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Angadraug 08-19-2003 09:11 PM

Original Aragorn?
I dont' know if anyone here will be able to answer this but I know that there was supposed to be a different actor instead of Viggo playing the role of Aragorn, and I was wondering: Anyone know?

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 08-19-2003 09:35 PM

It was the guy that was in Queen of the Damned, Stuart Townsend. I've seen a picture of him as Aragorn, and believe me: Viggo was <I>definitely</I> the better choice.

Meela 08-20-2003 05:11 AM

I think Stuart Townsend would have been great if they had had flashbacks to Estel or Thorongil, as he could pass for Aragorn, but only the younger version. Viggo is perfect for the current role.

The Only Real Estel 08-20-2003 12:41 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I think Stuart Townsend would have been great if they had had flashbacks to Estel or Thorongil <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank you, thank you very much. But no seriously, I know what you mean, Meela, & I definatly agree with you on that one.

QuickSlash 08-20-2003 12:57 PM

I wanted to see a pic of Townsend as Aragorn, and when I googled it, I only found one, and it was on a site that was very much not in English. Here it is, by itself: <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A><P>Now, unless you're a big fan of Townsend, I have absolutely no idea why you'd think he'd look like a better Aragorn. Acting can't be compared as far as I know, as I don't think Townsend was filmed at all.

The Only Real Estel 08-20-2003 01:21 PM

I think that Towensend would've made a good Aragorn when Aragorn was younger & travled & fought under different names (Like Meela already said). But I think that Viggo was definatly a better Aragorn in these particular movies.

Arwen Eruantale 08-20-2003 02:28 PM

*laughing* Ah! That picture is hilarious! <P>I agree, Only Real Estel, that Townsend <I>might</I> have been able to do a younger Aragorn, the only problem being that he looks absolutely nothing like Mortenson. Who was definitly -redundantly- the better choice.<BR> <P><B>Frodo Lives!</B> <I>Revive the slogan!</I>

mollecon 08-20-2003 04:43 PM

I think Mortensen is <I>great</I> in the role of Aragorn - but, Towsend never got the chance, so at least he deserves the benefit of doubt... Who knows, had he actually played it, noone might have imagined anyone else in the part.<p>[ August 20, 2003: Message edited by: mollecon ]

The Only Real Estel 08-20-2003 06:42 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Who knows, had he actually played it, no one might have imagined anyone else in the part.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Exactly. Part of the reason that we think Viggo is so awesome, & that everyone else looks so incredibly stupid is because the only Aragorn we have is Viggo. It's possible that it'd be vise versa if Stuart had starred, but I doubt it. If I'd have to pick someone other than Viggo, I think a pic I saw online of Russell Crowe (with his face imposed over Viggo's of course) is far better than Towensend, although infiriour to Viggo. I think Crowe's face is a bit to much on the chubby side for him to work out though...

Sapphire_Flame 08-20-2003 09:55 PM

*jaw drops and eye twitches feebly* Oh. My. Gosh. That is the funniest thing I have ever seen! I *so* can't picture him as Aragorn; maybe a younger Aragorn, as Meela and others have said, but not an LotR age Aragorn. Although, I gotta put in a good word for Stuart; he could have been able to pull off the role (maybe). I just saw League of Extraordinary Gentlemen last weekend, and Stuart did a killer job playing Dorian Gray.<P>Abedithon le,<P>~*~Aranel~*~

Lhunardawen 08-21-2003 12:56 AM

That was creepy...and funny...<BR>I read in a certain book that the reason why Townsend did not make it was that there were "artistic differences" between him and PJ...<BR>By the way, PJ himself liked Mortensen as Aragorn. Even their trainer in swordsfighting (who also trained in Star Wars) said that Mortensen was one of the, if not the best he trained. <BR>

The Only Real Estel 08-21-2003 03:21 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I read in a certain book that the reason why Townsend did not make it was that there were "artistic differences" between him and PJ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> For one thing: Townsend thought that Aragorn should have a <B>bigger</B> role (is that even possible!!?), & he didn't fit to well with the rest of the cast, therefore PJ cut him for Viggo (mostly over the 'bigger role' thing though...). I'm glad PJ didn't comprimise the role of Aragorn to get Stuart to play him, especially when he knew he had Viggo waiting in the wings!

QuickSlash 08-21-2003 06:17 PM

Waiting in the wings? I don't think you can say that. He was *hoping* for Viggo, but if Viggo's son hadn't spoken up and told his dad to take the role, it's doubtful we'd have the wonderful Aragorn we do now. I wonder who was number three on that list.<P>I'd also never heard anything about Townsend except he was originally slated to play this role until this thread, so thanks to Lhunardawen for that. <3. Anyone else know anything?

The Only Real Estel 08-21-2003 06:23 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I'd also never heard anything about Townsend except he was originally slated to play this role until this thread, so thanks to Lhunardawen for that. <3. Anyone else know anything?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've never heard anything more than what you already read in my last post up...

Arwen Eruantale 08-21-2003 06:25 PM

Indeed, Henry Mortenson certainly deserves a degree of thanks from us all. <P><B>Frodo Lives!</B> <I>Pass it on!</I>

Neferchoirwen 08-22-2003 02:39 AM

Oh so that was him...I saw that picture before...but he looks more like an elf---at least in Queen of the Damned, save for the paleness...

Finiel 08-22-2003 08:32 AM

Yup, I've heard about Stuart Townsend being ditched for being arrogant (good for him). But the role of Aragorn was originally offered to Daniel Day-Lewis (did I got his name right?). Unfortunately, Daniel was in Italy apprenticing for shoemaking (I think ).<P>I think Daniel would've been a great Aragorn. But Viggo did a great job, though I always remember his scenes with Gwyneth Paltrow hee hee hee

Neferchoirwen 08-22-2003 09:47 AM

They ditched him because he was (or looks) too young for the part.<P>Daniel Day-Lewis? didn't know about that...he would fit the part appearance-wise, but...there's something lacking; he's a good actor and all, though...

The Only Real Estel 08-22-2003 04:46 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>They ditched him because he was (or looks) too young for the part.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm not entirely sure that had much to do with it...

Arwen Eruantale 08-22-2003 05:33 PM

He may, <I>may</I>, have been able to do a young Aragorn... <BR>But I personally don't like him. I was looking at pictures even before FotR came out of the cast and stuff, and I never did. <BR>He seemed to have this sinister look about him that I never liked, and his rogueishness is not the right type, his look is much too modern. He also lacks the elegance that even a king in exile should bear. I mean, Aragorn <I>was</I> -after all- raised by elves. <P>Townsend would probably have made a better badguy, and (as I have never seen them) I cannot vouch for his acting abilities, but this just doesn't seem to be his genre.

mollecon 08-25-2003 12:49 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>I'm not entirely sure that had much to do with it...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I heard about Townsend being ditched long ago, & I agree that it probably wasn't his age - I mean, with all the work being put into the movies by makeup artists, making him look a bit older wouldn't have been their biggest challenge. I think it was differences between him & Jackson.<P>It's true, Viggo Mortensen came in <I>very</I> late - I also heard it was his son (who, contrary to his father, knew the books!) that had an important saying in this.<P>Daniel Day-Lewis might well have been able to pull the role. He's a good actor with lots of charisma - heck, acting & story wise he's the one that makes Scorceses "Gangs Of New York" work...

Rose Cotton 08-25-2003 01:49 PM

That picture of Townsend as Aragorn looks like a serial killer. I think that Viggo has a more....kingly feel about him.

Glamdring 08-25-2003 02:23 PM

Townsend wouldn't have made a very good Aragorn, IMO, so I am glad that he got canned. The story that I heard was that Townsend actually got into a fight/heated discussion with PJ on the first day of filming because he (Townsend) thought that Aragorn should have a bigger role, so PJ cut him. Viggo got a call the next day asking if he would come to NZ for a year and play the pard of Aragorn. "A year.....that's a long time. Can I have a few days to think about it?" "You have 24 hours and then we expect a response" was pretty much how the conversation went. Viggo's son said, "DAD!!!! IT'S LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!! YOU HAVE TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!" So he went, and the rest is history!

Pirotess 08-25-2003 03:01 PM

I heard that both Day Lewis and Townsend almost played the part. IMO they're both good actors, but the 1st ain't handsome enough and the second looks too young..<BR>That pic of Townsend as Aragorn looks terrible (no wonder he was ****ed at PJ! )<P>I read Viggo saying that his son told him he'd be crazy not to take the part, so he was on the plane to NZ the next day, reading a novel the size of a phone book..

Mister Underhill 12-31-2003 09:38 PM

I admire Mortenson as an actor because he brings incredible conviction to his work. I have a few complaints about the writing of movie-Aragorn, but none about the acting.

Townsend is, frankly, not as good of an actor -- and he isn't able to project the life experience of someone Viggo's age. Can you imagine him trying to convince audiences that he's really 87 years old? I imagine the results would be much the same as his stab at Lestat in QotD, i.e., not very convincing. You need someone who can really bring life experience to the part to bridge the gap between McKellan's Gandalf and the young Hobbits.

I've never heard that Day-Lewis was considered for the part. Great actor. First thing I thought of when I read that above was Last of the Mohicans. He certainly could have played the part, but there's something distant about him which I think makes him an inferior choice to Mortenson. Another factor is that Day-Lewis is Day-Lewis, whereas Mortenson was something of an unknown quantity coming into LotR. Day-Lewis would've (IMO) been fighting his recognizability in a way that Mortenson didn't have to.

aleesa 01-01-2004 09:25 PM

Viggo Mortenson, IMO is the perfect actor to potray Aragorn. That picture of Townsend was kinda creepy, with Townsend having that i-look-kind-of-sinister-stare.<P>Mortenson was so committed in his work and I salute him for that!

Olorin_TLA 01-01-2004 09:34 PM

Is that Townsend as Aragorn picture a fake? The backgorund oviously wasn't there then, but is that him in costume, or someone merging an Aragorn photo with a Townsed one?

Theron Bugtussle 01-02-2004 03:36 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR><B>Mister Underhill:</B> Day-Lewis was considered for the part. Great actor. First thing I thought of when I read that above was <I>Last of the Mohicans</I>.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Actually, I think this would have been a great idea, casting him as Aragorn. When you mentioned <I>Last of the Mohicans (LotM)</I>, I thought about book vs movie differences there, too. Day-Lewis is rather too short to have played the scout, but the height discrepancy was insignificant to his excellence in the rest of the role.<P>Similarly, I doubt that either Day-Lewis or Mortenson are up to Tolkien's measure of height for Aragorn. But since Mortenson has neither the broad shoulders nor the deep, rich voice of Tolkien's Aragorn, I think that Day-Lewis could have done as well. And where the voice is concerned, who couldn't have done better? <P>*Aragorn pinches nose, squeals out:* <I>"We are no spies!"</I><P>I think 'grim' and Viggo's voice are like oil and water! (That is, unless grim is portrayed as <I>high-pitched muttering</I>.)<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> He certainly could have played the part, but there's something distant about him which I think makes him an inferior choice to Mortenson. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I am not aware of the 'distance' you mention in Day-Lewis' acting. I found him intense, engaging, and confident in LotM. I am comparing him quite favorably to Mortenson's Aragorn, whom I found distant and floundering with a severe lack of confidence, though much of that was the writing, certainly. <P>But was it directing or acting that was at fault in the following scene? At <I>The Prancing Pony</I>, when the Nazgul are puncturing the erstwhile hobbit beds with maggot holes, Mortenson sits in a chair looking out the window as if he is watching the TV program playing in the neighbors' living room--<B>the picture of distance</B> if I ever saw it.<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Another factor is that Day-Lewis is Day-Lewis, whereas Mortenson was something of an unknown quantity coming into LotR. Day-Lewis would've (IMO) been fighting his recognizability in a way that Mortenson didn't have to. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><B>Recognizability.</B> I think the producers/directors may have had a bigger issue with that than was needful. That's the reason, however, that I might have had second thoughts about Mel Gibson. Though, if you watch <I>Braveheart</I>, how long does it take before Mel is William Wallace? Not long. He would have done great in the Aragorn role. I think that Daniel Day-Lewis would have grabbed Aragorn-recognition from the outset--and not let go.

Cinderella 01-02-2004 04:03 PM

I've actually never seen Daniel Day-Lewis in anything except The Crucible, which he was amazing in, but I don't see him as Aragorn. There's something about him thats very modern. Viggo has this Rennaissance man thing going for him that makes him more fitting as Aragorn, IMO. Sure, Viggo's voice is.. different but I love it, he always sounds very wise.<P>On Stuart Townshend:<BR>He made a terrible Lestat and would have been a sad excuse for Aragorn. Too young and pretty, not enough mysterious and worldly. <BR>Viggo is my Aragorn and Tom Cruise is my Lestat... Stuart can't have them

Mister Underhill 01-02-2004 05:22 PM

Nice points, Theron. As you say, neither actor is up to Númenorean stature. I’d hardly describe Day-Lewis’s voice as deep and rich either. I don’t recall any specific mention of Strider’s voice as being especially deep or rich, though of course it may be there. I guess this is something we all come up with in our own heads, and if an actor is very different from what you’ve imagined, it can really ruin a performance for you.

Anyway, I’m not trying to run down Day-Lewis by any means. I think he’s a terrific actor, and LotM is one of my favorite movies. But he’s always struck me as being removed and enigmatic and kinda cold and frankly a bit humorless. I think he would have made an interesting Strider, but I also think he lacks a certain measure of warmth that Mortenson brings to the role. I don’t know how to explain it any better than that. As far as him being able to “disappear” into the role, you are probably right; I reckon it’s just my personal preference to have relative unknowns in parts with which I’m very familiar. I have no preconceptions of William Wallace, for instance, so I can immediately accept Gibson in the role. This is by no means a hard and fast rule and is all just my opinion anyway. Just something I’ve observed about my own tastes.

In the Prancing Pony scene you cite, I would definitely fault the direction. It’s one of those scenes which I think suffers for the sake of the momentary “did the Hobbits just get stabbed?” moment. I think it’s one of the clumsier scenes all-around in FotR, IMO.

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