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King of the North 11-03-2004 07:45 PM

A what if question
Even though it is quite certain that Peter Jackson and the LotR crew will not be making another great film I would like to ask this: hypothetically speaking if they were to make another movie what Tolkien book would you like it to be based on?

I myself would love to see the Silmarillion made as it is my favorite book, but seeing as it is basically the bible of Middle Earth, the movie would have to be more than the usual 3 hours sustained by the LotR films, I believe the Hobbit should be made. It would provide some very useful background information on Bilbo, and get the viewer more in touch with the Elven and Dwarven cultures.

elronds_daughter 11-03-2004 08:29 PM

The Hobbit. Most definitely. Though, the Silmarilion would definitely be interesting to see... :eek: ;) Lost Tales would be good too. Ok, here's a solution: how 'bout they just make ALL Tolkien books into movies!! yeah, not going to happen. But we can wish, can't we? :D

Elianna 11-04-2004 08:24 AM

Mad idea, elronds_daughter, making all the Tolkien books into movies. You know how much fuss we fan made about the movies made now.

I've heard rumors that he is going to make The Hobbit, so other than that:

I think it'd be cool if PJ would do one of the Silmarillion stories that can stand alone. The Lay of Luthien, Of Turin Tumambar, and Hin i Hurin (or however they're spelt). If he tried to do all of Silmarillion, that'd be even more of a headache to make a screenplay than LotR.

Sapphire_Flame 11-04-2004 06:55 PM

<==The Lofty Tree of Gondor
I'd love to see The Hobbit done as a film, just because that's always been a favourite book of mine. But I'd also like to see the Tale of the Children of Hurin done. *nod nod* Could be very lofty if done correctly.

Abedithon le,

~ Saphy ~

Encaitare 11-04-2004 10:01 PM

Aw, come on... no one wants to see Farmer Giles of Ham on the silver screen? :p

How about Leaf by Niggle as one of those random animated children's videos? How intriguing that would be.

Anorien 11-05-2004 04:38 PM

i would actually like to see some of the lost or unfinished tales made into a movie. i haven't read the silmaril yet, but i've heard a lot of great things about it. i thought th war of teh ring was awesome, but they included some of it already in LOTR...they are making the hobbit a movie right? that cartoon version didn't really thrill me.

elronds_daughter 11-05-2004 05:43 PM


they are making the hobbit a movie right? that cartoon version didn't really thrill me.
True. It was a bit disappointing, considering I saw PJ's LotR first, and was expecting something similar. And yes, I believe they will make The Hobbit into a movie, once copyright stuff is cleared up. I don't know all the specifics.

Elianna 11-05-2004 09:55 PM


i would actually like to see some of the lost or unfinished tales made into a movie.

Oo, oo! Yes! They should do Aldarion and Erendis. What a loving tale... :p

Nimrodel_9 11-06-2004 05:56 PM

I would love to see the Silmarillion! But I realize how long it would take. They would probably end up cutting a ton out. :( So I would have to say The Hobbit. Fun fun! :D

Elladan and Elrohir 11-08-2004 10:34 PM

"Narn I Hin Hurin" (The Children of Hurin) would make a TERRIFIC movie except for the obvious point that the ending is thoroughly unhappy. I don't think that would be accepted well at all by moviegoers.

The Lay of Leithian (Beren and Luthien), on the other hand, is absolutely perfect, IMHO. It has drama, romance, fight scenes, awesome villains (my favorites are Celegorm and Curufin), a kick-tail dog (Huan), and a somewhat happy ending (though it would require some explanation).

The Hobbit is almost certain to be made IF the copyright problems can be cleared up. The company that currently owns them won't let New Line have them without a lot of money being paid.

But I'm personally confident that The Hobbit will be made in the near future (next 3-5 years). LOTR was such a blockbuster hit that New Line and PJ know they'll do well with the prequel too.

Tuor of Gondolin 11-19-2004 07:03 PM

One Silmarillion storyline with a generally "happy" ending, and with battle
scenes (an important consideration if PJ does it :D ) would be a fleshed out
tale of Tuor and Idril.

But there are two others that would make very good childrens movies, with
lots of editing and picking and choosing from the books:
1) Roverandom
2) The Father Christmas Letters. The general theme here could be rather
like The Princess Bride, with JRRT writing and/or reading some letters with
his children finding and reading others (like Peter Faulk's grandfather
device in The Princess Bride).

Elven-Maiden 11-19-2004 07:50 PM

Roverandom was a sweet story, I think it could make for a good movie. I really hope they make a live-action version of the Hobbit.

Jaina 12-02-2004 10:01 PM

The hobbit, it would follow, make tons of money, so it would be a yes, and maybe they will, who knows

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