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Aralaithiel 02-27-2003 08:23 PM

What music would Tolkien races play & or listen to
OK...I did a quick search of past topics & if this has been posted/discussed before, please accept my most humble apologies.

OK, what kind of music would the races of Arda play and or listen to. I'll give some examples.

Dwarves: BAGPIPES!
Elves: Harps, flutes, and lutes - Renaissance type court music
Hobbits: Fiddles!

[ February 27, 2003: Message edited by: Aralaithiel ]

Alphaelin 02-28-2003 03:30 AM

The hobbits love bluegrass and have a lively folk music scene in the Shire. There's a big folk festival each year, accompanied (of course) by constant eating, drinking and leaf-smoking.

The leaf-smokers have their own small but active subculture of acid rock bands. (Another reason why the Nazgul were so eager to get to the Shire: They love acid rock & heavy metal, especially AC/DC's 'Back in Black'.)

The Rohirrim are mostly fans of country/western. Eowyn has all the Dixie Chicks CDs.

I think Dwarves actually prefer opera, along with The Stone Flower ballet score.

The Elves enjoy Celtic music though, and I think Galadriel tried to learn how to play the bagpipes once. She gave it up when she realized how unattractively her cheeks puffed out while playing them. Legolas, however, prefers Top 40. Elrond shares a fondness for Sinatra with Denethor of Gondor.

Denethor aside, Gondorians most enjoy marching bands. They sponsor a huge band contest every year on Pelennor Field, and are very proud of their own Lords of the West Marching Band and Pom Pom Squad.

Morai 02-28-2003 05:59 PM

Hobbits enjoy a variety of Irish folk dancing, especially river dancing. Bilbo, being a bit different, listens to Pop and Hip Hop. Frodo listens to Hip Hop also.

Elves like ballet and istrumental songs in a minor key. Galadriel recently opened her own ballet accademy.

The Istari happen to be Techno inthusiasts. Gandalf often has light shows to accompany his musical performance.

Gondorians enjoy hard rock. A favorite of theirs is Boom, by P.O.D.

Arafangwen 04-14-2003 04:59 PM

That bit about Galadriel opening a ballet academy is hilarious!

I think the elves would listen to classical.

The hobbits would listen to a odd mix of country, bluegrass, and Elvis type stuff.

And the Gondorians would listen to heavy metal and rap.(or just wierd music in general)

Sillabub 04-14-2003 09:04 PM


Maylin 04-14-2003 09:16 PM

Hobbits- Irishish stuff, but for some reson I can also see rock
Elves- anything instremental
Nazgul-one word: BACH! ( the creepy stuff, not the light tunes)

steve 04-14-2003 09:26 PM

Hobbits would listen to, was was said, irish upbeat music

gondorians would listen to marching band/jazz music, since they seem to like horns alot

dwarves would listen to opera

elves would listen to classical with choral accompliment

orcs would listen to drum and bass music

Sapphire_Flame 04-14-2003 10:08 PM

In general, the Rohirrim would listen to country. Theoden, however, is a rabid Dean Martin fan, but he keeps it quiet. Eomer's battle cry is the Bonanza theme.

Elrond, much to the embarrassment of Arwen, Elladan, and Elrohir, is a closet Elvis freak. He has all the records and movies. The rest of Elven aristocracy listens to Enya and the like, while the lower class is into Broadway showtunes.

Shelob has a bass, minor-key version of Itsy-Bitsy Spider blasting perpetually through her lair. This occasionally causes cave-ins.

Gollum is a huge Weird Al fan. No surprises there!

At Minas Morgul they have heavy metal, head-banger music pumping out through a speaker in the rotating turret.

Mirabella 04-14-2003 10:18 PM

Okay, you all got it wrong. My friend Val told me this, and she would know:

The Dwarvs listen to Hard Rock & Heavy Metle, especialy Metallica. Duh!!!!

tifo_gcs 04-15-2003 03:29 AM


The hobbits love bluegrass and have a lively folk music scene in the Shire. There's a big folk festival each year, accompanied (of course) by constant eating, drinking and leaf-smoking.
Argh!!!! I'm tearing out the beard I don't have at the thought of those joyous hobbits listening to Ralph Stanley crooning out Man of Constant Sorrow [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] Bluegrass... very doubtful; banjo, yes definitely [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Folk... of course they love it, they are, after all, the little folk (ouch! what a lame pun [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] )

Tinuviel the Nightingale 04-15-2003 05:49 AM

Yes I can imagine the Hobbits doing a merry irish jig (springle ringle anyone?)
but I cringe whenever I see Frodo do that weird chicken dance thing.

Pennthangeil 04-15-2003 05:50 AM

I think that Elrond is into frestyle rap. While his children are busy *jammin* to Enya hes writing his new thing for the street competition.

tHink 8mile

Daewen 04-18-2003 01:38 PM

I think the Dwarves listen to heavy metal and punk rock, the Hobbit's listen to bluegrass, country, and Irish dance music, and the Elves like Celtic music, opera, and classical.

Helkahothion 04-18-2003 02:01 PM

Say whatever you want, but the dwarves listen to Hardrock and the Orc's listen to Death metal The hobbits would listen to punkrock and the elves would listen to classical music.

Niluial 04-19-2003 08:44 AM

I would say they listen to Irish music, river dance! Just not bagpipes (eeek hates that word). Ok that sounds stupid but anyway thats what I think ..... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Anything but Arwen 04-19-2003 09:55 AM

Y'know, I can just see the Ents moshpitting and headbanging to Nirvana or similar...

Morai 04-19-2003 12:25 PM

For some reason I've recently had a picture in my head of Hobbits doing disco. Maybe it's the big curly hair....

I can see Gollum doing 80's robot dancing. Okay...I think I should stop eating ice cream for breafast.

Vuelve 04-19-2003 12:41 PM

What?? I can't believe it. Fellow BDer's you have over looked the obvious.

Hobbits: Hard core rappers. *duh* Frodo, Sam, Merry, & Pippin have formed their own group and are currently on tour with Nelly & The St. Lunatics. In the words of the Gaffer "They is off tha heezy fo sheezy fo sho"

(reality check)****I don't know why but this has always been a mental image of mine.****

*Bling*Bling* [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Senseless Skwerl 04-19-2003 05:52 PM

hahaha! this is an interesting topic...
and when i read it, i immediatly thought of dwarves listenning to: ZZ TOP!!!!! haha [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] they just look alike, the members of that band and dwarves... find a picture of that band, and you'll see! i think that hobbits would listen to great big sea and moxy fruvuos, what other bands sing about drinking?? (moxy fuvous actually has a song called: the drinking song!)

Helkahothion 04-19-2003 06:19 PM

I have an Image of Legolas as the disco king from saturday night fever. I don't know if you have ever seen it. But it reminded me of this topic. Or the other way arround. Anyway:

To the wave for legolas, the disco king.

Annalaliath 04-19-2003 08:08 PM

For som reason i seee Legolas, andmay other elves of his generatio listening to Pink Floyd. Arwen and a few others would listen to Enya(she be coo) and other famle artists like EdieBrinkel and the New Bohemians.... But the Hobbit would be definatly be listening to musiv\c like Melonie and John Dinver.

Happy Reserreaction day...

Sapphire_Flame 04-21-2003 09:44 AM


For some reason I see Legolas, and many other elves of his generation, listening to Pink Floyd.
[img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Yes!! Pink Floyd rules! [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

balrogman 04-21-2003 03:25 PM

dwarves: heavy metal, some slipknot and korn so they can headbang!
elves:some gangsta rap, mostly 2pac and some NWA, except legolas, who cant get enough of nsync
hobbits:techno, some moby maybe
rohorrim:some garth brooks, especially songs about rodeos
gondorians:they are hardcore punk, listenin to some AFI and NOFX
gandalf:he listens to some Wu-Tang, a little of NWA, and his favorite of all time is "pimp juice" by nelly

Horse-Maiden of the Shire 04-21-2003 07:02 PM

Yesterday was National Pot Day. Did YOU smoke up? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

I see Gandalf listening to rock. Gob, Blink-182-, Good Charlotte, Aerosmith. Can't you just see him using his staff as a fake guitar? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Sapphire_Flame 04-22-2003 12:40 PM


Can't you just see him using his staff as a fake guitar?
YES!!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

skadork 04-24-2003 07:26 PM

Well, gee, here's my brainstorming, which may only prove nothin more than the fact that I am the last person on earth to eat chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast!
Dwarves: opera or maybe rogers & hammerstein, I suppose
I'm conviced that hobbits should listen to swing music!
& I just can't get this image out of my head of the ringwraiths dancing to any boy-band song...>oog.boy-bands..ugh.< [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Sapphire_Flame 04-25-2003 09:55 AM


I just can't get this image out of my head of the ringwraiths dancing to any boy-band song...
You haven't read Stupid Ring Parody by any chance, have you, skadork? That's what they listen to in there...

Elohor, ruler of Old Pukal Lands 04-25-2003 11:41 PM

Sauron/Morgoth: 'Iron Man' by Black Sabbath. Or maybe 'Black Sabbath' by Black, that would be someone facing the Witck-king or Sauron or Morgoth...

Evisse the Blue 08-05-2004 08:01 AM

nice topic!
I think it's clear by now that the Gondorians are all into Disco music, and this is why the title 'the Disco king' was borne by every Steward's first born. :D
The hobbits are all into traditional stuff, like it's been said by almost everyone, they like easy-going tunes with nonsensical lyrics.
The Rohirrim i see them listening to goth or metal. Yes, they are that cool.
The Ringwraiths and Sauron listen to girl and boy bands(brilliant idea whoever thought of this :D ).
The Elves are all for classical music, especially Mozart, Rachmaninov...the 'lower' Elves go for musicals and operettas.

Morsul the Dark 08-05-2004 08:53 AM

Elves- all the boy bands



Balrogs-Hard rock

Eomer of the Rohirrim 08-05-2004 09:43 AM

Eru listens to Andrew WK. No wait, Eru is Andrew WK!

Kransha 08-05-2004 12:25 PM

Saruman would have a rap band established in Eriador called the 'Cock-o-whoops', with their hit ruffian single, 'Swagger It.' I can actually envision that, as scary as it is. The Hobbits would simply be jazz fanatics. Really jazzy jazz, that is. They seem like wild, brightly colored individuals (I mean that figuratively, of course). Maybe swing of some sort, or a bizarre variety of Swazz...or Jing...Swazz & Jing, it's the new thing! Elves, a lighter, gentler musical association. Probably Hadyn or Bach, some subtle classical music, or maybe choral pieces. I dunno. Orcs are the heavy/death/pain/hard/non-ergonomic metal music, without a doubt. That's why they've got all those bloody piercings, dontcha know. And, dubiously, the Dwarves would be bagpipers. Operatic music, choral music, and those old fashioned ballads (menstrelian) would be very popular among all Middle-Earth's people.

Of course, everyone knows that the Ainu are actually a Blues Band. I think they were 'The Illuvatar Experience' or something. I have a very clear picture of Eru blowing a pitch pipe, followed soon after by a giant golden saxaphone, accompanied the bass melodies of Mandos the Moody and the sultry soprano of Nienna. Manwe on percussion, obviously, and Melkor as a brooding background singer.

And, finally, all orcs on Middle-Earth are in a single, all-encompassing band. Thus, an Orc-chestra. That's Grishnakh on the harp, Ugluk on drums, Lagduf on flute/reed instruments, Shagrat on strings, and Radbug on the ol' pianer.

Saraphim 08-14-2004 08:51 PM

What's all this about elves liking classical music? I don't believe a word of it!

The one thing Feanor and Fingolfin agreed upon was music. They were the punk-rocker types! The House of Finwe was always blaring with guitar solos and wailing lyrics, much to the chagrin of Finrod, who was more of a soft rock fan.

Of course, in order to gear himself up for the fight of his life, Fingolfin listened to some Tool on the ride over to Angband.

Encaitare 08-15-2004 04:39 PM


Elrond, much to the embarrassment of Arwen, Elladan, and Elrohir, is a closet Elvis freak. He has all the records and movies.
:D You know it, Sapphire! Wow, I can even see that... ::smacks forehead to clear away strange image::

Celeborn is a huge Nine Inch Nails fan; he tries to seduce Galadriel by blasting "Closer" through Lothlorien, but she's always too busy playing with her magic mirror or polishing Nenya to realize it.

Minas Morgul is where the hardcore deathmetal shows are. Nothing pleases the Witch-king more than long-haired tattooed dudes singing about destruction.

The younger hobbits are naturally all "ghetto-fabulous," as my friend Stacey likes to say. Their elders just shake their heads at the blinged-out tweens and listen to the oldies station. Gandalf secretly has a love for the rap genre too, though, and that's wyy he and Saruman had that big dance-off ;)

Cirdan the Shipwright loves the Beach Boys, as does Ulmo. And I'm gonna stop now... this is a great thread! :D

Saraphim 08-15-2004 09:48 PM


Celeborn is a huge Nine Inch Nails fan; he tries to seduce Galadriel by blasting "Closer" through Lothlorien, but she's always too busy playing with her magic mirror or polishing Nenya to realize it.
:D "Closer"? No, Galadriel would figure it out if he started playing "Sanctified". Silly Celeborn.

Evisse the Blue 08-16-2004 05:56 AM


Cirdan the Shipwright loves the Beach Boys, as does Ulmo.
But of course, it makes sense! :D Ulmo probably initiated all the Teleri into the love of Beach Boys and surfing. I can imagine Cirdan dusting his old surfboard while singing 'Surfing Middle Earth' - I imagine he'd venture far into the Great Sea to catch the big waves. He looked forward for so long to leaving ME because he remembered the wicked surfing experiences he had on the shores of Valinor.

Morgoth's Apprentice 05-19-2008 11:40 PM

OK I can just see Morgoth and Sauron jamming to I am Ghost or something along those lines. The Elves, I think, are classical or opera fans (but some of them have secret obsessions with rap). The Rohirrim are mostly country or rock fans, and Gondor is obsessed with battle songs or disco. Hobbits..definitely Irish type music. I'm loving this thread.

Off topic but my cousin and I created a music of the ainur, complete with discord. We definitely used modern music. It is siiick!!!!

TheGreatElvenWarrior 05-25-2008 12:14 AM

Hobbits would so listen to some good ol' country music, bluegrass, and some celtic music...

Elves... prolly classical

Gondorians listen to heavy metal and hard rock... Denethor listens (or listened) to opera

Eomer of the Rohirrim 05-25-2008 04:47 AM

Hobbits: Folk Metal. They love their riffage spliced with fiddles and accordions, and lyrical content about simple living, food and ale.

Elves: Death Metal. They're pre-occupied with the fading of the world and all such bleak matters. Fast or slow, this genre suits them perfectly.

Rohirrim: what we call Viking Metal. Though specific characters in the subject matter may have to be altered somewhat, the basic feeling of riding forth to battle and revelling in the slaughter suits Rohan well.

Gondorians: Progressive Metal. Cleverer, more intricate and thoughtful than other types, such inventive music would be greatly admired in Gondor.

Ents: Drone Metal. Because they have patience, they will be happy to go for hours at a time without a single guitar riff.

Orcs: Deathgrind. Painfully fast and loud, lyrical content appeases their bloodlust. Gets them into a frenzy before war.

Valinor: Thrash Metal. Because it's always party time in Valinor.

Trolls: Troll Metal. Of course.

Istari: Black Metal. Because they have reached the heights of music. :cool:

Groin Redbeard 05-25-2008 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by TheGreatElvenWarrior (Post 556332)
Denethor listens (or listened) to opera

I can almost picture Denethor sitting alone in his chambers feeling depressed and dazed while a fat lady screeches opra notes into his ears!:D Poor Denethor.

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