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Gurthang 10-02-2005 11:57 PM

Two truths and a lie...
I would guess that most of us have played this game, but I've never tried it online, so I think it would be fun. Just remember that it has to be LotR.

For those who don't know how to play: here are some simple rules.

You post two true statements and a fals statement. Such as:

1. Frodo was a hobbit.
2. Gandalf was a hobbit.
3. Sam was a hobbit.

Then someone guesses which is the lie. It is then their turn. (You might specify book or movie, too.)


According to the movies.
1. Pippin ate four pieces of Lembas.
2. Denethor gets his butt kicked by Gandalf for being a crazy, despairing leader.
3. Merry and Pippin found two barrels of Old Toby at Isengard.

Eorl of Rohan 10-03-2005 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Gurthang
According to the movies.
1. Pippin ate four pieces of Lembas.
2. Denethor gets his butt kicked by Gandalf for being a crazy, despairing leader.
3. Merry and Pippin found two barrels of Old Toby at Isengard.[/B]

I'm not very strong on the movies, I'm afraid, and I am not sure whether to take the No 2. literally. I think I'll choose 3, as I don't remember the phrase 'Old Toby' in the movie anywhere.

Rune Son of Bjarne 10-03-2005 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Gurthang

According to the movies.
1. Pippin ate four pieces of Lembas.
2. Denethor gets his butt kicked by Gandalf for being a crazy, despairing leader.
3. Merry and Pippin found two barrels of Old Toby at Isengard.

I will guess at 1. Was it not Gimli who ate four pices of Lembas?

Thinlómien 10-03-2005 08:22 AM

I guess number two. Gandalf hits his head with a stuff, not kicks his butt. (But if it isn't literal, then I'm wrong.)

Gurthang 10-04-2005 09:35 PM

Sorry, Thinlómien, it isn't literal. The correct response is number 3.

It is a lie because Merry and Pippin find two barrels of Longbottom Leaf, not Old Toby, which is what Gandalf and Bilbo are smoking in FotR.

So it's your turn, Eorl of Rohan.

Eorl of Rohan 10-05-2005 07:06 AM

Okay, here it goes!

1. Feanor is the most powerful and intelligent elf ever.
2. Morgoth kills Felagund.
3. Eorl was called young because he died young.

Rune Son of Bjarne 10-05-2005 08:17 AM

I would say nr. 2 ! Was Feladund not killed by a werewolf or somthing like that!

(Not sure i agree on nr. 1, but i can only choose one)

Eorl of Rohan 10-07-2005 11:13 PM

No, that is not correct.

Glirdan 10-08-2005 06:09 AM

I'd hazzard a guess towards No. 3. Eorl was called young because he became King young I believe (not entirely sure. actually, I'm like eighty percent sure I'm wrong. :D )

Eorl of Rohan 10-08-2005 06:19 AM

Actually, you are right, although the reason is wrong, I think. Eorl the Young (My namesake) is called young, not because he died young, but because he kept his youthful vitality and bright-golden hair (instead of turning white) to the very end of his days.

Your turn, Glirdan! :D

Glirdan 10-08-2005 07:40 AM

Ok, here goes nothing.

1. Galadriel has the Elven Ring of Power Nenya
2. It is not known what happened to Legolas and Gimli and no one has any idea of what or where they went and did.
3. There are eight Valar in the Aratar.

Go for it. ;)

The Perky Ent 10-08-2005 10:12 AM

2. They built a boat, and sailed into the west the year King Elessar dies. Thus ends the last of the fellowship in Middle Earth.

Glirdan 10-08-2005 10:17 AM

Ouch!! :o You copied that word for word from the book didn't you? Do you have the bbok in front of you by any cahnce? :confused: Anyway, your thread!!! ;)

Eorl of Rohan 10-10-2005 05:34 AM

Perky seems to have forsaken this thread. 0_0

Plastic_Panda 11-06-2005 04:56 PM

so can i give a new set of truths and lies?

if i can....
1. Saruman claims himself that he is "of many colours"
2. Grima was shot bye a hobbit
3. in the movie, Merry replaces the palantir from under Gandalfs robe w/ a pot, not a tea kettle.

Rune Son of Bjarne 11-06-2005 05:03 PM

Yes you can give a new set and feel free to revive some of the old threads.

I cannot remember what he replaces the palantir with in the movie, so my guess would be that it is the lie. (3)

and by the way welcome amongst the dead

Gil-Galad 11-06-2005 05:35 PM

well movie wise, 2 would be out cause legolas shoots was a pot

Valesse 11-06-2005 07:24 PM

In the movie Pippin replaces the palantir from under Gandalf's arm with a water pitcher. Meridoc watched him from under his sheets.

Plastic_Panda 11-06-2005 11:57 PM

very good Valesse, ur turn.

Valesse 11-07-2005 02:50 PM

On the books:

1) Gimli returned to Rohan after the War of the Ring and became the Lord of the Glittering Caves.
2) The Royal family of Rohan is originally from the Folde.
3) There was no civil war in Gondor during the Third Age.

Rune Son of Bjarne 11-07-2005 03:10 PM

well nr. 3. Is a lie as Castamir and Eldacar fought over the throne of Gondor.

(I belive nr. 2 can be debatet)

By the way allthoug it was poorly written I did guess on nr. 3 in the previus question and therfor the rightfull winner ! :p

Valesse 11-07-2005 03:17 PM

You are correct: The Kin-strife took place during the Third Age between 1432-1448.

Give us a good one, Rune!

Rune Son of Bjarne 11-07-2005 04:07 PM

I hope I don't disapoint you

1)Telemnar was the king of Gondor who rueled for the shortest period of time.

2)The first of the Seven Dwarf-rings to be forged, was given to Thrór, the King under the Mountain

3)Helm’s Deep was originally built by men of Gondor

Celebuial 11-07-2005 04:19 PM

Is it 2)The first of the Seven Dwarf-rings to be forged, was given to Thrór, the King under the Mountain. Wasn't it given to Durin III first?

Rune Son of Bjarne 11-07-2005 04:28 PM

It is no fun when you guess it this fast ! ! !
Your absolute correct Celebuial, Durin III got it first(remaind in his line for a long time) then Thrór, then Thráin and last Sauron.

I thought it would give you some trouble as the ring is known as the Ring of Thrór, guess i was wrong. . . :(

Celebuial 11-07-2005 04:35 PM

I always thought that it was interesting that it was known as the ring as Thror even though he didn't have it first...well it's weird so I remembered it!

I don't think I'll be any good at setting up a question but here goes anyway:

1) Harry Goatleaf watched the West gate of Bree and refused to help or join Bill Ferny and such like.

2) River Mitheithel passes through land which used to be held by the kingdom of Rhudaur.

3)Ulwrath is the Grandfather of Ulfast who is responsible for the defeat of the sons of Feanor at the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.

Rune Son of Bjarne 11-07-2005 04:41 PM

3) Is Ulwarth not Ulfast's son or atleast a decendent ?

Celebuial 11-07-2005 04:46 PM

Damn!!!! I meant to write ULFAST! ooopsss!!! that means that two of them were false!!! Sorry! The other one was Harry Goatleaf, he did infact join Ferny. But Ulwrath is actualy Ulfang's FARTHER.

SORRY! Oh well knew I'd confuse myself, LOL! ok.. you have another go Rune Son of Bjarne seeing as you technically got it right!

Rune Son of Bjarne 11-07-2005 05:17 PM

Oh it's ok. If it had not been for that mistace i would have been totaly lost. . .

1)Gwaihir caries the titel King of Eagels

2) Agarwaen son of Úmarth was one of Turin's names

3) The Stone of Elostirion was taken back to Aman on the Ring-bearers' White Ship

Gothmog 11-07-2005 05:23 PM

1) Gwaihir's title is Wind Lord, not King of Eagles? Maybe he's the king too, I'm not sure... Nr 2 is true and I have a faint memory telling me nr 3 is also correct...

Celebuial 11-07-2005 05:25 PM

Hmmmmmmmm.... Well Gwaihir was known as The Wind Lord and not the KIng of the Eagles so I'd say 1).

Although I know Elostirion is one of the Towers at Tower Hills and there may have been a palantir there... but I didn't know it was taken back on the Ship....

Hmmmmmmm...... I'll stick with 1)

EDIT: Damn Gothmog beat me too it!!!!!

Rune Son of Bjarne 11-07-2005 05:33 PM

It is all yours Gothmog.

Gwaihir was known as The Wind Lord and not the King of the Eagles, it was only
Thorondor who cairied that titel.

Plastic_Panda 11-07-2005 06:19 PM

alright, sry bout saying that rune got it wrong, i thought that he also needed the right reason is that true? or as he said false? and if its false, does anyone want to make it true? if u follow me...

Rune Son of Bjarne 11-07-2005 06:25 PM

Valesse pm and informed me that you wantet another reason so I was wrong.
I belive you decide how correct the answer has to be.

Plastic_Panda 11-07-2005 08:43 PM

both r right, u wanna post one Rune? its fine w/ me....

Gothmog 11-08-2005 10:14 AM

Is it my turn or have I missed something? Want to be sure not to take somebody else's turn...

Rune Son of Bjarne 11-08-2005 12:34 PM

It's your turn Gothmog! you won the last one remember. . .

Gothmog 11-08-2005 01:03 PM

OK, I'll try one...

1) Rumil invented the tengwar
2) Lomion is an other name for Maeglin
3) Uinendili is the daughter of Uinen and Osse

Orominuialwen 11-08-2005 04:43 PM

Number 3 is wrong, because the Uinendili were the elves who were followers of sorts of Uinen.

Gothmog 11-08-2005 05:26 PM

You're right of course. Thread is yours!

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