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Risma 01-03-2004 04:51 PM

Where is Glorfindel in RotK?
Alright, I've seen RotK twice now and it left me wondering: where is Glorfindel? <P>According to the book he is supposed to be<BR>leading elves into the Battle of Fornost. <BR>But thanks to PJ there are only elves escorting Arwen to the ships and at her official presentation to Aragorn at Minas Tirith.<P>If someone knows where he is, let me know.<P>And if anyone can point him out in FotR that'd be great too.

Meela 01-03-2004 04:57 PM

He's not in it. At all. Too many elves confuzzles the mind.

Silmiel of Imladris 01-03-2004 04:58 PM

I don't think PJ put him in anywhere. He is like Elladan and Elrohir (aka doesn't exsist) It he was put in there I would say he would be at Aragorn's crowning. There were quite a few "golden-haired" elves clustered around Legolas and Elrond.<p>[ 5:59 PM January 03, 2004: Message edited by: Silmiel of Imladris ]

Lord of Angmar 01-03-2004 05:23 PM

Where, are Elladan, Elrohir, the rest of the Dunedain, Nob and Bob, Lindir, Ghan-buri-Ghan and Tom Bombadil while we are at it?

Gorwingel 01-03-2004 06:23 PM

Sadly they were just not included at all. Glorfindel actually was replaced by Arwen in FOTR (because PJ felt that Arwen needed to have a bigger part so that you got to know her more, and so you would understand why she married Aragorn). And the others were just not included, because the filmakers most likely thought that there already was enough characters to keep track of anyway.

peonydeepdelver 01-03-2004 06:28 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Where, are Elladan, Elrohir, the rest of the Dunedain, Nob and Bob, Lindir, Ghan-buri-Ghan and Tom Bombadil while we are at it? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>And don't forget the multiple characters in RotK: forlong, Imrahil, Bergil, and Beregond!

Lathriel 01-03-2004 06:36 PM

They should have put all these characters in the movies just to punish those people who haven't read the book!

Gil-Galad 01-03-2004 06:39 PM

Pj didn't put them in because he didn't want to many minor characters in the movie, and some of the writers had to sacrifice the mfrom teh script (eg Tom Bombadil)

Lobelia 01-04-2004 02:15 AM

Funnily enough, Peonydeepdelver, Beregond was there in an early cast list I saw on the Net, with Nick Nolte to play him, though with a question mark next to the name. Maybe they re-wrote the script. I thought, at the time, that David Wenham would have made a good Beregond, so I'm glad he did Faramir after all or he might not have been in it! :-)

Aredhel Ar-Feiniel 01-04-2004 04:20 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> They should have put all these characters in the movies just to punish those people who haven't read the book! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I must have been in a bad mood when i saw the movie becuase i was VERY angry that there was no Imrahil of Dol Amroth, but i went to see it again, and i didnt notice. And i came to this conclusion, the book ruined the movie for me. (*slaps herself for saying it*)<BR>>> Or was it the other way around?

Lord of Angmar 01-04-2004 09:12 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>And don't forget the multiple characters in RotK: forlong, Imrahil, Bergil, and Beregond! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>How could I forgot Beregond, one of my favorite minor characters? The scene where Beregond is appointed to the Guard of Faramir is one of the most poignant in the book. Perhaps the Extended Edition?

Trippo The Hippo 01-04-2004 09:41 AM

Back to the first question. The truth is Arwen killed Glorfindel and stole his horse.

Lost One 01-04-2004 10:28 AM

There are a couple of one-line Gondorians in ROTK who might turn out to be Imrahil or Beregond in the EE, so there is still hope.

Lord of Angmar 01-04-2004 10:35 AM

I don't know, I do not think Peter Jackson would be foolish enough to have Prince Imrahil portrayed in normal, nondescript Gondorian armor. Unless anyone has any information to the contrary, I highly doubt anyone was even cast in his part. As for Beregond, someone mentioned that he may still be in the Extended Edition since his name was on the cast list, so we have only to wait and see.

Meela 01-04-2004 11:37 AM

I posted somewhere else about Beregond. I don't know whether he is actually in the film, or whether he's played by someone else, but the man who was mentioned early on as playing Beregond is in the film. He may have been misnamed because the name Beregond was not mentioned, but on Imdb he is listed as Irolas. He has blonde hair in the film, his real name is Ian Hughes, and he's there quite a bit I think. Well, he has a few lines at least.

Silmiel of Imladris 01-04-2004 12:39 PM

Hey who was the blond man of Gondor who said, "It is how Lord Denethor predicted. Long has he foreseen this doom."? He was kind of cute, he had nothing on the elves though.

Finwe 01-04-2004 03:23 PM

Maybe the Elf standing to the right of Elrond, grinning goofily with Angelina-Jolie-sized lips was Glorfindel, or could have been Glorfindel.

Meela 01-04-2004 03:33 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Hey who was the blond man of Gondor who said, "It is how Lord Denethor predicted. Long has he foreseen this doom."? He was kind of cute, he had nothing on the elves though. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Aaaah! I think that was him! The Beregond/Irolas guy I mentioned! or maybe it wasn't... I think it was... can't be sure. I'll check next time I see the film.

Lathriel 01-04-2004 05:24 PM

I was thinking the exact same thing the third time I saw the movie. I was thinking, "Hey maybe this could be Beregond and maybe that is why they zoom in a bit."<BR>Can't wait till the EE!

Olorin_TLA 01-04-2004 06:02 PM

Nay, that's Ingold - at least, that's his line in the book, and he rides into the city from battle in the book!.

symestreem 01-04-2004 06:13 PM

There was Faramir's second-in-command or whatever, who said "Osgiliath is under attack. They call for reinforcements." Then he got killed in the third movie. He might have been the movie version of someone. For some reason I want to call him Mablung.

Jjudvven 01-04-2004 07:44 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Hey who was the blond man of Gondor who said, "It is how Lord Denethor predicted. Long has he foreseen this doom."? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>That might be Beregond. They seemed to focus on him several times. I remember seeing him at least three times throughout the movie, and he did have that one line in there... that could be interesting. I really missed him in the movie. Course, I really missed a LOT of people so...

Risma 01-17-2004 08:44 AM

I was mereley wondering if anyone knew a minor casted person in the movie who was possibly given the name of Glorfindel. Maybe this person could be posting up their own site about it (seeing as nearly everyone else has).<P>Yes, I am aware that Liv wanted more on screen time and so (just like the cartoon) and prettiest and bravest elf got kicked out AGAIN!!!<P>Well, I was just hoping someone could point him out; seeing as the majority of web users seem to have nominated which elves were Erestor, Orophin and Rumil. I was hoping some group had nominated a Glorfindel.

Risma 01-17-2004 08:49 AM

Speaking of Beregond, I thought that he was the guard that cried that they were all doomed as Denethor had forseen, when Faramir was dragged back to Minas Tirith (ROTK)as he's one of the first to start to nurse Faramir's wounds.

Carorëiel 01-17-2004 08:54 AM

<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>This</A> is a pretty neat page that shows pictures of LotR actors and the characters they play. There is a picture (scroll down to the elves section) that identifies one actor as Glorfindel.

Jjudvven 01-17-2004 09:52 AM

Thanks for the link. Very useful. Took forever to load though, even on DSL.

Silmiel of Imladris 01-17-2004 11:58 AM

I must say that a lot of those people look a heck of a lot better in costume. At the cornation there is a blond elf standing next to Elrond when Elrond almost starts to cry. I believe that is the notorious "Glorfindel" Elf. I found a picture somewhere if I can get it on my own image host I will post it.

Finwe 01-17-2004 04:21 PM

Are you sure that the actor that they put on there as Glorfindel was indeed Glorfindel? I'm not really inclined to believe it unless I actually <I>see</I> or <I>hear</I> someone referring to that Elf as Glorfindel in one of the movies. He never showed up in Fellowship of the Ring or The Two Towers, so perhaps he's going to be in the extended edition of Return of the King. I still highly doubt that he's actually THE Glorfindel.

Sparrow 01-17-2004 04:28 PM

I hope it was not Glorfindel. It would cheapen the characters of people like Glorfindel, Imrahil, Beregond and Bombadil if they were shown but given no lines but were cast. All-or-nothing is a better way to approach such characters; give them their role, or don't bother casting people for them.

BoromirsBeard 01-17-2004 08:56 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> Back to the first question. The truth is Arwen killed Glorfindel and stole his horse. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>rofl<P>To whoever said that all characters should be included to punish the non-book readers: Did you ever see the movie Dune? I hope for your sake the answer is no. The greatest sci-fi novel of the 20th century turned into an ultra-weird film that nobody liked. It's not until a simplified made-for-tv version was made that non-book readers were able to enjoy Dune. I think PJ made the right choice.

QuickSlash 01-17-2004 10:28 PM

AHH. Holy crap, I loved (the book) Dune. The movie was so pathetic, though. A lot of it was time, and a lot more was lack of proper special effects. I find it really hard to criticize PJ after seeing it.<P>Glorfindel, I do believe, just isn't in there. I'd say that any site claiming he's there is just making it up, like Figwit.

Carorëiel 01-18-2004 12:15 AM

No, I have no idea if the elf labeled Glorfindel on the site I posted above actually is Glorfindel--just passing along information.

Silmiel of Imladris 01-18-2004 12:13 PM

But if Glorfindel was indeed never put in there than this mystery still needs a name. Hmmmm... how about.... GLORFINDEL!!! We can just pretend it is him, or not, whatever.

Knight of Gondor 01-18-2004 02:58 PM

I don't blame Peter Jackson for not putting some of the extra characters in the films. It may please the extreme fans, but it takes up screen time that isn't <I>really</I> needed, as well as costs money that could very well not be worth it.<P>As for Glorfindal, I think this is one area they could have done better to keep in, but what's done is done. This is the picture he is supposedly in:<P>

HCIsland 01-18-2004 03:42 PM

Just to add one more piece to the confusion, on one of the documentaries packaged with the Extended Fellowship, they are talking about their preproduction sketchwork, including crest designs for various elves. It can be clearly seen that there is a crest labeled Glorfindel.<P>Assuming that the decision to have Arwen meet Aragorn, Frodo and company in the Trollshaws was made very early in production (and I think it was) we can only assume that these designs were being created for a background character.<P>H.C.

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