just because he has a potential reason why he might post during the Night - to act like a clueless ordo, as I have said earlier.


Originally Posted by Mirandir (Post 622868)
As one of those pre-Day posters, ima go ahead and meagerly offer the excuse that some people don't read the difference between AM and PM *coughhackme* and saw that someone else had posted and assumed it was okay. /excuses

I assume most of the people who followed suit did forget. I still, however, feel uneasy considering you early posters...and I don't know why, because there doesn't seem to be a logical reason for it.


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 622865)
It's very unlikely a wolf posted last Night by mistake. One (or more) might, as Lottie suggests, have done it on purpose to look like a clueless ordo. On the other hand, that sort of thing has actually brought people under suspicion in the past, cf. Roa's getting the number of wolves wrong a couple of games back. I'm not sure a wolf would try it this time.

On yet another hand (Hey! Where'd this third arm come from?) it probably wouldn't be a great idea to write off all the Night posters as good guys for that reason either– one tends to come unstuck with meta-reasoning.

I don't think more than one wolf would have posted among such a small group. It was, technically, still Night, so they would have been able to pm and plot mischief...and they wouldn't have lumped so many figurative eggs in one basket.


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 622864)
I've only played with Form once before, but it is difficult to see him forgetting about the Night Phase. Then again, it's also hard to see someone like him coming up with such a convoluted plot to appear innocent, if he was a wolf.

Why would Formy not have come up with such a complicated plot? And why is it complicated? Look utterly clueless by forgetting the Night = no Night business = no wolf. Very simple. Very clever. Might have worked.


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 622870)
Same here. So, from my own perspective, I know it's indeed possible to get confused like that. But as I also said, I'm not willing to make any judgement either way about the rest of you at this stage.

Unfortunately, other than the timing-oddity, the Night–posts seem like typical content-free Day One banter (except for Shasta's, which was practically a confession, if you ask me).

1. It was possible. I know I had a moment of quiet panic, trying to figure out if Day really had started, and several of the Night posters are probably innocent. But I don't think everyone is. And I don't know which is which, although I am leaning towards Formy maybe being evil and Mira and Nerwen maybe being innocent. I have no idea about Steve.

2. Definitely a confession. Maybe he's trying to Nilp himself.

Isabellkya 02-05-2010 02:19 AM

What a fantastic plot. xD

I don't think every game has to start with a Night Phase. I think I recall a few that have started with Day phases.

.. and thats it.

Loslote 02-05-2010 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Isabellkya (Post 622874)
What a fantastic plot. xD

I don't think every game has to start with a Night Phase. I think I recall a few that have started with Day phases.

.. and thats it.

Really? That might change things. If Formy was used to starting with Day phases... Hey, Formy, which way do you normally start?

EDIT: I did not x, it's been slow, I'm tired, and I'm off to bed. See you all later toDay, but I'll be back about an hour and a half before dl.

Nogrod 02-05-2010 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Glirdan (Post 622867)
let's lynch her! :p

Let me remind you that it will not be that easy to lynch a specific person in this game... at least it will require more co-operation than in normal games.

I think one decent thing to do on this D1 - so as not to just complain about D1's in general (oh Form, you never fail!) - would be for us to think about for example how the wolves would like to use the popularity-vote frame to possibly undermine their nice tries... or think if there is any foolproof way of fex. getting someone lynched (eg. how to lynch the wolf the seer has dreamt of)?

Nogrod 02-05-2010 04:03 AM

So the rules say that if there are four or more people tied at the end of the Day there will be no lynch at all. Let's be careful to avoid that. The need of spreading votes is quite urgent in this game - it's like the mirror-image of a normal game where we need some concentration.

I think we are also forced to follow our guts more than normally. I mean it's easier to spot one that looks guilty and vote for her/him than decide that all those it's hard to say are probably more innocent than not... at least to me it is. :)

The good side of course is that if we play it reasonably any mayhem the wolves might wish to try at the end of the Day should be spottable. But that again requires that everyone is fully aware of the situation when voting.

So read the thread people. :p

Nerwen 02-05-2010 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 622877)
Let me remind you that it will not be that easy to lynch a specific person in this game... at least it will require more co-operation than in normal games.

I think one decent thing to do on this D1 - so as not to just complain about D1's in general (oh Form, you never fail!) - would be for us to think about for example how the wolves would like to use the popularity-vote frame to possibly undermine their nice tries... or think if there is any foolproof way of fex. getting someone lynched (eg. how to lynch the wolf the seer has dreamt of)?

Well, nobody's going to vote for a dreamed wolf this game. So it would be a matter of arranging it so that everyone else got at least one vote. Anyone trying to sabotage that would look pretty furry. However, if things were left too late, it might be possible for the wolves to "accidentally" vote the wrong people, and then blame it on the last-minute rush. Thus, the Seer would need to reveal fairly early in the Day.

All the same, that's relatively simple. What I don't like is our chance of getting an un-dreamed wolf in the early part of the game.

Rune Son of Bjarne 02-05-2010 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Glirdan (Post 622867)
On a slightly more serious note, however, I am also inclined to believe that at least one Wolf posted pre-Day. On the flip side, however, it could simply have been a lapse in memory (or ability to check time zone differences :p) and thus the posting began. But as Nerwen said, we can't write them off as innocent just yet either.

Glirdan. . .You are alive!?

Why are you inclined to belive that there is atleast 1 wolf amongst the pre-day posters? Why not be inclined to belive that there is atleast 2 3/4 ?

Is there any reasoning behind that number or are you just saying things?


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 622872)
I do think so. Either innocent!Formy posted by mistake (and I'd like to see his explaination for that before I consider him innocent) and wolf!RandomPoster saw this as an opportunity to...actually, that kind of falls apart. What would a wolf gain from posing early? Formy is starting to look like the only possible wolf in the bunch, just because he has a potential reason why he might post during the Night - to act like a clueless ordo, as I have said earlier.

I have a hard time imagining a Furry-Formendacil breaking the rules in order to look good, those of us that have met him knows that it will take alot more efford to make him look even half decent (you need make up and stuff). It simply seems out of character for him.

I am of course not saying that they should be considered known innocents, but I will not condemn them for their actions.

Glirdan 02-05-2010 06:59 AM

Okay, so I have enough time to pop on before school, so I will quickly respond to Rune.


Glirdan. . .You are alive!?
1. I'm as a shocked as you!! :p :rolleyes:


Why are you inclined to belive that there is atleast 1 wolf amongst the pre-day posters? Why not be inclined to belive that there is atleast 2 3/4 ?

Is there any reasoning behind that number or are you just saying things?
2. No, 1 is the number I am more inclined to believe. If it was a tactic used by the Wolves to try and throw off some suspicion, I have doubts that more then 1 of them would have used it.

However, this is just my opinion. It is quite possible that more then one Wolf posted pre-Day.

Anyways, that is all from me for now, need to get to school!

EDIT: Grammar and such

Brinniel 02-05-2010 09:27 AM

I have another five hours working at a very boring job, which means plenty of time to kill. That's good, because otherwise I typically won't have much time to post (three weeks into the semester and already the teachers are piling on the work :rolleyes: ).

So if I'm clear on this, we have four votes which we can use on players we'd like to keep around, right? Now I'm assuming we have the option to spread out our four votes or make them all at once, though nothing was specifically said on that matter. I'd imagine spreading out our votes would be the smarter thing to do. If several players make all four votes at once at the end of the Day, that could lead to disaster.

As for all this Day/Night confusion that happened at the beginning, I don't think it really says anything of anyone's roles. A wolf could just as easily make that mistake as an ordo. Perhaps if there were no PM exchanges between the wolves yet, one (or more) simply assumed the Day had already begun. I don't know if a wolf would pretend to post ignorantly to make them look better. It's against the rules to post during a Night phase, and while it's one thing if it's just an honest mistake, I think it'd be rather unsporty to post knowing you're not supposed to just so you can fake ignorance and look better once the Day actually begins.

Oh and Glirdan, did they really lynch you on Day 1 last game? I remember there were a few who joked about lynching you Day 1, but I didn't think they'd actually do it. Meanies. :p

Nienna 02-05-2010 10:25 AM

I think Nog is right about the amount of cooperation it is going to take to lynch the wolves in this game. This worries me a little just because trying to get this many people to cooperate when there aren't evil ones in the midst would be a pain. We need to focus and make very conscious decisions about who to vote for. We need to look at everyone including the people who are quiet or who haven't even posted at all. We need to make sure that the votes are spread (I never thought I'd hear myself say that!). There is going to be a lot of confusion at Day's end even with the cautions against it. It is inevitable. It will be much too easy to get someone not-killed by both the innocent and the guilty alike.

We also need to think clearly about who we want as Simon though not necessarily use all our votes for people we think would make good Simons as we need to also vote for people we just don't want to die.

Inziladun 02-05-2010 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 622880)
Well, nobody's going to vote for a dreamed wolf this game. So it would be a matter of arranging it so that everyone else got at least one vote. Anyone trying to sabotage that would look pretty furry. However, if things were left too late, it might be possible for the wolves to "accidentally" vote the wrong people, and then blame it on the last-minute rush. Thus, the Seer would need to reveal fairly early in the Day.

Hopefully a Seer-reveal will be entirely unnecessary. But if someone did vote for a wolf obtained from a Seer dream, they'd be in the hot seat, no matter their excuse.


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 622880)
What I don't like is our chance of getting an un-dreamed wolf in the early part of the game.

Well, it's about the same odds as usual, isn't it? It is going to take a bit more heads up thinking though to spread out the votes wisely, along the lines of what Nog said.


Originally Posted by Brinniel (Post 622891)
As for all this Day/Night confusion that happened at the beginning, I don't think it really says anything of anyone's roles. A wolf could just as easily make that mistake as an ordo. Perhaps if there were no PM exchanges between the wolves yet, one (or more) simply assumed the Day had already begun. I don't know if a wolf would pretend to post ignorantly to make them look better. It's against the rules to post during a Night phase, and while it's one thing if it's just an honest mistake, I think it'd be rather unsporty to post knowing you're not supposed to just so you can fake ignorance and look better once the Day actually begins.

This makes sense. If the wolves were PMing it follows they should have been clear it was Night, and no posting was allowed. But who knows that but they?
Sally said in the opening post:


The first round of eliminations will commence at 3 a.m. GMT tomorrow. Best of luck to all!
Saying 'eliminations' would begin about 24 hours from that time led me to believe that was when Day would begin. Since every game I've been in has had a Night phase first, I took it that this was no different. Izzy said that some games have begun with Day, though. So I still don't know that the 'illegal' posters can necessarily be classified one way or the other.

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