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MatthewM 05-26-2007 09:54 AM

Is Aragorn as you pictured him?
What are your opinions on the representation of Aragorn? I'm not talking personality or motives, I'm talking strictly apperance. Did you picture Aragorn like Viggo?

narfforc 05-26-2007 10:15 AM

Aragorn born of Aragorn
A really strange thing has happened, I find it hard to remember how I visualised Aragorn, the only previous images were mainly calenders and they were very diverse. When I first read LotRs there weren't any images at all, the first I remember was the poster by Jim Cauty who also did the album cover for The King of Elflands Daughter featuring Christopher Lee as The King of Elfland (singing). So I cannot now see Aragorn without thinking of Viggo, or for that matter Gandalf without Sir Ian.

Bêthberry 05-26-2007 10:40 AM

Forest Ranger
Well, I know Aragorn is no outlaw, but I have to admit that I often got my images crossed and thought of him as similar to Richard Green's Robin Hood. Yes, I know that Aragorn is no bowman, but Robin Hood did also carry a sword, hide out in the woods, keep the place safe for the good local yomen against a nasty usurper, and harbour a love he could not have. A bit of Erroll Flynn with English nobility--I think that's how Green's Robin Hood was described and that fit my sense of Aragorn too.

Designer stubble just didn't fit into my mental image, nor short stature.


Originally Posted by narfforc
A really strange thing has happened, I find it hard to remember how I visualised Aragorn,. . . .So I cannot now see Aragorn without thinking of Viggo, or for that matter Gandalf without Sir Ian.

I'm so terribly sorry, narfforc that you've lost your early imaginings about the characters. Does this mean that your parody work owes more to the movies than to Tolkien?

Finduilas 05-26-2007 12:38 PM

Viggo did not at all fill my thoughts on Aragorns looks. I was very disapointed. :(


A bit of Erroll Flynn with English nobility
That's really funny, because when me and my sister have discussed on who we would have liked to see play Aragorn, we agreed that Erroll Flynn would have worked well.

Beleg Cuthalion 05-26-2007 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by narfforc
A really strange thing has happened, I find it hard to remember how I visualised Aragorn, the only previous images were mainly calenders and they were very diverse. When I first read LotRs there weren't any images at all, the first I remember was the poster by Jim Cauty who also did the album cover for The King of Elflands Daughter featuring Christopher Lee as The King of Elfland (singing). So I cannot now see Aragorn without thinking of Viggo, or for that matter Gandalf without Sir Ian.

I have the same problem.

I don't think I ever really had an idea what I thought he looked like before the movies.

Boo Radley 05-26-2007 10:12 PM

I... always pictured Aragorn as somewhat taller.
Not that Viggo is short, mind you, but "Strider" had very long legs and I viewed him as being a bit older looking and... dare I say it? (Oh, why not?) a bit more gaunt.
Just my opinion. YMMV.

The Sixth Wizard 05-27-2007 02:09 AM

Aragorn's just about exactly right in appearance for me. I usually pictured him with the same shape face, hair colour and length, and beard. Although I always picture him as sort of "striding" due to his name. And Boromir should be shorter.

Of course, the character is the bit that's messed up. ;)

narfforc 05-27-2007 07:09 AM

The one thing I remember about the calenders and the artists (especially the Hildebrandts) was their insistance of showing Tolkiens characters as if they were in some Robin Hood or Three Musketeers movie , I hated them with their pointy hats, lincoln green and lots of buckling of swash, even the films that Errol Flynn appeared in drove me crazy, for Hollywood had some strange ideas about english history, no lets make that any history, their motto was 'Don't let the truth get in the way of rewriting history'. Jackson shows Aragorn as a man that spent a lot of his life in the wild, he looked the part, I never saw an inch of dirt on a Hollywood Robin Hood and as for some of the calenders, some of the people in them looked more like they were going to a ball than a battle.

I agree with the comments of Boo and The Sixth Wizard 100%

Hi Bethberry, when I first started the parody, I imagined the characters to be like Monty Pythons, now I have a whole list of people that if a film was made of The Lord of the Grins would be ideal for their part. I will PM you with some more info.

Volo 05-27-2007 11:31 AM

No, I deffinitely didn't imagine Aragorn anything like Viggo. I imagined Aragorn as "All gold does not glitter" - not handsome, but rugged. The Viggo Aragorn for one thing didn't look like he had been in the wild for years.

I'd say Alan Lee had effect on my Aragorn. This picture from my precious illustrated version of the Two Towers.

Finduilas 05-27-2007 11:42 AM

Strangely, I can't exactly picture Aragorn, or any other character in the books. While I am reading it, pictures do form in my mind, but not in ways that I can explain, or even remember later on. But as I afore said, Viggo was not what I consider a very good Aragorn.

But, I think that if the he had been better portrayed by the movie makers, he would have done fine. So even though I don't think he looked like Aragorn, he could have been made to seem to look more like Aragorn... if that makes any sense. :rolleyes:

MatthewM 05-27-2007 01:19 PM

I expected a mixture of responses on this, as everyone has their own imagination.

I am somewhere in between, I think, and like Finduilas said:


Originally Posted by Finduilas
Strangely, I can't exactly picture Aragorn, or any other character in the books. While I am reading it, pictures do form in my mind, but not in ways that I can explain

While I am reading The Lord of the Rings, pictures form and faces of characters do as well but I do not know if I have a permanent image on any character. I have a hard time getting the movie images out of my head, sometimes I do not want to because I like the way some characters were portrayed- I like the way Aragorn was portrayed although I do not always picture Viggo as the character- and sometimes I can not get the images drawn by artists such as Anke Eissmann, Ted Nasmith, and Alan Lee out of my head...which sometimes, I do not want to either. I have some of my own imagination in there too.

The Lord of the Rings is one of those tales in which I can read a thousand times over and still pick up on different things and picture things differently because of reading something I did not pay as much heed to the previous time.

Bêthberry 05-27-2007 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by narfforc
The one thing I remember about the calenders and the artists (especially the Hildebrandts) was their insistance of showing Tolkiens characters as if they were in some Robin Hood or Three Musketeers movie , I hated them with their pointy hats, lincoln green and lots of buckling of swash, even the films that Errol Flynn appeared in drove me crazy, for Hollywood had some strange ideas about english history, no lets make that any history, their motto was 'Don't let the truth get in the way of rewriting history'. Jackson shows Aragorn as a man that spent a lot of his life in the wild, he looked the part, I never saw an inch of dirt on a Hollywood Robin Hood and as for some of the calenders, some of the people in them looked more like they were going to a ball than a battle.

I agree with the comments of Boo and The Sixth Wizard 100%

Hi Bethberry, when I first started the parody, I imagined the characters to be like Monty Pythons, now I have a whole list of people that if a film was made of The Lord of the Grins would be ideal for their part. I will PM you with some more info.

Oh I completely agree with you narf about the squeeky clean Hollywood types--well, excepting for Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones, who had the right balance of dust, sweat and gosh darn charm--but Richard Greene was English, that Robin Hood was English. I always thought that English heroes never broke a sweat.

Except for maybe Peter O'Toole as Henry. But then O'Toole is Irish. Come to think of it, I'll have to check that out when The Longest Day runs again this June.

But your Lord of the Grins as Pythons? Oh my. Strider as the Minister of Silly Walks. Cleese does have that sort of snooty patrician air about him when he's not Basil.

The Might 05-28-2007 05:16 AM

More or less. I think I had seen an Aragorn drawing by Alan Lee before reading LotR and so I imagined him more or less as that. But after seeing the movies it was hard to think about him as someone else then Viggo...but then again that more or less happened with all characters after I saw the movies.

alatar 05-29-2007 02:04 PM

Now that Viggo is Aragorn, I'm not sure who else would have done the character better, visage-wise. Viggo is not young looking, but nor is he old. He can dress up, when around his She-Elf, and he looks like a man that an elf would die for. When he's with his traveling buddies, he appears rough enough to handle his own. Viggo gave his battle scenes realism - he didn't appear fake.

My only complaint is his voice, as at times it doesn't appear kingly. Best (and most readily-available) example of his voice being off is when he says, "orc," at the end of FotR. It comes out too nasally, and to me kills the scene a bit.

And in regards to Viggo/Strider looking like he's walked the walk, I would note that Bear Grylls, my new hero of 'Man vs Wild' fame, has lived the life of Aragorn and yet looks...don't know the best word...but handsome enough. If you see a picture of Mr. Grylls, you will note that he too has designer face scruff.

One of book covers (can't remember which), and the Bashki movie have Aragorn looking too 'Roman' to me.

Regardless, Peter Jackson's version has overwritten my original images on my organic hard drive, which is sad.

Thinlómien 05-30-2007 01:42 AM

Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn the Strider - Okay. Not the way imagine him by any standards, but not that bad.
Viggo Mortensen as King Aragorn Elessar - Awful. I mean, he might be the right man to play a charismatic rascal, but he just lacks the charisma and presence of a noble king or a valiant hero. He could be the leader of a little brigand/raider gang, but the leader of the old and glorious kingdom of Gondor!

Mortensen does not look like I imagine Aragorn to look. Even in his ranger's guise, I imagine Aragorn far more kingly and slightly less rag-tag. The Aragorn I know has a good bearing and stern face. He does definitely not have wavy hair (it's straight!) and his features are more "noble" than Viggo Mortensen's. (And he certainly doesn't have that kind of jaw...!!!)

Furthermore, I totally agree with alatar on Mortensen's voice.

The Sixth Wizard 05-30-2007 03:38 AM

Yes, I'll have to second Lommy's view on Mortensen as the king. He doesn't look right, there isn't enough power there. Especially in the crowning scene here, he's not enough tall, proud Numenorean king as the books depict him as. Doesn't radiate wisdom either...

Finduilas 05-30-2007 08:37 AM

I too agree with Lommy. In fact, at my house we have several times stated that he makes a better cowboy than a king.

Rikae 05-30-2007 08:50 AM

I pretty much agree with what's been said. I had a very distinct image of Aragorn in my mind for a good 13 years before I saw the movies, and while Viggo did a decent job, he just wasn't Aragorn. He wasn't kingly enough; didn't look quite old enough and certainly didn't behave old enough, if you know what I mean. He seemed to lack depth, and had a sort of surfer-dude quality about him. While Aragorn could be sarcastic, etc, I always imagined him more intense and, in FOTR, slightly menacing even; and in the ROTK, just more dignified and powerful. Visually, I pictured him with a squarer jaw and darker hair.

Another thing...Viggo's running is hilarious...especially when he sees the beacon and runs up the steps of Edoras! It never fails to make me laugh...

MatthewM 05-30-2007 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien
Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn the Strider - Okay. Not the way imagine him by any standards, but not that bad.
Viggo Mortensen as King Aragorn Elessar - Awful. I mean, he might be the right man to play a charismatic rascal, but he just lacks the charisma and presence of a noble king or a valiant hero. He could be the leader of a little brigand/raider gang, but the leader of the old and glorious kingdom of Gondor!

Mortensen does not look like I imagine Aragorn to look. Even in his ranger's guise, I imagine Aragorn far more kingly and slightly less rag-tag. The Aragorn I know has a good bearing and stern face. He does definitely not have wavy hair (it's straight!) and his features are more "noble" than Viggo Mortensen's. (And he certainly doesn't have that kind of jaw...!!!)

Furthermore, I totally agree with alatar on Mortensen's voice.

Wow. Haha. I, for my part, think Viggo does appear kingly in his coronation scene and does show wisdom.

On the hair thing...are you going by your own imagination or fact from the book? I'm guessing imagination?

Volo 05-30-2007 12:52 PM

Hmm... Strange, I for one see Aragorn less kingly in the books... :D

Folwren 05-30-2007 01:28 PM

Viggo did not really meet my mental picture. Anke Eissmann's drawings are closer. Though not completely accurate (because her people are not completely perfect), the idea is I think how I pictured him.

In this link you can see one of her pictures. Aragorn's the dark haired man.

Mainly, I think he was clean shaven, high cheekboned, narrow face, very tall, skinny (skinny's not exactly the word I want, but oh well), and so on...

Here's another picture. It's actually Eissmann's Faramir, but I like the face for Aragorn. :)

Hilde Bracegirdle 05-30-2007 02:10 PM

Fortunately, I hadn't seen any movies or calenders before my first reading of the story, and if I concentrate hard enough I can see the original image I had of him. Not at all the same as Viggo! He is older, broad, lean, earnestly weathered and with much more of a presence. And let's not forget the shaggy hair shot with gray! ;)

Estelyn Telcontar 05-30-2007 02:41 PM

Folwren, those links don't work; here's the link to Anke Eissmann's website, where you can find a multitude of fantastic drawings and paintings of Tolkien's characters and world: Anke Eissmann

I agree that her characters are often closer to my mental images than those of other artists, and her Aragorn has a good deal of depth!

As to Movie-Aragorn, well, Jackson could have done worse - and would have, had he stuck with his original casting of the character. I must admit that I find Mortensen a good-looking and interesting actor; still, he does not personify my inner image of Aragorn. He does lack that depth I'd like to see in him.

I'm not sure that any actor would fit my mental image, come to think of it; it's perhaps too vague, so that I can't say what he looks like - only what he doesn't look like!

Folwren 05-30-2007 02:48 PM

Nuts. So sorry.

Estelyn Telcontar 05-30-2007 02:53 PM

Not your problem - the site doesn't allow direct linking, apparently.

Hilde Bracegirdle 05-30-2007 03:02 PM

You know, I was wondering if Jackson, by his choice, was trying to convey the dash of Elven blood Aragorn had. Seen in that light, I can understand the casting better, as movie Aragorn seems a touch more like his elves.

Thenamir 05-30-2007 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by narfforc
especially the Hildebrandts

While for some reason I really enjoy the Tolkien-related artwork of the Brothers Hildebrandt, which most Tolkien purists deride, one picture I found almost laughable -- I forget the title of the painting, but it depicts a seated Galadriel presenting Aragorn with an elfstone. That picture affects my mental image of Galadriel to this day, but I could not get over the image of Aragorn -- it was as if he was being played by some scruffy version of Ringo Starr! His nose was the size of the snout on a fell beast! Utterly ridiculous!

That said, I found the Viggo Aragorn to be quite acceptable. He even cleaned up pretty well for the coronation.

MatthewM 05-30-2007 10:01 PM

I agree with the comments on the Hildebrants. Granted they had their own imaginations, but what were they thinking with that Three Musketeers stuff? I do have their Fellowship poster on my wall, though, as at one time I really liked it. It's not too bad. Not too good. I kind of like their image of Galadriel doused with stars, I believe she is holding her ring up in it. It's a typical blonde of the genre and time era, but nice nonetheless.

Lalwendë 05-31-2007 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by narfforc
When I first read LotRs there weren't any images at all, the first I remember was the poster by Jim Cauty who also did the album cover for The King of Elflands Daughter featuring Christopher Lee as The King of Elfland (singing). .

There's summat else by Cauty I'm going to have to hunt down!

Aragorn, well I always saw him as tall, dark and intense. But not long after I read the books for the first time a certain Robin Of Sherwood appeared on ITV and I grew to associate Aragorn's 'look' with Michael Praed's look in that, but a little leaner and taller, and with longer hair.

I worked with a 70s Rings fan around a year before the films came out and we'd discuss what Aragorn ought to look like. We agreed he just had to have long har and be dark - she said that Aragorn's 'look' had been a common pub argument when she was at uni in the 70s. ;)

Now I did like Viggo and my chief fault with him was his lack of eyebrows. On Aragorn they should be black and slightly beetling. And when he scrubs up Viggo does look a tad 'cheesy' like someone out of an early 80s 'mullet rock' band, but he's alright when he's grubbing round in his overcoat and stuff.

However, after I'd got an eyeful of the tasty Sean Bean as Boromir I was wishing he'd got the part instead. He's way more manly. ;)

Thinlómien 06-01-2007 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Rikae
While Aragorn could be sarcastic, etc, I always imagined him more intense and, in FOTR, slightly menacing even; and in the ROTK, just more dignified and powerful.

Totally agreed!

Originally Posted by Rikae
Another thing...Viggo's running is hilarious...especially when he sees the beacon and runs up the steps of Edoras! It never fails to make me laugh...

Funny... A friend of my mother's once said that Viggo is good-looking but runs like a woman... :D

Originally Posted by MatthewM
On the hair thing...are you going by your own imagination or fact from the book? I'm guessing imagination?

You're right. Sorry for not making that clearer. :)

I admire Viggo's devotion to his role, but he still isn't Aragorn.

Hilde Bracegirdle 06-01-2007 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Lalwendë
However, after I'd got an eyeful of the tasty Sean Bean as Boromir I was wishing he'd got the part instead. He's way more manly. ;)

You know, I was thinking that Sean Bean might have been a better choice just other day. (And was reminded of it again last night while watching Patriot Games. I think he might have been able to carry it off quite well. (Now I'm just wondering if Viggo might have made a convincing Boromir... actually the book Faramir would be more likely.)

Thinlómien 06-01-2007 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Hilde Bracegirdle
Now I'm just wondering if Viggo might have made a convincing Boromir...

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, he wouldn't have. ;) :p

Rikae 06-01-2007 07:14 AM

I just can't see Sean Bean as Aragorn either. He's too...doofy looking. :p (Sorry...)

I mean; he just looks too young and not intelligent or wise enough, I'm afraid. Too well-fed, as well.

Lalwendë 06-01-2007 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Rikae
I just can't see Sean Bean as Aragorn either. He's too...doofy looking. :p (Sorry...)

I mean; he just looks too young and not intelligent or wise enough, I'm afraid. Too well-fed, as well.

What?! :eek:

But he's as fine a chunk of man-flesh as might be found anywhere! And what's more he simply can't get rid of his Sheffield accent no matter how hard he tries and that would fit very nicely with Aragorn being a bit o' rough from Oop North. "Eeh, milady Arwen, fancy a tumble in t'Niphredil"...


Finduilas 06-01-2007 07:32 AM

I think what Rikae meant in saying he was "too well-fed" was that Aragorn was supposed to be thin. On Carahadras it(the book) says something to the effect that Boromir had wider shoulders, and may even be stronger that Aragorn. Sean Bean isn't fat or anything, but he's is built larger that Aragorn was. I hope I worded that right, I mean like bigger bones, sturdier built, etc.

I personally think that Sean could have done a better job than Viggo as Aragorn, but he was did really well as Boromir.

Hilde Bracegirdle 06-01-2007 10:09 AM

It seemed that in the movie, Sean Bean was made to look more burly, and Viggo more lean. The costuming would have a lot to do with those perceptions. And of course a little hard living forgoing one's desserts might do the trick. ;)

Lalwendë 06-01-2007 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Hilde Bracegirdle
It seemed that in the movie, Sean Bean was made to look more burly, and Viggo more lean. The costuming would have a lot to do with those perceptions. And of course a little hard living forgoing one's desserts might to the trick. ;)

Yes, if you have the good fortune to see Sean Bean in civvies or (and think yourself lucky if you do) in real life - he drinks in the pub at the bottom of my road when t'Blades are at home - you will see he's actually quite a slender, fit bloke. He was very well padded out in LotR, whereas we usually see Aragorn in a tatty tunic and his flappy old coat (how that ensemble kept him warm wandering the perishin' Ettenmoors I have no idea).

alatar 06-01-2007 11:33 AM

What I liked about Sean Bean's Boromir is that the actor exudes a natural charisma that makes him appear 'approachable.' You could see yourself drinking or fighting alongside this Boromir. Viggo's Aragorn is less so. I like Viggo's work, but he comes off as reserved, as does his character. Note that it is he that sits and watches as Boromir interacts with the Two Fools when they learn a bit of swordplay while journeying south towards Caradhras.

Viggo couldn't be too young, as one would never believe that he was 87. Too old, and you start thinking that he's not really performing any of his own stunts, and is just too old to be tossing dwarves about.

William Cloud Hicklin 06-01-2007 12:56 PM

Well, Tolkien opined that Aragorn would have appeared to be "a weather-beaten forty-five," so Viggo was probably about right age-wise.

Famov 06-02-2007 08:48 PM

I thought that he made a great Strider. Yet as a more kingly Aragorn it was not quite as convincing, but still pretty good. I was more impressed with his character than most others, and since most were good, that says a lot.

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