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piosenniel 01-09-2004 12:00 PM

A - Z of Middle-earth (#3)
The former thread had reached 10 pages, a cut-off point suggested by the Barrow Wight.
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For this trivia game, we start with 'A' and try and work through the alphabet as many times as possible using words from Middle-earth and then describing them.
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CATEGORY: Quotes from The Return of the King

Please cite the Chapter and give a small description of the context.



"And there stood Meriadoc the hobbit in the midst of the slain, blinking like an owl in the daylight, for tears blinded him; and through a mist he looked on Eowyn's fair head, as she lay and did not move; and he looked on the face of the king, fallen in the midst of his glory."

- The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Merry - just after he and Eowyn dispatch the foul dwimmerlaik, lord of carrion, the Black Rider, Lord of the Nazgul.

Elrond of Rivendell 01-09-2004 12:12 PM

'But,' said Sam, and tears started in his eyes, 'I thought you were going to enjoy the Shire, too, for years and years, after all you have done.'
Book 6 - Chapter IX - The Grey Havens.
Sam has just learned from Frodo that he will leave Middle-Earth together with the other Ringbearers.

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 1:12 PM January 09, 2004: Message edited by: Elrond of Rivendell ]

piosenniel 01-11-2004 09:50 PM

~*~ C ~*~


'Comfort me not with wizards!' said Denethor. 'The fool's hope has failed. The Enemy has found it, and now his power waxes; he sees our very thoughts, and all we do is ruinous.'
-- The Siege of Gondor - RotK

~ Denethor to Pippin, who has suggested Denethor consult Gandalf about Faramir's grave wounds and fever.

Elrond of Rivendell 01-12-2004 05:27 AM


'Dark way, doubtless,' said Gimli, 'but no darker than these staves are to me.'

The passing of the Grey Company.

Aragorn has just quoted the words of Malbeth the Seer concerning the Paths of the Dead, and Gimli expresses his opinion about those.

piosenniel 01-13-2004 02:46 AM



Ever your desire is to appear lordly and generous as a king of old, gracious, gentle. That may well befit one of high race, if he sits in power and peace. But in desperate hours gentleness may be repaid with death.
-- The Siege of Gondor – RotK

~ Denethor to Faramir, just prior to him telling his son he wishes he had died in place of Boromir

Eruanna 01-14-2004 08:37 AM


" For the words of one whom my son so befriended will be welcome indeed."
Denethor to Pippin as they speak of Boromir in Minas Tirith - RotK

Elrond of Rivendell 01-14-2004 09:10 AM


'Go!' said Aragorn. 'But keep what honour you may, and do not run! And there is a task which you may attempt and so be not wholly shamed. Take your way south-west till you come to Cair Andros, and if that is still held by enemies, as I think, then re-take it, if you can; and hold it to the last in defence of Gondor and Rohan!'

The Black Gate opens - The hosts of Gondor and Rohan are approaching the Black Gate and Aragorn sees the fear in the eyes of some young men from Rohan, the Westfold or Lossarnach. He shows mercy and pity and gives them another task within their measure to prove their valours.

Mariska Greenleaf 01-14-2004 09:30 AM



Hail, Lord and Steward of Minas Tirith, Denethor son of Ecthelion! I am come with counsel and tidings in this dark hour.
Gandalf greeting Denethor.

piosenniel 01-14-2004 10:26 AM



It was after nightfall when, wet and tired, the travelers came at last to the Brandywine, and they found the way barred.
-- The Scouring of the Shire – RotK

Sam, Frodo, Merry, and Pippin attempting to return to the Shire.

Mariska Greenleaf 01-14-2004 10:38 AM



Just the time for a nice breakfast by the open window in spring sunshine. And how I should like breakfast!
Pippin talking to himself, shortly after he arrived in Minas Tirith with Gandalf.
Still the first chapter.

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-14-2004 11:48 AM



"Kill him, if you think there are enough of you, my brave hobbits!... But do not think that when I lost all my goods I lost all my power! Whoever strikes me shall be accursed. And if my blood stains the Shire, it shall wither and never again be healed."


And Mariska... My definition of a cynic: A cynic is someone who - when smelling flowers - wonders when he'll be disturbed. Cynics don't look for trouble, we just know it's there.

Elrond of Rivendell 01-14-2004 12:58 PM


'Look here, Cock-robin!' said Sam. 'You're Hobbiton-bred and ought to have more sense, coming a-waylaying Mr. Frodo and all. And what's all this about the inn being closed?'

The scouring of the Shire - The Hobbits have been met by the Shirriffs and Sam recognizes Robin Smallburrow. The most important question for Sam is (of course [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]) why the inn has been closed.

Eruanna 01-14-2004 02:13 PM



"Master!" cried Sam, and fell upon his knees. In all that ruin of the world for the moment he felt only joy, great joy. The burden was gone. His master had been saved; he was himself again, he was free. And then Sam caught sight of the maimed and bleeding hand."
From Mount Doom RotK

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 3:16 PM January 14, 2004: Message edited by: Eruanna ]

inglorion 01-14-2004 03:58 PM

'Now is the hour come, Riders of the Mark, sons of Eorl! Foes and fire are before you, and your homes far behind. Yet, though you fight upon an alien field, the glory that you reap there shall be your own forever. Oaths ye have taken: now fulfil them all, to lord and land and league of friendship!'

- Theoden's call to battle in The ride of the Rohirrim.

Elrond of Rivendell 01-14-2004 04:03 PM


'Of course we can't read the notice in the dark,' Sam shouted back. 'Ad if hobbits of the Shire are to be kept out in the wet on a night like this, I'll tear down your notice when I find it.'

The scouring of the Shire - The hobbits and especially Sam have just learned that new laws do not allow them to enter between sundown and sunrise. They begin to understand that the Shire has somehow changed.

piosenniel 01-14-2004 06:15 PM



Precious, precious, precious!’ Gollum cried. ‘My Precious! O my Precious!’ And with that, even as his eyes were lifted up to gloat on his prize, he stepped too far, toppled, wavered for a moment on the brink, and then with a shriek he fell.
-- Mount Doom – RotK

Gollum’s bye-bye fall into the fires.

Erundil 01-15-2004 01:45 PM


'"Quite capable," said Saruman, "and more than a little. You made me laugh, you hobbit-lordlings, riding along with all those great people, so secure and so pleased with your little selves. You thought you had done very well out of it all, and could now just amble back and have a nice quiet time in the country. Saruman's home could be all wrecked, and he could be turned out, but no one could touch yours. Oh no! Gandalf would look after your affairs."'

Book VI, Chapter VIII, "The Scouring of the Shire", Saruman, just after Frodo and Company find Bag End in a shambles.

Elrond of Rivendell 01-15-2004 01:53 PM


'Raise the Shire!' said Merry. 'Now! Wake all our people! They hate all this, you can see: all of them expect perhaps one or two rascals, and a few fools that want to be important, but don't at all understand waht is really going on. But Shire-Folk have been so comfortable so long they don't know what to do. They just want a match, though, and they'll go up in fire. The Chief's Men must know that. They'll try to stamp on us and put us out quick. We've only got a very short time.'

The Scouring of the Shire - The Hobbits are planning to get rid of the Chief and his Shirriffs.

Eruanna 01-15-2004 03:09 PM



"Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate;
And though I oft have passed them by,
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun."
The Grey Havens~ RotK
Frodo's walking song as he makes his last journey with Sam.

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 4:11 PM January 15, 2004: Message edited by: Eruanna ]

piosenniel 01-15-2004 08:55 PM



There were three unions of the Eldar and the Edain: Luthien and Beren; Idril and Tuor; Arwen and Aragorn. By the last the long sundered branches of the Half-elven were reunited and their line was restored.
-- Appendix A; The Numenorean Kings --- RotK appendices

From the discussion on Numenor

Erundil 01-15-2004 10:42 PM

Can we start a quote after a partial stop (aka, commas, semicolons, and colons)? Because if we can, here's one for U:

"...Until at last on a night of rain Frodo smelled a sweet fragrance on the air and heard the sound of singing that came over the water. And then it seemed to him that as in his dream in the house of Bombadil, the grey rain-curtain turned all to silver glass and was rolled back, and he beheld white shores and beyond them a far green country under a swift sunrise."

Book VI, Chapter IX, "The Grey Havens".
Frodo's first glimpse of Elvenhome.

Eruanna 01-16-2004 04:37 PM



"Verily this is a sapling of the line of Nimloth the fair; and that was a seedling of Galathilion, and that a fruit of Telperion of many names, Eldest of Trees. Who shall say how it comes here in the appointed hour? But this is an ancient hallow, and ere the kings failed or the Tree withered in the court, a fruit must have been set here. For it is said that, though the fruit of the Tree comes seldom to ripeness, yet the life within may then lie sleeping through many long years, and none can foretell the time in which it will awake. Remember this. For if ever a fruit ripens, it should be planted, lest the line die out of the world. Here it has lain hidden on the mountain, even as the race of Elendil lay hidden in the wastes of the North. Yet the line of Nimloth is older far than your line, King Elessar."
from The Steward and the King RotK

Gandalf gives Aragorn some pertinent advice.

Elrond of Rivendell 01-16-2004 05:31 PM

'Worm! Worm!' Saruman called; and out of a nearby hut came Wormtongue, crawling, almost like a dog. 'To the road again, Worm!' said Saruman. 'These fine fellows and lordlings are turning adrift again. Come along!'

The Scouring of the Shire - Saruman seems to admit his defeat before Frodo, but he still has one trick left, a hidden knife. His autority over Grima Wormtongue will soon completely is fading quickly.

piosenniel 01-17-2004 02:11 AM


This is a stretch:

From the paperback edition published by Ballantine Books, 2001 edition: on page iv (the one just before the title page for RotK) –

X. Morgoth’s Ring
XI. The War of the Jewels
XII. The People’s of Middle-earth

~~ titles of Last 3 volumes in The History of Middle-earth

Elrond of Rivendell 01-17-2004 05:29 AM

'You think, as is your wont, my lord, of Gondor only,' said Gandalf. 'Yet there are other men and other lives, and time still to be. And for me, I pity even his slaves.'

The Siege of Gondor - Gandalf and Denethor have different points of views concerning Frodo's quest.

piosenniel 01-17-2004 12:11 PM

Again – another stretch (or I could have featured 'Na"z"gul' from the actual storyline.




23 Gandalf pursues the Balrog to the peak of "Z"irakzigil.[/b]

Would anyone like to start another theme for A – Z? [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Eruanna 01-17-2004 05:43 PM

How about an A to Z of things pertaining to "The Hobbit"?

For the month of April 1341, by the Shire calendar, when Bilbo set out, to his own lasting astonishment, on his quest of great treasure. With him went Gandalf the Grey and thirteen dwarves.

Arestevana 01-17-2004 07:14 PM

B for Bilbo Baggins. THE hobbit. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Arvedui III 01-17-2004 10:00 PM

C for Cram, the waybread of Dale.

Kaiserin 01-18-2004 02:13 AM

D for Dale, a city of men found south of the Lonely Mountain.

NightKnight 01-18-2004 04:49 AM

E for Erebor, the destination of their journey.

Elrond of Rivendell 01-18-2004 05:18 AM

F for Fili, one of Thorin's company.

Heni 01-18-2004 07:44 AM

G for Gollum - No explination needed? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Erundil 01-18-2004 11:50 AM

H is for Hobbits. Need I say more?

Arestevana 01-18-2004 12:34 PM

I is for the Iron Hills, whence came Dain to the battle of five armies.

piosenniel 01-19-2004 01:36 PM



that formed the glittering coating for Smaug's vulnerable underside.

Arvedui III 01-19-2004 02:23 PM

K for Kili, another of Thorin's company.

Eruanna 01-19-2004 02:33 PM


Kili, nephew of Thorin Oakenshield, who went with Bilbo Baggins on his quest to defeat Smaug. Kili, his brother Fili and their uncle, Thorin were killed at the Battle of Dale.

edited to add that great minds think alike eh, Arvedui? [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 3:34 PM January 19, 2004: Message edited by: Eruanna ]

Elrond of Rivendell 01-19-2004 03:10 PM

Lonely Mountain - ever haunting Thorin's dreams before his great quest.

Arvedui III 01-19-2004 06:21 PM

M is for Mirkwood, where the company meets with spiders and elves and barrels, oh my!

Edit: Indeed we do, Eruanna, indeed we do. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 7:22 PM January 19, 2004: Message edited by: Arvedui III ]

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