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Naria 07-25-2006 11:41 PM

Ask a stupid question
Well since things are a little slow(for now). I thought of a game for everyone to pass the time. This is a game where you ask a stupid LOTR related question and get a possibly stupider answer back. Okay? Here we go.....

First person: Why did Gollum where a loin cloth?

Second person: Loin cloths?! Why they are all the rage in the cave scene, of course.

I'll start you off! :D

Why didn't Sam and Frodo just get an Eagle to ride to Mordor instead of walking all of that way?

Valier 07-25-2006 11:50 PM

I'll give it a go....:p

Q: Why didn't Sam and Frodo just get an Eagle to ride to Mordor instead of walking all of that way?

A: Because someone convinced them, that walking makes you grow.

If I get this right I go on with the next question?

Why was Boromir, named Boromir?

Glirdan 07-26-2006 07:51 AM

Valier, I think it works like the "Be Careful What You Wish For..." thread. So you give a whacky answer and then give us a whacky question to give a whacky answer and so on so forth.

So here's my whacky answer! :p


Q: Why didn't Sam and Frodo just get an Eagle to ride to Mordor instead of walking all of that way?

A: Because Denethor liked r's. Boromir, Faramir.

Q: Why did the Ents go to war?

Beanamir of Gondor 07-26-2006 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Glirdan
Q: Why did the Ents go to war?

A: To show off their new combat uniforms, of course!

Which credit cards do they accept at the Gap of Rohan ?

Naria 07-26-2006 10:53 AM

Bean, your question has got to be a little more lotr related than that. Only the answer can be that "far out" :D . I think that is what makes this game really funny and fun. It could be a question that you've always wanted to ask or just a silly question, but obviously one isn't going to get the answer that they are looking for. I probably should have named the thread "give a stupid answer" :rolleyes: ahh well.

If you don't mind Bean I'll ask another question.

What do Lembas taste like?(always wondered that one myself)

Valier 07-26-2006 11:01 AM

Q:What do Lembas taste like?(always wondered that one myself)

A: Like Turkey on Rye, of course!;)

Q: Why does Gollum hate/Love the One Ring?

Glirdan 07-26-2006 11:07 AM


Q: Why does Gollum hate/Love the One Ring?
A: Because it had an affair on him with Bilbo! :p

Q: Why did the Istari come to Middle-Earth?

Valier 07-26-2006 11:21 AM

Q: Why did the Istari come to Middle-Earth?

A: Because after some research...they decided that they would much rather be stuck in the Middle with you.

Q:Why are Ents so slow?

Naria 07-26-2006 11:33 AM


Q:Why are Ents so slow?
A: You would be to if you weren't supposed to be walkin' around and had to use your root system for legs :eek:

Q: Why is it that, though elves are so in-tuned with nature, that they have to buy wine of men?

Beanamir of Gondor 07-27-2006 08:54 AM

Okay. I'll give it another go.


Originally Posted by Naria
Q: Why is it that, though elves are so in-tuned with nature, that they have to buy wine of men?

A: Because they lost a drinking contest a long, long time ago...

Q: Why is Gandalf the Grey grey?

mark12_30 07-27-2006 10:01 AM

Because he washed his black clothes with too much bleach.

Why is the Balrog hot?

Glirdan 07-27-2006 02:10 PM


Why is the Balrog hot?
A: Because all the lady Balrog's thought him sexy. :p

Q: Why is Sauron's eye surrounded by fire? ( I have seriously been wondering about this one...)

Valier 07-27-2006 03:22 PM

Q: Why is Sauron's eye surrounded by fire? ( I have seriously been wondering about this one...)

A: Because of all the black smoke and ash The Eye has irritated eye.

Q: What really are the Mearas?

Naria 07-27-2006 03:54 PM


Q: What really are the Mearas?
A: It's ghetto slang for Mirrors :p ...duh!! lol

Q: Why do Ringwraiths have such high pitched screams?

Estelyn Telcontar 07-27-2006 04:07 PM

Q: Why do Ringwraiths have such high pitched screams?

A: You don't want to know, but think of the old-fashioned method of producing countertenor voices. (The Italians called those singers castrati...)

Q: What were the birthday presents Bilbo gave his guests at the long-expected party?

Valier 07-27-2006 04:12 PM

Q: What were the birthday presents Bilbo gave his guests at the long-expected party?

A: Foot hair every last one of them.

Q:why do all the men have long hair?

Kath 07-27-2006 04:49 PM

Q:why do all the men have long hair?

A: Because they're jealous of the girls getting all the attention.

Q: Why does Aragorn never bathe?

Glirdan 07-27-2006 09:02 PM


Q: Why does Aragorn never bathe?
A: Because he thinks it's a waste of his time. :rolleyes:

Q: Why did the Fellowship travel down Anduin?

Questionf for Naria: Do we have to stick to LotR? Or can we ask Sil and Hobbit questions??

Naria 07-27-2006 09:17 PM

Sure! Go for it ladies and gents ;) Have questions coming from where ever just as long as Tolkien spearheaded them. So far so good all...keep up the fun!! :)

Sleepy Ranger 07-28-2006 05:09 AM


Q: Why did the Fellowship travel down Anduin?
A: Because they couldn't travel up Anduin obviously...

Q: How much would Pippin have to eat to explode?

Síredol 07-28-2006 05:19 AM

A:Pippin's stomach is a bottomless pit,so obviously he wouldnt explode. :D

Q:Why are hobbits so short?

Valier 07-28-2006 10:55 AM

Q:Why are hobbits so short?

A: They aren't short....they're vertically challenged.

Q: Why did Saruman switch sides?

Naria 07-28-2006 11:23 AM


Q: Why did Saruman switch sides?
A: Because his side of the bed was too lumpy.

Q: Who was prettier Legolas or Arwen?

Glirdan 07-28-2006 11:35 AM


Q: Who was prettier Legolas or Arwen?
A: Neither!! :p

Q: Why did Morgoth go bad?

JennyHallu 07-28-2006 11:36 AM

A: Legolas.

Q: How do you get an Oliphaunt into a Hobbit Hole?

Naria 07-28-2006 12:33 PM

NOTE: In the circumstance where a xpost happens, the first person to get their post up gets the next question. :)

Boromir88 07-28-2006 12:42 PM

Q: Why did Morgoth go bad?

A: Because Eru gave Manwe a super cool GI Joe action figure, and all Morgoth got was a sissy pink bunny rabbit. And to prove his manliness he went into rebellion.


Q: How do you get an Oliphaunt into a Hobbit Hole?

A: You cross breed it with a chinchilla which makes a miniature oliphaunt-chinchilla hybrid and a very cute pet.


Q: Why did Sauron take the form of an Eye?

Mithalwen 07-28-2006 01:41 PM

Q: Why did Sauron take the form of an Eye?

A Because a glowing red nose had been registered as a trademark by Rudolph T. Reindeer.

Q Why are Nazgul hydrophobic?

The Elf-warrior 07-28-2006 01:56 PM

Q: Why are Nazgul hydrophobic?

A: They were bitten by a rabid warg.

Q: Why was Quickbeam so hasty!

Glirdan 07-28-2006 02:29 PM


Q: Why was Quickbeam so hasty!
A: Because he suffered head trauma when he was younger which made him quick.

Q: Who is Eru?

Kath 07-28-2006 05:24 PM

Q: Who is Eru?

A: No one, the name is a shortening of the popular cry "'Ere, you!"

Q: How old is Gandalf?

The Elf-warrior 07-28-2006 06:25 PM

Q: How old is Gandalf?

A: Not as old as Saruman.

Q: How did the good guys win the battle of the Pellenor Fields in spite of being vastly outnumbered?

Kitanna 07-28-2006 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by The Elf-warrior
Q: How did the good guys win the battle of the Pellenor Fields in spite of being vastly outnumbered?

A: They invented guns just in time.

Q: Why did the Sacksville-Baggins hate Bilbo so much?

Glirdan 07-28-2006 06:38 PM


Q: Why did the Sacksville-Baggins hate Bilbo so much?
A: Because he stole their last rusty spoon. They likes rusty spoons.

Q: Why is Wormtongue named so?

Naria 07-28-2006 07:10 PM


Q: Why is Wormtongue named so?
A: Ummmm because Bob wouldn't have been that great for such a slithering freak like him.

Q: Did Balrogs ever get heartburn?

Boromir88 07-28-2006 08:08 PM

Q: Did Balrogs ever get heartburn?

A: No, they always took their Tums.


Q: Why is Denethor so grumpy?

Kitanna 07-28-2006 10:34 PM

Q: Why is Denethor so grumpy?
A: Because they don't make hula skirts in his size.

Q: How come Radagast was called Radagast the Brown and not Radagast the Maroon?

Nilpaurion Felagund 07-28-2006 10:35 PM

Q: Why is Denethor so grumpy?

A: Because Valium hasn't been invented then yet.


Q: Where do Dwarves go when they die?

Glirdan 07-29-2006 07:38 AM


Q: How come Radagast was called Radagast the Brown and not Radagast the Maroon?
A: Because Brown went along with his eye color.


Q: Where do Dwarves go when they die?

A: The halls of Aule so they can bug him and Yavanna to death.

Q: Why did Saruman bewitch Theoden?

Boromir88 07-29-2006 07:41 AM

Q: Why did Saruman bewitch Theoden?

A: Because Saruman wanted Theoden's horde of Raisin Bran.


Q: Why did Galadriel ever marry Celeborn?

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