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Elalia 01-10-2003 02:34 PM

10 Things Legolas carries in his backpack............
10 Things Legolas carries in his Backpack!

1Hair Brush
5Hair Straightener
7Lip Balm
8Cold Cream
9Eyelash Curler
10A Book on how to be the finest thing in Middle-Earth

Deeply apologetic to Legolas but you have to admit it is pretty funny!
And he is the finest thing to walk the Earth! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

P.S I'm looking for people to correspond with so if you want a penpal across the net then please send me a message [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Love Elalia (Elven Princess of Mirkwood, Legolas' faithful companion)

Seeya all soon [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

arelendil 01-10-2003 02:37 PM

I loved that and ! total agree! Except of cause you forgot
11)his little black book and of course
12)his handy chat up lines for every race on middle earth!

[ January 10, 2003: Message edited by: arelendil ]

Elalia 01-10-2003 02:44 PM

Of Course! I forgot the black book and cheesy chat-up lines!
Thanks for that [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] how could i forget them [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Love Elalia

Skippy the Nazgul 01-10-2003 02:48 PM

13) A bunch of fan letters for those boring nights.

14) An extra pair of tights.

15) A book of dwarvish insults. (in case Gimli gets testy and tries to call him names behind his back)

16) Long underwear, for Caradhras

17) A picture Thranduil (his daddy)

18) fingernail clipper (that most handy tool in all the world

That's all I got so far.

Your Pal Skip

Elalia 01-10-2003 03:10 PM

Thanks Skip!

If anyone else has anything to add to my list then feel free! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Love Elalia x

arelendil 01-10-2003 03:34 PM

So has his backpack got magical powers like Mary Poppins bag, you know you never get to the bottom. If so he needs...
c)moisturiser both light and heavy cause its cold on mountains but hot in Gondor.
d) maybe some kind of de-leafing machine cause run through the trees and you always get leaves everywhere!

sorry i forgot what numbers we're on!

Oh and i forgot he definately needs a comb and a fish tail comb for his parting and an extra pair of hands to help do a fish tail plait at the back of his head! (how does he do that)And some kind of beauty hat for sleeping in, wait elves don't sleep, so that's why he doesn't have to do his hair in a morning!

[ January 10, 2003: Message edited by: arelendil ]

Elalia 01-10-2003 03:41 PM


Yes, he has a magic Mary Poppins bag!
I did'nt think of that! Thank You!

Love Elalia [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

arelendil 01-10-2003 03:44 PM

I guess your going to have to change the title cause it looks like we're tipping his bag upside down and there is definately more than 10 items. Maybe when he was packing it was like you can only take 10 things like that game you play and you have to say 3 things you'd take to a island.
Wow what a great idea, Can we?

Elalia 01-10-2003 03:53 PM

Sure! Good Idea [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Love Elalia

Meela 01-10-2003 03:56 PM

1) bleach
2) lip balm
3) fluffy slippers
4) a bathing cap as to not spoil his hair in moria/ in the rain, etc.
5) his diary
6) his teddy bear
7) a nightie
8) his hairbrush
9) his nightlight
10) a box of fererro rocher (sp)

Elalia 01-10-2003 04:08 PM

Seeya Everyone!
I'll come back tommorow and add things to the list!
And in the meantime, if you can be bothered to stay up then add things to my list on Legolas' Backpack! So I can have a good laugh at them tommorow!

Night Everyone! Seeya tommorow Love Elalia x

Thulorongil 01-10-2003 06:39 PM

A portable television so as to always be up-to-date on the newest order-in/shopping channel beauty products

Gorwingel 01-10-2003 07:05 PM

Legolas never leaves Mirkwood without his trusty...
1. tube of roll on, long lasting foundation in light taupe.
2. mini sewing kit-for fixing those runs in his elven tights.
3. walkman, with a tape of elven dreams.
4. hairbrush-that long blonde hair can be a pain to keep untangled.
5. His secret diary (shhh!, it's a secret)
6. Elf Today the magazine which is a must for any fashionable male elf in Middle Earth.
7. Can of air freshiner-he has to stand by Aragorn all the time, it is just a requirement.
8. Secret locket with a picture of the love of his life, Arwen (did I just say that)
9. super stain remover-for those pesky orc blood stains.
10. orc repellent

Abigail the Just 01-10-2003 09:01 PM

Who brought the toilet paper?

Elalia 01-11-2003 05:56 AM


I nearly forgot that Legolas can't go anywhere without his French Manicure Set, I mean, he's bound to break a nail, Shooting them arrows everywhere!

Love Elalia

Airerūthiel 01-11-2003 10:06 AM

You forgot these:

*portable tent, decorated all in white, complete with enough white lillies to give the most resilient normal person incurable hay fever for a month (remind you of anyone?)
*what Legolas bills as a mobile phone but which is actually two cups with an incredibly long bit of string attached to them to talk to all the crazy fan-girls he uses his cheesy chat-up lines on

Here's a couple of extracts from Legolas' book of cheesy chat-up lines by the way (just in case you're interested):
  • "What's a nice Dwarf-woman like you doing in a mine like this? Oh,'re a's just, what with the beard and all..."
  • "If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together...if the alphabet round here had those letters."
  • "Have you got 10 pence? It's just my mum told me to phone her when I fell in love...but we don't have phones or money here, do we?"

[ January 11, 2003: Message edited by: Airerūthiel ]

Arestelwen 01-11-2003 01:32 PM

yoou forgot something
-the eye mascara for those amazing eyes [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]
-teeth brush and dentific paste (absolutely necesary for mr perfect smile)
-soap for sensitive skin.

Someone said something about the fan letters, but he can't answer them without the proper pee-cook feather and envelopes with perfume

Elalia 01-11-2003 02:23 PM


Maybe I should change the title to 100 things Legolas carries in his backpack!
I can't believe I forgot to add his teddy bear! What was I thinking!
Keep your ideas coming! Maybe we can get it up to 1000 things Legolas carries in his backpack! (OK, so maybe thats going a bit too far, but you never know!)

Love Elalia [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Nevfeniel 01-11-2003 10:47 PM

1) tweezers
2) cd player and headphones
3) new age cds to help him fall asleep
4) clear nail polish (for when his clothes are just too delicate to sew by hand)
5) portable toilet; Legsy ain't peeing behind a bush.
6) hair clips
7) French mineral water
8) a hat so that his hair doesn't frizz up during humid days
9) autographed photos of himself to send to the fangirls
10) razor; he has to keep his face nice and stubble-free

We'll get to 1000 yet!

purplefluffychainsaw 01-13-2003 07:48 AM

You've missed out his handy pocket sized version of "How to plaite your hair without that-annoying-dwarf-from-next-door asking for tips that lead you to suiside" No Elf should be without one!!! [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Anything but Arwen 01-13-2003 07:59 AM

Hey stalking you....youve also missed out the bottles of Instant root bleach...

VanimaEdhel 01-13-2003 04:46 PM

Don't forget copies of all of his restraining orders against all the Legolas-stalkers that come on here...

Mazin 01-14-2003 05:13 AM

Call me stupid but Legolas doesnt have a backpack in tha movie, does he??........

1. air
2. air
3. air
4. air
5. air
6. air
7. air
8. air
9. air
10. air

Elalia 01-14-2003 01:09 PM

No, Legolas didn't have a backpack in the movie, but this is what he would carry in it if he did!

Nevvasaiel 01-15-2003 07:08 AM

This stuff is funny, you guys!

But, like, OH MY GOD, how could Legolas have POSSIBLY forgotten his NAIL BUFFER?

- seventeen magazine (with the latest pictures of the 25 hottest guys 2003!)

- Mud masks (that's what he really has on his face after gandalf dies in FotR... don't be fooled, it's certainly not dirt)

- that creamy stuff for fake tans, when he gets sick of looking sickly pale and wants to look sexily weatherbeaten like aragorn

- a thong to make sure his bum looks good in his tights

- different coloured contacts for different days of the week!

purplefluffychainsaw 01-16-2003 02:34 PM

**SAM sighs** You have all missed out his mini salon? You don't think he styles his hair himself do you? Just insert hair and the tiny little people containes in it will wash, comb and stalised your hair. Frodo has one too - thus explaining why they are the only clean members of the fellowship [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 01-19-2003 12:52 PM

You forgot:
Box of chocolate covered cherries
Box of tissues
Portable tv (to watch romantic movies; thats what the cherries and tissues are for)
Mood Contacts (like mood rings)
Collapsable tent that looks like the forests of Mirkwood inside
um...thats all!

Blue Elf 01-20-2003 12:39 AM

I know someone put shampoo, but be specific. He always carries around his Herbal Essence. I mean, what would he do without it?
While we're there...

-Spare wig
-A voodoo of Glorfindel....the one guy who might top his hair
-The gift certificate for the saloon he got for his birthday

Ah, those weren't that great....oh well...

Artalwen 01-20-2003 03:21 AM

Ahh, you all forgot one!!

-the special hair net, to keep his hair tame and untangled while he sleeps.

Can't forget that now, can you? [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Pennthangeil 01-31-2003 04:53 PM

You forgot his Weight-Watchers Chart
And his Prozac (no one can have No problemms)

MerryBrandybuck04 01-31-2003 05:04 PM

i STILL think it's suave.

and where would poor legolas b without his salene?!
HOW COULD HE CATCH/Kill an orc, and stay in competition with Gimili?!

.....uh, yeah.... i have no clue what 3 we're on.. so... i'll take it from the top!

477. contacts... (blue)
478. contact solution.
479. horoscope.
450. snowboard.
451. surfboard.
452. skateboard.
453. all the other kinds of boards [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
454. 365 ways to stay like-a-lady-in-the-wild
oops...... i'm forgetting he's a he.

and his windex.... in case he get's a zit.

can't you just picture legolas like George Clooney in O Brother Where Art Thou, wearin' the hair net, and using his "dapper dan"
Legolas: *snoring* *wearing hair net* *suddenly waken in time of danger* *hand reaches to head* MY HAIR!?!

[ January 31, 2003: Message edited by: MerryBrandybuck04 ]

Dimannūnien 02-01-2003 05:53 AM

Scrub the contact solution.....he'd have daily disposables....biodegradable of course...delivered on the breeze each morning

Pookabunny 02-01-2003 07:58 AM

Here's some more:

- carboard cutout of himself
- His copy of "I'm more woman than Galadriel", otherwise known as "Diary of Legoals"
- Vial of Orc-blood..otherwise known as 'nail polish"
- a pillow
- knitting needles
- Creme brulee set
- Q-tips
- Band-aids
- His diskman with the following CD's
- Aaron Carter
- The Village people
- Cher
- Sing-along book "Men in Tights"
- Eyelash curler
- "No more tangles" spray
- Rogaine (just in case)
- Instant ice pack to prevent bruising
- Low-cal Lembas

And finally,
- An Easy Bake oven

Shy Hobbit 02-01-2003 10:51 AM

Ha ha guys...make fun of the 'prissy elf boy'. Be real. He may be pretty for a guy but he's not stupid. Here's what he would really carry, especially in the spirit of increasing LOTR popularity.

1. Pepper spray

2. Stun gun

3. Drastic times call for drastic measures, a handgun.

Without these, Legolas Greenleaf would surely die. I don't mean death by orcs either. Death by two legged, hormone driven leggyboppers.

Duncariel 02-01-2003 05:23 PM

No kidding [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Does pepper spray repel orcs, because it doesn't work on bears. Oh yeah, you guys can't forget one of those nifty automatic brader-thingies, after all, it's hard to get straight braids while running from orcs. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


Would that this night would end, and I could have better light for shooting~Legolas

Aduyuldaiel-Mirkwood Queen 02-02-2003 09:54 PM

WINDEX!!!!!! lolol. thats GREAT! he would prolly take
1. extra tights (you can never have to many out there in the wild ya know...)
2. 101-lame-dwarf-insults-to-make-an-elf-laugh (who can leave home without one?)
3. asprin (for all those annoying girl fans)
4. orc-be-gone
5. screen tent w/ automatic toilet flushing action! (new and improved!)
I cant think of any more right now. but the rest that yall have done are GREAT! Keep em' commin!

*~I am his queen and he is my King, together we will reign in mirkwood~*

Morgul Queen 02-03-2003 01:24 AM

And of course a copy of Natures best...who can't see Legolas dancing around singing "what am I going to do, I need some thoughts that are new.."
I mean hes Immortalhes got to run out of thoughts someday of another!!!

VanimaEdhel 02-03-2003 05:57 PM

In reality, though, Tolkien did not mean for him to be a prissy Elf. In reality, he would carry:
  • lembas
  • his knives, of course
  • cloak
  • healing herbs, maybe
  • a small knife for aiding in the fletching of arrows
  • extra feathers for his arrows
  • maybe an Elvish book of some sort
  • other food
  • if I was him, I'd have a candle or torch of some sort if I could
  • maybe a seal of some sort, proving he was truly Legolas Thranduillion
  • a canteen of water

What am I forgetting? Well, if they were traveling light, he would leave a lot of that behind. Oh: he might have:
  • an extra belt or something too

MerryBrandybuck04 02-07-2003 10:33 AM

998. sun-glasses (those wasp eyed style)
999. bazooka
1000 machine gun

yeah, screw the wimpy bow and arrows

p.s. good point! Lord Sauron took ova all the salene for his ever unblinking eye that Legolas had to be content w/ disposables [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

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