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Nilpaurion Felagund 08-03-2005 08:59 PM

How do you imagine other BDers . . . speak
No, you are not seeing double.

We've been guessing how other wights look like. We may have even seen some of their pics. But how about their voices? How do they sound like in your head when you read their posts?

For me, our beloved Estelyn Telcontar has her voice provided by Cameron Diaz.

mormegil always goes "Ook! Ook! Eek!" in my head.

The Chief Wight and Hookbill the Goomba has the same deep voice inside my head. Weird.

Kath has two voices.

Eomer of the Rohirrim does not really speak. He communicates telepathically. Or, you read what's in his thought bubble.

Keeper of Dol Guldur goes around scaring people with his Nazgûian hiss.

And Lhunadë, now, she has a strange voice. It is like the voice of and old woman trying desperately to sound like a teenage one. :p

Those are how some of the Downers sound in my head. How about in yours?

Formendacil 08-03-2005 11:42 PM

Well, as a natural result of the fact that it is my head that must provide the voices, they all tend to sound the same...

However, that doesn't mean that there isn't some variation. To my mind, there are different "groupings" of voices- possibly (but by no means investigatively) because of their writing styles.

Eomer of the Rohirrim and The Saucepan Man are, oddly enough, in the same group- with the Phantom. These gentlemen have good speaking voices- very clear, masculine but not overly deep, and with a wide range of wit.

Lhunardawen, to add to my already strange perception of her, has a rather deep voice for a lady, rather Galadriel-esque in that matter. She doesn't speak too loudly- except maybe to Nilp.

Fordhim, Davem, Bethberry, Mark/Helen- all heavyweights of the great debate-ory threads have rather identical, rather clipped, non gender specific voices- at least in Books. Outside of there, Fordhim and Davem rather resemble the Eomer/Sauceman/Phantom voice.

Alatar and Mormegil have been singled out as having the most distinctive "American" accents.

Lalwende speaks in cultured, slightly eccentric, British tones. A female Bilbo, if you will.

Lhunardawen 08-04-2005 12:10 AM

Haha, Nilp. That was so funny. :rolleyes:

Eomer of the Rohirrim - although he says not so and, having already seen his pic and decided that it cannot be, still has a deep, mellow voice in my head. Argh! I can't replace that voice of him in my mind, no matter how hard I try.

mark12_30 and Lalwende have that distinct upbeat voice that seems to be always coupled with laughter. When serious, the voice resembles that of a kindly old preschool teacher.

Mithalwen sounds a little like Galadriel to me.

Formendacil has a voice too serious for his age.

HerenIstarion has a warm, soothing voice. Beats me why.

And that Nilpaurion Felagund guy...he has a screechy old man voice. :p

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-04-2005 08:46 AM

What an interesting idea.

Keeper... I have to admit that his voice sounds just like it is. Like a whiny little girl. ;) Just kiddin' big brother. He's actually got the mellow sort of voice (soft, well-spoken, medium-deep) that girls go crazy over. Except for when he hard-core screams, in which case, Nilp's dead on target with the Nazgul thing.

I imagine that Heren has the same sort of voice.

Eomer is, of course, Scottish. But since the only actual Scot I've heard up close and personal is a middle-aged female, it means that Eomer's voice had to be drawn from television, so on some days, he sounds vaguely like Sean Connery, and on others, he sounds more like Scotty from Star Trek.

Saucie says "aluminium".

Bethberry has the sort of calm and nice voice that could calm a frantic horse. Yes, that's a compliment. Frantic horses are nuts.

Thenamir doesn't talk so much as he booms. Anybody know Lord Beliquose from The Woad to Wuin? His speech (yes, his indoor voice) IS A LOT MORE LIKE THIS.

Kuru is John Rhys-Davies.

Sharku is Christopher Lee.

Everyone else (generally) is a pretty close rendition of my own voice.

CaptainofDespair 08-04-2005 09:00 AM

Indeed, an interesting idea.

Well, strange as it is, I imagine all of you sounding like Oompah Loompahs. However, B-W sounds like Willy Wonka, Gene Wilder style. :D

Though, Durelin is different. I will say she has a soft, pretty voice. Feminine, yet not high pitched like chalk screeching on a chalkboard. :)

Beleg Cuthalion 08-04-2005 09:10 AM

Wow! These imagine threads just don't stop coming do they. Unfortunately I have no thought what anyone here would sound like.

Kath 08-04-2005 10:35 AM


Saucie says "aluminium".
As should everyone - seriously!

Nilp - you have to take into account his alter-egos. So while he sounds reasonably normal Adam sounds like my old teacher because he puts Nilp down all the time and Alice, well Alice has quite a low and melodic voice to me.

Eomer - has never actually sounded Scottish though I've always known he is. He just always sounds like he's laughing.

TGWBS - sounds rather excitable and sometimes a little like Gollum.

mormegil 08-04-2005 10:39 AM

I imagine Guinevere is very soft spoken and has a distinct swedish accent. Her voice is very feminine to me.

Eomer All I can say is that I'm glad we communicate through text otherwise I picture your scottish accent so thick that I may have some difficulty understanding it. Mind you not as thick as some Irish accents get but difficult nevertheless.

Feanor is exhausting to listen to. She speaks so fast and with such energy you need to take a break after a 10 minute conversation with her.

others will be coming

Eomer of the Rohirrim 08-04-2005 10:47 AM

Fascinating idea, Nilp
I had been thinking about this recently. I was reading a post by Feanor of the Peredhil and suddenly realised that I have absolutely no clue as to how she might sound. And that is the same for pretty much everyone here. I'm sorry for the boring post but you're all mute in my head. Well, except Fea who can, at the very least, scream rather loudly.

As to my own voice, I can change accents at the drop of a hat. I often confuse market researchers and magazine sellers by adopting a foreign accent, usually Italian or Spanish. So Lhuna, if I ever meet you I'll have the 'deep and mellow' turned on. ;)

And will then terrify you by going high and screechy. :D

Durelin 08-04-2005 11:42 AM

Gil-galad sounds like Gir...

the phantom sounds like Zim...

Fordim sounds like an over-dramatic B-list Shakespearean actor when he's hyper...which is often... (yes, who knew there was a list...)

CaptainofDespair has a deep, sexy voice that often sounds like he's on the verge of entering into a fit of maniacal laughter...

Kitanna 08-04-2005 11:55 AM

Eomer has always and will always sound like Groundskeeper Willie in my head.

Gil-Galad sounds like my friend Tom. Often laughing but often times sounding like he's going through puberty nonstop.

Nimrodel_9 08-04-2005 12:02 PM

Most of you people don't have a voice. :p

Phantom has a sexy, but arrogant sounding voice.
Gil-Galad sounds a lot like Phantom.
Oddwen has a hyper, but pretty voice.
BW sounds like Arnold Shwarzenager (Just kidding, I don't think he has a voice.) ;)
Eomer and SpM have the same, kind voice, but Eomer has a Scottish accent, of course.
Mark12_30 has a deep voice, very much like my brother's.
Lhunardawen, Kitanna ,and Feanor all have soft, very feminine voices.

I could go on, but I think I'll stop now. I hope I didn't offend. :)

Morai 08-04-2005 12:23 PM

Random Titles sound like....
The only person on this forum who doesn't sound like a book comentator to me at the moment is The Barrow Wight himself. He has a rather booming/loud voice. The kind that makes me jump every time I hear it.

Morsul the Dark 08-04-2005 03:19 PM

The Barrow wight sounds like gandalf

Hookbill sorry you sound like luigi from mario :p

Enca To go along with her fair looks has liv tyler's voice

H-Iwould be Aragorn

Gil-Galad(in light of our sparring ways sounds like the mouth of Sauron from the bbc radio version of LOTR ;)

Edit: and to be so bold how do i sound to everyone? :rolleyes:

mark12_30 08-04-2005 03:30 PM

Mister Underhill has a very quiet voice that echoes like a whisper in an auditorium, or footsteps in an empty hall.
davem sounds professorish to me.
Bethberry has a clear, cold, golden and melodic voice that flows downhill like molten gold. That shouldn't surprise anybody.
Saucie has a voice like clattering pans. Well, what did you expect?
Fordie yaps like a pug. Well, what did you expect?
Phantom has a cold, foggy, errie voice, rather like a Mewlip.
Esty has a lilting mezzo-soprano voice, strong, clear, and very pleasant.
H-I would have once sounded like five raspy old wizards. However, now he definitely sounds like... (...avast...??)... a pirate.
C7A has a matronly hobbit-lady voice.
Nurumaiel sounds like Nimrodel: a voice of falling silver, as enchanting as the stream that bears her name.

mark12_30 08-04-2005 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark
Edit: and to be so bold how do i sound to everyone? :rolleyes:

Morsul the Dark sounds like a Chocolate Chip.

Come on, they must make SOME kind of noise.

Kitanna 08-04-2005 10:33 PM

The Barrow Wight sounds like James Earl Jones.

Lhunardawen 08-05-2005 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer
So Lhuna, if I ever meet you I'll have the 'deep and mellow' turned on. ;)

Why, thank you!


And will then terrify you by going high and screechy. :D
Which, I would suppose, is the sound of your real voice. :p

Eomer of the Rohirrim 08-05-2005 06:41 AM

But what is a 'real voice'? Do we not talk differently to different people?

CaptainofDespair 08-05-2005 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
But what is a 'real voice'? Do we not talk differently to different people?

I suppose the real voice would be the signature sound wavelengths that make each individual's voice unique to every other. Or, it could be the voice that you use when you speak to your inner person. Hmm...sounds like a lot of hooey. :D

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-05-2005 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
Well, except Fea who can, at the very least, scream rather loudly.


Originally Posted by mormegil
Feanor is exhausting to listen to. She speaks so fast and with such energy you need to take a break after a 10 minute conversation with her.

*Smile* A break perhaps, but doubtlessly for different reasons than the speed of my words.

TB12 has the voice of Greg Brady from The Brady Bunch. Sorry man.

Sophia has Galadriel's voice. A little deep, but in a way cool way. It works well with the thunder.

SamwiseGamgee's voice recently went from 30-year-old woman voice to 20-year-old man voice. Amazing how facts can destroy imagination.

Orominuialwen 08-05-2005 12:21 PM

Up until the other day, I thought of Hookbill as having a very strong American accent (perhaps slightly southern?) and a somewhat high-pitched pre-adlescent voice. This all changed the other day when I looked in his profile and found out that he is in fact not a 13- or 14-year-old from the Southern US, but in fact an almost-18-year-old from Britain. Now I just can't figure out what his voice sounds like!

Encaitare 08-05-2005 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul
Enca To go along with her fair looks has liv tyler's voice

Thanks, Morsul... but I entirely lack the sweetness of Ms. Tyler's voice. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Eomer
But what is a 'real voice'? Do we not talk differently to different people?

Okay, I know some of you talk to yourselves. Everyone does it. When you're talking to yourself, that's your "real voice".

I've never really imagined anyone's voice, actually...

Oddwen 08-05-2005 07:03 PM

Lalwendë has a voice that is deeper than woman's wont, though soft and mellow - she keeps her tone even.

Hookbílle dé Gôômbar tries not to speak too fast, but when he gets to talking, he speeds up rapidly. He's got a clear manner of speaking.

The Short Who Be Guy says "ohm" a lot, perhaps he tends to drone.

Meneltarmacil speaks slowly, and has a drawl. His voice is rather "yellow" in tone.

Davem sounds like Charlton Heston - deep, measured, gravelly and dangerous.

Morm doesn't speak all that too often, but when he does, his voice is noticeable and commanding. Only exception is when his daughter was very young(er), when he tended to say "Goobly-goo" a lot.

Nilp, belike his habits online, does not talk to himself all that much. He does, however, talk to his computer screen affectionately, as he would to an errant puppy. I could go farther with this analogy, but I won't.

The Barrow-Wight sounds like a valley girl. Except when he quotes Tolkien or Barrow-Down edicts, then he speaks with a voice as deep as the mountains and dark as the roots thereof.

One Ring to, like, rule them all
One Ring fer sure to find them,
One Ring to bring them, like, aaaaallll
And in the darkness to tooootally bind them

Bêthberry 08-05-2005 07:47 PM

Hmm. Curiouser and curiouser.


Originally Posted by Formendacil

Fordhim, Davem, Bethberry, Mark/Helen- all heavyweights of the great debate-ory threads have rather identical, rather clipped, non gender specific voices- at least in Books.

If Formendacil suggests I use a different tone in different forums, well, he is right. :cool:


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Bethberry has the sort of calm and nice voice that could calm a frantic horse. Yes, that's a compliment. Frantic horses are nuts.

Fascinating, Fea. Esty, who has heard me speak in person, claims you are right. :eek:


Originally Posted by Helen

Bethberry has a clear, cold, golden and melodic voice that flows downhill like molten gold. That shouldn't surprise anybody.

Interesting. Helen, who has never heard my voice, seems to read much into my RPG persona. :)

To be truthful, whenever I have heard my voice recorded, I am astonished. I don't like it. It doesn't sound like the voice that filters through my ears. So I have no way of concurring objectively with any of these suggestions. It must be that there is a Hearer's Right to concur with Formendacil's idea of Reader's Rights. *insert big grin here as I have used up my allowance of smilies for this post*

My own hypotheses on voices must wait for another day. After all, I just recently concluded my sleuthing into the real names of Downers, and need some time to retune my ear, so to speak. *insert wink here*

Nilpaurion Felagund 08-05-2005 10:36 PM


To be truthful, whenever I have heard my voice recorded, I am astonished. I don't like it. It doesn't sound like the voice that filters through my ears. (Bêthberry--notice the proper "ê")
Now that you said it, I absolutely agree. I don't like what I sound like when it's recorded--like, totally different.

Of course, you also don't like what you look like when it's recorded, accounting for your dislike of any imagery recording device.

True, true.

This thread is in jeopardy. I must get out the carbons for my written apology.

Lhunardawen 08-05-2005 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer
But what is a 'real voice'? Do we not talk differently to different people?

You mean you talk high and screechy to some people, and deep and mellow to others? :D

I think the real voice can be identified this way: You are in silence for a long time, and suddenly felt the urge to say something. The voice that first escapes your lips - without even thinking about it - is your real voice.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 08-06-2005 07:28 AM

You do not convince me. I posit that there is no such thing as a person's 'real voice'. So there. :p

I mean, just look at Saruman. He could do it all, yes?

Encaitare 08-06-2005 07:42 AM

"I'd like to answer this question in two ways: first in my regular voice, and then in a sort of high-pitched whine..." :p

I have no idea what Nilp sounds like, but the voices of his alter-egos reverberate very much so. Ie:


Of course-ourse-ourse, you also-o don't like what you-ou-ou look like when it's recorded-ded-ded, accounting for your dislike of any imagery-ry-ry recording device-ice-ice.

Orominuialwen 08-06-2005 12:21 PM


Originally posted by Encaitare
Okay, I know some of you talk to yourselves. Everyone does it. When you're talking to yourself, that's your "real voice".
That doesn't really work for me, since I normally talk to myself in French as a way of practicing. My very weak, very Americanized French accent certainly isn't my true voice. (At least I hope so!)

I do agree with voices sounding very different for the speaker and the listener. I like how my voice sounds to me, but when I hear it recorded, I sound much younger. I've also been told that on the phone I sound almost exactly like my mom and brother.

Morsul the Dark 08-06-2005 12:26 PM

I am proud to say when i hear My recorded voice I sound kind of like Roan Atkinson! :D ...wait that's not cool... :confused: no Actually My voice is much deeper than I myself hear it

Mithalwen 08-07-2005 01:49 PM

I can do the Galadriel voice but my best "telephone" voice is more Radio 4 /BBC World Service, but I am liable to Minnie Mouse on helium moments and at times there are traces of the rural burr.

Fordim - still Indiana Jones...... once I get an idea in my head it stays.... yes I know Fordim is Canadian.

Lush sounds like Vivienne Leigh in "Gone with the wind"

Mormegil & Alatar sound like Todd Martin

Esty, against all logic has a slight French accent - simply because she reminds me a little of a French girl I knew at Oxford.

Lal and Davem now sound characters in Bugsy Malone.

wilwarin538 08-07-2005 06:31 PM

This is tough. I usually have a male voice and a female voice in my head. The males talk in the female voice and females talk in the male voice. :p ;)

When I talk to myself I talk differently then with people. When I talk to myself Im less French sounding, which is weird. My voice gets really high when I talk on the phone. :rolleyes:

Lhunardawen 08-08-2005 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer
You do not convince me. I posit that there is no such thing as a person's 'real voice'. So there. :p

Yess there iss, preciouss!

You mean you speak in as many different ways as the people you talk to? Wow. How I envy you.

Speaking of which, though you still have that darned deep, mellow voice in my head, it now has a little addition: snarls and growls every now and then. :p

I think I'm beginning to sound like Fea does in my head.

Lily Bombadil 08-08-2005 12:13 PM

And here's how it is...
Well, to me, you all pretty much have voices, whether I can describe them or not. At least a handful of you have faces, borrowed from someone else.

Gil-Galad, you, in my mind, look like the young Michael Palin, but you don't sound like him. Of course this could be because the first thing I learned about you was your love for M.P. I hope you'r not displeased, but that's just what pops into my mind when I read you posts, etc. If you'd rather be Eric Idle or Graham Chapman, sorry...

Ka, please don't be offended if you don't like it, but I picture you looking like Sara Sidle from the TV show CSI.

Meela, you always looked like one of my friends whom I never see anymore.

Tinuviel of Denton looked like Arwen.

BW, I don't mean to offend, but I pictured you looking like Hitler. Just kidding, Barrow Wight! I'm sorry if my little joke offended! Actually, I don't have a face for you, BW, just a voice. It's commanding, and a little, um...mean-ish, but no hard feelings, OK? It's just from reading your posts.

Boromir88 08-08-2005 08:24 PM

People say I sound like Tony Blair but I'm not really convinced. My "r's" sound like him, but that's really about it. I can do Sean Connery's voice very well however.

Let's see if I can take a crack...

Hmmm...I'm trying to figure out who could sound like Cary Ewles in The Princess Bride...perhaps Eomer of the Rohirrim?

I imagine Gil-galad (and maybe it's just the Avatar) but I can definitely see him doing a good impression of Dark Helmet.

I can picture davem sounding more like Gandalf, atleast when he gets into his intellectual posts in the CbC.

More is probably to come...

Gil-Galad 08-08-2005 08:29 PM

i've been told i do a good Dark Helmet impression, as well as a Colonl Sandurz one too...though i've been told i talk like an englishman, even though i'm canadian

Lily Bombadil 08-08-2005 09:29 PM

I have it!
I have it, BW! Snobby, you're-not-good-enough-for-me corporation owner! Sorry BW, but that's the vibe I'm getting. Don't worry, we all still love you in this love-hate relationship we have with you. The love is there. Never fear! And the respect is there too! because we know if we're bad, you'll knock us into shape again :D

Gil-Galad, my Secret Canadian Love, you don't know how much I'd love to hear your Dark Helmet impression!

mark12_30 08-09-2005 09:12 AM


I'm still trying to decide what Mithadan sounds like. Been wondering for a few days now.

littlemanpoet sounds like ... a redheaded brit living in Minas Tirith who can't quite remember who he is, but he DOES know what he believes. Of course, that's a bit odd, because ... well, then again, maybe not.

Aylwen Dreamsong: Scottish accent, lilting soprano voice.

Mithalwen 08-09-2005 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88
People say I sound like Tony Blair

Oh well never mind........ :p

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