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Durelin 12-20-2002 09:20 PM

TTT Movie Lovers Club! JOIN NOW!
I was disgraced to find so many people on the Barrow Downs endlessly complaining about the movie! IT ROCKED! You should not have expected it straight from the book! The books were written in the earlier part of the 1900s! It is now the twenty first century! The LOTR movies had so much time, effort and MONEY put into them to make the movies last through the generations! The VERY LARGE amount of money spent on this film must be earned back, plus, they must make a profit or all the companies and people behind these movies would be ruined! They had to change the story to be accepted and VERY WELL LIKED by a 21st century audience! You should not look at these movies as the books but as NORMAL MOVIES! The ones that were movies first and then people wrote graphic novels about! The books written by J.R.R Tolkien were so different, they were beautiful books, so seperate from all others and it will always be that way, that is why the movies can not be like the book! The books are so noble, they are above movies and videogames! They can not be taken and made into an exact replica movie! I LOVED the movie, it was THE BEST! Better than the first! The Two Towers film, which has hit box office records making second only to Star Wars: A New Hope I should add, needs help on this message board! Those who loved it, join me in this quest!<p>[ December 20, 2002: Message edited by: Durelin ]

Aragorn2002 12-20-2002 09:21 PM

count me in!
Cat exercise wheel

Durelin 12-20-2002 09:23 PM

Thankyou! Knew I would find people! Glad to have you!

Aragorn2002 12-20-2002 09:25 PM

It was the best movie I've seen in ages.
Hurt from zoloft

Nalana 12-20-2002 09:26 PM

Count me in as well. I loved the movie!

Aragorn2002 12-20-2002 09:27 PM

3 members already!
tits Cams

Durelin 12-20-2002 09:28 PM

Thankyou, I thought it was better than the first one. It was darker, there was more action, and Gollum was cool. Oh, and you can't forget the Ents, they were so AWESOME!

Durelin 12-20-2002 09:29 PM

Cool, this is going better than I thought it would!

Aragorn2002 12-20-2002 09:29 PM

heck it was better than the 1st one!<BR>I'm getting TTT video game for X-mas!

Aragorn2002 12-20-2002 09:30 PM

What did you think it was going to be?

Durelin 12-20-2002 09:31 PM

Already got the video game! It's cool, my brother already got to the last level though! I'm pretty good but he has more experience! I thought people would yell at me, my movements and clubs and stuff always kind of go wrong! Sometimes they get me in trouble! Well, I should expect Coral soon, I saw the movie with her both times I saw it and she of course loved it! And I should expect my other friend who I saw it with too, I think her name is Havaday or something, she told me she just registered here, I think to help me out!<p>[ December 20, 2002: Message edited by: Durelin ]

Aragorn2002 12-20-2002 09:32 PM

Really?!?<BR>tell me every level lol.

Arathiriel 12-20-2002 09:34 PM

Count me among your numbers as I thought this movie <B>rocked</B>!!!<P>I <B>LOVED</B> <I>The Two Towers</I>!!!<p>[ December 20, 2002: Message edited by: Arathiriel ]

Aragorn2002 12-20-2002 09:36 PM

four members!

Durelin 12-20-2002 09:38 PM

Explaining every level would take WAY TOO LONG! It's a complicated game, and I don't want to ruin it for you! Only 5 days till Christmas! Thankyou Arathiriel! Join us! You know, I've started an official members list so I won't forget anyone!

Aragorn2002 12-20-2002 09:39 PM

No, just tell me the levels, like the names of the places, or what you do.

Durelin 12-20-2002 09:44 PM

Gotta go! I'll be back tomorrow, I'll check in more often now that I'm on Christmas break! Yeah! Bye!

Durelin 12-20-2002 09:44 PM

Okay, it starts with you as I think Isildur at the Last Alliance, then your Aragorn at Weathertop, then you star being able to be Aragorn Legolas or Gimli. There's the Gates of Moria, then the Mines of Moria, then Amon Hen, then Fangorn, then three Edoras levels (aren't in the movie really) then three Helms Deep levels, those are awesome, but not as good as the movie! And you open up interviews and stuff as you improve your people. And there are secret missions and a secret character. Haven't got those open yet though!

Aragorn2002 12-20-2002 09:46 PM

If you beat the game with Aragorn, you get Islidor<P>Beat the Orthanic Level with leglas and ulock Legolas secret level<P>Beat game with Legolas unlock interview with orlando bloom. <P>If you need anymore codes, just give a yell.

MLD-Grounds-Keeper-Willie 12-20-2002 09:53 PM

Well, it wasn't even written a century or more ago, but still, it was a long time ago. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> You should not look at these movies as the books but as NORMAL MOVIES! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>You cannot look at these movies as normal moies. They were based on the books and PJ said he was bringing the books to the screen. He said he was going to follow the books as much as he could. LIAR! If I only had a picture of him with his pants on fire. He could change somethings if he needed to, but these changes were unnecessary and too immense. I did not expect to see the movie as an exact replica of the books and I don't think that anyone did. The thing is that we didn't think that it would be changed that much.<P>I liked the movie, but I didn't love it. I have many criticisms about it and there were many things that I hate about it. I thought it was a good movie, but I still hate it in a way. So, do not count me in.<P>Seems like you don't have many members. Just something to think about, not to offend you.

Have a day 12-20-2002 11:25 PM

I thought the movie was awesome and I AM CORAL DAMNIT! >< Not my sister who stole my account and is stuck with the name Coral! This is me! And person that posted that thing contridicting what my friend wrote, you need to just go away. You don't come into something to dump on it. AND WHO CARES HOW MANY ME- Don't get me started. I'll go on this huge rant and nobody needs it. AND HEY RACH! ^^

ReededGoat 12-20-2002 11:38 PM

Look, it should never be 100% either's good and normal to enjoy something but still have lots of criticism. To spend time considering the film enough to have criticisms is to be respectful to the time and effort put into making the film.

Have a day 12-20-2002 11:40 PM

Constructive criticism you mean? Not mindless bashing? People get the lines on those two blurred a lot.

ReededGoat 12-20-2002 11:50 PM

mindless bashing (bashing = a base form of criticism) is an oxymoron.

Have a day 12-20-2002 11:58 PM

But constructive criticism is a way of helping the person learn from their mistakes. Bashing ones work is just saying something is bad with no facts to support what you have said.

Sharkû 12-21-2002 02:25 AM

Stay on topic. The topic laid out by the site, not by the thread, even.

Aragorn2002 12-21-2002 06:11 AM

Have you noticed this is called TTT Movie Lovers Club?!? If you're not going to join, don't post.
Chrysler new yorker

Rose Cotton 12-21-2002 07:55 AM

Calm down guys. Before we start screaming at eachother and getting this thread closed lets stand our ground rationally. Here are the facts:<P>These movies are based on J.R.R. Tolkien's works and are therefore different then other movies.<P>These movies are being made for more then Tolkien fans and therefore must beable to satisfy all.<P>PJ did say he would try to stay as close as his could to the books.<P>PJ did say he took the most librities in TTT.<P>Some of the changes do seem irrational.<P>I don't think PJ would do a change just for the sake of it. I beleive he has a reason for everything in these movies. Something he wants to protray.<P>The people here on the Barrowdowns do seem to be a bit rough on PJ.<P>In order for us few who loved the movie to change the minds of or at least get the attention and respect of the other members we must not riot or do anything disrespecfull. We must hold our ground with examples and information to back up the reasons why this movie (TTT) was worth all our money and time.<P>The air of dissapointment around the Downs has been getting me down. I loved the movie and want to join a group who's on my side.<P>COUNT ME IN.

Nalana 12-21-2002 09:26 AM

Rose Cotton, I agree with you 100%!!! I feel just the same way. Anyway, I really enjoyed this movie, and I can't wait to see it again! <BR> <p>[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: Nalana ]

Durelin 12-21-2002 10:07 AM

I will have no more movie bashing on MY thread! Grrrrr! Nice to see you Coral (Have a day) Glad you're here! And welcome Rose Cotton! Thankyou for trying to keep some control! And thankyou Aragorn and Coral for backing up the movie! Cool! 6 members! <p>[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: Durelin ]

Durelin 12-21-2002 10:33 AM

If anyone knows someone here who liked the movie, please tell them about this club! Thanks again!<P>~*Durelin*~

TealDude3 12-21-2002 10:38 AM

Count me in! TTT was the best movie this year! I even liked the parts at Osgalath(sp?). "And that's saying something."<P>Two Towers was even better than FOTR. It's weird how some people on this site crticize the sence that weren't in the book. Sure, PJ make changes, but they were great changes.<P>Can't wait for ROTK!!!

Durelin 12-21-2002 10:43 AM

Thankyou Tealdude! Yes, 7 members! I'm glad PJ put the elves in Helms Deep, it didn't make elves seem so heartless as people who haven't read the books would think. How long do you think this club should go on, should it go to the ROTK and then switch over to the new movie lovers club (I'm pretty sure I'm gonna like that one too), or should we combine the two as TTT and TROTK Movie Lovers Club? Any suggestions members, I will take anything just to keep this club alive!<BR> <p>[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: Durelin ]

Maleliel 12-21-2002 10:59 AM

I'll join your club because I thought the movie rocked as well!!! COUNT ME IN!!!

Durelin 12-21-2002 11:03 AM

8 members...maybe I should stop counting... Thankyou! I've been using that word a lot too, oh well, I'm just a polite person <BR> <p>[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: Durelin ]

Lhunbelethiel 12-21-2002 01:52 PM

I'm in the club! Heck yeah! I am so grateful that I live in a time when Tolkien is so appreciated and so beuatifully brought to life in the films by Peter Jackson. Bravo!

Coral 12-21-2002 01:59 PM

o.O I'm still #9! You see, my damn sister left her account on! This is gonna be too confusing

Coral 12-21-2002 02:51 PM

Sorry sister of mine! Not my fault I WAS ON THE BOARDS FIRST! ^.^ But staying on topic I'd like to say that the more members the better!

mollecon 12-21-2002 02:58 PM

As I said from the very start, Ilike this movie a lot. Yes, I can find things I don't totally agree with, but overall, it's great.

Marillanna Sarnie 12-21-2002 03:26 PM

Hey, count me in! <BR>I LOVED the movie, and I say it was worth waiting for six hours in line for the 12:05 show on the 18th.(Got the best seats in the theatre!) I don't agree with all the changes, but it's LOTR: The Movies not LOTR: The Books. It can't be perfect. The movie was stunning in every way! Gollum is the best CGI character ever! There are so many positive things about the movie, that I can handle the changes that were made.

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